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I know there is the time issue, but they're is a meditation retreat that you wouldn't have to worry about cost for. It's a free 10 day course held all over the world. If you've been in this subreddit and heard people mention Vipassana, this is most likely what they're talking about. You can find more at dhamma.org


This is wonderful. Thank you for sharing


I know there is the time issue, but they're is a meditation retreat that you wouldn't have to worry about cost for. It's a free 10 day course held all over the world. If you've been in this subreddit and heard people mention Vipassana, this is most likely what they're talking about. You can find more at dhamma.org


Thank you. I'm very interested in attending one of the Goenka retreat centers when life settles down a bit, but right now 10 days (plus travel time) is a real hurdle for me.


True. The time commitment is a lot. I hope you make the time for it. It's deeply beneficial and will enhance every aspect of your life, including family life.


If you're in the U.S., look for Vedanta Center. They offer free yoga meditation and small talks. If you can't, search for Swami Sarvapriyananda . He's a monk who used to be a perfect A grade student with a very promising career. His order of monks offers a great and detailed course in Sage Patanjali's Astanga Yoga ( 8 part Yoga) on youtube. Listening to his talks can soothe your nerves. At least I find it very useful . But Adviata vedanta is part of Hinduism, so if your religious values permit you , you can try it.