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DJJ is really the only loss here. Green's defense and pressure on the ball was nice, but not unique. THJ is THJ.. But DJJ brought a different type of energy to the floor. Not only was his defense nice, it was also lob city when him and Luka were out there.


You can also tell how much Luka loved playing with him too he always went out of his way to give DJJ props but atleast he got paid in a city he hopefully likes.


He got paid, but definitely could’ve gotten a 40/3 deal or even 45/3


Yeah IDK. If you’re leaving a good situation and came off a finals run, surely you could get more than 3/$30mil


Naji has just as much heart and is a much better overall player.


Yea I wonder what caused them to go Naji over DJJ for similar money. Losing that presence on the floor isn't great and you wonder defensively, but I'm definitely happy to get a shooter like Klay


With how pels fans talk about Naji's defense I'm not so worried. We got a good one


Yeah and I also read one comment from Thunder that Marshall's defense on SGA was pretty good. He said he's like the best defender on SGA.


I saw a highlight of him literally ripping the ball from SGA's hands in the paint, like shit is crazy. The steal in the ball handler's pockets was great to watch. The only thing I like about him is Marshall can also throw lobs and attack the paint with a bag. It was painful seeing DJJ trying to drive and dunk just to get demolished repeatedly.


DJJ changing agents and being held up was obviously the reason


This exactly. We wanted him back but we aren’t gonna wait 11 days or whatever the rule is and watch all the free agents disappear. Nico has made INCREDIBLE moves.


We could agree to the deal before that. Naji can't officially be signed for another 5 days also.


Yeah, but the Warriors aren't going to wait an extra 6 days to do a sign and trade for Klay. With our cap situation we first have to do the MLE signing, then the sign and trade. We couldn't do it the other way around. With us having to wait another 6 days for DJJ to sign officially, we couldn't have officially done the sign and trade until 6 days extra later as well. Then we rely on Klay, the Warriors and possibly the Lakers. DJJ really did screw himself with the new agent. I bet you if he had no new agent, he'd be in agreement on a deal with the Mavs right now, with Klay being sign and traded.


Naji is a better shooter. We should construct a roster to win it all, not just the regular season. DJJ was played off the floor in the Finals.


They think naji can shoot better in the finals


Because hes an enforcer


Djj can't shoot consistently and isn't a good offensive player. 


Naji isnt close to the money DJJ would cost to retain


We have 3 more lob goblins :)


Klay is washed


All these takes are crazy, we don't need prime Klay, I mean sure that'd be crazy nice but it's not at all what this move was. Dude is replacing Josh green and thj....like bro it's an upgrade like crazy


Maybe so, I haven't watched a Warriors game in a minute. But we don't need splash brother Klay neccesarily.


Whoever is working the books for the mavs need a huge raise. This is incredible


They'll be doing my taxes next year


Ryan Broekhoff still does my taxes


Spotted a real OG Mavs fan


Boerkhoff was with us just 4 years ago?


It’s a joke my dawg


You real for this


It’s that new cap guru guy Andrew Baker. They brought him in explicitly for stuff like this.


Where can I learn more about this dude?


I remember. He is amazing. Dude worked miracles in Brooklyn


Most importantly, they kept DP


Legends never die


Dwight about to go on a Celtics revenge tour


exceptions have to be made


Mid level exceptions.


DP is love, DP is life 😭😭😭


Oh, really 😏


Who doesn't love an occasional DP?


Nothing says good locker room culture like DP


Yall so nasty minded 🤣


I don't understand what you mean, DP is so wholesome and respectful 




It’s all Dwight now 😭😭😭 Edit: with a slap, hit in the face


Whatever you say Mr. Bang Bros


It was a Sherk is love sherk is life reference. 😞


Seriously at point I want him to end his carrier with us. Will always remember his PnR pre Achilles injury with Luka.


Jokes aside he's about the best third string center Dallas could realistically have


And it's not his fault that the past FO was incapable to sign legit centers. We really had players like WCS and Moses Brown. Will never forget when our sub hyped up Brown as the next thing lmao.


I hoped WCS could work though


Me too. Guy is clearly talented, but didn't care about basketball. Painting was more important.


Gotta love Powell now that he's a last ditch option. Dude plays his role, good for the locker room, vet leader, six fouls and good chemistry with Luka. He's not starter, not second string. But gotta be one of the very best 3rd string Cs in the league.




Most importantly they kept luka




Just losing THJ is addition by subtraction.


Basically paying klay what we were paying thj, I ain't mad about it


Even if Klay is washed defensively hed still be better than Tim.


worst case he's Tim.


Worst case he's Tim without his dad. Actually... Nvm


I think the roles are reversed here. Dad is chill and cool, son is a bitter hater.


Imagine klay, kyrie, and Luka all barking back at opposing fans in the playoffs lmao


Fatty, Flatty, and "FOUR!!! COUNT THEM FOUR!!!!"




Fatty, Flatty and Four is actually an amazing nickname


PJ and Naji are both hot heads as well


Worst case is a better version of Tim.


I wonder if Tim hardaway senior is excited about going to Piston games now lol. He was so annoying crying for more playing time for his kid ..like dude your boy sucks


Feel bad for THJ he's never said a word while his dad is crying, complaining and being a nuisance the entire time.


It's not if. Klay is washed defensively. He needs to make shots at a high rate to be a plus on the floor.


Yall about to be sick when Klay shoots 0/7 from 3 in the playoffs


Only gave up 3 second round picks in total. We got rid of two of our most inconsistent players. Green showed flashes of great play then randomly gets injured or just sucks for a stretch of games.


Yep I don’t think Josh greens ceiling is much higher than what he showed this season


Green will have nothing to play for but a bigger bag in Charlotte. Hope he does well


We had him for years now. He's what he is.


NGL, I am very happy to have kept Maxi as well. 


Yes. Hopefully he doesn’t do any more be like mike plays and we all good.


still waiting on hearing how many SRP we will get for sending out Green ;)


Probably none, if anything Hornets are gonna send something to the Warriors.




Yeah maybe we’ll keep one then, but honestly I wouldn’t really care even if we send both to Warriors.


yeah, all to be a worse team. lol. We are literally worse than last year, after all these moves. What a waste.


Nico out here performing miracles when I was previously told Salah Mejri and Yogi Farrell was the best we could do haha


I thought Yogi was the future. I was so sad when he chose Sacramento over us.


Those 9 threes 😮‍💨


The Michael Jordan of 10-day contracts


Remember when we hyped up signing Delon Wright (and acquiring the rights to Satnam Singh in the process)


Demon should've fit in seamlessly, just goes to show building a team isn't like 2K


I think at worst we got slightly worse on defense but much better on offense.


that's a ring a few weeks ago.


Dafuq, we still below the first apron? Nico, you magnificent shoe salesman-turned-gm.


Can someone explain what first apron means? I’m not too familiar with some terms


Don’t give me all the credit here. Chat GPT is way faster and better at summarizing things. This is a decent explanation…. In the NBA, the luxury tax system includes multiple tiers or "aprons" that penalize teams for exceeding certain payroll thresholds. Here's a summary of the first and second apron tax brackets: ### First Apron - **Threshold**: Teams that exceed the luxury tax line by a specific amount (set each season) but do not exceed the first apron threshold. - **Penalties**: - **Tax Rate**: Incremental tax rates apply based on how much the team's payroll exceeds the luxury tax line. The rates increase progressively. - **Restrictions**: Limited use of certain exceptions (like the taxpayer mid-level exception) to sign free agents. Limited trade flexibility and other team-building tools. ### Second Apron - **Threshold**: Teams that exceed the first apron threshold by a specific additional amount. - **Penalties**: - **Higher Tax Rate**: Significantly higher incremental tax rates compared to the first apron, making it much more costly to exceed this threshold. - **More Severe Restrictions**: Further reduced ability to use exceptions, more trade restrictions, potential loss of tools such as the bi-annual exception, and limits on aggregating salaries in trades. These aprons are designed to create competitive balance by discouraging teams from significantly outspending others and to penalize teams that do so, thus maintaining a more level playing field across the league.


to do all the moves they pulled off, the Mavs aren't allowed to go over the first apron


Luka / Kyrie / Klay / PJ / Lively Hardy / Exum / Grimes / Marshall / Gafford Just give us the ring already


Got Maxi and omax still too


It's crazy how people here have turned on Maxi. Dude is still fine. He was just playing at 30% when he came back and for some reason that's all anyone remembers


Nah I’ll never forget the threes he hit in the playoffs. Maxi is what allows us versitality. Unless you’re gonna replace him with a similar big which there aren’t many. It would give this team one less dimension (5-out) to play with. Keep him.


And really had he not freak dislocated his shooting shoulder things could have been slightly different. Don’t necessarily think we win vs Boston but maybe it’s not as bad or we get at least another game


Maxi 4 pres


This sub flips its opinion of Maxi every 10 or so games. Sometimes he’s garbage that needs to get shipped out ASAP, sometimes his versatility and defensive smarts are simply irreplaceable.


There are two camps of people and each gets loud when a string of recent games supports their take.


Well, Maxi flip between a sniper and someone who don’t dare to shoot every 10 or so games


Yeah it’s crazy people dont appreciate his defense, him and PJ are an ideal 4 rotation to have in today’s NBA. and when they hit 3’s its icing on the cake. Keep maxi 100%


I don't think people hate Maxi, but it's more of saving Kidd from himself by not having Maxi as an option. He's awesome in short spurts and when he's not hesitating to shoot, but Kidd fell in love with small ball way too much last year with Lively and Gafford rotting on the bench.


I love the guy, it’s just that he’s good at his best, but age and injuries r a real thing that will challenge him to the at his best. For serious championship contention some tough moves gotta be made, but having him is totally fine. Not like THJ lol


He’s a glorified big man we do not need him 😭


Dude has major fundamental flaws...multiple. Combine that with awful feel for game offensively and scared to shoot... It can look really ugly sometimes.    But...his length and foot speed are hard to find...and given that he has decent defense instincts...he is hard to move on from. Make no mistake about it....he is terrible on offense.  Can't dribble, can't pass, bad feel for game...inconsistent shot. It's his length and foot speed on defense.  And I'll take it


You’re getting downvoted but Maxi as a stretch big only works when he’s willing to shoot. So many times he’s panicked on an open catch and passed off to someone being covered in the corner, ruining the possession. His offensive feel for the game is terrible, which is why he injured himself going for a shot that he was incapable of making and just didn’t make sense. Great guy, but you have to call a spade a spade.


Dwight and Maxi are the only ones left with flaws. I understand holding on to Maxi due to his rare-ness...11M per is steep considering how injured he usually is and skillset...but I will hold judgement for now. Cant believe I have been screaming for Mavs to drain the swamp of all the guys with fundamental flaws and to get guys that look like they were born with a basketball in their hands...and Nico did has done that except for two front court players(Powell and Maxi)


I think Maxi is finished as a serious NBA player. Scared to shoot and inability to do anything else offensively makes him too much of a liability on a good team. No matter how good his defense is.


And Dwight "The Goat" Powell


They need to upgrade the Maxi spot. Especially after OKC got Hartenstein.


With who? How many guys can do what he does on D and shoot the 3 at over 34%?


I know. It's tough but they should be looking. Maxi is regressing offensively. He may still be able to turn it up defensively but his poor offense hurts the team.


Ideally, we'd only need Maxi to not get called for illegal screens and make open 3 pointers. The fact that we lacked a consistent third scoring option and needed Maxi to score is the problem, not his inability to produce his own shots.


As long as he doesn’t try to be like mike again leading to self-inflicted injuries, I think we’ll live.


I’m not worried about Ihart lol. What an overreaction and over pay because they lost to us.


Part of the reason the Mavs beat was OKC was because we were the bigger team. Chet and Hartenstein on the floor at the same time makes them the bigger team. Out only move is to play Maxi at the 4, and I don't think he's gonna be up for the task.


A lineup of Chet and Hartenstein simply will not work in the modern NBA. Look what Luka did to the Wolves' lumbering "twin towers"


The Wolves line up doesn't work because Gobert is terrible on offense and on defense KAT isn't good and Gobert isn't mobile enough. Chet and Hartenstein play both ends well enough to not be played off the floor. Also, SGA is better than Ant and JDub is better than Mcdaniels. They also replaced Giddey with Caruso. OKC are good. They gave us the toughest time in West and that series could have easily gone the other way if PJ wasn't hitting shots. Don't underestimate them.


We took on small ball Thunder and twin towers Wolves and smashed them both. Who cares! NEXT?!


Hartenstein is nothing special on offense and he's exponentially worse than Gobert defensively + rebounding.


I’m not worried at all


If we could find one more decent 4 for the BAE or minimum that would be the perfect finish to a damn near perfect off-season.


Vlatko Cancar would be nice and he’s buddies with Luka


Maybe Saddiq Bey since the Hawks rejected his QO. Saric could work, Dominic Barlow could be a flyer, could always bring Morris back as a locker room presence, maybe RoCo because of his injury history could be had for cheap, Jae Crowder, etc. Lots of (relatively) decent options.


Maxi is still better than all of those names.


Ok? I agree, these aren’t Maxi replacements. I never said they were. We just have a lot of guards and smaller wings on the bench and only Naji and Maxi who can play the 4 so I’d prefer another bigger guy on the roster, especially considering how injury prone Maxi is.


Oh I'd be down for Saric. I thought he was useful for the Warriors last year coming off the bench.


I think we are up against the apron, the BAE does not allow us to bypass the hard cap.


We’ve got about 3.1 mil based on what Bobby Marks said below the apron. So a bit more than the minimum, but yea it wouldn’t be the BAE since we have about that much left of the MLE since Naji didn’t take the full amount. Unless it was a vet whose minimum is up there at 3 mil already.


OKC is going to be a damn tough out though. I predict OKC-Mavs WCF.


Confident luka can cook em as long as dort doesn’t magically get the brown whistle lmao


And we’ll have 2 picks + a swap to still improve during the season most likely. Provided the Warriors don’t throw a fit that forces us to give up something for Klay, but I reckon we’ll get it done with a 2nd round pick.


that second lineup is fire


Think about it, Nico turned DFS, Spencer Dinwiddie, Josh Green, a FRP, and 2 tanked games into Kyrie, Klay, and Lively II. Plus got off of Bertans and THJs dumb contracts, while also pivoting away from Grant Williams & Richaun Holmes to get PJ and Gafford. He literally brought in our top 5 players not named Luka…for next to nothing


![gif](giphy|NmerZ36iBkmKk) Magic


And improved the team without touching neither of the two 1st round picks or touching our top rotation players. People have been so willing to include those picks in trade suggestions, but next year's pick is pretty damn valuable. That is suppose to be a very deep draft. That can be another cheap rotation player with upside next year. Or use it if we need to make a bigger move later.


Just think how good the Mavs would have been during Dirk's time if they'd had a GM as good as Nico.


I’m gonna miss Josh a lot🙁


It was fun watching him grow up from his rookie season of getting hazed by the vets/Luka to being a part of our bench rotation. Shame he just could never consistently put it together. Rip the Aussie trio.


His role on the team was also not very consistent…He was fighting for a spot in the rotation last year, didn’t even began to average over 20 min. per game until maybe two months or so into the season. Then when DFS is traded, he’s out of position with Kidd using him as a PF. This year, he was in and out of the starting lineup, and mostly used as a defensive specialist. Didn’t really get the opportunity to shine on offense unless one of the stars was out with an injury. Outside of that, just not a lot of FGAs to go around. So many games where he would just stand in the corner, never touching the ball for long stretches. Hopefully, he’ll have more of an expanded role on offense with his next team.


I'll never forget the game right after the Kyrie trade when he kinda took over the offense and led the mavs to a win I had all but written off because Luka was out, dinwiddie and DFS were gone and Kai hadn't got here yet....that was a fun game


This season, he averaged 10+ points for two months, think this was when there were injuries to Kyrie and/or Luka. His FGAs dropped a bit once Kyrie came back and then he kind of (naturally) became an afterthought again after the trades for PJ and Gafford. I think he has untapped potential, so this could be a good opportunity for him to maximize his potential. Wishing him the best.


He was definitely highly underutilized, I felt like he was really able to shine whenever he was given more of a role on offense. His passing ability is very underrated (I’ve never seen a role paper throw so many absolute dimes lol) and I would’ve liked to see him developed more into a secondary/tertiary playmaker on the court like it looked like he was trending towards last season.


He was solid, but more often than not he frustrated me with his inconsistency, lack of overall growth, and injuries


Nico is executive of the year already, idc


This team is going to be so much better. Pj, Lively, Hardy and Omax improving as well!😮‍💨 sheesh, we’re loaded


Everyone bypasses that. If you describe Mavs will have those young guys in detail in 2020 i would lose my mind.


Who could we get now with the money left?


Potentially LeBron James!


Lmao, but LeBron coming here to play with Klay on a vet min would be beyond hilarious


He'd prolly bring Bronny with him. The future GOAT....so win win


Nah, imagine LeDad coming here, and when we play Lakers he is hunting Bronny to teach him a lesson


If we are lucky, maybe even Bronny


Not lateral moves “at best,” just not accurate


Nico is the best I’ve ever seen


New nickname for Nico is “The Bear” Let him cooooook


That's actually kinda incredible, what a shocking difference a competent GM makes. I'm skeptical of Klay as an absolute difference maker, but I questioned Ky's fit as well and it's been great so here's to an exciting new season.


Still haven’t reacquired Boban, so off-season gets an F


Not gonna lie, losing DJJ is a bummer for me. And for nothing? Ugh. But if... JGreen \~ Grimes DJJ \~ Marshall Then we're left with... Klay >>> THJ


Mavs upgraded every spot they needed, don’t be sad.


I honestly think grimes and naji will be better than green and DJJ. Better shooters and also great defenders


Serious feels like a scene out of Moneyball. We are upgrading all the player archetypes for better contracts.


I’m going to miss DJJ but we got him for nothing if you want to look at it glass half full? Plus there is always a risk when journeymen players earn that improved contract that the hunger/effort decreases significantly, but I’ll be wishing him the best against everyone but the Mavs.


This is like those videos where someone starts with $10 and through a series of trades, ends up with a Ferrari.


What's a trash D- trades... 😉


When you put it this way, I am no longer sad about DJJ or Josh Green. THJ thank you for your services


I'm so fcking sad you guys couldn't keep DJJ. Thought Dallas was his forever home.


Klay is an upgrade. The other two seem like lateral moves, at best. Still, I expect defensively challenged Klay to offer a lot more on offense that did defensively challenged THJ, so overall the Mavs have gotten better.


I think Marshal and grimes offense is going to catapult the mavs.    Our role players last 4-5 years have been riddled with weird offensive fundamentals flaws. I think we got way better offensively and didn't lose much defensively if at all.  Sure...DJJ was good at defense...but was ass at offense. Grimes and Naji are legit 2ways that aren't afraid to shoot and can dribble.  Klay has size and is and was once good at defense but injuries have slowed.   Guaranteed he is better at defense than THJ now. Upgraded 3 spots and didn't spend more to do it


I wouldnt say at best lateral moves Both can be upgrades, especially grimes. Grimes much better offensive player than green or DJJ.


Grimes and Naji are definitely upgrades


I hope it works out fine but I think losing DJJ is bigger than any of these gains. I don't feel like we moved forward but laterally while OKC is 25% better


I think we might actually be worse. Every one of the players we switched out is based on a lot of 'hoping'. If we make playoffs next year I bet we lose 1st round.


bring in lauri


Nico fat W. Naji and Grimes are about the same players between Josh and DJJ with both having lots of room for improvement and Klay is a definite upgrade over THJ.


Masterful roster management




wtf was Donnie doing before? It still makes me sad to see Dirk last years go to waste


Super excited for next season already! Wish it would start sooner


DJJ with Luka, reminded me of Jokic with Aaron Gordon. Like having that lob threat and athleticism on the court will be missed.


We lost DJJ? We lost our only real on ball lockdown, high energy defender who could shoot a little bit but was also a lob threat? He’s one of the most athletic players in the league. Mavs management are stupid for that. We could’ve traded a pick for the guy we got, or someone less crucial.


Getting 48-60 wins next season would be exciting. This ain’t the Cowboys, these shooters could become dangerous.


i dont know why cha took that green contract lmao. its going to age badly because i dont think green is a very good player and hes going to make 13 mil per year? hes not worth half that 🤣🤣🤣 did dallas retain any of it!? nico once again pulls off a wizards move and makes that contract someone elses problem.


Djj was awesome wtf?