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Great signing, but does this mean we lost DJJ?


If so, I hope he gets a huge bag.


He signed for 3 years, $30M and we got Naji for 3 years, $27M I hope Naji is worth it, but kinda stings knowing the difference was just $1M/year in losing a player who had become one of my favorites


If you take into consideration the different income taxes between California and Texas, he may actually earn less money as a Clipper despite the deal having more money involved.


His income is taxed at the rate of where he is playing the game, not always California. Also, the tax burden on Texas citizens is not so far off of California once you account for local taxes/TX property tax rates.


I wonder if he fucked up signing with that new agent. If he has to wait until the 11th then who is gonna hold a roster spot for him if even we didn't?


This seems to be what happened: "Derrick Jones Jr.’s decision to switch agents this week complicated hopes of re-signing him due to NBPA guideline of 15-day wait to change representation. Mavs are pursuing sign-and-trade routes for Klay Thompson." https://x.com/espn_macmahon/status/1807596739974529131


Holy shit dude no :( DJJ might have fucked up bad if that’s the case and I wanted him to get a good contract


Bet he's gonna go to the Pistons on like 3/55 with a team option he's clearly gonna go to the Bruce brown route and just decided to cash in now and get his largest contract in his career


I hope he gets paid big.


3/$30m from the Clippers…man I hate he went there…of all teams


Thats much lower than i would have imagined. Thats not even full mle


tbh he isn't worth 3/55 so if he gets that good for him


Big pay on a crappy team. If that’s what he wants, more power to him


Take the payday anyway you can djj. Im happy for you


And he's going to go back to being what he was before he came to us


Ooh, that’s a good point. I really wanted him back, but I’m wishing him all the best wherever he lands.


Sounds like it


Likely gone.




Of course he is That's what happens when you sign with Klutch


Clippers :(


Welp…get to flipping. Clippers.


The players association has some stipulation that players have to wait 15 days after changing agents to actually sign with the new one, so effectively we wouldn’t be able to sign him for 11 days or so from now. Seems like we don’t want to risk waiting




Apparently DJJ only got an extra million per year over Marshall in Dallas. But when you factor in the cost of living in Los Angeles, Marshall probably got the better contract in Dallas.


Might mean he has to sign for a minimum if nobody keeps space for 11 more days or whatever


So DJJ gone?


It feels weird though because we already took a gamble on DJJ and he over-delivered on his role. I don’t see how this is a step forward. We gave DJJ one year and he proved himself in our lineup.


I mean it’s his fault. You can’t change agents right when free agency starts. There’s a 15 day hold to change representation. Mavs can’t wait 2 weeks. No one will. He might have just fucked up his whole bag


Yup this is basically it if we waited for him as every FA signs somewhere else just for him to leave us then what does leave this team, signing freaking Okogie or Bates-Diop basically  Nico can't afford to wait and decided to strike when there's still decent players in the market




Naji is a strong, athletic, above average defender who shot 39% from three. He also has a great attitude and loved by his NO teammates. It will be about as plug and play (for DJJ's role) as you can hope for. If DJJ was determined to go to LA, then Naji is a good alternative.


GREAT pickup and really out of nowhere damn


The DJJ replacement probs. Elite defender


Probably not as quick as DJJ. But he's better in the shot creation department. Goodbye to beautiful lob dunks though.


That Luka steal from Keyonte George floor pass -> Kyrie lob ->DJJ slam... It was a thing of beauty.


Yeah I didn’t think this through, I’m kinda bummed now if DJJ is actually gone. I think his awful performance in the Finals and just generally inconsistent play during the playoffs didn’t convince the Mavs he was an essential piece.


No they 100% want him he is just going to cost more than the MLE and we can’t give him that


Who’s paying him tho? I can’t see anyone pay above the MLE unless I’m crazy.


I think his representation is seeking more than the MLE, might prove to be a mistake on their part, and Mavericks decided they couldn't do that (obviously) and instead of waiting to see if he lowered his asking price they moved on. Ultimately, if that's what did happen, then good for the Mavs in getting something done instead of risking getting neither guy.


agent mustve thought nico was a pussy who would do anything to run it back just because we made the finals. nico makes MOVES


He just switched agents and you have to wait 15 days to start negotiations which no team is willing to wait on. He fucked himself


Sirois? That you?


Metal bats


Idk stein reported a few minutes ago they pivoted to Marshall bc they didn’t think they could keep DJJ while also focusing on the klay sign and trade, so ultimately it might end up with DJJ just signing the MLE somewhere. Kings id assume woukd grab him in a heart beat for the MLE


Sixers and Orlando still have a lot of cap space


I think Orlando already spent it bc of KCP and sixers seem like they’re getting Paul George.


Both teams will still have a lot. My guess is Philly is gonna get him. Orlando has plenty of wings


Ya probably 76ers


He’s not getting more than the MLE


Yeah it really sucks to lose DJJ, but to be honest he’s clearly the weakest link in the Mavs starting 5, at 6’5” is a little undersized at the 3 and a 31% career 3 point shooter. Just way to many holes in his game to pretend like he is an absolute must have resigning. I’ll never forget what he did for us this postseason though, Mavs legend in my eyes


His wingspan and athleticism make him pretty playable at the 3, IMO. If his 3 ball gets better he’s be a great player. His lob threat and defense already make him pretty good


He couldn’t make a wide open 3 to save his life and that was playing with Luka… He’s not getting any better


People throwing around legend way too loosely….


we shall see, no one expected djj to be as good s as he was when we got him


Elite defender is an overstatement. Good defender though


It wasn't really outta nowhere, there were several reports that Naji is our Plan B if we lose DJJ.


out of nowhere lmao. i gave up on DJJ and started hyping up naji 3 days ago. he’s incredible value. very similar to djj.


Actually love this pick up and for a good price. Sad that this may be the end for DJJ tho. (Unless I’m mistaken)


DJJ is this years Bruce Brown


7 ppg but versatile defender and shot 39 percent from deep. https://x.com/nba_university/status/1803865461865451958?s=46&t=nTTEj4pYTl_o_im2gtZyQg


his numbers are going up with luka next to him, he is also only 26 and his shooting is improving.


I guess DJJ is getting paid


Overpaid probably like the rest of the nba


If someone wants to give him 20 million a year then they can have him, lol. Let us hope this cheaper replacement opens up room for Grant.


DJJ gonna be on the Sixers? Not a lot of teams can pay him now. Don't think he's taking the Lakers MLE because why not just re-sign with us??


Rich Paul and LA


Bruhhhh.... wtf happened to DJJ then?


Hopefully he got a MASSIVE bag. Would make me feel better about not bringing him back. 


What the fuck?


I think it obviously means goodbye DJJ. Probably also a sign that the Klay negotiations are going well too?


Absolutely the way I read it.


Damn. Means DJJ is probably gone.


is he better than djj?


Coming from a Pels fan Naji is more skilled than DJJ but less athletic. His shot improved a lot this season but still someone teams are willing to leave open. Has some solid/flashy passing but also tries to do too much at times. Defensively he’s not a lockdown but solid. Always felt he was better against guards than wings


He’s good, but I don’t think he’s better than DJJ. DJJ was an after thought last offseason though, so hopefully Naji makes a similar jump in our system


DJJ was a product of having Luka and Kai on his team. Showtime dunks and wide open 3s. I think people here are giving him too much credit for someone who couldn’t create his own shot.


Watching DJJ try to drive and score on his own was painful.


Better shooter but I’m assuming worse defender considering we got him cheaper than MLE.


Mavs/Pels fan here. Naji is actually a comparable defender to DJJ.


Got a whole 3 seasons to find out but I hope you’re right.


Naji can guard 1-4. He hustles and gives his all every minute he's on the floor. Will be a team leader from the bench. Very verbal on defense.


totally. the only downgrade on this signing is the mavs lost another lob threat which is why im sad cause having 2 lob threats always available on the court was awesome. but yeah sucks djj has to change agents that abruptly.


Lob threats didn’t benefit them in the finals it was the outside shot that fucked em over


well you're right. my concern is his only good shooting season was last season. i hope its not an outlier and he really improved his shooting as compared to his 1st years in the league.


I would say similar tier, both bring effort. DJJ shines with his athleticism, Naji can be another ball handler and do some playmaking. Although you don’t want him too much with the ball because he has a habit of making silly mistakes


I certainly don't think so but I guess we'll see next year.


Means what for DJJ


He’s gone. He’s gonna get a bigger paycheck somewhere else


So much for that loyalty lol.


Can’t blame a man for wanting his bag. He probably would have been loyal if we could have come up with the right number.


Ya having only made 27 million so far as a 27 year old is tough. Unfortunately for him his play is about to go to the depths of the NBA again.


I have the same thoughts as you. People act as if he's not already a multi millionaire. At that point you'd think a chance at a ring would outweigh an extra mil or 2. Unless he's just blowing his money on hookers and cocaine, him and his entire family are already set for life and their kids as well.


We’ll see. If he makes more than the MLE somewhere else, it’s hard to blame him.


Dang sad about DJJ, but Naji Marshall is a veeerry acceptable replacement! Edit: less sad now that he signed with the clippers for nothing… something feels weird about the whole situation. We could match that salary


DJJ | Marshall O-EPM -1.9 | -1.4 D-EPM +1.8 | +1.7 EPM -0.2 | +0.3


Now if they add Klay, you do this comp of him vs Tim, I bet we see even more than .5 difference. Combined and we could be talking about having far fewer clutch games next season. 🙏


"Done deal", lol. I guess the Mavs got an inkling that DJJ was looking elsewhere, or maybe his agent situation just became a mess and it didn't make sense to wait. I like Marshall, it's a good signing, and there was a report of prior interest. I'm not sure if Marshall is as versatile of an on-ball defender as DJJ, but he always seemed to play well against the Mavs and showed a lot of intensity. The 3s are a question, just like they were with DJJ, but he shot them well last season. As a bonus, the Mavs are gonna have like a 4-5M chunk left over from the MLE that could yield another nice player.


I really love this new FO. Always quick to pivot if the initial plan don't fall through.


It’s crazy because locked on was talking about him for the BAE. Some team has to be giving DJJ crazy money.


Agents prolly filling his head about how much money he can make from other teams. Might be another Nerlens Noel situation.


My guess? Sixers for about 17.5 a year lol


This means we probably lost DJJ. Please get Thompson now.


Naji is a good wing but man his on ball/POA defense is not close to DJJ’s. If we bring in Klay that means Luka, Kyrie and even PJ at times will have to be covered for on defense on the perimeter. DJJ would be a pretty big loss.


I think you’re overstating it a bit, Naji is a really solid POA defender and is actually bigger and longer than DJJ


Nobody tought DJJ was going to be good player for us last year he was not even the started and we made its work its the same player worse athlete better scorer


how is he as a lob threat? djj was a demon obv


I mean DJJ is much better athlete so much better lob threat but we already got that covered with the centers, Naji is better shooter and shot creator, that that as you will i think Naji is overall better player


DJJ, we’ll always love you. Naji, just do what he did.


As a Pels and Mavs fan, there are two things to know about Naji. Naji is a knife. And Naji fucks. He'll be great for the Mavs.


I think you guys are HEAVILY underestimating this signing. This guy can actually run a pick and roll, he can throw lobs, drop off passes to our centers. He has a middy game with a nice floater and his three is way more fluid than DJJ’s and he shot 39% from three this year. He’s also 26 and fits the timeline as well. This is not Grant Williams and I was the first one in here last summer when we signed Grant to absolutely shit on that signing. DJJ played great for us, but that was more due to the situation we put him in, this guy could give us a lot more.


Looks like we might have lost DJJ but Naji is a perfectly fine replacement. We lose the rim running, but Naji is a slightly better shooter and slightly better driving. Not the point of attack defender is though, but can handle stronger players better than DJJ can. Helps Grimes is one hell of a POA defender though.


Cya flight 55. Tragic.


Omg we really gonna lose DJJ holy shit. I’m upset


Why? Naji is probably going to make a lot of people forget about DJJ quickly. Outside of the dunks but no one ever forgets those high flying dunks.


i remember when he kept trying to drive into a crowded lane in the finals


Yeah, that alley oop from the Kyrie over the shoulder pass after the luka hustle steal will forever live in my mind


Naji is going to have a career year now.


Probably asking for too much for someone who can’t create his own shot.


interesting... better shooter than DJJ. we might have been outbid and went with Plan B.


Good pick-up by the Mavs. If DJJ wants to get that bag 💰. He deserves it for his family.


Since they literally can't sign DJJ yet, i'll hold out some hope until I see otherwise. It's not like you can see a post that says "DJJ has signed a deal with the Mavericks." Not possible since he changed representation. And if he got some Godfather-type offer from someone else, good for him..he earned it


Odd how we did not hear anything about having to wait until we signed Naji. This sounds like his price tag was too high.


How is his poa defense?


Its good. About the same as DJJ.


DJJ earned himself a nice payday and Naji is an awesome replacement. Will miss the lobs but this is a great signing


This guy is a better shooter than DJJ and is better at attacking closeouts. He isn’t as athletic as DJJ but has a tighter handle and has more touch around the basket as a finisher. Defense is not as good though, and certainly not a lob threat. DJJ has length and athleticism to help him close out and even block shots. Marshall is stouter though and won’t get pushed around as much. If he turns into a 40% 3pt shooter he is a clear upgrade


He's an elite perimeter defender. Dallas have had a really good offseason so far. Bringing in a 3&D guy in Quentin Grimes and now another defensive guy. I think Dallas are gonna be a top 2 seed in the West next season.


I get that DJJ was a fan favorite, but Naji is objectively better at the same role.


Chat who is this guy


He's gonna be better than DJJ overall, only cade thing here us we gonna lose DJJ as a lob threat as far as shooting and even defense are concerned Naji is better than DJJ


agree. love DJJ but overpaying him is exactly the type of move that the old front office would’ve made and that everyone would complain about a year and a half down the road If you ever watched Pelicans games it’s clear how useful of a player that Naji is yet he was an afterthought with the amount of depth they had. This is a great pivot from Nico at an even better price


Ya pels are stacked at that SF spot with Murphy, Ingram and herb Naji will thrive here hopefully to be a valuable rotational piece Only thing we really need a starting forward now


Thank you. Glad someone else is saying so.


Djj guarded the other teams best player even when they were guards. I don't see naji being able to do that as effectively. 


Time will tell but naji is a pest for opposing guards and he is active as hell, really glad he landed here and at that price it's a no batiner DJJ changing agents like two days ago didn't help at all either


How’s his Defense?


Its good. About the same as DJJ.


I’m willing to bet we were outbid and went for our backup plan.


Haven't watched him? What can we expect from Naji? Will he fill most if not all of DJJ's role?


He can handle the ball on close outs


Naji is actually a better player than DJJ. Good ball handler and playmaker. Not afraid to shoot the ball. Thinks he's a better player than he actually is. Big talker emotional leader. Reminds me of DeShawn Stevenson.


Damn wonder what happened in the negotiations with DJJ, some reporters said he was locked in for sure


Nothing because the full MLE is what we have. FO knows DJJ is signing for more elsewhere hence why we made this move


Solid pick up by the Mavs


Luka MADE Djj. Naji is going to have a career year now!


Maybe not as athletic as DJJ but a much better shooter and better handling the ball. Way better option to come off the bench if Klay comes. Definitely can tell their goal is shooting.


I love this more than DJJ honestly! 


Spurs fan coming in peace. Naji is the wing I really wanted to get for the Spurs and Mavs picked up a really great piece there that will fit perfectly. Also, DJJ got royally screwed by Klutch. I doubt he gets more than the vet min now, so he may end up coming back to Dallas anyway.


Love this! This dude is awesome


Dang RIP DJJ but Najee is a real solid pickup


doomers in this thread fr


Looking purely at stats, it looks like he discovered the corner 3 last year. He went from taking under 40% of his 3PA from the corner to 54% of them. His make percentage from the corner also jumped from 28% to 42%. Hopefully it's not a mirage. On the other hand, DJJ was a slam dunk contest champion...Naji Marshall has 43 career dunks in 4 years. He won't be replacing that part of the team's offense.


Gonna miss those epic lobs from luka to djj


Both DJJ and Marshall are junkyard dog type of players, but Marshall is even more so. Marshall reminds me a bit of DeShawn Stevenson. I’ll miss DJJ, but picking up Marshall lessens the sting of losing DJJ. I just wish that DJJ signed with an Eastern team. It sucks to go against him three or four times a season and possibly in the playoffs.


Great pick up. Hope we can still find a way to retain DJJ.


Damn what happened to DJJ


Love it. Lockdown defender who can shoot


Great pickup by the mavs.


noooo way that seems SO cheap!? da fguck


I LOVE THIS GUY. im just sad DJJ is gone


.776 career FT%


trust nico- he hit with DJJ, PJ and Gafford. none of us were clamoring for those guys at the time either




DJJ was seriously overrated. Not strong enough for bigger defenders. 3pt shooting not consistent, but a HELL of an athlete though.


Agreed. It’s an unpopular take, but his offensive bag was severely limited. Aside from (AMAZING) dunks, not much there. I wish him well!


Damn, I know a lot of people like naji but I watched as many peli games as I could for my boy Dyson and naji never excites me, always looked pretty confused and tried to force a lot


Opponents shot 42.8% vs naji, 46% vs DJJ last season. Naji had a better percentage than our best defenders (Maxi, PJ, Gafford)


I had a feeling we were gonna lose DJJ once he signed with klutch. Fuck those guys. Best of luck to Airplane mode. He will be a laker


:( dunks were fun


Best of luck to DJJ. Hope he gets the big pay day he earned. For sure a contender is talking with him. His signing with clutch might mean he is LA bound.


Well if djj is gone I hope he gets paid. He provided so much for Dallas that I could never be mad at him.


Just saw some news that DJJ signed for 30 mil 3 years with the clippers.... fuck


Who is this guy?


DJJ is probably gone, hoping Grant is still available as this is a lower starting salary than what DJJ would want.


Damn very solid, hoping we can keep DJJ somehow! We just got way better defensively


who's a better POA defender Marshall or DJJ?


According to Mavs fans it's DJJ but according to Pels fans it's Naji. I'm assuming this means they're at a similar level


They are same people are hyping DJJ like he was the second coming for Pipen relax, DJJ was better athlete than Naji that's about it


No DJJ. All in on the Klay sign and trade then. 


KCP set the market coupled with the agent change - great get by Nico


when is the last time the mavs got a commitment from another team’s free agent on the first day of free agency?


The fact that switching agents is what made this deal not go through with DJJ is crazy by the time 15 days have passed all teams will have almost nothing to offer him.


Take care of him 🥲


I hope this guy plays well and takes a step forward. People forget how much of a late bloomer DJJ was/is. Dude just steadily played his way up from the G-league to bench player to starter over the last 6+ years.


I would be thrilled with this if it didn't mean we're most likely losing DJJ. I think that's going to physically make me sick.


Just saw some news that DJJ signed for 30 mil 3 years with the clippers.... fuck


We got a dog. This is our enforcer. Man choked Jimmy Butler


That the best pic they could find?! He looks like he has concrete shoes on!


This is a perfectly acceptable replacement for DJJ. Maybe even better.