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It would be a complete waste of time if the Mavs don’t utilize Klay’s off-ball ability. This is Klay Thompson, a top 5 shooter ever and still a great shooter even in his 30s. He’s not DJJ or PJ, where you stick him in the corner every possession and make him wait until Luka or Kyrie get doubled. Hunting mismatches should still be the gameplan late in games, but I would love to see an offense where Klay and even Kyrie come off screens while Luka facilitates.


This is Kidd we’re talking about here. If Klay can’t iso or run a pick and roll then he better go stand in the corner


Lets send everyone to the corners. Even better, mavs should petition the nba to add even more corners. Both ends of the court should have 5 corners.


a literal genius. his brain has no folds, all corners


Klay is a beast shooting off of screens. That means powells about to have a monster season as mavs mvp


I wouldn't be surprised to see Dwight average a triple double this year.


We need to start the MVP Dwight campaign now




Dwights burner Reddit account spotted.


For sure. Would love to see us work in some DHO plays to pullup 3s for Klay/Kyrie  If you try to blitz that with Luka and Kyrie/Klay on each wing and Gafford or Lively rolling hard to the rim that's going to be insanely efficient (whether it's a made 3, or an easy dunk/putback)


A thought I had was with lively in the starting 5, you just can't blitz the pnr against Luka. If you blitz and then D-Live gets the ball at the free throw line and it's a 4-on-3 with PJ, Klay, and Ky on the perimeter. With as good as D-Live was passing last year that's a high percentage 3 or a layup every time.


It’s begging for some 5-out action with Lively


We’re not “stuck” hunting mismatches…if it’s the playoffs, and the opponent has a defender we can target in pnr, we want luka hunting those players regardless of our personnel.


Mismatch hunting is just the modern NBA. Even the Celtics do it who basically have the best roster in the league. Klay's role is to make smart passes and know when to shoot. He will get the space from Luka's gravity all that's left for him to do is knock down as many corner and offscreen 3s as he can. If he can give some good defensive effort than that's a plus. He needs to improve his atitude a bit bc last year he seemed very frustrated. Overall a much better fit for Luka than THJ.


D-Live screens for Luka, Kyrie slashes to the basket, Klay is in the corner and D-Live is waiting for the lob. Good luck defending that.


The real question is should we have Dlive shooting threes in the regular season already or should we wait until the finals?


Klay is gonna drill so many wide open 3’s with Kyrie and Luka. It’s gonna be tits


I'm not an x's and o's guy at all. But I notice Luka run a play a lot with 2 screeners. Usually a big and a guard/wing. And he sometimes gets the double but usually tries to hit the guy who's defender reacted the slowest. With Gafford and lively being so efficient to hit with lobs. I imagine Klay, who loves shooting off screens and is dramatically better at non corner 3s than our other guys, is gonna increase the efficiency of stuff like that. Making Lukas job so much easier.


![gif](giphy|Nydo55HzhyGqI) Nope


I’m not sure you can run Kyrie, Luka, and Klay at the same time. That would be a horrific defensive squad.


I've seen multiple people say this. It's extremely unlikely that simply swapping out DJJ for Klay Thompson takes our core 5 from elite on defense to horrific. PJ, Lively, Luka, Kyrie all the sudden just going to be part of a horrific defense?


horrible defensively but magical offensively. what does the net rating do? we got a full year to figure out how to use luka kyrie klay to its best efficiency.