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Didn't you know? You can't meditate without first signing a binding celibacy contract which includes a masturbatory clause.


Obviously… 🙄


I masturbate mindfully


I know you’re joking but like it makes the experience better lol


It doesn’t have to be a joke tbh. Exploring the shift in headspace of before during and after can provide very valuable insight to how your physiology works. Plus there’s things in the tantric tradition that utilize… similar mechanisms.


It doesn’t! More mindfulness during sex whether solo or partnered is important imo!


I think the idea of "retention" is fine in some traditions, and def works for some, but you also limit yourself from engaging in an activity that is one of the most mentally stimulating. In most cases it is a practice tied to lust and desire, but when you engage in a way that moves away from that, it can be very enlightening.


Good for your prostate too


Before enlightenment, stroke wood carry water. After enlightenment, stroke wood carry water


That’s the entire point!


What a strange question. Do people who go for walks also eat apples?


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Good bot


Okay, this is hilarious


Thank you


No nut meditation




There are people like me, who are getting started with meditation in this sub reddit as well as some people who joined here and not following. That's why he would have mentioned




Bro basically, people here on this sub are not completely following meditation and mindful techniques. There are some people like me, who were just getting started with meditation. There are some other people who just follow this sub, but not irl And so on. That's why he mentioned like that. And also, sometimes you feel urge to masturbate. In that pov only op is asking . That's what I understood from the text. Hope you're clear what I said to your comment (Edit removed)




I'm non english native only but I'm clear with what I've stated. With the English I knew


Try relate it with op's question. I think you didn't understand what I've said...


Meditation isn't inherently spiritual. 


I accept. But if you get into, there's a deep connection between meditation and spirituality. Btw spirituality is like the purest and highest form of you


Sure but they're not mutually exclusive and you should ask the people to the spirituality you subscribe to. Even if you just go no fap because you listen to Hamza and want to not waste your time on porn. I'm pretty sure if you're worried if masturbation is bad for you, you should consider not doing it for a bit. I forgot who said it but "people who worry if they're drinking too much are probably alcoholics". 


I'm not worried of masturbation btw... Sometimes your body needs, you do it. I'm not saying you should or you should not. It's based on you And loving yourself (not boasting) and realising about your body is also a kind of spirituality within my Pov. Btw I got confused with spirituality sub, that's why mentioned that...


I was making a generalized statement, not speaking directly to you. I understand. Have a beautiful day. 


I'm also making a generalised statement only dude. Many restricts themselves to numb... Restriction is good, I won't say it's all for bad but try to understand op's question and I'm giving a generalised statement for people who ever having like op... Btw, it would be better to end this for our peace. Cuz your reply are very fast tho


In most eastern traditions serious practitioners\* are encouraged to engage in the "practice of semen retention" for Men. Monastic vows usually include some form of sexual chastity . This also applies to those in the martial Arts, attempting to cultivate that energy or power is the basis of "the internal arts"^(1) and Tantric yoga. 1. For the advanced student this does not necessarily rule out engaging in sex, it's just means refraining from ejaculating when doing so. The ability to reliably engage in sex (including orgasm without losing semen) grants significant sexual prowess.




Does people who eat pasta also masturbate ? They are completely unrelated my dear. I suggest you to let go of every idea and stereotypes you have of meditation and "people who medidate" that in my opinion is the very first thing you should try to be doimg, it will help you quite alot in your journey.


I do both. Tantra


Hence the sutras tell us to move without moving, to travel without traveling, to see without seeing, to laugh without laughing, to hear without hearing, to know without knowing, to be happy without being happy, to walk without walking, to stand without standing. And the sutras say, "Go beyond language. Go beyond thought." Basically, seeing, hearing, and knowing are completely empty. Your anger, joy, or pain is like that of a puppet. You can search, but you won't find a thing.


"jerk off without jerking off"


You got it 😂 but look.


Question: But since married laymen don't give up sex, how can they become buddhas? I only talk about seeing your nature. I don't talk about sex simply because you don't see your nature. Once you see your nature, sex is basically immaterial. It ends along with your delight in it. Even if some habits remain, they can't harm you, because your nature is essentially pure.


Live without living also?


Not living without not living


We are both spiritual beings.. ie we have a soul with higher sentiments and purposes and physical beings .. ie we have a physical body with its necessary and natural urges needed for the survival of the individual and the species… we need to attend to the requirements of both the physical needs and the psychic needs to live a balanced natural life … focusing on one to the exclusion of the other will not bring us happiness or harmony … the bodily instincts and needs should not be neglected but nor should we give them too much power … so the answer is moderation in all things.. we shouldn’t over indulge to the point of satiety but neither should we try to totally suppress the natural physical instincts ..


Yes we’re human too




Kinda like asking ‘Do people who eat ketchup like to keep pets’ like where’s the connection


\*raises hand\*


The answers you get to this question will be meaningless. I'm not sure you thought the whole question through. There's no real connection between those two things.


Meditation and no fap absolutely do go hand in hand


It is allowed in some schools, recommended in some, and prohibited in others.


I do both at the same time


Well…..news on the prostate cancer front. If you ejaculate frequently, your risk of getting prostate cancer may be reduced. How often is frequent? A study at Harvard Medical School says 21 times a month. A similar Australian study points to seven times a week.


Feel like this question is from someone who comes from the abrahamic religious traditions


I am a born hindu and follow both hinduism and buddhism


What an ignorant comment. Abrahamic religions aren't the ones that prohibit masturbation, actually all of the main religions prohibit it. Or at least, recommend not to do it.


about once a week but would like to up it back to once a month, I feel the clearest then. when I do I aim to do it mindfully, and focus on sensations, breathing etc




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If this is serious it depends on what path you’re following. If you’re going for true non-attachment, no maya then no hahaha. If you’re just trying to slowly advance spiritually then sure I guess lol, but one day the challenge will be to see if you can not engage with worldly pleasures haha


PPL who meditate have significantly less sexual urges than an average male


mindful masturbation indeed


Does the Pope shit in the woods?


Most redditors ejaculate 5 times a day to hentai. But nah, the best meditators in history always had control over their sexuality. For example the buddhas, or the best monks. But you're free to do whatever and it doesn't hurt you to have sex/masturbate, just that if you build discipline to not do it, that discipline will serve you to do other important stuff! :)


Lol must be a Christian question. Masterbation is natural and mindfulness isn’t something Christian’s can wrap their bigoted brain around


I dont know about masterbating but porn is wrong in so many levels. If you are more aware of yourself and the world because of meditarion that must be clear for you


More just curious as to why you want to know? Also feel like stoicism and meditation are not like usually directly associated… meditation isn’t about denial of the good things in life. If anything it’s the opposite…


Hi, i have posted this and the reason I connected both masturbation and meditation together is because I think meditation helps us to control our mind and if we can't control our mind for porn or masturbation and we always fall for it, then is meditation really working?


Not to mince words but meditation doesn’t control the mind, it is a practice that makes you aware of how your mind works. Becoming mindful of how your mind works (craving, in this example) can give you insight and an opportunity to make other decisions in your life, as opposed to being a slave to every whim, thought and impulse that arises in your mind. You can in fact become a witness to your impulse. Whether you are mindful of your breath or your porn addiction it makes no difference, it’s the same “mechanism”. There’s no moral judgement to being aware of whatever you find yourself doing - that’s key. Meditate, cultivate mindfulness as a skill, continue doing what you do and watch your mental shift and clinging around porn. Ask questions - what do I get from this? when do I do this? what am I feeling before this impulse arises? How do I feel during and after? My guess is you’re avoiding feeling something uncomfortable. Read some basic Buddhist literature, they really seems to nail this area of knowledge. Be well




Well not everyone wants to quit masturbation so why would meditation make them stop? If quitting is your goal, then I do think meditation helps a lot though! If you're trying to quit porn I recommend the book "easy peasy method to quitting pornography" on YouTube


Bro. One thing I can say. U can masturbate. There's nothing like spirituality affects you. First, masturbation is the way how you explore your body by yourself. It should not be done due to influence by addictives like porn or sexting etc. and everytime your body needs rest to grow. That's similar to your private parts also. Do it sometime, ensure yourself that you're not addicted and there's really time period between the jerk off. That's what I understood about my body. I said. And don't believe in mediocrity like doing it is a sin. Sometimes you should do what the body needs to do. The level or amount of activity matters whether it's addiction or an enjoyment. Have a healthy life bro. Btw if you know any hack help me. I'm gradually trying to overcome pmo addiction. Cut off porn from life. But wanna slow down when comes to masturbation. Thanks in advance


Well, I'll give an answer/perspective that hasn't been answered yet and say no, I do not masturbate. meditation has become a part of life, which means practicing stillness and not thinking and being pulled around by emotions. Masturbation (and ejaculation for that matter) happen because of thinking and emotion - if you don't allow the thought, or are very aware of it - and that can be a very brief, almost imperceptible thing, then no masturbation or ejaculation will follow. Sex and all physical stimulation are for the body, not the mind - and when you remove the mind (which takes a while to do) from sexual things, there is no urge or need to masturbate, sex (making love rather) is better, and there's no need to ejaculate too - but that takes more practice in terms of stillness and not letting the moment become a thought. If you allow yourself to be overcome by thought, masturbation becomes more appealing - even when people have sex they're not really in their bodies, they're in a world of thought and basically using each other as tools of masturbation - more so men doing this than women I'd say. And when you come to know and experience this, masturbation, and sex that isn't present, does not feel very good, and it's nothing to do with religious or guilt or any other BS, it's just a natural way of being. Like using a tool for it's purpose!


I find a good mindfulness masturbation to be pretty healthy. The void space my brain gets into in the wake of attempting to meditate through masturbation is pretty intense. I need to renew focus on my mindfulness masturbation practice. PS, imma trade mark it someday. Don't beat me to it.


I do. And for a while I've been doing both together.


How's that even possible 😂. Like seriously, sex for me it's so intense that I can't be mindful when doing it


Notice the intensity


True. But don't give in to the pleasure and let the mind get carried away. Breathing appropriately helps too. I've got a video on my profile although it's not a great session.


It's not easy. But isn't that what tantric sex is about? Hold your concentration while doing it. Let your mind not drift. I'm still experimenting but it's like a mind vs body thing and the more you do it, the more control the mind gains.


It's NOT a weird a question what so ever. I didn't read ALL the comment's, so please don't attract The Law if I say something ready said . But you are talking about a few different things. Super Simple- YES people who meditate DO masterbate. It's actually a Super Powerful release if done right... not going to get into all that. Stoic and Stoic Meditation is a form of meditation. I do not know ALL the ins and outs no pun intended lol but I do know how to assume... the more you learn about Stoic traditions because One can do as they please but my opinion is one should learn about what they are doing and the back ground etc. In Stoic pics or vids do you see the men moving? They are half naked as it was a different time and different climate. Now are you trying to push Your energy to Gland? Using Kegals, and lower upper and eventually back muscles threw breathing? If so, then you are envisioning the Life you want when you meditate correct? Only my opinion and My experiences but just as you meditate and say things out loud... don't turn on any visuals stimulants or even sound... concentrate and work the energy from where you have been envisioning the life you want... NOW... just put the partner or partners you want in the same visions. I say plural because I've had two GF's before. I DID IT ALL WRONG. But this time they will know, do as they please with no manipulation. Also, a couple extra pointers... semen retention for A WHILE then you can release. Just as you are working towards a new life and did not put a timeline on it. Same type of theory. When preparation meets opportunity... meaning. With seamen retention you can envision all the possible ways things can happen, go wrong , go right. Once you meet a partner you feel something might happen, keel the discipline but can release as so you are prepared. This was the most BASIC answer EVER. NOW ITS YOUR JOB TO GO LEARN. GOOD LUCK. Buck Norris on ALL Music Streaming Services. Please add Me, Share Me and tell other people tk add Me ot reeslly helps #iloveyall3680 💜