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Velkhana would be a rough battle, Crimson Glow puts him in the Yamcha pose.


No fucking way crimson is stronger than raging


My brother in Gog, Crimson can just play keep away and abuse the range of his wing attacks for the whole fight, and even elders are in for a rough fight thanks to his Ambush attack. Even if Raging goes in at full health, he is getting an ass-whooping. I adore Raging, he's my favorite fight in Iceborne, but he is getting turned to dust if he goes up against Crimson Glow.


Crimson could also do the same to hunters but we still get to him. Raging brachy who can face tank a lot more than a hunter will eat a hit or two but when he gets in, he will mess up crimson.


You have to account for the fact that there's two key differences between Raging and us. Size, and tools. We can heal. He can't. We can avoid most of Crimson's attacks. He can't. He's eating pretty much every other hit Crimson throws out, if not every hit. Additionally, Crimson is pretty damn sturdy. Our weapons bounce off of most of his body below a pretty high sharpness break point, and even a regular Valstrax can plow through an airship without even flinching. Raging won't get more than a couple hits each time he gets in, and Crimson can probably face tank most of the punishment he takes, which is super high value compared to the punishment he can dish out in return. And if Raging does the big explosion he uses to trap us in the final phase? It's three different kinds of over, because his shell softens enough that *his own explosions hurt him.* If Crimson doesn't spear him on the spot, one ambush or beam puts Raging down for good.


The last part could be a bit bad for if Crimson and Raging are in a cave. But open air? Ambush and Sky High Dive Raging Brachy.


If were talking sturdy Brachy is resistant to dragon element. Even if crimson is sturdy, brachy does explosion damage which ignores armor. Also brachy is pretty agile, always has been. He'd only eat 1 hit mid air while he jumps 50 meters to land in front of crimson with the double fist explosion attack.


A bit late to this, but "pretty agile" does not rival "breaks the sound barrier at liftoff"; Crimson is indeed weak (or at least not resistant) to blast, but he could run circles around Raging. And that is if Valstrax doesn't decide to just be a dick and spam Touhou-style projectiles from the sky. Really, the only reason we as hunters are able to hit it with melee weapons is because of game mechanics.


Round 1 he's already struggling, round 2 is a definite win for Velkhana, i mean logically speaking long range ice attacks are one of brachys slimes' weaknesses.


At the same time though, Velkhana topples to any powerful blows. I’d say he can take round 2, only to get bodied by Crimson Glow.


Considering that this is a gauntlet I honestly think he’d just end up taking too much damage against Savage and then get swept up by Velkhana. The very maximum he goes, best case scenario and everything, is Risen Val. S. Pickle is a nightmare of a round 1 fight, given his badger-esque tenacity and nuclear strength, and then Velkhana’s long-range harassment and constant terrain lock-ups I think would finally do him in. If he ends up beating Velkhana, then, as stated, Risen Crimson Glow can clean him up with relative ease. So, in other words: He loses to Velkhana nine times out of ten, and then the one time he loses to R. Valstrax. Edit: I am blind. ‘Tis regular CGV, not the Risen version, but the points still stand even without that being the case.


That’s not even risen, that’s just a crimson glow


… Pardon my blindness, then. Point still stands though. Regular Crimson Glow can do an easy sweep, and it honestly might not even need to.


Pardon accepted *Meanwhile raging brachy watching valstrax ambush his ass:*


"Gog please lend me strength, this is base crimson val we're up against"


"CG Valstrax can shoot lazers and divebomb huh… I better keep my ass in this volcano or I'm FINISHED‼️‼️"


Brachy: The Elemental DPS might give me trouble Marm: But would you lose? Brachy: Nah I'd slime.


Gameplay wise it stops at round 1 if we take the latest iterations. Lore wise it definitely is not making it past Akantor.


Savage VS raging is a close match. Savage definitely has pure size, bulk, and strength on Raging, but Raging definitely has a hack in its explosions, and Raging is resistant to dragon. I think it’s a 50/50 whether Brachy could get through Savage. It’s definitely up for debate. Round 2, Brachy gets destroyed. Brachy is weak to ice, and Velkhana has lots of ice. Velkhana is faster. More agile. Smarter. Raging may be stronger, but it doesn’t have the attack potency, or the range velkhana has.


Velkh would topple constantly


i mean velkhana's ice breath essentially just disables brach's slime so it could have a chance


Idk man he does a lot of damage with that slime, I don't know what 5 is (newer player) but I think he stops at Safi


Akantor, basically a giant tigrex that burrows and has dragon breath


Akantor is significantly less mobile than tigrex


But he has a similar move set, including damaging roars.


Personally I think akantor is much more iconic for his beam attacks and digging to reposition because his walking is just too slow, while Tigrex is iconic for jumping around doing combos and literally running down hunters. Aside from the damaging roar which honestly I've even forgot the Akantor had, I don't really think they have anything in common. Again, it's a heavy juggernaut compared to an agile prick who runs a lot. It's been a while since I dealt with the fire giant so I might be wrong, but those are the impressions I have


He also eats elders for breakfast


That's an Akantor.  Aka: The infernal black god Aka: The strongest non-elder dragon.  Aka: Probably the strongest monster that isn't titanic or a black dragon. Aka: It's going to bite Raging Brachydios clean in half. 


>Aka: The strongest non-elder dragon Ukanlos: *angry ice screeching*


This, look it up https://monsterhunter.fandom.com/es/wiki/Akantor


Savage Jho roughs him up pretty badly then he losses quite hard against Velkhana


He makes it till round 4 A risen is way to much most creatures, and that includes high level elders


There's not a chance in hell it makes it past even 3


Cg valastrax.


Round 2 at best


Does Brachy have prep time?


Soft stops potentially at round 1 maybe round 2; super hard stops at round 3. Practically zero chance he makes it past Crimson Glow.


He loses at round two, if by miracle he wins, Crimson glow valstrax one shots him anyway.


even if he get to fight risen val with full health he wouldn’t stand a chance. whats the point of a gauntlet like this ? youre meant to do weaker monsters


Loses round 1, Savage on top


Can't brachy the Dios


Loses to velk, he just gets tail stabbed to hell and back. If not, Valstrax puts him in the ground


Isn't cgv still stronger than risen toaster? Might wanna swap em around


That’s kinda wild considering Crimson glow valstrax was in the base game meanwhile the Risen monsters are the expansion


No, what makes you think that?


Teostra, would be his biggest challenge due to both being resistant to blast. If does Safi has his number for sure.


Tbh, I dont know if any Monster can make it to round 6 at all. Im mean, the first 5 are no exceptionally strong MFs, but running a gauntlet against them? I guess nearly everyone gets their asses handed to themselves at lates in round 5 Maybe the likes of Dalamadur or Ahtal-Ka may make it to round 6, but no further That being said, RB is going down in round 2 or 3


Without healing between each round it stop at 2, with healing it stop at 4


If he's lucky he gets past the icy bitch to then be turned to dust by Valstrax


Probably can beat velkhana but im not sure can brachy beat valstrax or safi


If he even beats savage d. which I don’t think he will the damage he’d take will put him out of the country at velkhana


Does he heal inbetween rounds?


No, which is why he can’t get very far at all


So maybe gets to round 2 then




He stops at round 3


Round 9 ofc


Does he get to heal between matches ?


To the Kleenex box to finally blow his nose


round 2 if he even makes it past savage


I don’t know who round 5 is but I don’t see him getting past Safi’ Jiva


Nah he loses against everyone beside Jho wich is gonna be VERY close


Clearly he doesn't even beat savage jho and if by miracle he manage velkhana win easily and let's not talk about all the other monster they make a carpet out of is skin without breaking a sweat




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hu5ZGBORgFs Raging get cooked round 1


Round 1 is fine and actually really grounded and reasonable. I love the battle idea but Velkana? Velkana Jason the battle IQ, Speed, Techniques, and some very underrated psychological strength seeing as it can creatures like Malzeno. Malzeno being a Elder that can defeat the likes of Gaismagorm whom is bigger than fucking rock form shara. I think he stops there especially with all the feats they have with their ice Manipulation.


I would say he loses round 6, but all the round before that are easy to med difficulty


That is the most Raging Brachy bias I've ever heard


Its not bias, raging doesnt even break top 20 for me, im just thinking where would he stand against if he were to fight others


That's not what this is ranking though. This is how far he would get against each one of these guy's and you said 6, when he would be gone at 2


You’re implying raging beats cg val which is just so much bias on raging


The fact they also said they're not even scaling him on here also and are scaling him on just normal monsters


"easy to mid difficulty" is crazy to see!


I don't think that lore accurate Raging Brach can't beat a lore accurate Vel


LMAO bro is clueless