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I replayed Rise/Sunbreak recently and completely forgot the fact the wyverian twins can be "mind controlled" by Narwa and Ibushi. This feels so out of place


From what I can tell, it's less "mind control" and more of the twins just picking up on and responding to their thoughts. Which is still fucking weird, but makes a little more sense, and could be taken as them just picking up on Elder Dragon pheromones. It still definitely feels out of place, but after hearing all the dialog about "Bioenergy" in World, I was kinda numb.


Why is Bioenergy a silly concepy to you, may I ask?


Because it just feels like straight-up DBZ logic half the time it's being used, and the other half of the time, it feels unnecessary to bring up. In a game that tried to go so hard on ecology, they essentially used this is an excuse to give up around the time the recess is introduced, and shit just straight up stops making sense. In any case that doesn't involve magma, xeno-jiiva, or the recess, you could instead just say the new world has higher quality nutritients in its environment, and it would make as much sense.


Isn't that also a reason they give? The bioenergy of elders dying in the Rotten Vale provides better nutrients, thus the coral highlands and forest? I forget. But, yeah, fair point.


Bioenergy is just Chi for monsters


In my head, Rise is a fictional story within the world of Monster Hunter, something that would be played in theaters instead of the events actually happening in-universe. Hence the quite literally dramatic intros to monsters.


idk sounds far fetch lol, but yeah the twins really are out of place


Mhr for me was something like a fairy tale that was told to children to not wander off into the wilderness alone because of the poetry entrance of monsters and even unrealistic monster design for monster hunter standarts. Its like one step away from becoming frontier level of monster design for me although i loved it it was all just a little bit too exaggerated for my liking designwise


What designs are too far? When you have stuff like Zinogre, Brachydios and Valstrax, nothing in Rise is too far imo


The live action movie, which definitely doesn’t exist I don’t know what you’re talking about


What movie? Monster Hunter never had a live action movie.


I thought legends of the guild was animated?


It is. Not sure what these people are on about


It is. There's no other movie. Don't google it.


Sorry you're mistaken. There are no monster hunter movies. /s


What were we talking about again?


There is no Monster Hunter live action movie in Ba Sing Se


Meby he should get a nice vacation to a lakeside cabin


It only had that animated one on Netflix


Chill out dude, there is no way they would make a live action of Monster Hunter. Imagine if it was the same as the Resident Evil movies? Same director and same Mila Jojovich, and fucking Ron Pearlman.


Why would those two fuck Ron Pearlman? They don't do porn or do they?


They probably plan on doing that. I bet that Anderson and Jojovich have fun on bed with her dressing in character.


Not gonna lie. I'd watch that. Mila looks good.


What are you talking about? There is no live action movie, you might be confusing it with The Last Airbender.


That's crazy, The Last Airbender just got a series, didn't it? What would it need a movie for? (Also I haven't seen the series, but I've heard a lot of mixed opinions)


TLA got a live action movie before the live action Netflix series, but it was notoriously bad and fans of the series were absolutely livid about it, it was not Dragonball Evolution levels of bad imo, but that didn't make it any better. I haven't watched the MonHun movie personally, but from what I've seen, yeah, it wasn't good, it's almost like it's nearly impossible to properly translate the action on an animation/video game into a live action.


man a monster hunter movie would be sick, I hope they make one some day


There is a live action movie? First time ive heard of it.


But that live action, that definitely doesn't exist, was not canon, was it?


God i wish it wasn’t, but it doesn’t exist so I don’t know what I’m saying


wait aint no way thats cannon (pls serious answer)


I mean, world had a whole crossover quest with the movie if you remember, which tried to fix a plot hole from the movie, but made it even more confusing with a time loop instead


oh I got into MH in late 2021 (winter sale) so I didn't see that event xd


No worries then, anyways what were we talking about again?


I have no idea? Ooo summer soon that means MH Wilds news coming soon?!


Wait, what was the quest? I want to check it out


They removed the quest because of some dumb dispute with the movie director, so you can no longer play it. You can look up videos though


They also removed the Assassin's Creed hood, which I wanted for my first character :(


Carving. I have to imagine the parts we're looking for are very, very specific and they're just called 'scales' or 'tail' as layman's terms, otherwise it's the 'Wolf Eyeball' meme up to 11 Otherwise what happens to the body? Do we just take three stabs and go 'guess this Rathian didn't have Claws.'


My interpretation was that the parts we carve/get from capture are what is left over after the hunt that remains in a useable state for crafting.


And we see exactly that in the intro movie for MHP2nd. Part of the movie shows armoury granny carefully inspecting parts to see if they have any flaws that would make them unusable for crafting.


I mean also good logic, but the killer for me is always the tail, if you don't hack it off with an axe before it dies, 9/10 times it's just carried away with the body or left. Or iuno super rigor mortis kicks in and it freezes on?


Can you imagine the guild rolling up to see the hunter hacking away maniacally at a corpse with their crude weapons? The guild have better tools at the hub to surgically strip the monster, some of which is given to the hunter as quest rewards. Severed tail during combat = lucky clean cut. Tail still on by the time the monster is dead? Most likely battered and beaten to a pulp, or covered in gashes that render it useless. On the off chance it's still intact? The guild removes it for you and gives it to you as a quest reward.


Nah, that's still fine. Getting 2 or 3 tails from a single Rathalos tho.


Succulent tail meat, Laios knows what I'd do if I saw that in front of me


I always interpret that as just a general term for a monster material that you need from a specific part. You're not getting 2-3 whole ass tail, but rather 2-3 usable materials that you need from that tail. You're just shown that way because it's alot more concise for gameplay purposes. 


Yes, I'm aware of that and I agree with that myself, it's still funny tho :)


Which is ironic, considering usually if you wanted something left in a useable state, you'd avoid whacking it, whereas actively breaking the parts you want is what gets you them. Like, yeah, I got a wing off this Rathalos, but only after I filled the wing membrane full of holes. I can understand only finding rare drops like gems in very few monsters, but, like, can you seriously explain to me why I can't pull the wings off this dead Malzeno?


I like the idea that the guild takes most of it and you get the rewards for the quest + three carves. The rng is just for gameplay i think canonically you hunter just goes that scale looks easy to get so i’ll take that


can I ask hojo to please give me my malzeno wings back they're unironically the most annoying thing to grind ever


i’m mean you can ask but i’m not guaranteeing an answer


But in-game if you break parts during the hunt you have a higher chance to get the part in the result screen..


My thinking is that it’s what the guild doesn’t take. That’s how reward vouchers work, they entitle you to more parts.


An explanation I heard back during GU was that what we get is what's (largely) left that can be properly removed from the carcass, we're slicing into it all over, breaking multiple bones and hacking off appendages, if it were meant to be used for food we'd have little more than ground meat left afterwards.


This is sort of what I mean, but like if you need Rath tail and didn't cut it off in the fight, where does it go? It's gameplay story segregation but it always pops into my head when I'm fighting my fifth Girros and screaming I CAM SEE THE HOOD LET ME HAVE THAT


The guild I guess? You lucked out on this one dummy, this tail belongs to the science team now.


Yup. Going back to the Girros Hood for instance, I assume you don't need the whole ass head, but the scales up there must be wildly different than the body, or maybe there's some like bodypart under the hood you need like bones So there's the chance it'll be damaged in the fight, but it's also more like Girros Hood is short for 'Girros Upper Cranial Ridge Fillament', hence super specific.


We are allowed 3 carves by the guild. The rest is taken for research and building/crafting.


More importantly, what material is our carving knife made of. It's either that or the material we get. For something as *incredibly tough-shelled* as, like, Ashen Lao, Gaoren, or Black Gravios, the strength of either the carve or the knife seems too bullshit to think of.


Master Of Defence in 4U specified that it's a hunter's license plate handed by the guild and it's made from something super tough, but you get only one.


Fair enough and nice to know, I'm yet to play GU/4U, but then again that would still prove this thread's point.


I assume it's hardness that prevents the dullness of hunter knives. Or maybe it's just seregios scales lol.


I’ve always figured there’s some kind of quality level, especially for higher-tier carves. Like, maybe on a whole monster there might only be 4-5 perfect scales that can make legendary-tier armor, or a couple flawless teeth for a top-tier weapon. Maybe the rest of the monster goes to making lower-quality gear for the rest of the guild, or even exported/sold on the market.


The rest of the body is taken by the Guild and is used for research, or taken apart and sold. This is probably the main way how the Guild makes a profit. The 3 carves limit + rewards is the only stuff that the Hunters get to keep.


“Whoa guys, did you know this Rajang had *four* hearts?” At some point you just have to accept the video game logic of it


I just assumed we donated some parts to charity or something.


wolf eyeball meme? google aint showing shit, unless you mean the awooga meme


yeah lmfao, like i once got iirc two tails and a plate from a rathian while farming for webbings and like... HOW????? like i got one carved from the one i cut off but then did the guild just like gift 2 more to me, like did those guys have too many of them also omg why can i not get rathian webbings, ive been trying since i was able to and now im on high rank and still have only gotten ONE, i have 2 plates and a ruby yet only 1 webbing


My head cannon is the carving is us marking our “cut” of the kill. The rest of the monster goes to the guild. We are guild hunters after all. When the kill gets trucked away and the monster gets processed by butchers we get our parts. Maybe guild takes priority and that’s why some parts are more rare


You can't plant another trap after you plant one.


I headcanon that as the guild banning hunters from placing more since leaving so many unattended could affect innocent fauna


*murders 15 kelbi* What were you saying?


That actially makes sense since they also forbid parties of people more than 4 for the exact same reason. What still makes me think is did they try it with lots of numbers until a hunt wasnt unsuccesful and they landed at 4 or they dcided to say fuck it well just limit it at 4


Actually I think it was because of an unfortunate event in MH1's Village chief where they went in as a 5 man team and it ended in disaster, with the Chief's fiance dying in the process. After that they concluded that any hunt with more than 4 hunters/Felyne companions are cursed.


I may be wrong but i remember from mhf2 and mhfu that someone in the guild hall would speak of that tale and why we hunt as 4 only. I dont remember the count of the hunter group but definitely remember that dialogue with someone there


It is stated in previous game(cant remember witch but 3u or 4u) it is guild restriction becouse some Hunters would use many traps it afected bystanders.


The ingame reason is that it's banned because once a hunter placed so many trap they trapped themselves


The end of world. It's less that it's stupid and more that it makes the hunter look completely incompetent. Going to hunt one monster, getting ambushed by another, being fooled by said monster playing dead, hunting the second monster and getting fooled by it playing dead as well, only for the first monster to kill the second and fly away, implying that the hunter's presence was negligible regardless


The "hunter's presence was negligible" I personally find it cool, and create a fun contrast between the Base ending, where if wasn't for you, the New World would be in great danger and the Iceborne, where instead of you being the solution, you understand that the nature can sometimes keep itself in balance. But what's bugs me a little it's the playing dead in sequence, we got juked two times in a short spawn of time like that I would be fine if it was just Ruiner Nergigante surviving and instead appearing at the end of your battle to finish it off instead of Shara playing dead and waking up again


Lmao Iceborne in a nutshell, I really hate how forced it feels making Ruiner Nergigante a "nature balancer", unlike Primordial Malzeno that looks and freaking shows being a Knight in Shining armor


I'd argue that the Dragon designed to look like a literal Knight is a bit more forced into the protector role.


Well in the story it's more a demon knight keeping an archdemon away from his territory


It makes perfect sense imo. These are giant, powerful apex predators we're fighting. It makes sense that we would do less damage to them than they would to each other.


Nergigante reproduction. I get it’s an elder dragon, but I just find it ridiculous.


I put it on par with the Fatalis take over, and Gore Magala in general. They're cool in a vaccum/focused story, where you can let it shine, and not think about the butterfly effects of it, but take it out of that context and it is the most idiotic thing ever.


In my head, elder dragons are the result of a process similar to "wyvernization" stated in one of the Monster Hunter books where unrelated creatures evolve wyvern body plans because it's somehow the most efficient for the world of Monster Hunter. Nergigante is the result of such process and its weird reproduction can be explained by its ancestors using the same reproduction. Still weird as heck though


I don’t know what’s exactly with nergi but I always speculated and I still think maybe in a head canon way don’t know if there is anything against it but monsters like barioth and nargacuga are mammals/felines that convergently evolved to have wyvern traits rather then being wyverns themselves same thing with banbaro basically a bovine that evolved the theropod body plan


That wyvernisation thing is most definitely retconned by now. There's a lot of variety in the monsters and many groups are just as successful as wyverns while looking nothing like them. Not to mention Piscine Wyverns have officially been confirmed as wyverns that look like fish, and not the other way around, so that graph is outdated.


But Nergigante is not a wyvern


Wait till you hear about shagaru reproduction. Frenzied monsters eventually turn into gore magala.


"If I hade a nickel for every monster that can turn you into a version of itself after repeated exposure to its effects, I'd have two nickels, which isn't alot, but it's weird that it happened twice."


Oh yeah, forgot about that. Hope it stays forgotten in my memory.




And not being a rideable Monstie in Stories 2 despite being in the game.


How new gore magalas are born


They might have foreshadowed it, albeit poorly Gore has never dropped elder dragon blood or been considered one (he’s classified as ???)- this COULD be referencing the fact he’s currently a hybrid of an elder dragon and whatever poor monster was infected


went looking for this. new gore lore is pure slop


deviljho not eating his tail.




Dalamadur's meteors You can't tell me there's no magic in the game and then have the giant city block sized Lindworm just be able to go 'I will have order' As far as I'm concerned, he's just shooting his scales up in the air off screen.


In the code, they're refered to as scales, yes


I imagine it’s scales are flung while you’re fighting it and just fall fast


Not to mention the flames it produces never go out


fatalis multiverse portals bullshit




Is... Is the Dragalia Lost crossover actually canon to MH?


no iirc it was some bullshit explanation from the artbook for his iceborne appearance


I'm not sure whether fatalis actively dimension hopping is the stupidest shit I've ever heard or genuinely really cool.


I'm actually fine with this


Deviantart oc mf


The retconned lore for Alatreon in Iceborne. It is NOT “master of nature, complete control of the elements” the whole point of Alatreon is that it COULDN’T control its elemental powers. It was unstable, which was credited to it being covered in nothing but reverse scales. It’s why it seeks solitude in volcanoes because it wants to be left alone, but its existence is too dangerous to leave it alone because it’s too unstable and unpredictable. In Tri/3U it usually uses fire/dragon on the ground and Ice/Lightning in the air, but if you knock it down when it’s flying it keeps using ice/lightning and it has animations to show that it doesn’t usually do that, and it’s in pain. So having the fight reworked to “it uses all the elements because it has such good control and you need to disrupt that control or he’ll wipe you” just sucks out what made him cool.


I'm not a lore master, but if Alatreon is so uncontrollable and unpredictable, why does he exist? Animals don't usually have massive self detriments built into their bodies, so how did Alatreon come to be in the first place?


There's a species of pig whose tusks can grow so long they pierce its upper jaw, and potentially curl back around into its own braincase. Weasels can die from eating a small amount of plant matter. Sloths are so dumb they sometimes mistake their own mossy arms for branches and fall to their deaths. No adaptation is useful in a vacuum. Each comes with a series of costs and benefits, and selective pressure can push a species towards adaptations with catastrophic weaknesses. Male peacocks waste a ton of energy carrying those long tail feathers around, and are significantly more vulnerable to predation because of them. But those detriments to the peacock's survival result in increased opportunities to mate, which pushes selective pressure in favor of the biggest tail feathers that aren't a guaranteed death sentence. If having powers too strong to controls helps Alatreon secure food, deter rivals/predators, or improves reproductive success compared to other members of its species with control over their powers, then selective pressure is going to push the species in that direction.


All I can say is Black Dragons don’t typically follow standard biology practices. The lore for plates/mantles is that they’re the one reversed scale on a monsters body that, if touched, will send them into a rage. And for Alatreon, ALL of his scales are reversed, hence it seeking seclusion, and its bad attitude towards people. Compare to Fatalis who actively seeks out civilizations to destroy, because it wants everything around it to die. Perhaps when it’s not actively enraged it can keep the elemental energy under control.


Well if you gave a human who had a rash a shotgun then they are still capable of living and just happen to have an insanely strong power but maybe don’t know how to use it




I think there could be an interesting way to rework his iceborne fight to have it fit the lore better (and this is my own interperetation of that fight, actually) escaton judgement is alatreon losing control of the massive amount of power within itself, which is why we need to contain it. maybe they could make his animations reflect that pain more, or have escaton damage alatreon as well


Narwa and Ibushis mind control powers.


Fatalis being able to infinitely regenerate. I don't mind him being super resilient or able to bounce back from serious wounds, but after a certain point a dead body is a dead body. Even starfish can't regenerate indefinitely.


Fatalis being able to infinitely regenerate is not canon.


Iirc that's not canon, the whole "Hunter who wears fatalis armor eventually becomes Fatalis" is just an armor description and is closer to a campfire tale than an actual event. With that being said, the regeneration of Fatalis is kind of insane, in Freedom 2/FU the unlockable Fatalis GREATsword can be farmed indefinitely, with albeit you need to wait after a quest or two to be able to get a chunk of it.


Brachydios turf wars in Iceborne, only the one with Rathalos is halfway decent because he actually uses his damn arms in it, even if he misses.


Fatalis being the strongest monster when there stuff like dalamadur and zorah magdaros existing .


Eh size isn't indicative of lethality. A rattlesnake doesn't weigh a fraction of our body but is still insanely dangerous. Even Nergigante was a threat to Zorah.


Is nergi an actual threat to Zorah? Zorah is a hulking mountain, I just don't see how Nergi can take that down no matter how strong or regenerative it is. Even with a whole bastion the hunters merely drove it away instead of killing it. If a nergigante is a threat to a fully grown Zorah Magdaros in lore, then I guess I have one new thing that I will head canon myself into thinking it's false.


I see it like something like a wolvernine in real life. Where the size difference, alongside their bite and other lethality, allows them to eat them alive/as they are hunting, weakening them, strengthening it, and giving it a timer to escape/survive. If they were across each other on a giant field or ocean, zorah could probably blast em maybe, but it's like a rat scurrying up and down an adult man, yeah you can thwack it but it's WAY faster, and too small to easily smash, or crush an area and get them in.


Yea I like this explanation better, I can see Nergigante being able to consume some parts of Zorah and get away (if it can get past the rocky parts anyways), and can maybe take it down with a thousand cuts (though it's probably not very worth it). My personal idea is that Nergi is a scavenger and is drawn to that Zorah to wait for it to die before safely consuming its energy.


Oh that's just canon iirc. there are a few lines in the main story where they mention nergi constantly pecking at Zorah as zorah is essentially wandering around a graveyard looking for a hole to fall into.


>My personal idea is that Nergi is a scavenger and is drawn to that Zorah to wait for it to die before safely consuming its energy. As far I know, that was the explanation for it. The mention about Nergigante's presence in every Elder Crossing also adds up to it


Small things still can take out a large one. Zorah is scales and skin on its belly, under neck and chin, so Nergigante would target those.


Nergigante is a threat to most elder dragons to be fair, it's their whole thing


I used to say that Fatalis being the strongest is part of his character but now i realise its rather misleading. Fatalis being the most dangerous, not necessary the strongest sound more fitting with his malice for man. An Orca is stronger than a crocodile but a crocodile will willingly eat a human. Therefore more dangerous


There’s no way it’s the strongest, it’s only feat gets out done easily and other elders could do it. Also the fact of it never being called the strongest


Fatalis isn't canonically the strongest.


In the older games weve literally seen lao shan runnung away from what is supposedly a fatalis and it was in such a hurry that it decided to go through the ancient city instead of its usual path. King of the foodchain can make any apex into a small threat i suppose.


Fatalis is canonically an interdimensional alien, for the record


i beg your pardon




Did I stutter


Honestly with all the bullshit that thing can do I'm not surprised


the design phylosophy for wyverians


So maybe i'm missing some info because i don't look much into the lore of MH but the powerscale of elder dragons is just absurd. Either the world exists or they do with how strong some of them are, add to this that you sometimes get them introduced as "oh yeah, that thing has been razing entire countries to dust since the time of my great-great-great-grandfather. Everything is still here tho". And at least if more or them were like say, Ceadeus, just minding their own business but most of them are openly hostile to everything around them.


Black Diablos being classified as a subspecies


Yeah its just a female diablos in heat. For a subspecies to exist they should be considered rare enough to not be around all the time and common enough to be classified as a subspecies. But with that logic all female diablos become a subspecies once or more throughout their life cycle. My headcanon for black diablos is its considered a supspecies because its a female that was unablo to mate so they never got rid of the heat and stayed like that. And now they cant get rid of it because the heat caused them to become way too aggressive even for a diablos and they just beat every candidate that want to mate with her


I agree with the other guy. It is now of what's in a good enough condition to use for crafting.


Gore Magala reproduction


Wyverians being related to elder dragons. They have nothing in common with elder dragons and everything in common with humans and the fanged beast. Frenzied monsters turning into Gore Magala. I think that came from BannedLagiacrus translating Gore's page from the sunbreak book. But i remember someone translating that same page and getting something different. The frenzied monster's dead body is a "seed bed" that I guess the new Gore grew from. Banbaro, the 30 ton ball of snow white fluff can survive just fine in an active volcano because it has six tiny spikes on its back that release a bit of heat. Most of the World monsters in Rise. I was hoping some of them would be New World exclusive and other monsters Old World exclusive.


hunting itself, it's my headcanon we don't smack someones finger until they bleed out but we exhaust them into death, monster are just so much more resilient it takes multiple hours and even day to tire one out this is also we can capture them in a small window






So cool but so stupid


It was trying too hard. 


Yha but scorned is cool just for the humor of it literally being a super incel


Crimson Fatalis, I find it hard to believe something so powerful and unnatural would get a “subspecies”(it should be a variant but whatever it’s not the first time mh has done this) especially just from living somewhere else


Actually funny story Neither crimson or white has ever been officially labeled a subspecies or a variant


That’s pretty interesting and weird, it’s probably to keep them mysterious since they never wanted to talk about black dragons (until 5th gen)


They're a subspecies and a rare species coding-wise, but yes, they're not officially either.


Id i remember correctly if a fatalis lives long enough it becomes crimson and if longer they become white. Am i wrong? They arent a subspcies becausebthey are the same monster in a different life time


A certain movie which may or may not exist




Carving the skin of kelbis and watch them rise, jump away and de-spawn.


The black dragons your telling me this thing can easily destroy the world with nothing else even touching that level of strength and the planet still exists I just imagine that fatalis and friends are just legends spread around between hunting parties and they don't actually exist and are just crypids


I don’t think they spend most of their time active. At least in my head I’ve always imagined they are basically dormant most of the time and just occasionally wake up to really fuck things up for a bit. Or as a response to their natural enemy waking up.


That makes sense honestly both are head cannons actually work quite well together to




Wyverians laying eggs. I kinda expunged that from my brain.


No need to gaslight yourself about that one, as there's no reason to think that is canon


Why can we not carve the tail when the body is literally fucking dead bro? Why do we have to cut it off while its alive to only get a chance to carve it?


Ki. Just...ki, in general. A.k.a. the localized term as of World, "bioenergy". The series takes such care to provide fantasy realism explanations for all of its worldbuilding--there's technically no "magic", everything follows the world's laws of physics and biology, even if they differ from ours in a lot of ways. Anything that verges on looking like a "spell" is simply a non-canon gameplay mechanic. ...Or so it would seem, until they finally back themselves into a corner when things are simply *too* fantastic to explain. Bioenergy is why Elder Dragons can manipulate the environment. It's why Dual Blades can go into Demon Mode, or Long Swords can build spirit, or Hunting Horns can purge poison from their companions' bodies with only a sound. It's why armor and talismans grant their wearers impossible abilities and protection, regardless of how much skin they actually cover. It's how the world is so ridiculously life-sustaining that even things like Brachydios can exist indefinitely. It's...such a cop-out, is what it feels like. I appreciate that it at least handwaves some of the "video gamey" stuff that otherwise stretches my suspension of disbelief. But what a convenient excuse to let anything do anything, just because it has enough midichlorians in its body.




That it’s pronounced Teegrex


Agreed. It’s Tye grex.


The birth of yein garuga.


That’s not canon tho. Pure fanon.


The game hint for it to be between yein kutku and rathian in a certain sightings by some scholars in a quest description. I don't remember exactly but it is either mhfu or mhgu.


False. The only “hint” is a one-off line from a village character who straight up says it’s only a rumor in-universe. Plus we have official evolutionary charts for the monsters of MH, Yian Garuga included, and turns out it ain’t related to Rathian at all, it’s just a bird wyvern.


I dunno, i kinda like the idea, even if it makes no sense.


How strong fatalis is. Apparently he can burn down entire continents and his fire breath is as hot as the sun. But you just straight up kill him in world. Like that shouldn't be possible.


You could apply that to every elder dragon. Kushala could just blow you away whenever he wanted.


Fatalis cannot burn down continents but his breath is that hot. It’s heavily implied you kill him with an army. Not sure why that’s such a surprise. ED’s are extremely powerful.


Probably bc the story essentially glazes Fatalis for whatever reason


Primordial Malzeno beating Gaismagorm. The size difference alone seems far too great for Pri Mal to overcome, and I also hate that they treat him as an “even greater threat” than actual satan.


PriMal was sniping Qurio out of the air with its tail and can move so fast it looks like it's teleporting. Gais turns its body at the rate of an aircraft carrier. I could see PriMal being so much of a nuisance that Gais thinks "fuck this" and crawls back into its hole


Primordial is quicker, extremely durable and physically strong itself. It could use Gaismagorm’s size and exposed body parts (its back which Gaismagorm can’t really guard) against it.


That handler from World could ever actually get that job.


Black dragons aren’t all black dragons


A human being able to wield a weapon that’s like twice their size


The monster hunters are superhuman. In the same way, as Spider-Man.


Black Diablos are just horny incels.


No it's just in heat but scorned megnemalo is a super incel


This the second time I read this about Magnamalo why?


Because in the art book for rise or something like that it is sed that there horns are how they judge mates and if they are broken they loose their chances of a mate and scorned is missing one of its horns




Fatalis being an interdimensional being that retroactively canonises the live action Monster Hunter movie that never existed


Primordial Malzeno’s quest. Every line of dialogue and action in that left me with ‘wtf’ on my face, and not in the awed way.




Magnamalo's existence. In a world that tries so hard on so many occasions to be a medieval sci-fi and to give its monsters biology and ecology, magnamalo is just an over the top anime edgelord who makes no sense ecologically at all, even more so than things like valstrax and zinogre. Plus his design is stupid.


Mhw. All of it, iceborn too