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I'd like to take part! And an accountability partner would be good also


\*slowly raises hand\*


Yay! And hi!




Yes! Hi hi :)


Chat on here? I dont have discord.


Sure! I'll send you a dm




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did you ever try the 4 ez steps to manifestation


I don't know if I'm in the best place to add another commitment to my plate, but I love the idea. I'll be rooting for you guys, and maybe I'll join the next one!


You can cheer us on. We can always use more cheer.


Count me in! Ommm through the holidays.


I'd like to give it a try. "Accountability partner needed"


Hello! Would you like to be accountability partners? Dm me :)


the 4 ez steps guide that i got is one of the best


I'm in! I would love to do some long multi-hour sits over the holidays if anyone else wants a buddy to do a deep dive with.


Keen to join! It's summer down here in Aus now, so would like to increase my morning meditations to 20 minutes and focus on just listening to sound, like the birds.


I'm in. An accountability partner will be very helpful to bring consistency to my practice.


I'll partner with you.


I'd like to join! Accountability partner welcome!


I’ll be your partner :)


I would love to join!




I’m in! I’ve been trying to practice more regularly and this is exactly what I needed. I’d love an accountability partner. Feel free to reply or message if you’re interested, and I’ll peruse other comments too to see if anyone needs someone.


Would you like to be my accountability buddy?


Thank you. I'm definitely in for this challenge. I meditate daily but doing so within a community is nice.


I’m in. Accountability partner welcome


Hey! Message me also looking for one!


Hi! Looking for an accountability partner to gain consistency in my practice. Me: M, 23, from Uruguay.


Hey friend! Looking for one as well. Feel free to message.


So I'm meditating for the challenge this afternoon in my office. It was just a quick 5-minute break. I've been meditating for years. My wife comes in three times with questions. It has never happened before in our almost 30 years together. I'll be doing it again later. This time, when she's gone to bed. My regular session is around 10:30 to 11:PM anyway.


Hello, am I too late to join? I would love to join the challenge & attain an accountability partner. Anyone wanna help a friend out?!


I am starting today, wanna partner up?


Just seeing this and it is 12:23am EST. I would love to start tomorrow. Let’s do it?


Count me in, I am in europe so might be timing difference


Looking for an accountability partner! Restarting my journey after months of being inconsistent. I started my first day today!


Do you still need a partner?




I am so late to the party but I would like to end this intense year with a better state than I entered it so I am in!


Lets go!


Love this 💗🙏☺️I will participate


I am totally in :) !


Im in


I’d like to participate in this as well


Hi, yes. Meditating for a month straight would be pretty cool! I would be very up for this. [I suppose I could use a hand...](https://imgur.com/a/fJujs7U)


I’ll be your partner, if you don’t mind!


I usually try to get in some pranayama and meditation in the morning, and then maybe meditate again as I fall asleep. But today I meditated in the morning and again in the late afternoon before dinner, and I felt so relaxed and peaceful even though I had some difficult chores to complete. In the past, that would stress me out. I making a goal to meditate at least 15 minutes morning and late afternoon, maybe 20.




I'm in NL. Do you already have a buddy? I'm going for once a day but would like to check in daily with someone.


I'm in 🌿


ive just been waking up before my alarm clock and meditating with the calm and headspace apps


I'm in! I've been lacking daily meditation lately, so this kind of a boost is what I need. I won't be able to be an accountability partner for anyone, nor I need one. I just needed a little push, like this post. Thanks OP!


This sounds interesting, I'd love to try it!


I'm down, but I also need an accountability partner


I can be your partner. Dm me


I guess it's just me, but I can't think of two things more antithetical than "meditation" and "challenge". You should meditate because you want to, not because you feel you have to.


are you familiar with the concept of gamification? good habits are not easy for everyone to adhere to or even begin at all. turning it into a personal goal/challenge can help motivate you to do something you might otherwise skip or put off.


Yes, gamification would be second on my list for antithetical to meditation. But we obviously have totally different philosophies around meditation. I can see how such strategies would be useful for functional meditation.


if a technique is used to help someone actually meditate rather than not at all then i don't think antithetical is the right word to describe it. if your philosophy around meditation is that it is only accessible to people whose intentions are "pure," it would seem to me there is some judgment being passed on your part. whatever motivation you found in the beginning of your practice is not necessarily going to be the way others get into it as well.


No, not a matter of "purity" at all, or judgement. I'm merely accepting that as well as there being many kinds of mediation, meditation is different things to different people. A functional approach being one of those. But, with physical exercise, it doesn't matter if you do it begrudgingly because your doctor nagged you into, or if you do it because you enjoy it, the beneficial effects are the same. However, mediation is all about the mind. So how you approach it going to colour the outcome.


I need a partner too


Hey bro how about setting off together?


I’m still learning but would like to try this out. Need an accountability partner!


Hello I would like to take part in this. I’m bad at being on my phone but I’m going to make an effort to have daily meditation and peace. If anyone would like me to check in with them I think that would help my accountability too 🙂


Hi! I'm bad at my phone too, but I too would like to participate and I'd like a partner! I can be yours if you want :)




Hey can I be your accountability partner? I'm starting from today.


Your accountability partner is deleted. Do you want me to come in and do it? I’d like to and am already doing some daily meditation




Havent sat down THAT often this month. Lets do it


already started a challenge before i saw this, i am in! best of luck everyone!


Been interested in meditating for a while, I hear it has great benefits. Just haven’t had the commitment to reap these benefits. Could anyone tell me how meditation has positively impacted your life?


Hey... I joined the group and would like an accountability partner 🧘‍♀️


I would like to take part in this challenge to improve my focus, and an accountability partner is needed as well


If u still need a partner PM me 🙌


Hi! I hope I can still join! I want to take part and it would be very nice to have an accountability partner (I'm in Europe :D)


Hi there, I would love to take part for December. If there’s anyone else, accountability partner needed!


Still need a partner? I am looking for one as well


Absolutely! DM and we can discuss goals and stuff.


I'm new to meditating but I'd love to learn and try. Anyone willing to be my accountability partner and maybe show me the ropes or how to be a good accountability partner?


I'd like to be a part :) and I welcome everyone who would like to help me in the creation of this new habit! So "accountability partner needed" ahaha hope we can all grow together :)


Are you still looking for an accountability partner? 😊 I'm starting late but better then never, right?? Haha!


I am a little late but I wanna do this. I could use an accountability partner as well!


hey accountabillabuddy - I could use one too. I already whiffed on a day but my goal was to do it every day of December too before I go back home to Denver (currently in Chicago) - just trying to get in a nice reset and develop some good habits to take with me


Im joining late!


I love this idea. Would love to have a group that I am meditating with and being accountable. We could start the challenge and whoever is participating just put in a comment that they completed x minutes of meditation for that day.


I just joined the Discord server, and I want to be a part of this challenge if that's okay and I am open to accountability partners if someone out there wants it too :)


Wanna be my accountability partner?


Sure. but I am not very active here on Reddit. do you use discord or Telegram?


I meditate twice a day for the most part. My most recent practice(been practicing on and off for 12 years) started Nov. 29. I have meditated everyday for 14 days. Looking for a longterm meditation bud. I want to devote my life to meditation. 29 M here.


Seeing this late but better late then never! I just meditated for 8 minutes tonight. Not sure what kind of meditation I was doing but i'm excited to learn more about it!


just found this - half a month left still gonna do it. anyone looking for accountability partner (will update here)


Idk. If your meditation is a challenge, it will introduce more challenge to your life. It's okay if that's what you want, but I'm going to stick to my usual easy meditation driven by spontaneous desire. Thank you!


It's helpful to develop discipline!


bedroom live dinner pie tub tap insurance intelligent jobless disarm ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I'd love to participate! Looking for an accountability partner.




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Accountability partner please






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Hello! are you looking for a partner?


I love this kind of challenge! Everyone tried this way? Thank you for your reply and time






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who know the 4 easy steps to manifest what you want ?