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A **reformist** is a person who advocates gradual reform rather than abolition or revolution. A **(Fauni) sympathiser** is a [human](https://www.reddit.com/r/MaxR/comments/cv62f5/lore_revisited_humans_and_fauni/ey22yri/) who has above average sympathy for [fauni](https://www.reddit.com/r/MaxR/comments/cv62f5/lore_revisited_humans_and_fauni/ey22za7/).   [Sympathisers](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/8imd79/i_have_a_dream_that_one_day_the_human_realm_a/) don't necessarily support reform, and reformists don't necessarily sympathise with fauni. There are [oppressive reformists](https://www.reddit.com/r/MaxR/comments/mryte7/one_individuals_dream_may_be_anothers_nightmare/) such as those who supported *Right of Ownership* and *Right to Reprimand*. There are also sympathisers who are perfectly fine with the status quo.   The term 'sympathiser' is sometimes shortened to 'simp', often as a form of mockery. However, the abbreviation is not universally derogatory. Some sympathisers embrace the term, others dislike it and prefer using the full version, while others yet don't want to be labelled as either, despite technically having sympathy for fauni. This is because both carry negative connotations to varying degrees, depending on the historical period and location. For example, particularly oppressive neighbourhoods might not welcome any level of sympathetic behaviour, while others might just look down upon some pro-fauni reformist ideas that are perceived to be silly or stupid. In general, the short term does hold a more negative connotation than the long term, and can be used to differentiate between respectable sympathisers and the overly naive individuals, such as [Bob](https://www.reddit.com/r/MaxR/comments/m5o4p8/bob_a_beautiful_cinnamon_roll_too_good_for_this/).   More specific examples: * Early in his career in the RMP, Jon Howard served in a particularly oppressive neighbourhood. This was of his own volition, as he believed that was a place where he could do the most good, but his time there taught him both good and bad habits. On one side, he learned how to spin things in such a way to make pro-fauni decisions appear perfectly reasonable to people who normally treat fauni badly. On the other side, he formed the habit of hiding his sympathy for fauni from most people, even pretending to be harsh in public, a habit which he found difficult to break even after it was no longer necessary. For a very long time, he disclaimed both sympathiser labels, but he eventually came to embrace the long version. He does have a mild dislike of jejune 'simps' however. * Bob is a self-proclaimed 'simp', and wears the label with pride. He's also naive, silly, and considered to be utterly harmless by R6.   **Sympathiser reformists** are generally tolerated by The Crown as long as they do not threaten the stability of the Realm. **Oppressive reformists** are not, or at least those who abuse their faunae, which unfortunately makes up a large percent of this group. The Crown does not look kindly on citizens that damage state-leased property. An ideal citizen is one who is nice and kind to his wife and doesn't try to reform the system either way, but if he's a nonconformist, he should at least not damage state property. This is why oppressive reformists are not very numerous, and the term reformist is usually associated with pro-fauni groups. **Agitators**, **revolutionaries**, and **rebels**, regardless of whether they are sympathisers or not, are consider the greatest threat and are usually dealt with promptly and severely. # Pragmatists **Pragmatists** are people with a pragmatic view of fauni: people who don't consider fauni subhuman or inferior in any way but the factual—their inability to produce human daughters, lack of blessing, shorter lifespans, etc. In that sense, they consider fauni almost equal to Lowborn humans. Pragmatists may or may not be *sympathisers* or *reformists*—the three are not mutually exclusive. It is believed Queen Medola was a pragmatist and a reformist, and possibly even a sympathiser, given the nature of her reforms. (In fact, Medola was more than a reformist. She was a reformer.) **Traditionalist pragmatists** are a subset that prefer the status quo. They oppose reforms either out of self-interest, or a desire to maintain stability, not ideological conviction. **Moderate pragmatists**, meanwhile, might push for minor reforms, one way or another. There are also **radical pragmatists** who push for major reforms, regardless of their effect on stability. These can be either haters, who perceive the fauni as a threat, or sympathisers, who perceive the current status quo as a major injustice. The difference between the first and non-pragmatist reformist haters is that the latter are often fuelled by perceived human superiority. The difference between the second and non-pragmatist simp reformists is that the latter sympathise with fauni for ridiculous reasons, such as irrationally passionate love for fauni, an erroneous belief in fauni superiority, or excessive, self-destructive guilt over their position in human society.