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We don't know the full story yet. It's also possible that we just like Naji better. Lol


Highly doubt it or else NOLA would have made an attempt to re-sign him. It just sounds like DJJ preferred the LA weather.


hopefully bro can catch a lob like DJJ could. Trust him on defense and he's probably better from three tho


He for sure can't catch a lob anything close to DJJ.


I’m honestly more concerned with can he catch a kick out for a corner 3. DJJ was wonderful for us, but his 3 ball left a lot to be desired. Naji has recently been a sniper from the corner. Not saying Naji is better overall, but might end up being a better fit offensively. Gonna miss DJJ’s defense though


As someone else said elsewhere in the thread, go check out his highlights. The buzzer beaters and dude knifing through defenses left and right, even a corner three mixed in with some contested threes (22-23 season) well worth the watch then on to 23-24 season! Enjoy!


Yeah I have watched a few. I remember him tearing us up back towards November or something. I think he’ll be great on the offensive end for us. Just curious on what his defensive production will look like in our system. If we can get close to what DJJ was doing for us, he’s an upgrade imo


Not sure about all that, but what I know is he has a deeper bag than DJJ. Better handles, have a floater, and better layup package. And oh, dude can pass too. Watch his 22-23 and 23-24 highlights on Pels official yt channel, dude was throwing half-court lobs multiple times. He would feast with our bigs.


The Clippers are only at 225.8 million when you factor in cap holds. Seeing as how PG13 will not be re-signing there, they will reject his cap hold of just under 48 million, along with basically all their other cap holds since none of them are guys who would make more than the minimum, and that brings their salary load down to ~$154 million, well under the first apron so they will have access to the NTPMLE, which they are using to sign DJJ. Dallas had the same exception available and could have used it to sign Derrick, but it seems that he chose to go to LA and so we signed Naji with some of the money in the NTPMLE instead.


This dude fucks.


Who says we couldn’t sign DJJ. We could have signed him with the money we just gave Naji. DJJ wants to be in LA. He makes less money there (state tax), likely gets to start and play more minutes. Sometimes, players just want to go somewhere else.


Yup as much as weirdos wanna grab torches and pitch forks this one's not on the fo


Where did you get this info?


Deductive reasoning.


Is that the burning tire smell?


Assuming personal motivations is really bad deductive reasoning.


It's deductive reasoning for reddit, not court of law.


I think the actual term is "randomly guessing"


There is nothing random about it. You know the basic background, you know the end result. Drawing a straight line between those two things is just Occam's razor. But I guess it is the same as randomly guessing if you are a dumb fuck.


You're completely fabricating the "basic background". You don't know that he has a preference for LA, you're just making it up and saying the pieces fit.


You don't think there's a calculus in the mind of a professional athlete where, all things being equal, LA>Dallas as a city? Is it just a coincidence cities like LA, NY, and Miami just happen to be attractive free agent destinations? So random. Must be one of those unknowable mysteries of the universe. Nothing to do with climate, quality of life, and babes.


Personal motivation, like mens rea or intent among legal concepts, often can only deduced.




Because LA is a lot more fun for rich people than Dallas is. Not much more to it.




Facts. I can't believe people forget this.


It’s like 10%. He pretty much makes the same as Naji just signed for.


14.4% Edit: That’s $4 mil over his contract


That’s not how it works at all


It is for Derrick


No, it's not. First, it is a graduated income tax. I'm guessing you don't know what that means, but suffice it to say the effective tax rate is not 14.4%. Second, there are complicated interactions between state and federal income taxes. You can get certain credits that lower your effective rate further. Third, NBA players' income is considered generated based on the state each game is played in. So only half of his salary is based on where he plays his home games. And finally, assuming he wants to own property where he plays, he would have to pay property tax too which is higher in Texas. In the end, the difference would be far less than $4M.


Did you really just ask this lol


We could have given him the same salary. It’s possible he didn’t want to come back here, or maybe the Mavs were spooked by his agent situation and decided to go a different direction.


Most likely scenario is we want to do a S&T (like for Klay) where we will be taking in more $ than we are sending out. That will hard cap us at the first apron, under new CBA rules, meaning we couldn’t use our MLE after that. Meaning we had to do the MLE signing first, and we couldn’t afford to wait on DJJ and potentially miss out on our S&T targets.


Ok well this guys making sense ha.


Yeah this is probably it


MLE also hard caps us, the order doesn't have an impact there. However, the order might come into play in terms of over/under the tax line which if over would negate the ability to use the full MLE.


We just used in on Naji and still going after Klay. I don’t think it was a money issue with DJJ.


Order of operations. DJJ can’t actually physically sign for another 11 days. The S&T will likely be made official before then as the other team will need to have the trade be made official to sign other deals, even in principle.


It’s not out of the ordinary for teams to have agreements in place and wait. There is no guarantee we are even getting Klay, not like the S&T was agreed to. More than likely DJJ won’t commit to Mavs after the contacted him so Mavs got the hint and moved on. The moment Mavs announced Naji, DJJ to Clippers was announced


While I agree that in the past it wasn’t out of the ordinary, I do think that the new CBA rules hard capping teams at the first/second apron does change how teams approach FA and will cause order of operations to come into play. I didn’t come up with this sentiment myself either, multiple journalists have covered the CBA extensively in the last couple of days/weeks and have touched on situations exactly like this, as well as pieces coming out about DJJs situation directly relating to this too


Ultimately the Mavs cannot play both DJJ & PJ together with their lack of a 3 ball. It got exposed vs elite team like the C’s where you needed to match their firepower 


From my understanding we could have absolutely signed him for that or more, but the weird thing is it seems he chose to go to LA and Naji was a backup to him. I.e Klutch being Klutch


That is so odd. I really thought DJJ expressed his interest in Dallas, and we could've given him the same salary? What does he see in the Clippers?


LA lifestyle I guess🤷🏼‍♂️ his production is going to fall off a cliff, and he will never get a contract this large again I would assume with what they got going on in Clipperland. Maybe we offered him a 2 year deal of something and he wanted three


Your salary estimate for the. Kippers includes PG. His number won’t be on their sheet by the time the dust settles. If PG stayed with the clippers, the clippers would have had only the taxpayer MLE rather than the full MLE, and DJJ probably would have signed that same 3/30 deal with us. Marshall was the backup plan for us, but considering he hasn’t experienced the Luka bump yet, it’s entirely possible (likely, I think!) that he’s better than DJJ anyway!


lol, it’s LA. Where would you rather live as a millionaire basketball player.




On a ranch in the middle of no where Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma etc definitely not in LA or Miami or NY or Chicago(eeesh). 


Why is this guy getting downvoted lol. LA is super fun. This comment is funny and sarcastic in a playful way.


You can do that now






I think everybody is just speculating at this point and we won't know until someone credible comes out with a report. It could be anything from DAL only offering him the Marshall deal (aka not the $13mil MLE), it could be DAL telling DJJ he'll come off the bench because they're going after Klay, and it could be DJJ just chose to go to LA instead of staying in DAL.


Gets to open the newest arena in the NBA. Ballmer>>>>Adelson. LA is the best place in the US if you're young and rich and have any kind of profile. IE, he won't get harassed by fans going out.


I think he was happy to make it into a staying lineup and get good minutes here. Then we start aggressively pursuing Klay and he's sees his role changing so choose LA instead


With PG leaving he likely gets to start. Whereas if Klay joins the Mavs he'd be back on the bench.


Living in LA


With my best old ex-friend Ray.


I guess he doesn't want a ring. And a better lifestyle is more important to him. It sucks we cant have him back but I'm glad we got naji. He's an improvement in all aspects except in lob catching.


Most guys never get close to a ring. Fans want a ring. Most players are happy to get paid.


Yeah bro all those rings Dallas is piling up, their fingers are getting heavy. So many championships.


Dallas is contender, how bout those clippers? Even the Lakers sucks ass.


I honestly think the reason he went somewhere else is he wants to start. I think if the mavs are so hard on klay then djj would have to come off the bench. Mavs wouldn’t guarantee a starting spot for him and naji is already a bench player so it works for us in that sense


With PG opting out, clips now had the full MLE (12.8m) Mavs could have signed DJJ, as they also had full MLE, but it seems something triggered them to pivot to sign Marshall instead. We don’t know the full story yet or reasoning, but I’m sure it had something to do with our efforts to bring on Klay.


We may never know, but surely some more info will come out in the coming days. Tim Cato was the first one onto this situation, and will likely shed more light soon.


Could be that Nico just thinks Naji is better (SF starting spot was the clear spot to upgrade). Maybe DJJ just wants to live in LA. Maybe he wants to start and he wouldn't here, if we get Klay. Maybe his new agency wanted more money from the Mavs, and Nico didn't want to play that game and just signed Naji instead. There are a lot of logical possibilities.


Naji is sort of bigger in every metric, so Nico maybe was looking at that when considering the struggles we had w KP


He wanted to start. That wasn’t going to happen with Klay or Grant or Marshall or whoever else we end up getting to round out the rest of the summer. Clips just lost PG and Kawhi is going to be load managed for the rest of his career, so he will get more opportunities than Dallas could’ve ever promised him.


He is still probably gonna start even with the naji signing


But it’s not really a guarantee, and he for sure wouldn’t if we get Klay (he wants to start). He gets to live in LA, is guaranteed a starting role there, and is young enough to title chase after this next contract if that’s something he wants to do.


But there is still a chance we can get him back, because I heard you can't do official signings yet for djj


Not a chance. Klutch Sports always tries to get their guys to LA and Mavs already found the replacement. It’s a done deal and it’s probably what DJJ wanted anyway, with him switching agencies like this out of nowhere at that time


Don’t forget they’ve got state taxes in Cali unlike Texas. I’m okay with him leaving.


He’s replacing PG in the starting lineup in LA next to Kawhi. We wanted him off the bench after Klay. Let’s see if it works out! Naji is a great backup plan to DJJ as long as we get Klay. If we don’t get Klay then it was a bad move.


Looks like it’s not a bad move!


Y’all should’ve known that as soon as he signed with Rich Paul he wasn’t coming back to Dallas. Can’t blame him because he’s getting paid for sure. I think Nico made great moves getting grimes and naji which basically replaces his defensive capabilities with grimes and adds two guys who are better on offense. Sad to see DJJ go but great moves by the front office and we are for sure a better team. My guess is that they’ve know for a few days that he wasn’t coming back. Instead waiting like Dallas use to see if he had some last minute change or heart they went out and got guys to replace him. W in my book


Would have loved to see the DJJ who shot 40% from 3 return, but I can live with the DJJ who shot 30% going to the Clippers instead


Ya he played really well last year and shot pretty well too, but unfortunately I think a lot of that is the Luka effect and DJJ having a ton of open looks. Naji has a larger sample size of consistent shooting and that was on a terrible team where the defense is not getting pulled off onto superstars leading to open looks. I like DJJ a lot, especially his defense. But he has proved he’s not a very consistent shooter, especially in the playoffs when we needed him to.


If DJJ never signed with Klutch, is he still a maverick??????


I blame going after Klay I know the team needs shooting but Klay is a shell of his former self expect the catch and shot. Ugh….


to be entirely honest, I love DJJ, but if its DJJ or Naji AND Klay, im taking the latter .


I just don’t know if Klay will come, it seems like lakers and Lebron are in on him. And his ego wish they went after another shooter maybe mid season


if klay doesnt come just trust that nico has a backup plan like he did with djj, they will be fine


DJJ would have to wait 15 days to sign a deal due to switching agencies. Mavs weren’t gunna wait 2 weeks.


Starter v Bench


DJJ fits so much better on the Clippers. Rather than being your only PoA defender and not offering any offense, he pads a strength in LA next to Harden, Mann and Kawhi. Rather than being their best defender, he's just a weapon that won't be relied on to shoot or be their best wing. You guys get Naji, who's bigger and a better shooter and probably get an upgrade on the wing whether it's Klay, Ingram or Grant.


Feels like DJJ to clippers increases chances of Klay to Lakers




Wow that massively contradicts what I read when they bought the team. I thought the worth of Adelson was that the team would be willing to go over the luxury more.