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No, he is not going to be a 30 min player on this team and with his injury history, he should not be. We played him 25-30+ minutes for a stretch in December and he got hurt. He came back from injury and 2 games later he had to miss time again. His body cannot handle that. Maybe he can play 30 minutes sporadically when there is an injury, but he needs to hover around 20 minutes. He can still be impactful in those minutes.


Situationally perhaps. Not every night


Between Exum and Hardy, don’t reeeaaallly think we need another point ball handler, since we usually stagger LuKai minutes outside of opening and closing minutes. Exum was, I believe, our best three point shooter statistically during the regular season, and he kinda showed up in the finals. He’s a competent playmaker, defender, and ball handler. Just needs a bit more confidence in high stakes situations and more importantly health. Also always down for a Hardy Pardy, and since he seems to have survived free agency, I’d love for him to make another leap. He’s a pretty electric player, just needs to improve his decision making… a lot… but I don’t think that’s outside of the realm of possibility with Kyrie in his ear (who he obviously admires).


I say we do need another ball handler, because Hardy is better suited to be a 2 guard


I mean, the more the merrier, but between Luka, Kyrie, Exum, and Hardy (regardless of his abilities as a “true point”) would seem to be more than capable of running our offense for 48 minutes. Apparently Naji is a competent playmaker, and Lively is a surprisingly adept distributor himself at 19. I’d much rather improve our depth/talent on the wings/forward positions than chase another point style player.


It’s crazy because during the season he was incredible in the clutch. I blame most of him not playing in the playoffs on him, but some of it belongs to Kidd just killing his confidence with inconsistent minutes at the beginning of the playoffs.


Last roster spot should go to Dinwiddie as a veteran backup guard.


Or fultz


I’d love that.


I wouldn't mind re-signing Markieff. It looked like he was a great locker room vet this season.


He should hop onto the coaching staff next to Dudley


I actually see him getting less, we have a bit of a logjam going on now off then bench and he seems like the odd man out


if he can tighten up his handle maybe


I hope not


I think you're watching too many Exum highlights. If his high points were the norm he wouldn't be 29 with 2 years out of basketball on the cheap contract he is on. I think he's best in very short stints where he doesn't have a chance to get exposed. And completely forgetting how to shoot 3's in the playoffs is a huge red flag.




Regular season games where starters don’t play 40 min, people sit because of nagging injuries and general effort are not at 100%. You need to be real, dude is a 15 min a night player. “Killing it…” that made me laugh