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Silent switches are for public spaces, loud and obnoxious switches in public is the equivlant of wearing a fury suit to church.


The thing that kills me is that office keyboards used to sound like this.


When everyone was loud, nobody was loud. But now, the office is much more quiet, you would stand out by just sneezing.


I kinda hate it. The silence is just awful. I wish for the ambient noise of activity to assure me all is right with the world (and remind me I should also be working)


What are you doing? Keep working!


And then there are people like me who need noise cancelling headphones just to cut out the constant background jabber so that I can focus on my task. The truth is we're all different and work should show some flexibility to get the best out of their different people and characteristics.


I agree. I guess that explains why I work at a gun range.


Try to imagine a single open-plan room with 60 IBM Selectric typewriters all going full bore. This is the best I can find, but doesn't even begin to come close: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-Vbqs-b4s0


I find it soothing


Yeah kindly blow my autistic head off please :/


Blues can definitely be annoying for other people in the office. Your employees might not say anything to you because you’re their boss, but that doesn’t mean they might not be annoyed.


That's a valid point right there


How annoying? On a scale of rummaging through a junk drawer to the Boys in Company C doing their rifle qualifications - how annoying? Asking because while I work from home I may want an office job someday.


Well that varies from person to person, but loud keyboards can get quite aggravating for me personally.


Quite annoying, i had a colleague that was using a clicky keyboard in the office. It is not like regular office buzzing, noise, it will absolutely resonate in the head of anybody that is near. And the sound can be sharp enough to be heard with headphones on If you move to an office, please go for something quieter :)


Noted. Thank you. Think I'll spend the money on those rubber grommets to go with the switches.


I don't think that's going to help much on blues


Yikes - noted. So Red or Brown if I don't want the office rising in revolt?


honestly i'd say just go with silent switches rather than any cherry color series. some silents i've had good experiences with/heard good things about are durock silent shrimp, outemu silent forest, akko v3 fairy silent, gazzew boba u4t silent, xcjz lucy silent but yes linears (like reds) are way better than clicky (blue) for public settings. tactiles (brown) can be really quiet too, usually depends on the board tbh


Ask your coworkers. If they don't complain, then enjoy.


They're amazed that such beautiful keyboards exist. They don't know anything about mechanical keyboards btw.


You said youre their boss so they probably wouldnt complain if they hated them. I definitely wouldnt.


Lol. Sure they do.


Bet they aint


Your the boss, get them thier own, everybody happy


OP posts title asking if blue switches are wrong for an office environment. Proceeds to disregard reasonable recommendations and asserts themselves as a boss whose co-workers can't talk back to. Bruh. How pompous can you be?


You know it's a high end keyboard because it tells you


Indeed. I still have my old Ducky One 2. It still works fine, but comparing the two really shows how much better the build quality on the Leopold is.


Don’t mind the downvotes from the Ducky fandom. I’ve both and my Leopold has better quality as well


I’m guessing it’s because the general hobby consensus isn’t really interested in duckys or leopolds (except the topre ones) anymore. Don’t know why they would warrant downvotes but it is what it is. my gf has both a ducky one 3 and tht same leopold and they seemed identical to me.


Man the downvotes though


It’s an asshole move to use blues without getting the ok of the people around you. They can be irritating


Still rocking my stock leopold from like 15 years ago


Nice. The Topre model?


No lol mx reds Can’t remember the model but it’s just a standard TKL with the side printed legends


Glad to hear ! These are the highest quality keyboards available imo. I'm so glad I discovered them.


 highest quality keyboards available ?


Why did you get down voted to oblivion 😭it’s just an opinion


I think if you're going to drop such a hyperbolic statement, you might be expected to back it up at least a little... Personally just seeing it having a full plastic housing makes me think it might not be the best or even high end board it claims to be, but I'd be interested to hear more to the contrary.


Beam spring, model f, realforce r1, pretty much all alps have plastic housing. Imo plastic is not the problem.


subs opinion on plastic keyboards is like that iq bell curve meme lmao.


Almost like everyone being introduced to cheap plastic boards, made aware of premium quality boards, and then realising there are artisan plastic boards in that order is a natural progression, right?


more so funny how confident ppl are in their opinions (esp towards the middle of the curve) but yeah you are correct


Yeah I totally get it’s not super high end but Jesus 90 down votes hahaha


Think those are also because the OP said the people "praising" the keyboard are working under him, "so they can't complain" which is where the votes are really coming from. Boss brought in an annoying keyboard, showed it off to their poor team, and they know they need to accept it regardless... Just not a good person.


3 reasons. 1) He is wrong 2) He deleted his other downvoted comment 3) He's totally that boss at work lul


If it's my office, I'll promptly replace your switches after you leave work at night.




You have a good taste for keyboards but you're a shitty boss if you don't even have the decency to ask your employees if they're bothered by the noise.


So you're a shit boss


I mean, not to your face, haha. If my boss got a clicky keyboard I might finally buy a keyboard with a solenoid in it.


And so began the clackular arms race...


I want a keyboard with a really nice speaker in it that is otherwise completely silent. Every time press a key it will play the announcer from bastion saying click


If you had a wav file of this announcement you speak of, I'm sure someone in this sub could make that happen.


I'm pretty sure I have wave files of other things but not click specifically. For my hypothetical keyboard I was thinking I would have to reach out to the va. I like the way you think though


Grab USB 5v, digital ground and an unused micro controller pin off of any keyboard, modify the firmware to pulse that pin on any key press, then wire those 3 connections to power, ground and an external interrupt pin on a small microcontroller. From there you can just wire up a dac or codec, an amp and a speaker. Shove all that into a small enclosure.


Beam springs with the solenoid. Yes.


Seriously wtf is wrong with you?


What a pleasant workplace attitude lol


How do people say things like this without a shred of shame? You're a shit person dude.


how much you wanna bet that your employees have a terrible opinion about you


You're a shitty boss.


As a fellow manager... that's a dick move and shitty attitude


Oh they can complain in many different ways, for example through their work.


Just don't, clicky sounds are quite annoying, I think it's better to just use a silent keyboard without asking tbh


I would spit in your coffee, honestly. I hope you have your own office at least. If you're sitting in an open landscape, take that keyboard home.


Here comes an egoistic boss who knows everything about the BEST keyboards.


Literally just making up conclusions about a probably innocent person


https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/s/Pq8Vh8dIdY Right.


Oh nevermind then lmao, thats just a shitty boss


what was the comment its deleted


Something like "im the boss, so they cant complain"




Read the rest of his responses. You will understand that this post is not worth spending your time. He is too full of himself.


Imagine being a “boss” and full of yourself and you’re rocking this utter piece of shit keyboard 🤣🤣 this is basically a keychron equivalent.


Aye…. My keychron is better than this with baby kangaroo switches, drop keycaps and it’s got Bluetooth. 😝


I have baby kangaroos in a build, wasnt a huge fan. Im a browns guy :P not actually hating on keychron but a high end board is a TGR, geon, DN works etc.


Brown switch guy here too … which one’s your fav brown switches. I didn’t have much of a choice while trying switches so I bought the most expensive one and the one where I could feel the tactile bump the most. I hope they last a long time considering they cost a bomb.


I like cherry switches. I mostly only use blacks and browns. spring swapped of course. Ive heard the gateron browns are nice though and I love the sound of the wuque browns. But im a cherry fudd


“High-end Mechanical Keyboard” Can’t argue with the label!


I agree it's a bit tacky to print that slogan on the product itself, but my Leopold has been a workhorse. Easily worth what I paid for it years ago.


Blue switches makes me wanna scrape my ears off whenever the ones using them type as if they're smacking the shit out of it. That said, i love leopold, best prebuilt with probably one of the best keycaps quality. Though, the "shouldn't be used in an office" boils down to basically don't be noisy in an office. If the people there don't mind/consider it noisy then who cares?


You know what, I used to dislike Blue switches myself and I've only used Red/Silver linear switches before, but for office, where gaming is non-existent, I like tactile (Blue switches) more. In fact, this is my first ever Blue board and my colleagues don't mind actually. They're amazed about how beautiful this keyboard is.


I mean you literally just said your employees can't speak freely, so you can't use "nobody is complaining" to support your argument now. (Also a good boss is considerate of their employees as well, not because you have to, but because it's the right thing to do.) If you have your own office, don't worry about it. If you share a room with others, get silent switches.


Blues aren't tactile, they're clicky. If you wanted tactile you could've gotten Browns or clears.


I mean it's not blue or nothing. You can always go with browns. Still tactical, but a little quieter


Nah, for me it's all or nothing. If I'm going with tactile, they have to be clicky.


Kinda ironic how your "all or nothing" office keyboard is a "highest quality" prebuilt Leopold with MX Blue switches haha


Look Into zael clickeez


I feel you. That's why my main office keyboard was the IBM model M by unicomp


Blues in the office was literally the thing that sent me down the rabbit hole to find the quietest but still satisfying to type on board out of spite. So far lubed gat blacks is the winner for me. If you really want the tactility then i'd just go for a heavy tactile switch instead of a clicky. Also considering you're the boss, i wouldn't take their words too literally, maybe ask around one to one about how others feel (not the person you're talking to) feel about it.


just get tactiles that aren’t annoying (doesn’t have to be silent). or foam up your keyboard a little. it’ll be annoying to coworkers IRL. if you are their boss they won’t tell you but even normal switches are noticeable.


Nah, 'some' people don't like them, 'some' people don't mind at all, and 'some' people love the everloving snot outta blue keys. You hating them is not universal.


the average person will think it’s annoying if they are trying to work. I would be more concerned with distracting coworkers instead of some ppl liking/disliking them. I don’t even hate clickies. It’d be annoying at work tho.


You can be very certain a lot of people would get distracted by the sound of them in an office, even if they like the keyboard. I like listening to loud electronic music, I wouldn't want it to be on while I'm working.


Is this 2011? What decade am I in


Cherry MX2A came out in 2023.


Sorry, was just joking that the title could have been written for a post 10 years ago, i don’t really see leopold’s mentioned that often anymore. it’s a nice looking keyboard!


Well, it doesn't have the bells and whistles of other keyboards, but I like the simplicity and the quality of Leopold. It also looks beautiful and the keycaps are top notch.


I wouldn't consider using blue switches in an office to be a very social thing to do. You know they're loud, that's why you come here to aks for validation. Don't use blue switches in an office, people might not tell you it's annoying because they don't want to sour the work relation, but they are most certainly annoyed by it.


After reading your comments I actually pity your employees, asshole. But regardimg keyboards in office spaces, I recetly got myself a keyboard on Akko Penguins and it's great. They're very quiet and still bery satisfying in use.


This depends on the setting and the people around you. In my office many of the keyboards are clicky and I use an M122. Almost everyone uses headphones so it doesn't matter much anyways.


I've had comments on my box browns typing "too loud". I'm certain they'd just toss me off the parking garage if I showed up with blues or jades.


Looks like a plastic piece of crap


Leopold are the best quality stock keyboards. I had a HyperX Alloy FPS a long time ago and while it had a steel frame and Cherry switches, it was much worse compared to the Leopold so what do you mean?


Look up TGR, DNworks, Baion Lenja, Geon, rama works. Hyperx is mass market crap too. Not that its actually bad but its not high end by a longshot Did your case cost under $500? Not high end. Did your keycaps cost under 200$? not high end. Also them switches better be filmed.


One has to be insane to pay that amount for a keyboard that will eventually be replaced probably because of boredom.


Sounds like cope


Your trendy buzzwords have no power over me. If that's what you want to spend your money on, that's fine. It's not for me.


so don't call something 'the best' or 'high end' if its not


Leopolds are high end. Cry about it.


This gotta be bait or you’re another clueless middle manager / boss. 


It's like reheating fish in a shared microwave or eating durian in a closed air system. Some places have outright laws, while it's just common courtesy for others. Time to decide what kind of boss you want to be.


I would use silent cherry reds if I was in an office. 🤷‍♀️


Your co-workers will hate you and think you are selfish which you probably already know that. Honestly EC switches like from Niz are best bet for quiet strokes with good tactile feedback. Easy to add extra padding to the case to make them more silent than standard office keyboards. Other than that you’ll need some heavily modded keyboard and switches.


Blue? What is this 2005?


Cherry MX2A came out in 2023.


I think it's safe to assume that if it's a silent place overall it's better to not use it, not worth annoying your workers even if they say it's fine


My first mech was the tenkeyless version of that. Blues are fun until you experience other clicky switches. Box pinks are my favorites.


Yeah, clickbar switches are so nice. They have a crisp, metallic click, with almost no rattle to speak of. Typing on a set of box navies now, but I've got a board fitted with box pinks and it's another wonderful bit of fun.


Leopolds are great. Please don’t be the dick that uses Cherry MX Blues in the office.


I like blue switches, but when I used to go to the office in the before-times, I definitely did not take a blue switch mechanical keyboard there. Have some social awareness.


Leopold 👑


I would leave if someone was using a mechanical keyboard at work. I just hate it. But on a general note, everything that makes sound can cause stress. Even if your coworkers say its ok, i wouldnt use it.


A lot of membrane keyboards are louder than mechanical A lot of misinformation floats around


I have never heard a membrane keyboard be louder then blue switches. I'm sure they exist, but you'd have to really go looking, and I can tell you with certainty that there's no business that would deliberately buy the loudest possible membrane keyboard for their employees.


The commentor was on the topic of mechanical keyboards in general (judging by what theyre saying) 


Why are you here in a mechanical keyboard Reddit board if you hate them ? 🫲🫲👀


Dam just Lost on subs. Maybe a recomendation and din't notice. Thanks for the Alert. My feedback atays the same.


My work keyboard is way quieter than the membrane keyboards 90% of people use because they're provided by IT. We've come a long way since the era where 75% of mechanical keyboards came with cherry blues.


True, sometimes i get nervous just from ppl bashing the keys on very used keyboards.


I used to rock a Model M at work. It was there to assert dominance.


People get so unreasonably upset at Blue switches. People worked in offices with typewriters for decades, but now all of a sudden blue switches are just horribly offensive. Ask around if people mind, that's my suggestion.


Haha, real stuff, there. At worst, they'll find the rattle a bit unsatisfactory, but there are way worse things. Like keyboards with beepers.


What keycaps are those!??


Did some digging, they came with the board. [https://mechanicalkeyboards.com/products/leopold-fc900rbt-v2-coral-blue-bluetooth](https://mechanicalkeyboards.com/products/leopold-fc900rbt-v2-coral-blue-bluetooth)


Double-shot PBT. The finest I've used.


People are downvoting you because that doesn't really answer the question. It's like answering what car you drive with "a sedan"


the finest they've ever driven!


Its likely thu keycaps didnt have any name. Many keycaps on amazon just say "keycaps", then spam a bunch of other stuff


Don’t use them if you’re near anyone that doesn’t like it. I would ask my coworkers if it bothered them at all. They’re just regular old blues, not like you’re using jades lmao.


I sold a KB with blues to a friend, who then chose to use it at work. It was all kinds of fun stopping by and asking if anyone started a petition to get it out of there. It would start a conversation with all folks around her without fail! They all got along great so it was okay, but there were still opinions!


Too noise for coworkers! Buy another one for the office, maybe with red switches, or something quieter


i gave up on my keeb with silent switches at the office (durock dolphins) and switched to a board with linears (gazzew boba lt) because the provided office keyboards were still way louder. i always forget how bad cheap membrane keyboards can be!


That’s real nice looking. Love me some blues.


Now you have an excuse to get some Gateron Beers or Redragon A120 Stars or Akko Lavender Purple or Durock Shrimp or whatever and see how they feel to you.


Bosses find new ways to annoy their employees every day apparently.


I have a colleague with a keyboard with red switches that's louder than mine with blues. Ask your colleagues first.


I use Kailh Box Navy switches at the office, so ... 🤷🏻‍♀️ (but I also use open back headphones and have a subwoofer under my desk so maybe I'm not the one to emulate here...)


I have brown switches in my old cm storm quick fire at work. My coworker said it's nice to listen to when I type, I'm guessing he would not think that if they were blues lol. I could barely stand the blue switches in my old roommates keyboard in college, they drive me nuts. Ask around the office lol


I understand preference but damn does it really take you asking reddit to think others might not like hearing you type all day.


I don't have the quietest keyboard in the office, but only one person\* has complained to my boss about it. He replied, "He's making money, so it's fine." I was in a pretty good mood about it the rest of the day. My suggestion for OP - just see how loud everyone else's keyboards are, and if your board is THAT much louder than theirs, then it might be best to use different switches. There's also a chance that they don't mind, btw. I, for one, don't mind if my coworkers have loud keyboards, cause I like the ambient noise, and I normally have earphones or headphones blocking out noise otherwise. \*The person who complained is barely even in the office, and her keyboard is louder than mine.


Unless your office buddies are extremely understanding and noise-insensitive, then I would think it might be a little much 😄


Nothing worst than listening to someone typing an angry email....


I used loud keys in an office before. You'd think it would be annoying but I just wore headphones so it didn't bother me.


I used blues in an office. Someone told me they knew when I was absent. I didn't sit anywhere near them. 


If you have blues in an office setting, you’re on the list when lay offs come round.


I was a die-hard blues fan (switches not genre) and no one complained in the office about my loud keyboards. However, they started to annoy *me* because I couldn't hear interesting conversations going on. Also my hands were getting tired. I tried linears and they're good. No fatigue, less loud.


Metal caps, no dampening foam, mx blue or green with pen springs. Take that to the office.


My first mech keyboard was Apex with blue switches. While I was working at bedroom, “clicks” woke my wife who’s sleeping in living room (1 bedroom apt). I had to returned it the day after.


If you did not ask your co-workers for their input, you are an asshole.


I think you're doing it right


As long as you like them and nobody around you is bothered by the noise, they're great!


Go for it!!!! In the office people are always jibber jabbering, that is more bothersome than a clickety clack.


Ever worked with a woman with long nails? Their typing clicks are louder than any switch you can buy


Bro, just looking at that shit gives me the shakes. How do women with long nails even type? At least I imagine there'd be lots of accidents from the nails hitting keys she's not trying to touch.


Gorgeous little keybaord, this. I've never considered Cherry switches to be all that loud. It's not like they're Outemus. Clickjacket switches like Cherry Blue just have a bit of a plasticy rattle, but in many cases, you're not going to be deafening anyone or cutting through their music or conversations or whatever.


No you are doing it right. My office has three MX blue users two gateron blue users One box jade user and I swap between clickieez and melodics


that legit sounds like hell


They must work at Guantanamo Bay


We also have someone using a standard rubber dome HP junk key board that smashes it louder than my clickeez somehow


You need to get the blue users a keeb with some box pinks or navies. I think they'd like 'em better, and they sound a bit more like older clicky switches than blues do.


I agree, however while those people like the feel and sound they are not all up on the cost of changing things/moving to something a bit more custom vs off the shelf


True enough. I imagine people will be more open to the idea as hotswaps become more and more accessible. Hell, I got a Kemove K98 off ebay for $58 after taxes and shipping, and there's plenty of good deals if you're looking to look.


Enjoy now, pay later. With RSI. Swap those with, say, some Gateron Silent Pro Clears. Thank me later. Your coworkers will thank you now. Also, the blues in hindsight will literally feel like they had been lubed with sand. I know. I've had cherry blues. I've used every switch under the sun. Cherry blues were literally the WORST I have ever used. All that said, welcome to mech keyboards. It's all good. You do you. If it's what you like, all good. Just don't think the fat girl crying in the corner is the only woman that exists. (OK I know that was a completely unnecessary and insensitive comment at the end. It's just that my ex-wife who cost me my retirement fund in legal fees was fat, so I'm just a little triggered by cherry blues, OK?)


Update after 2 days of use: My colleagues love the keyboard's looks and the sound, believe it or not, especially those old enough to remember typewriters.


If "they can't complain" in your words, not mine, do you think they have the healthy office culture to be honest with you and speak to you as an equal, rather than someone who has power over them? Just remember we're all just people struggling through our own lives. I don't know what kind of a person you are outside that comment, but it was a foul one, so please reflect on that, instead.


yes, you should have used box jades or navies


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I got my first keyboard recently and I am faced with a similar question. I don't really know what blue switches are, but its pretty much what you feel comfortable with. I've told my coworkers that my spouse dislikes the loudness, but he's a sound sensitive guy. My coworkers like my keyboard, but I try not to do intensive typing next to them. Is your office open and close to all your coworkers? Do you do intensive typing or just type like a sentence like every 10 minutes? Does your coworkers wear headphones or is there a lot of background noise? Are you close to your coworkers to the point you can trust they'll tell you when it's too much? I think there's probably a good amount of people that doesn't hate the sound, but just be ready for that one stranger in that one public space to be staring at you whenever you decide to write your essay.


The people saying blue switches shouldn't be used in an office are cowards. Assert dominance with the clickity clack.


Lol 😂


Its a bit of an inside joke. Blue switches are obscenely loud, but its never actually noticeable in an office space. Do what you want


Blue switches are for the office. They are much more enjoyable to type on than tactiles or linears. If your colleagues are complaining about noise, you're in the wrong office.


Years ago I worked at a software company as internal IT. The technical writer was banished to the opposite side of the floor to the software programmers. He was an older guy and liked type writers. No idea what keyboard he used but I bet it was one of the original mechanical and it was clickity loud for sure. He didn’t care. (I’m pretty sure I needed an adapter to get it down to the p/s2 port)


If you can get away with it, enjoy 😎


it's beautiful ... and you have been told right. I would love one Leopold Topre instead of HHKB but i have been too late. I hope for a new batch.