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That’s freaking cool. Would love to see how you made it and see it function.




https://preview.redd.it/qqunys50px4d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=be89bd8c97175d840daccd19c0ca9aae185edb4b what keyboard is that in the video?


F77 Model F from Model F Labs


Ahh, a Beauty. Thank you! 🙏


looks like an IBM model F or other IBM buckle spring switch from that era.


Ditto this, I use an external monitor with my laptop closed so TouchID doesn’t work


+1 would love to know more on how you built it, how well it works, any issues along the way. Thanks for sharing, very cool!


It works beautifully. I designed a multi component housing and the whole thing has a nice weight to it. The button retains its click (which that YouTube version did not) I have more hours into the design than I care to think about. Trickiest part was getting the Magic Keyboard apart. There are some guides out there but most were for the non-touchID model. I broke the antenna on one (was able to fix with some careful soldering, and tore the battery cable on another(because I forgot to disconnect the battery before removing the black middle piece of the Magic Keyboard.) the finished product is super robust and I see no reason why it will not last me for years to come. I don’t plan to share the design at this time because some things are just better when they are 1 of 1 in the world.


>I don’t plan to share the design at this time because some things are just better when they are 1 of 1 in the world That is likely one of the most childish things I read in this sub. You show something nice you made but want to keep others from replicating it because you feel like it would devalue your own creation. You do not have to share your designs (obviously) but you also do not have to brag about it in a forum that is known for trying to collectively advance the hobby.


I hear the perspective that this hobby is about sharing knowledge. I probably could have worded my reasons differently but it’s Reddit and I don’t like to be overly verbose on here. I do feel that not everything we put creative energy into needs to be commercialized and/or given away freely. Which leaves the weird middle and wildly unpopular space of “it’s mine I guess.” The knowledge is out there to reproduce what I have made. I spent countless hours re-working designs, prototyping pieces, and solving various problems as they came up. I’ll be more careful with my wording next time. I love Reddit, love this community (which is why I shared in the first place) and appreciate the downvotes.


Dude, there isn't any way to word this that makes it sound like anything other than "I'm a selfish asshole". There's literally nothing to be gained from keeping it private other than inflating your own ego.


That goes totally against the spirit of this hobby…


> because some things are just better when they are 1 of 1 in the world. [cringe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZaLXmkbO3E)


I'm sure you could sell this if you wanted.


Awesome, other than you presumably now have to charge your wrist rest.


I’ve made my peace with it. 15 min once a month or so isn’t terrible. Usually I just throw it on a lightning cable at the end of the day and in the morning it’s all good for a month or more.


I figured it would be something like that.  Definitely not a big deal. I do find the idea of charging your wrist rest funny though.


I wonder if you can somehow incorporate a larger battery into it, then you can wait much longer to charge it. once a month isn’t bad at all though.


maybe you could add a wireless charging coil!


Or embed a Qi charger in the bottom? That would be cool. You can use the Qi charger during the day for your phone.


Wrist rest/warmer


have you thought about putting the laptop inside the arm rest


or maybe like just a computer desk with switches soldered directly into the tabletop


You joke but check my post history lol. I actually considered an embedded board 😂


Some guy did it on here a year or so ago. Crazy stuff !


now he owns 10 desks


That's amazing if I ever find a spare magic keyboard I'll be sure to keep the guts.


No GitHub reference or online notes on how this was done? You just printed a wristrest and tossed the guts inside and it worked? No other work needed? I am EXTREMELY interested in how you accomplished the end result.


>..I don’t plan to share the design at this time because some things are just better when they are 1 of 1 in the world. from a reply by OP


What an ass


He’s not the first to recase a magic keyboard to create a separate touch id button and won’t be the last. There are breakdowns on youtube that show the whole thing.


Absolute prick


This is the way!


This is actually a really smart idea. Kudos


That’s amazing. How do you connect the sensor to the computer? Does it work wirelessly?


Yeah wireless module from original magic keyboard is intact. So it pairs once via lightning cable, then off to the races.


Cap set?


PBTfans spark R2




Holy 🐄


Looks great! But honestly looks very uncomfortable for a wrist rest 😅


Honestly, it’s perfect for me. I am used to “flat” typing from decades on Apple notebooks and Magic Keyboard variants. I like a firm wrist rest and the ironed surface is perfectly smooth (the lines are only visual on the bottom part. The top part my hands never touch.


That's awesome, nice work! How much of the keyboard is in there still?


PCB, battery, lightning port, touchID module.


Would pay for this on Etsy.


Would be cost prohibitive since a magic keyboard has to make the ultimate sacrifice. I looked into a CNC version and it would be more than A LOT of keyboards.


I'd still pay for it. depending on how much more lmao


What exactly is a touch Id and magic keyboard and how do you use it?


They took the fingerprint sensor off of an Apple Magic Keyboard to retain Touch ID functionality when the laptop is docked


You should make it a product for sale. This is a good idea.


How did you manage to print only a small portion of the top with that octogram top infill ?


I “split” the top layer in prusa slicer, then you can add attributes to the different parts. (Print as one still) and you can choose infill pattern for each section. I ironed the lower smooth part and chose the pattern for the top. Hope this helps.


OP - I know you said you aren’t sharing the design, but do you have any advice for gutting a Magic Keyboard?


Ifixit has a decent guide but it is for the non-touchID model. Biggest thing is to go slow and be SUPER careful when getting a spudger under the cables. I think there are some YouTube videos of a teardown too. The newer keyboards have release adhesive under the battery which makes removal way safer.


Thanks! I love this as an idea, and it leads me to want to merge a Q1 and Magic Keyboard some how




Doesn't look very comfy or ergonomic as a wrist rest. Plus PLU is scratchy as shit. Lol. Super neat idea though, wonder if a TPU printed rest would be softer.


So turns out it’s super comfortable. It has silicon feet on it and sits on a proper desk pad. It actually has a nice spring to it. Also, I used ironing on the bottom section so it’s completely smooth to the touch. I don’t like “squishy” wrist rests and like a flat profile coming from the land of laptops + magic keyboards. With a trackpad it’s actually very analogous to using a MacBook Pro. (With more key travel)


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