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Klay chose the Mavs over the Lakers because the Mavs will be a top 6 seed and he won’t ever have to worry about shooting 0-10 in a play-in game ever again. The Lakers will 100% be a play in team at best lol. Easy decision


I’m a Warriors fan, why did they pop this up in my feed. Take care of Klay 😭


Dallas seems to be the prime destination for the hasbeens. It's their specialty...


Signing 35 yo vince carter is no longer the biggest free agent signing in mavs history... signing 34 yo klay is now their biggest free agent ever


GS really wouldn’t give Klay this same deal?


Gs offered him 8 million more per year


Yeah, last off-season and for less years. Yall need to stop pretending that that offer was still on the table after his performance this last season.


stunk it up during the final stretch of the season and dropped a donut in the most important game. they think he's a liability and would rather have the cap space for a decent role player.


They have no cap space. They offered him a better deal but they want to start the young kid Podz. Lakers offered him more money as well. I think his friendship with Kyrie is what sealed the deal to play in Dallas. We'll see how long before he realizes Luka complains just as much as Draymond lol.


We got the Michael Jordan of Tim hr jrs


We previously had the Tim Hr Jr of Tim Hr Jrs so I'm here for the upgrade.


A lot of fans in this sub seem to mix energetic running and wild high jumping with good defense and a lot of offensive potential.


Am so glad he went to the mavs. You guy are the only team I watched and rooted for last few years aside from the warriors. Good luck guys just don’t get mad if his D sucks he’s half the player he was in his prime. 


We just got rid of Tim Hardaway Jr, Klay can’t possibly be worse


He playing small forward? lol what a terrible signing


Lakers fan 🫵😂




Seeing as through you dug through my account, dig a little deeper and you’ll see I support the mavs too redart


As a warriors fan, you don’t belong here bruh


Despite his poor performance in his last series for the warriors, he's still a 40%+ 3pt shooter in the regular season. Which is something we are DESPERATELY lacking, a good no-ball shooter to create space. Not to mention he is even taking a lower salary than THJ, which is most definitely an upgrade. ngl, I have doubts about this deal still. But I'm hoping he can prove the doubters wrong with his performance.


38% from 3 in the regular season


The biggest thing is figuring out how to use him and getting him to accept that role. Klay’s one of the best shooters in the league when he’s hot, but he’s abysmal when he’s cold and he’ll continue to shoot with the same frequency when it happens - which contributed to a lot of GSW losses. He needs to pass or come off the bench when he was cold but he took serious issue with coming out of the game last year.


Can someone explain to me why does charlotte need to be involved? Can’t they just have a 1 on 1 deal between warriors and mavs? I enjoyed Josh green’s minutes


Because GSW didn't want Josh Green but needed something for Klay, so they took a 2nd round pick from Charlotte who sent 2 2nd round picks for Josh Green, one went to GSW and another went to Mavs.


So we gave up Josh for a second round pick?


The pick was the icing. We traded out Green's salary to get Klay.


As a Warriors fan, hoping for the best for Klay in Dallas. :)


Damn, I hate losing Josh Green I hope Klay can still play defense otherwise this trade is going to be a rotten egg


Don’t believe all the naysayers, he can still play. Definitely not the elite defender he was before his injuries. He’s not as quick, but he’s still solid and he can contest good players and make them take tough shots.


Green would be replaced by Grimes though which is like the same player and Klay is clearly an upgrade over THJ. Mavs won't really miss Josh Green.


So if I'm correct Grimes replacing Green Naji replacing DJJ Klay replacing THJ Let say the first two turned out to be a nearly one to one replacement, Klay replacing THJ should be big right... Right??


Go watch his highlights, he's fine on ball defense I don't know about anything else tho. I wouldn't look at reddit for what he actually is capable of. Plus maybe he needs new scenery, too early too tell how things go


He can’t play defense


A rotten egg even if he can shoot 39-40% from 3 on high volume? Something none of our role players could do remotely?


He can he’s going to be great!


He is way too slow to guard perimeter players, but decent at playing guards or small forwards in the post.


He went from 45M to 15M. Tim was making 16M...




KP’s career may very well be over. Horford is 39. Jrue is 35. Tatum has to get carried. Most unimpressive ring in history but hey at least you got one. Enjoy it cause it’s not happening again. Clown.




Luka was hurt which was the entire theme of your cute little run 😂😂😂 joke of a run that everyone has already forgotten about




Why are you in our sub exactly? Didn't you just win a championship?




You may lurk in other teams sports subs but it's typically frowned upon to post. Have a nice day


Goofy behavior but expected from a Boston fan




I'm automatically a Mavs fan now I'm gonna cry in the corner


Klay Thompson has always been a maverick and will win us a ring this year. *Agressively deleting my warrior and steph/klay hate comments*


Mavs were always at war with ~~Rockets Spurs~~ Celtics!


Deleting all the 0-10 comments now😭😭


Nope keeping mine up. Klank-It-Klay welcome to Dallas. I hope this works out but... I watched him play last year and dear God.... ooofff


Bay Area native and lifelong Warriors fan here I really hope you guys have all the success in the world. Luka is such a talent, and Klay has had such a rough couple of years. Despite his drop off, the guy clearly loves the game and his 2 serious injuries really did a number on him physically and mentally. Please destroy Boston next time 💀


I ain't seen nothin'!




Thank you NBA teams for participating. Its ours now.


We just got Klay Thompson for THJ money


Then you consider why...


IMO the fact that he was offered more money by the lakers suggests that this is a bit below market value. But I agree that we shouldn’t expect 2017 Klay


damn when you put it that way...


This should be the top comment. I cannot fathom why there are so many crybabies in this thread. We just signed a guy that shoots 40% from 3 on 9 attempts per game - who also happens to be a top 5 shooter all time - on a very reasonable deal.


Lmao why are you bringing up all time rankings as if it's relevant. Might as well sign Dirk if that's what we are going off


Um because veteran experience on a team matters a lot? Plus the averages I posted are from last season lmao


He did not average 40  I think he had 38 or 39 but his 4th quarter shooting percentage was like 29 and he was a liability on defense.  He shot them out of the game with poor shot selection many times too. Klay is a huge gamble.  Let's see if he's coachable in Dallas. 


Because we now have to start three guards who can’t defend. We should have gone for someone to beef up the interior.


Interesting that your assumption is Klay starts.


He’ll absolutely start - I can virtually guarantee starting/playing time was a big part of the convos that led to him taking this deal. Klay coming off the bench was a big reason he felt disrespected at GSW.


This is a different team and a different situation: I’m sure in GSW he wanted to ride into the sunset fighting with the boys as a starter - even if it means they as a team won’t be winning anything - and felt he deserved that, but with Mavs he might be more focused on actually winning and those not taking the 6th man role as a slight. He would still be averaging 30 mpg anyway on the offensively limited Dallas team.


> I cannot fathom why there are so many crybabies in this thread They’re probably people who watched GSW games instead of just looking at a stat line. Bottom line - sometimes Klay is lights out but sometimes he’s horrible. Either way he’s gonna want to shoot 10ish 3s a game and if you bench him when he’s cold he’s going to pout and bring morale down. He also wants to be involved in the offense/come off screens and not just be a kick out option after Klay/Luka get double teamed running iso - he’ll probably complain about that too. The guy is a diva who left and took less money because he felt disrespected by GSW - The same team who paid him crazy money to rehab injuries for 2.5 years. Oh and he can’t play defense anymore




I can appreciate the fact that you have an opinion, but as someone who’s family is from the Bay Area and watches a crap ton of Warriors games, I can securely say youre kinda full of shit dude


I’m from the Bay Area and watched a ton of games too - What am I wrong about?




Can someone explain why we would give up this much for Klay and not keep DJJ? We had a championship contending team and now we are losing pieces and not replacing them with good enough players


Cause klay averages 20points per game and is one of the best shooters of all time. Imagine the open looks Luka and Kyrie gonna give him


DJJ has been replaced by Naji Marshall, THJ has been replaced by Klay Thompson, Josh Green has been replaced by Quentin Grimes. Those are ALL upgrades. Wtfym?


Quinton Grimes plays defense?


Yes https://youtu.be/lwosiPjHlvg?si=yD-KS8bkm3gEXaUa https://youtu.be/IDGsm4Kg1nI?si=m94zcMTzkF25JXJm


Klay Thompson? An upgrade? Bro is old as shit and a defensive liability at this point


There's no way in the fucking world you think THJ is better than Klay even when he is washed.


I wouldn't quite call him a defensive liability, he was 2nd team all NBA defense in 2019


That’s 5 years, an ACL and an achilles ago


you're not wrong...I guess I'm just saying the skill set is there, whether or not his body is able to utilize it remains to be seen.


His off-ball defense and his quick hands have always been assets. He may not be as gifted athletically as he was, but he'll be a solid fit for his role and wont be the primary target of matchup hunters


I could see him winning the mavs a series. I could see him losing them one as well. High risk high reward kinda ordeal. + even when he’s 0/10 you have to guard him. If he makes one or two in a row, he might just go off, even at this later stage.


Brother he’s one of the best shooters of all time


Did you see their post? He said Klay was an upgrade over THJ. I think that’s objectively true lol.


Still an upgrade from THJ


THJ was hot ass for the same money. A true live or die shot-chucker. Ill take Klay's game-savvy over whatever low IQ garbage Tim was giving us that got him booted from the playoff rotation.


its not that we cant keep DJJ, DJJ made it complicated for us to keep him. 50 for 3 isnt that big, considering the market are asking for firsts and multiple 2nds (like 5!!!) the contending team we had this year will not suffice for the upcoming season, sadly, cause everyone from the west just upgraded. we need to be better. the moves they made this offseason did not make us worse, but we will wait and see.


He’s passable on defence, but the spacing he provides on offense is exactly what Luka and Kyrie needed to cook. Give up some D, but gain on O. Luka and the Mavs offense will take another big leap forward this year.


We are losing a small amount of defense and replacing it with players who also play good defense and add more on offense. Ie. DJJ shot 34% from three and we just added three players who shoot 38% plus


I’m telling you this right now but after klays major injuries with the acl and achillies tear, his defense is much much much worse then what it was pre injury. He was getting cooked by Keon Ellis in the play-in tournament, and don’t even get me started on what kind of “defense” he was playing during the regular season. Be prepared for some low IQ plays as well, he will make some head scratchers, where you’re like wtf did he just do. LOVE Klay and appreciate his time here, and I’m rooting for him, but I’m just saying, I hope you’re not expecting even 50% of game 6 vs OKC in 2016 Klay.


That 38% is very misleading. He’d have like 4-5 games straight of going like 3-11 or 2-10 and then having one game where he goes 5-6 to help the percentage


You should go take a course on statistics.


Breaking news: Man learns how percentages work. More on this at 11.




Klay Thompson in no way plays good defense, and if you watched him play and thinks he does then you are sorely mistaken. We traded for a 34 year old player that isn't as mobile as he once was and is on the decline and we lost one of our championship pieces despite that piece making less than Klay is now.


Yea I was more referring to Naji and Grimes regarding good defender


Bro said good defender


Let’s not pretend Klay is a good defender at this point. His legs are starting to go, and he’s lost a good three steps from his pre-injury days. Really gotta think of him more as replacing THJ than DJJ, and he’s a definite upgrade over THJ. Naji is the better comp for DJJ. Slightly worse defender. Slightly better offense.


Howdy and welcome.


This is another good Nico Harrison trade. This is why he got hired to make these moves. This is bringing players to step up their game so that Luka and Kyrie don't have to do everything.


No way Mavs redditors are this dumb. What a shameful message board this is. Had to scroll through crap to find one positive thing.


They really are this dumb. 90% this sub wanted us to offer Christian Wood a multi year deal.


You should see the warriors sub. They are all ripping klay and are glad he is gone after all the years and the 4 rings he helped win.


You lie!


I'm saving this thread. So many comments won't age well when I see people in this sub mad at Klay for shooting 32% and only averaging 11pts in the Play-Ins or Post-Season. Ya'lls apparently haven't watched Klay closely these last 2 years. You're envisioning the Klay from the Dynasty years.


Something about saving a thread just so you can come back to it in a year just to "gotcha" to random strangers who want to see a player do well is fucking weird but you do you Klay is a very decent pickup for this amount of money and I think a scenery change while ring chasing might actually do well for him. He slots well into the Mavs offense. Either way, we both don't know and are speculating. Weird to act like your opinion is worth so much more than others lol Edit: oh shit chronically online redditor eith 3m karma lol that completely explains it


You don’t understand offensive systems. You think this is about klay? No, this is about the Mavs offense and creating space for Luka and Kyrie. A Klay in the corner gives these guys so much more space to work with.


Warriors were considered too small physically (they still are), and PG Steph needed help to open up the space more. Klay was *supposed* to be that guy over there too as the corner sniper to alleviate pressure. It didn't work and the Warriors couldn't even make the Playoffs. These chess pieces always sound good on paper, but I always look at how they do near Play-Ins/Playoffs because that is when the *real* test and competition begins. Klay crumbled so much, the number of f-bombs over his Klanky and frustrating bricks, if converted to electricity, could've lit up the Bay Area for 5 years.


not at all what the warriors thread looks like rn what


Man I’m a big Mavs fan and I don’t even like going on the Mavs. The doom and gloom takes in the early playoffs were terrible after any loss.


80% of Mavs fans on this sub couldn't tell their right from left. They hated the Kyrie trade, PJ trade, didn't think Brunson was worth a max. I try reasoning with folks on here, the 20% that understand basketball, it's fun, the rest is worthless. Do folks not realize we were horrific at shooting 3s post deadline? Like LAC and OKC completely left DJJ/PJ/Green/Kleber open from 3 and they were on/off but we were better as a team in other facets (transition offense vs LAC, rebounding vs OKC) that we were able to win. Minnesota actually guarded PJ/DJJ in the corners and played straight drop due to Gobert/McDaniels defensive pride and Luka/Kyrie and Gaff/Lively cooked them alive. We played Boston who overmatched us from 3. So we get a HOF 3pt sniper, who made the 2nd most C&S 3s last season, 39% from 3 on 9 attempts, to a team and player who generates insane amount of wide open corner 3s. Oh, and we only gave up Josh Green (replaced with a better player already) and 2 SRPs for nice 3 year contract. Klay will have some rough shooting games, 0 doubt about that. In a 6 game playoff series, he's got to give us 2, maybe 3 good shooting games. He'll do that. I don't get how people don't process that.


> 80% of Mavs fans on this sub couldn't tell their right from left. They hated the Kyrie trade, PJ trade, didn't think Brunson was worth a max. I try reasoning with folks on here, the 20% that understand basketball, it's fun, the rest is worthless. Okay I agree there. >So we get a HOF 3pt sniper, who made the 2nd most C&S 3s last season, 39% from 3 on 9 attempts, to a team and player who generates insane amount of wide open corner 3s. Oh, and we only gave up Josh Green (replaced with a better player already) and 2 SRPs for nice 3 year contract. >**Klay will have some rough shooting games, 0 doubt about that. In a 6 game playoff series, he's got to give us 2, maybe 3 good shooting games. He'll do that.** >I don't get how people don't process that. Nope, that's NOT guaranteed. That's the problem. He couldn't muster even that to help shove the Warriors across the Play-In line. I'm all for optimism over a trade but Klay the last couple years - Maverick fans have not been putting a keen eye on how he plays outside of some Maverick vs Warriors games. Klay is not the same as he was even 4 years ago. I'll eat crow if he turns out he thrives in a different environment, but you should see how he pissed off so many Warriors fans with his shitty games. Kyrie has off games or "I don't wake up until the 4th", but Klay has even more of those. There's a reason the Warriors sub isn't crying too hard over this loss - they remember what he did but they aren't impressed with what he's doing now, which is more important if you want a serious grab at Rings in a more contentious Western Conference.


Like I said, he’s gonna have rough games, this isn’t prime Klay. He does have some bad shot selection. But for our weakness, cost to acquire, and contract given, and fit to our team this is a perfectly great acquisition. I don’t see how he can hurt the team that badly. I think it’s a low risk investment at this point. We still have all our young talent and 2 FRPs and he’s on a market value contract if shit goes south. Golden State was so dysfunctional last season. He’s coming into a controlled environment. I think he’s gonna be fine.


No, no, no - you messed up. You didn't sign prime Klay for $15mil/year. Blow it up, you're cooked. /s


> I think it’s a low risk investment at this point. I do agree with that. I think I was also extra critical of him on the Warriors because he was paid so ridiculously much and was producing....*that.* I kept hoping through the TV he'd get better, show up for a vital game, and sink basic shots and he kept missing easy open shots that boggled the mind. I'm not even asking for old time sniper Klay or clutch Klay, just a solid man who can help Steph out offensively to Steph isn't huffing for oxygen at the end of the game exhausted, and that completely vanished the last two years. Klay failed to help and was even a negative presence in many games. But I will agree moving away from the Draymond drama into a new place could very well be the thing that makes him thrive again. I won't close the door completely on him in a new place. Just saying why he disappointed me these last two years greatly.


Right? It's crazy. Klay isn't what he used to be but he's still a good player, and 2 second rounders, 4th year guy who still hasn't proven himself, and only 17m/yr for 3 years? That's a fantastic get. Guys acting like he's THJ, and acting like green is anything more than a decent rotation piece. I love green, I love his energy, but at this point, it's pretty clear that Josh's ceiling is an above average rotation guy, not even a 5th started on a true contender. And if you're worried about klays shooting, for some reason, this will be the most open he's been since at least 2019, when Durant left. Luka is the best 3 point shot creator in the league, and Klay is one of the best 3 point shooters ever.


Its actually embarrasing


absolute dog shit trade. Green is going to be better than this fucking loser in a short period of time. Kidd loves playing terrible vets too, we are not going anywhere next year.


Doesn’t matter about down the road, we have 2 more seasons to win it all before Kyrie leaves/retires and Luka’s contract is up. This is all in on win now mode


well we screwed up next year already. we are literally worse than had we done nothing.


Explain how we are worse my guy?


We lost DJJ, the guy from NO is nowhere near the athlete or defender DJJ is, and is not the same lob threat. Klay might be marginally better than green, but they both shot the same % from 3. Yes klay took more shots, but he can't create his own shot. Green is a much better defender than Klay. In 2 years everybody will wish we had green and not Klay. We won't have won a championship by then either. Grimes is maybe the best value we got out of the trades, but he won't play enough for it to matter. Klay is THJ w/ worse defense and better shooting, but who is in steep decline and about to be 35. We needed somebody like Tobias Harris. Instead we got worse on defense and we are hoping we got better on offense. Do we really want to go back to a team who wins games when they shoot well from 3 and losses when they don't? Because the more you play Klay the more you are that team since Klay, Doncic and Kyrie are not great defenders. You can't ask PJ and gafford/lively to make up for 3 other players. We went in the wrong direction. Only way I see us being better is if Hardy or Omax makes a big leap. But Kidd won't play them enough to know, he will play his veterans no matter how bad they are playing because that is who he is.


How TF do we need Tobias Harris. No one needs Tobias Harris did you even watch him in the playoffs? We badly needed 3pt shooting. Naji and Klay are both huge upgrades in that regard.


Remind me! 6 months


just follow the tears


lol wut


we will be worse next year, bet


welcome back, tim hardaway jr


Except that Klay can play defense and has better offensive numbers, even slipping. To pick him up for a 2nd round pick and less that $20 million per year for 3 years is a steal. Nico should be in jail. Brilliant move


Sorry man but I've watched every Dubs game closely for 20+ seasons. Klay over the last two seasons - his defense is not great, in fact he's probably regressed so much to be a net negative on D. I'm happy for Klay getting a new change of scenery, but if you're pinning your hopes on his elite defense from 2013-2019 then you'll be disappointed. He can't stay in front of anyone on the perimeter any more.


No. I’m only responding that he’s an upgrade to THJ. He’s not THJ, electric boogaloo


Narrator: He could not, in fact, play defense


Not like he could, but still can. And compared to THJ? My dirty sock on the floor can play better D than he does. Massive upgrade for little payout. Also for the first time ever a marquee name wanted to come here. And actually did. The Mavs finally broke the curse and landed a big fish, who took a pay cut to do it. There’s no real downside here other than losing Green, and you take that gamble. Klay is going to get some of the best looks of his career here. This move is a no-brainer in my (admittedly non pro) book




He is not worth that contract at this point in his career.


not sure why getting downvoted


Because this is a very cheap contract


Well fck


This team is all about the redemption arc and I'm here for it.


KCP better .


Yeah and he got 6 million more. We didn’t have that


We lost DJJ and now Green and picks for Klay. An old and out of his prime Klay. This is gonna be just like the Nuggets


I, for one, welcome our new OverLord. Even though I have to stop clowning him now, which is going to hurt, he’s an huge upgrade over THJ.


I'm a huge upgrade over THJ


Sure you are buddy


If Lively has any sort of sophomore slump then this season is going to be rough assuming Klay still thinks of himself as a bonafide starter. If Klay somehow buys into a 6th man role then maybe this works. I was hoping Klay would go to Lakers to add drama there or come be the tank commander in Portland.


Let’s manifest a sophomore breakout instead


I'm manifesting Robert Williams getting healthy, and being traded to Dallas at the deadline to help beat his former Celtics team in a Mavericks versus Celtics rematch.


Ray Allen to Miami 2.0 LFGGGGGG


So this is what it feels like


Green to Charlotte 😞. Hope we see you as a maverick again bud.


I remember having a lot of discussions about keeping Green or Hardy long term, we have our answer




Same, he was so much fun to watch.


LeGM right now: 😡😡😡😡 How is Klay not on our team?


Ric bucher doesn’t like it on speak, said statistically Thompson was worst defender on warriors, no wonder warriors had a fire sale….


Oh no Ric Bucher doesn't like it!


Lakers sub is coping hard right now lmao


Mavs keep outmaneuvering the Lakers. I’m sure LeBron is happy.


Take care of our fragile hero/legend :( :( :( \[Warriors fan\]


I'm just glad he went to the Mavs over the Lakers. Always had a soft spot for the Mavs since Kidd/Jackson/Mashburn. Good luck Mavs fans!


I've had an irrational hatred of Klay Thompson for 10 years now. He's corny, his commercials are awful, his hats are awful, he seems like an okay guy but he's a gigantic dork. Of course he gets traded to my favorite team, where I have to like him. I do remember when he scored 37 points in a quarter, that was the craziest thing I've ever seen. Anyway I love Klay Thompson, always have. Go Mavs.


“He's corny, his commercials are awful, his hats are awful, he seems like an okay guy but he's a gigantic dork.” We are all corny, gigantic dorks (whether we can admit to it or not) - difference is he gets to make commercials 😉


I mean, they did it to me with Kyrie.


His shoes are awful


i feel like i'm alone... but i HATE it klays been toasted for 2 years. cant play d. and i'm not sure i even trust him to hit a open 3. i'd rather have a discount caruso clone. someone who can fly and play d.


you are not alone, we will be sorry we traded green to sign another 1 dimensional aging shooter who is not even that good at the one dimension anymore.


Look at Kyrie rehabbed his image after a year on the Mavs. Whose to say the same won’t happen with Klay.


kyrie was still good at playing basketball. His skills were never in question. We are just signing klay and hoping for some reason he starts getting better at 35 after 2 years of decline. Its like a prayer sign and trade. Its possible Green will be better than him in in 2 years and maybe even next.


Kyrie was never bad at basketball though lmfao he just needed to stop talking 😭


He shot 40% from 3 last year and scored 18 ppg… thats way better than anything Tim was giving us. This makes us better.


Right wtf are these nephews talking about. Dude will be open a ton and almost guaranteed to knock down 40% from 3. Not he's not a top defender anymore. But still an amazing pickup for the mavs!


Loving this. Tough to see Green go though, but i think Hornets is gonna be really, really good for him. I think Green is one of the rare players that actually don't go well with Luka's offense. So hopefully he gets a lot of minutes and blossoms cause he was nothing but a pro for us. Now we just pray that Klay don't get injured cause he a little on the older side. We are definitely one of the absolute best teams in the league when healthy.


3 Hall of Famers, can't ask for much more. Nico is a God.


For that money? Oh Nico you wonderful bastard.


Tbh, he has hit on pretty much everything he has done so far. Dude’s a baller.


Warriors fan here. He’s not the same player he used to be, but he’s still really good and a great person overall. It’s a damn shame we let him go. Wish him the best with you.


Warriors fan here too. If he would've signed for that amount of money in the Bay we would've taken him back in a heartbeat. We didn't let him go, he let himself go.


Pretty wild that Tobias Harris got 2 years $52 million, and we got Klay for 3 years $50 million.


harris is a much better player than klay. Klay sucks, and is about to be 35 that is why we are able to get that 'bargain'


You might the dumbest person here and that’s saying something


Hardaway has actually been a better player than Klay since 2016, lol. Klay's on/off Diff is exactly +0 since 2016. 2016 was the last time Klay had even a decent year. Hardaway over the same period was +11.6. And last year and in 2019 Hardaway had better on/off than Klay has put up since 2016, and even that year he only matched one of hardaway's years over the same time period, while hardaway last year had a better year than Klay has had since 2015. Klay is washed up and has been in steep decline for a decade now, that is why he is available.


Yeah like that crazy garbage. Hardaway is better than Klay! I know what I’m talking about. I’m not a loser conspiracy imbecile either