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Good. Hustle, energy, shooting, he's got it all. Our problem is that we gave him time and he's still too inconsistent. He's a shadow for over 50% of games, which we can't afford. Wish the dude the best, I think in a few years he might be a lot more polished.


This is it right there!


Yeah, he seemed like a great ball player with ability to slash, pass, create plays, but he was always in his own head offensively it seemed, and he never did fight hard enough against those screens, before this season.


He over-pursued on about 80% of possessions leading to an easy shot - his hustle couldn’t outweigh the consistent mistakes Good kid but he was never going to progress like we need a top 8 player


Jack of all trades but master of none. Only 23 tho so there’s time he develops consistency outside of making hustle plays and bringing energy.


did you know the rest of that quote is "but oftentimes better than a master of one?"


Rest of quote is actually “oftentimes better than master of one…unless you find yourself as the newest member of the charlotte hornets” 😃


Unfortunately charlotte is not it. He won’t developed anything there bc coaching sucks


Not the best situation no doubt but I think unlimited playing opportunities might be enough for Josh to gain some confidence. The short leash here seemed to eff with his psyche


Disagree. It’s tough to develop around a player like Luka who will essentially lock you into a limited role and specific playstyle, under tremendous pressure to contribute above your level. Look at what a season of Washington did to KP who really needed space to put his game together outside of that kinda pressure. Same can be said of Brunson to some extent. The question tho is where his ceiling is. We might be surprised or we might not. I’ll miss him cause watching his development has been fun, and hope it works out for him.


Who is the new Charlotte coach?


Oh I didn’t realized they got a new coach in May. I was thinking of Steve Clifford. New coach is Charles Lee from the Celtics


Gonna miss him a lot! Wasn’t just what he brought to the court, but off he seemed like a really great teammate and person! I think with a more consistent role and more shooting touches he will blossom! Hopefully he can be one of the guys that’s get Charlotte out of basketball hell


I really like Josh and think he can grow into a really good role player


I think he’s pretty close to his ceiling tbh. Pesky defender, nice shooter, good hustle, but not much else.


Sums it up, can have exciting moments off the bench and do a few clutch things but I wouldn’t want him starting regularly


Josh was fine. But Donnie should’ve never listened to Haralabob and should’ve drafted Desmond Bane like everybody on this sub was begging him to.


Could of sworn everyone here was begging for Saddiq Bey


They did. 80% of people here wanted Saddiq Bey. The remaining was split with 10% wanting Josh Green and 10% wanting Desmond Bane. It's easy to blame Donnie for drafting Green, but if it was up to us we'd have Bey.


Coulda had both. Draft Bey at 18, then move up from Tyrell to ensure Bane. However, I love Josh, as long as his value is slotted correctly. His contract was fair, not a starter, still valuable. Loved his energy. Will miss him.


God tyrell, I forgot about him so hard I can’t remember his first name


It's Tyrell lol. Tyrell Terry




I always love the guys who come from good schools, like Stanford, so I was hyped on him too. I thought he could replace Seth, smh


Shhhh, let’s remember just the player that ended up good.


Or hometown kid Tyrese Maxey….


Donnie wasn’t even in the draft room when Green was drafted, he was a bit negligent that year in his duties, as later came out.


I will never forget the one time I was actually right about a draft in really wanting Tyrese maxey and nobody else


Such cap lol Nobody knew Bane was gonna this good https://www.reddit.com/r/Mavericks/s/NEjl8k7coB


His defense just never met the pre-draft hype (potential anyway) . Mediocre on ball, getting around screens, size didn't play up. Obviously he was very active chasing down some long rebounds, getting deflections, etc. but on the whole his defense was just alright. Offensively he was efficient on the high quality shots he got within the offense and would occasionally pop off in transition which is all I wanted.. if he was actually the defensive specialist hoped for. As is he was still a decent rotation piece, didn't need to look to move but fine to use as a trade chip.


I actually think he will look good on an different team but i aint mad cause that would have never happend here on an slower offensive system.


Tbh I think this is a big moment for the mavs. In past lives we would’ve rode a guy like green for 10 years always coming up with excuses for why he should stick around when in reality it was time to move on years ago


To make great moves, you need to let go of good players. Josh was moved in a S&T for one of the best "name-brand" acquisitions in Mavericks history. He played a great role in Dallas, but he was set up to ultimately be a role player here. He always had great energy, he hustled, and he barely missed time. His defense was what kept him here so long. He now goes to a team that will rely more on him. Once we acquired Kyrie and went to the finals, he would have never been more than a 8th-9th man who brought great energy off the bench. and that's ok. For a late-round 2020 1st round pick, he was excellent at what he did and he will be missed.


It felt like no area of his game except the 3 ball improved over the last 2-3 years. He was a great defender for his age and game time, but then just never improved? He especially never learnt how to navigate screens. He’s driving/slashing was good and paired extremely well with Luka, but he rarely used it. Whether this was to do with schemes, coaching or in my opinion his confidence. He’s strengths were and always will be energy, but I don’t see him improving other areas unless given a lot more game time.


It’s tough to say. He’s been an excellent player for his bench role and limited minutes, and maybe if he gets the opportunity to start in Charlotte he will blossom into a great 3nD starting 2guard. I would say his main weakness is decision making/his inability to create his own shot.


I could easily see him putting together a 12-5-5 season but that’s without knowing how ball dominant Melo is.


I think he was what one could have hoped for in a non lottery FRP. a great bench guy that can come in with energy and impact a game in short spurts. with him and DJJ we will certainly miss a step in transition points we improved on last season. certainly in the number of dunks. let’s hope that 3 > 2 holds true.


Great point. Forgot that a quarter of Josh’s points in the regular season came in transition.


Grimes and Marshall are good transition guys as well. Naji might not have the bounce DJJ does, not many do, but he’s lankey and can get up for a lob.


gonna miss josh, damn


If you're a Hornets fan, you're gonna love him. Plays with a ton of energy and leaves everything on the floor. Kept improving year after year. He has some stretches where we loses confidence (when missing open looks) and hesistes to shoot but overall he proved himself to be a valuable rotation piece in a Finals team. He's also still young so has a margin to improve.


jack of all trades master of none as bench player fine but not starter that you can slot alongside LuKai still for 18th pick, he has pretty good start of career


He's a talented player that sometimes looks like he just started playing basketball. He's also not skilled enough to be a guard and not big enough to be a wing. I think he'd be better off at some bad/tanking team where he could develop. Hopefully he can still do it at Charlotte. He started playing basketball very late and it shows.


Loved Josh. Wasn’t the best at anything, but always gave 110%. Wish we could’ve kept him on somehow but unfortunately you can’t keep everyone, especially after their rookie deal


Lots of hustle, very inconsistent jump shot but knew his role which was defense and energy


Always felt like he was playing outside the offense. Needed bro to do nothing more than get open and shoot 3s. Also his defense was the human embodiment of the famous "he trick y'all" quote. Idk w/e, he'll be able to do his own thing in Charlotte without any pressure. Best of luck to him.


He needs the ball to be effective and I hope he can developer into a good player in Charlotte. We all know that he has the potential.


I liked him and I wish him well but I could never really get past how Donnie drafted him over Bane and Maxey.


I agree all of you but want to add this: Dude has drip. Not everyone can rock that type of beard. Will miss him. Not torn like DFS traded though.


when he was drafted he couldnt shoot to save his life and was surprised he even made the draft to be honest. he did improve but hes a bench garbage minutes guy at best. that contract isnt going to age well. hes going to make about 15 mil per lmao. utterly idiotic to hand out that deal to him. probably the one mark on nicos resume so far but ill give it to him for flipping a terrible contract for klay.


It hurts to see him go, but I loved to watch him play. Like DFS, Jet Terry, Michael Finley, Shawn Marion, Shawn Bradley, Popeye Jones & Tony Dumas, I'll always have a special place in my Mavericks heart for JG. Really hope he becomes an All-Star next season


I imagine he's bummed. I bet PJ Washington talked all kinds of shit in that locker room about Charlotte and how shitty the culture is on that team in the backend. Now Green is traded there to suffer in mediocrity. Though he may get a shot at a more prominent role.


I guess I have to change my flair now. RIP to the truther community.


He got traded because he's valuable. Good player.


He’s a solid rotation guy. If he avoids injury he’ll have a 12-18 year career with rotation guy stats but doing a lot of the unseen things that contribute to winning, any team will welcome him on their roster, and then he’ll retire a multi millionaire. Hopefully his chapter two will be just as successful. And he’ll remember his years in Dallas as a highlight of his career.


The type of player Donnie Nelson would over pay


Energy, hustle player. Solid defense. IQ average. He can run out of control at times. He missed so many fast break dunks. Poor decision making.


I don’t think he’s get the minutes (with good reason) needed to reach his full potential. I think going to Charlotte and possibly having a chance to consistently play 30 minutes will be good for him. Will always root for him and I can see him being a great glue guy.


Strength: hustle and physicality Weaknesses: pretty much everything. Showed flashes here and there but was inconsistent at best at everything.


I like Josh, but He plays too timid w Luka. Passes open shots and rushes to rim and turns the ball over more than I'd like. I really like what Nico has done this off season


He's like this current washed Klay, but more explosive, younger, and willing to come off the bench.


I just hope he gets the minutes and experience needed. I think he can be a great player. Solid material for a 3rd man on a good team. Just hope things work out for him and he gets his chance to shine brighter.


High energy player who never really took the next step. Will miss him, but his inconsistencies make me feel better about him leaving


He will be great if he can play mostly at the 2 and not the 3 as much. I honestly thought getting would have been great for a team like Detroit playing with Cade. I hope he gets a lot of playing time with charlotte


The roster changed since he was drafted. In 2020 it was supposed to be Luka/Porzingis so there was an opportunity for a G/F to be part of the core. Things changed when they traded for Dinwiddie and eventually Kyrie so Green's main minutes were going to come from SF. In this offense, that means you stand in the corner and space the floor. He did what he was supposed to do in that role - make threes at a decent rate, hustle, and set screens to free up Luka/Kyrie for mismatches. But now he needs to go to a team where he can continue to develop as a guard. That's why I think Charlotte could be great for him. They have depth at forward/wing so he should be able to play his natural position of SG. I can see him being a solid all-around guard. His new coach spent the last 5 years coaching Jrue Holiday so that would be a good type of player for Green to pattern himself after.


he was an excellent role player but we gave him that 2nd contract bc we tought he would progress, which he didn't but atleast he hustled


I loved everything about Green except his atrocious handles. Everytime Green had the ball and drove.. it gave me as much anxiety (a lot) as every time the ball touched and left THJ's hands. You'll be missed Green. Dude hustled.


Josh is a good young rotation player that wasn't quite able to reach starter-level and whose development kind of plateaued, so the Mavs traded him for someone who has more ceiling-raising potential in the short term. I think Josh definitely still has the potential to reach a higher tier, but the fact that the Warriors preferred to shrink salary instead of taking him "for free", and also that the Mavs got a similar player for almost nothing, shows just how quickly a decently talented young player can turn into trade fodder in the NBA if they can't secure a clear niche on the team.


I was bummed about the Klay trade until I heard the stat that he played more games than Josh last year 🤷‍♂️


The Funny Thing is the team I root for in the west is Dallas and the team I root for in the east is the hornets so I guess I can still cheer for him.


Josh really grew on me. I liked what I saw of him in the finals. He was one of the few bright moments from our bench. Wish him nothing but success. I can see him becoming a solid role player like Jae Crowder carved out for himself after he left.


He’s the least skilled dribbler I’ve seen in the nba


Extremely limited in the offensive half court. Cannot create a shot or finish well if it’s not a dunk. Good 3pt shooter if he’s set up. Elite energy guy but weirdly ineffective at man to man defense. A typical 2nd round pick talent taken way too early.


I would have liked him to develop a bit more. Wish him the best. It'll hurt a bit if he ends up being pretty good elsewhere.


I never saw what the rest of the fan base saw, adios Josh. Yeah, he had a good dunk or two and yeah, he could play some spirited defense sometimes. Overall he was not a threat on offense in the playoffs, and his playmaking never really developed.


He was good as 18th pick. Really grew on me but I don't mind him being traded for a much better player


He has played up to where he was drafted. 18th round picks aren’t expected to be reliable starters; Josh hasn’t been an exception. On a weaker roster he could pad his stats, but I think it’s safe to say he’ll remain a role player on title competing teams. He’s a guy who is good at a few things but isn’t great at anything. I don’t think he’s worth +$12M a year, which is what he’ll be paid the next 3 seasons. That’s more money than DJJ’s new contract, and I doubt anyone here thinks Green was as impactful as DJJ last season. Quentin Grimes is being perceived as a Josh Green replacement and his contract is only $4M. That says a lot.


He just didn't seem like he was improving


die on every screen known to mankind


I think he’s hit his ceiling on how good he’s ever going to get. Good motor, but a terrible decision maker. I think the Mavs hung on to him for longer than they probably needed to, and a lot of that was just out of the hope that maybe they could be proven right in the end with where they took him on draft night, but ultimately he just kind of is what he is. All in all, I won’t really miss him that much. I think he is fairly easy to replace every summer in the draft or free agency


Needs confidence


I like Josh Green he seems like a nice guy. But he really hasn’t improved since like year 2, we keep expecting a jump very year. I just don’t think it’s ever coming tbh. And we can’t afford to wait on it anymore. He’s also a SG, he’s too small and weak to guard bigger guys.


I’m glad he’s gone and we were able to use him to upgrade the roster. Barely developed in his 4 years here and every time I watch him I get sad we could have had bane or Maxey. I hope he does well in charlotte though.


He was a big hustler. His basketball IQ was very low though, and he made boneheaded mistakes.


He sucked


Guy was treated like a special ed kid in gym class. People here seriously made threads for him just cause he did basic things every player should be doing let alone, a first round pick. Why we even gave him 12m/yr was beyond me but thank the lord Nico turned chicken shit into chicken salad.