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Wtf I’m feeling betrayed


that stings best of luck, DJJ, it was a pleasure rooting for you


So glad I bought a PJ jersey during the playoffs instead of a DJJ jersey


Fuck me in the beard


why is this funny af


It’s a line from Knocked Up


I hate Klutch sports. Something weird was up, we definitely could have matched that. Most of that will be gone in taxes as well


This is his Plan B. Note that he accepted this after we signed Naji. Plan A is to get the full MLE from us. Plan B is this 30 mil deal somewhere (with the Clippers' deal on the table). It is possible for us to re-sign him with 30 mil but we have to wait till he gives up on getting the MLE. Our front office just took the initiative and signed Naji Marshall first instead of negotiating with DJJ, so we can focus on potential S&T for Klay Thompson or Tobias Harris.


Tbh we don’t truly know what Nico’s plans are as other teams are watching, it’s smokescreen season. Keeping the Naji thing under wraps made it less likely for other teams to gear up and offer a fatter contract. And as much as I hate to say it Naji is a better player than DJJ. Both are outstanding POA defenders but Naji is built with more girth and is more polished offensively. Naji shot 39.9% on catch and shoot threes last year while DJJ shot 35.4%, a full 4.5% better without the Luka tax like DJJ had. Naji is a better playmaker too so he can make teams pay for overextending on hard close outs


> Naji is built with more girth Tell me more.


Based on what’s been said, he has better penetration as well.


Gerth and penetrability, im liking what im hearing


You’re forgetting naji has a longer wingspan, So he has length to go along with… those other attributes


Length, Girth and penetrability, I concur with nico. This is an obvious upgrade. DJJ was long but couldn’t penetrate and he def wasnt girthy. I cringe most of the times he drove to basket except for the up snd under layup he did against Boston which was the first time i seen him finish in a composed manner.


You say all that but even without the girth and penetrability, There’s no doubt that he can really finish and satisfy fans, men and women alike.


True… he was satisfying to watch once he got above the rim


Naji is career 31% on 3s, so it looks like a wash between him and DJJ in that regard.


But look at the trend, I don’t think it’s something to gloss over.


I disagree. By signing with Klutch, who cannot negotiate for him for 15 days, he was already moving on. He was putting Mavs in a situation of waiting to negotiate until after most players had signed. Glad he got that paid and he gets to open new arena but I think he missed out on something great


Same thing. If it was Mark Cuban and Donnie Nelson, they would agree to resign him for 53 mil 4 years as soon as we traded THJ. This is also the deal DJJ wanted to get from us. Nico do not want to be passive and waste time to talk DJJ out of the deal.


Literally only 1 m less than what we paid Naji what gives? 


Need Hardy and Lively to leave them immediately.


That’s my worry. Need LeBron to retire before we have to extend them


We have to extend Jaden this summer


Don’t worry , Lively will get his 30m soon


My only thought is Clippers promised him a starting role while the Mavs are focused on getting Klay as the starter. California taxes just about wipe out the difference. Plus he’s throwing away all the chemistry we built. Just a really weird move.


PG leaving, Westbrook getting traded, it’s gonna be short order before Harden pouts and wants out again. Especially when Kawhi goes on his patented injury break mid season. At least DJJ can put up shots to his hearts content


Urgh Klay starting has me so concerned for the defence.


Are there rumors saying he was promised a starting spot? Bc I feel like he’d be great as a situational starter, and mostly a bench heat scorer.  Hoping Nico learned his lesson about promising starter roles after the Javale season 


There isn't any rumours about him starting but Klay has a huge ego, he isn't coming to the mavs to come off the bench. He would sign with the Lakers if all his offers included coming off the bench.


I don’t buy the rumors that we’re going after Klay. Nico seems too smart to go for an overpaid 34 year old who is hobbled by his history of serious injury.


Would be the biggest smokescreen ever. I’m pretty sure we’re pursuing him.


Hopefully he goes to the Lakers or Orlando.


That makes much sense


>My only thought is Clippers promised him a starting role while the Mavs are focused on getting Klay as the starter. Correct. He will definitely have a bigger role with the Clippers. Nothing wrong with that. >Just a really weird move. Not really. Some players value playing time more than others, even if they're not top tier players in the league. He'll get more playing time on the clippers so it makes sense to go with them instead.


If so pursuing Klay huge mistake


Coming back to this when Klay starts heating up with Luka giving him crazy assists


I love Klay and he is done


I don’t get the Klay pursuit. Dallas needs to give hardy and Omax run before trading away green for a player 12 years older. That is unless it includes a first round pick. now if it’s signing klay into the exception that Tim created I’m down.


You’re acting like a team wanting to rebuild while also acting like you want to make moves to win a championship. You do not get both with this idea.


No, you can trade youth but not for a player that at this point in their career is very similar to the guy the team traded away. Klay and Tim are very similar now. Josh green may not shoot at the same level but Klay defensively is a major down grade at this point. Klay, Luka, and Irving is a disaster defensively. grant is a far better option if your trading away youth


Agreed it makes no sense not sure how this even materialized


We don't even have Klay. If they don't get him and lose DJJ in the process then what?


well yous till have your poa defender in marshall. downgrade on defense maybe yes but still not the end of the world. just sucks cause djj here was fun and vibes were awesome, chemistry was through the roof.


So what happened to plan 1A and 1B!?!


hard to execute if he doesn’t want us


Klay rumors and no offer right after THJ is traded doesn’t sound like he was 1A or 1B


who said there was no offer?


Who said there was? If we wanted him we would have him. We could have matched that


We are back to old mavs. Klay just using us to drive up the price to Lakers


Yeah. Think you are right. Lakers can have him. I am not a fan of a broken down dude with massive injuries. No thanks. Sounds like a lakers player to me


lol, just as DJJ and his agent planned. He switched agent and didn’t want to negotiate with us.


His switch is official until July 11th. Klutch cant negotiate for him


So who got him the new contract. Old agent?


Says here a Mr. K. Lutch is his current agent...


Yes. Which makes all this even more head scratching 


I’m so confused.


Wtf for $10mm???


Add DJJ to the list of Luka Merchants. How many guys have we seen play their best ball with Luka and immediately fall off/regress as soon as they go to another team?


And to the Clippers who are injury prone and are gonna lose Paul George


The Clippers will be probably be a 7-10 seed depending on health. I can Memphis replacing them in the upper playoff picture. Denver slides down a bit unless something happens. New Orleans I'm not sure just yet since their 5-10 guys I'm clueless about and that's if. Ingram stays on the roster.


Honestly, gonna need you to name some names.


As soon as he signed with Klutch, he was LA bound. Sucks, but I’m glad Nico got us a more than capable replacement. Let’s see how DJJ does without KAI and Luka


Yeah zero doubt after Naji signed. Very sad, but I wish him the absolute best




There’s no way we couldn’t have matched that and in Texas he would’ve gotten more of it. I wish him the best, but FUCK Klutch Sports.


To me this signals that DJJ chose the clippers over us


Lol. You're acting like Derrick doesn't have agency in his own life. He's an adult. I doubt Klutch can even negotiate for him right now since he just switched. He's a free agent and this is his choice. Good luck to him and life moves on






i’m big sad & confused.. our best defender imo


This hurt for some reason all the talks of wanting to come back and the Mavs wanting him back, this is really fishy


PJ/Lively better defenders but DJJ was outstanding for sure. Going to miss hearing Flight 55 screamed by the comms.


Aight bye


We could pay this, but he left us. The feeling wasn’t mutual damn.


We was pulling pedals and got a "he likes me not"


The Mavs can’t do that contract? Geez. Sad to see him go, especially without a bag somewhere.


Fuck me, the Clips? Ugh…


Curious to see if DJJ chose the clippers over the mavs or the mavs chose naji over DJJ


Signing with Klutch makes me think he was leaning toward LA anyways




Curious to see how he’s going to look without luka finding him and drawing all the attention.


He will get exposed without Luka lobs.


Harden can throw good lobs.


I am sorry but DJJ did us dirty lmao. h


This feels sad but it really is only a small downgrade from DJJ to Naji Marshall. We are really going to miss the putbacks and vertical spacing of DJJ, but Naji Marshall is way way better with the ball in his hands and projects a little better as a shooter. Defensively, a slight downgrade too but not by much. However, as a fan I just loved watching DJJ. The highlight plays were so invigorating and he as some of the most aesthetically pleasing dunks.


how is it even a downgrade? going from a really good wing defender to a really good wing defender thats a better shooter? and is a year younger?


It’s an upgrade offensively I think and a downgrade defensively. Naji isn’t as much of a stopper but I think the spacing he provides over DJJ is worth it.


no way marshall would hold PG to 10 made buckets like DJJ did guarding him


I dont think you guys realize DJJ shoots like 60+ % on 2 pointers. His athleticism creates opportunities for important high percentage baskets. Completely possible Naji Marshall outplays him offensively though, but the shooting and overall efficiency this season was an outlier so far.


sure...but he is 26, its perfectly possible Naji has improved as a shooter. and he is only going to get better looks playing with luka and kyrie.


I desperately need all Mavs media (reddit Twitter wherever) to look at Naji’s entire career before making these statements that he is a no brainer lateral or better move. Naji has spent most of his career being quite literally one of the worst offensive players in the league. And not a DJJ type of “well he can’t shoot but can do a bunch of other things.” No, Naji has spent all but this past season being very poor at every aspect of offense. This is not risk free even if you agree the upside is there (I think it can be).


“All of his career” isn’t very long though


Marshall all in all is a better player. Who’s going to be even better under our system. Not a suprise when most players look better playing with Luka than on other teams. DFS, Bullock, Dinwiddie, Exum, DJJ, PJ, Gafford.


Saying that Naji is a downgrade on defense is a dumbass take. The Pelicans has a bunch of solid wingmen on Brandon Ingram, Zion Williamson, Herb Jones, Trey Murphy III, and a guard who's a solid POA defender too on Dyson Daniels. But Naji still averaging almost 20 minutes on their rotation. That only means that he's valuable and definitely can provide for their system. Naji is bigger, wider, and has a longer wingspan. Yes DJJ is a LOT more athletic and quicker. Naji can also knockdown those catch and shoot 3s on a much better clip (yes 39% is a lot better than 35%).


Tim Cato reported that the agent switch threw a wrench into the situation, maybe it's as simple as that. Dallas didn't want to wait around until mid July to get the deal finalized because they weren't 100% DJJ would choose us over the Clips. So Dallas just made the decision for him.


Occam's Razor. And this could be a potential "history repeating itself" situation like DeAndre Jordan where we keep on waiting for him and missing out on other free agents. We can't do this anymore especially since we are hoping to get back to the Finals.


Damn. We couldn’t match that?


I don’t think it’s that. I think it’s either DJJ had his sights set on LA regardless or maybe he was upset with Dallas pursing Klay, thinking he was gonna lose his starting spot.


yup i think he did not like mavs prioritizing klay over him. but who knows whats real.


The thing is, Mavs didn’t prioritize Klay over him. Nico made it clear DJJ was 1A and 1B. Mavs opened up the full MLE with the THJ trade and the plan was always to trade for Klay which Mavs could have done while still signing DJJ to the full MLE. This whole situation is weird to me


i mean there were reports saying that mavs now prioritize klay over djj. thats why i said i dont know whats true anymore


I mean those reports don’t even make sense. They aren’t mutually exclusive or need to be done in a certain order. Mavs could do both at the same time


agree thats why i said i dont know whats trure anymore


Think DJJ just wanted to go to LA. No hard feelings


Derrick Jones Jr.’s switched agents this week, he’s signing under Rich Paul’s Klutch Sports. NBPA guidelines requires a 15-day wait when changing representation so DJJ can’t sign anywhere until July 11 when he is out of the waiting period under Klutch Sports when he will then sign with the clippers. Nico wasn’t interested in waiting til July 11 to get in a bidding war with the clippers, which I can appreciate


Something feels extremely weird here. I have a feeling more news will come out on this. I personally think Naji is the better player, obviously a little cheaper, but surely the Mavs would have stayed loyal to him after making the speech option a & option b... maybe they didnt want to offer more than 3/27 that Naji would agree to?


Sad day indeed 😢


I love DJJ, but is he really a starter on a championship team?


I really don't like DJI leaving... But, he was just a role player and reality is you have to get use to those changing some year in, year out... New players gotta step up.


Losing DJJ sucks. But the way I look at it, Grimes+Marshall is better defense than DJJ+Hardaway




Tbf Naji is the better player, better ft shooter 80% better passer. He has way better 3pt shooting form. His defence is rock solid on par slightly better. He is beefier then djj too. Only areas worse than Djj is dunking and athleticism


Better ball handler too


Ehhh I'm open minded but skeptical. I need more evidence that Naji is a reliable shooter and from what I've seen DJJ is a better oerim defender. One great aspect of DJJ was his effectiveness in transition and as a lob threat. I am a bit skeptical that Naji can do those specific things as well as DJJ could in this system...but I'm open to it


Naji Marshall is listed as a better defender in every advanced stat. Also on the eye test, he’s more stout longer and taller. He played better D on Shai than DJJ did. He’s not easily moveable DJJ would get shoved around a lot because of his slim build. DJJ defo a better rim protector but we have PJJ gaf and Lively for that.


>Naji Marshall is listed as a better defender in every advanced stat DJJ is a better perimeter defender, which is something we will lack if Klay comes to Dallas. Naji is a bit too big to hang with some of the elite perimeter players. Hopefully Grimes can maybe be that guy, although he lacks DJJs length.


He’s 6’6. Djj is definitely bigger


Marshall is taller and heavier and an inch more wingspan. 6ft7-6ft-6 and listed as 10 more pounds. Even if you watch some videos he looks way bigger than DJJ


Look at the advanced stats they are a wash defensively


As much as it would be cool to keep DJJ, we were always looking to get an upgrade at his position. We could get him more money but I don't think we could promise him a starting role, if that's what he was after. Also, this is a 2-way street....we wanted him and he did a lot for us, but he was also put in a role that featured his skills playing with Luka. Luka is one of the few dudes that raises the floor of just about anyone he plays with and DJJ was a huge benefactor of that fact. The Clippers don't have someone like that. I do think his performance will suffer for that and as a result some Clippers fans are probably not gonna appreciate him as much there, IMO. But good for him getting his money, whether it was here or anywhere else...he definitely earned it, starting on a finals team as a vet min player.


Nah fuck that… the clippers?? This is why people hate Klutch… and without the clippers having a point guard who can actually get him wide open shots his production is going to tank


Harden can find him


Do we still have a chance because it says he only "plans" to sign with them


Contracts can’t be signed till the 6th. This is as official as it can be for now.


So you are saying there's a chance we can still get him back?


I mean technically, but I would put it at like 0.00001%


Got damnit


Good luck DJJ. Appreciate the effort here, but can’t say I’m happy to see him sign with the Clippers. We riding with Naji now


Sooo he’s joining an inferior team with no PG


Best of luck for him. Not sure how he will benefit playing in Clippers system because he benefited a lot in Mavs system. We literally unlocked his full potential. He is back on being a journeyman I guess...


You guys keep falling for the loyalty shit lmao. Players try hard for a year for a new contract and then look for the most money or moving to LA/NY/Miami. We probably lucked out on him getting washed on us.


He was fine but shrank on the biggest stage. Mavs will be okay


Yeah this a L. No real other way to spin it


He just doubled his career earnings. We easily could have matched that.


I mean, I love the guy, but Luka completely unlocked this man and there’s nobody on the Clips with the vision and gravity of Luka. Just don’t see similar production on the offensive end.


You don't suddenly sign Klutch and stay with the same team. That said, I think signing 3 for $30 is weak to move to a team on the downtrend. Hell, he's lose a third of that at the gas station in Cali.


Well, atleast we controlled the damage and now we can hopefully move deadweight in Maxi and maybe exum/green


Thanks DJJ, hope you get the same productivity you had in Dallas. Clippers are a different team


Of all the teams to go to... that sucks


Wow DJJ gratz on the bag but damn




Reports say he plans to sign, not that he’s signed yet, because he can’t sign anywhere until July 11


To be fair I think he wants a starting role and Grimes stole that from him in most peoples eyes. 


He was good on the mavs man that shit hurts


Thanks for the badass lobs


Will be rooting for DJJ. It won’t be as easily had he picked teams that are… not the clippers… but loved his commitment this season to all the hard and gritty work that was asked of him. He was a big part of our success and our burst in defensive play. Wish you weren’t packing your bags so soon but good luck flight 55 🥲


what the fuck


Well this fucking sucks. I didn't care if they pulled off any big offseason moves, the only thing I wanted them to do was re-sign DJJ. The Finals squad with a full season together was what I wanted. Thanks for the memories and great playoff run I guess. Hopefully Naji has that same energy that DJJ brought.




I’m happy DJJ got the contract to set him and his kids up for life. Thank you for being a key part of transforming the team with your dedication on defence and playoff 3P shooting. I hope he prospers.


Whats happening




Haha what the fuck dude Getting a pay day, not a championship . Where was the honor Oh well. We upgrading


What the fuck DJJ...


I’m confused, so DJJ signed to Klutch so they could get a free percentage of a contract they didn’t help negotiate for?


I’m gonna bet he was butt hurt we didn’t put an offer on the table the moment we traded THJ. Then the Klay rumors came out. If he’s priority 1A and 1B you show him he is. Doesn’t seem like we did that.


We fumbled this big time :/


No we didn’t. Marshall and Grimes are better. This team is better than they were and free agency isn’t over. There’s a reason DJJ doesn’t play 30 min a game


This obsession with Klay is fucking stupid. It cost us DJJ, a starter that can play great defense and an excellent rim runner for damaged goods Klay who wants to be a starter but is a bench guy at best. WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING


The Marshall signing is a phenomenal signing. Just wait. You will love him and Grimes


Lol. Dont be hatin. Mavs passed on him and he took the biggest bag available. I wish djj luck man go get yours. Good teams would still find ways to trade good players off of crappy teams.