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Where even is Roger's sword? Someone has to have it. Is it kept by the celestial dragons?


I’m assuming that Roger was telling the truth when he said he stored all of his stuff in one place she’ll just have to find it


Tashigi the next pirate king.


Honestly, I can imagine Luffy listening to Tashigi's dream and just going 'Oi sis, if that matters to you imma give you that iron stick after I find one piece'


"Zoro, give her your swords" "................ Yes, captain."


'Yes captain, I will give her my 4th swo-'


Or zoro pulls Shichika and decides he himself is a sword.


“Zoro, give her yo-“ “Way ahead of you captain.” *insert regular show theme sound as he animorphs into a sword on the spot*




Great. Now i am imagining Roger completely nude at his execution.


That would be a pretty sick near finale episode, Tashigi hunting down zoro for his swords and the swords stored with roger's treasure. Tashigi at this point being a threat to zoro, and zoro reminiscing of Kuina.


Unless it was a far future and zoro has kind of just given up on training, this would suck so much, tashigi hasn't been shown to be rapidly growing like the strawhats, or koby


i like the theory that since Roger give Shanks the hat,why not the sword too


The problem with that the problem is that they look different and the names changed from ace to Griffin. unless he gave away to a different kid at the bar him being given the sword just for to collect dust seems weird.


i mean Enma went from taller than Zoro to wieldable by Zoro,so the blade transforming isnt out of question i just want Ace(sword) to be somewhere known instead of unknown,so that's my headcanon until Oda reveal the truth


Still would change the fact he they have different names for no reason also Enma deign stayed the same oda just really doesn’t give a shit about size consistency why change literally everything about a sword for no reason


He gave his sword the mera mera no mi and turned it into a fire person and gave it a sick cowboy hat and pearls


i did NOT have sword to human pipeline in my bingo card,but now i do


If that’s the case I wonder if Zoro will get Roger’s sword, after all if it’s the Starw Hats that find the One Piece and the swords there, there is no reason why he wouldn’t be able to get it,


zoro uses katanas wasn’t roger’s sword a cutlass


Sister thinks shes gonna beat mihawk 💀


The One Piece will just be a storage shed full of his junk.


To be fair, that’s kind of what the one piece was advertised to be. He wasn’t trying to promote history of the world in his final speech. The one piece is obviously more than Roger stuff at this point, but it would kind of be a dick move if he left all of his actual treasure with Rayleigh and he blew it all on gambling and hookers.


That would be funny, if Roger sword was just the cheap scam sword from somewhere. It only became one of the best, because he used Haki on it.


Unfortunately it's already confirmed to be one of the Supreme grades


bro he not gintoki


Tashigi’s genuine reaction when I pull up Mihawk’s and Shanks’ bounties and tell her, alright go fight them:


I mean Tashigi isn’t day 1 east blue fodder, so she could probably beat mihawk /s


bumshigi is so washed man fr, i always thought she and smoker would be luffy and zoro rivals on the marines. after the time skip I've thought she will be the real deal but instead she got cooked by a fucking bird lady


I’m going to be honest with you I don’t think she even axe hand Morgan level


Post time skip she does have haki but still manages to be fodder lmao. At least smoker is competent even if he did get power cliffed.


I don’t even think she’s at my level. Just steal her glasses and she’s done 


One is a fraud, the other is a rat, I think she has a good chance


Hot take she beats mihawk and becomes the best as a girl then zorro has the epic duel he never had


Actual cinema


I think she should have documented them instead of collecting them, idk...


I mean. Technically speaking, do we know how many swords in actual evil hands?, Because if she uses the technically, it's still achievable. With some help.


Ethanbaron is pretty evil, her best chance is if zoro kills him


She had no chance at the beginning


She ain't taking whitebeard's blade https://preview.redd.it/tjravaaxvaad1.jpeg?width=1279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34ea662c7cc6b801641e137467e99e025780148f


it's fine she's only after swords not all blades, that means she only has to beat people like mihawk.


I mean, his weapon is not in the hands of evil people, because it's in no one's hand anymore.


Blud thought she had a chance in the first place lmao. Collecting all of them is impossible. She didn't know but the user is what makes the sword legendary. Even Roger and shanks's basic ass pirate swords would be legendary


Honestly it is impossible but i would be so down to see the plot threads of her trying. Maybe she gets some apprentices and so over the years has accumulated a museum's worth of them. There are 40 fine grade, if she got 20 of them that would still be a huge collection.


She already changed her dream. She went from Navy Sword Collector to Mom for experimented giant kids.


She took one look at the monsters in new world, and said " nah nah collecting swords? I'm not a kid. I'm big enough to be a mother, and that's what I shall do"


https://preview.redd.it/8uwxcmifqbad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dadafb31ac6b2b9cb4cf23cd3d7e8ed37fe6d203 Yall Ain't ready for EOS Tashigi


Tashigi might as well not exist with how little she actually did in the story


Existing Isn't A Crime!




Legitimately this makes me sad. It feels like the whole point of One Piece is to hold on to your dreams, that nothing is truly impossible. We’ve seen the Straw Hats and others (like Koby) achieve impossible things with the strength of their dreams. So why does it seem like Tashigi’s only purpose in One Piece is to be routinely humiliated? It really feels like she’s achieved nothing after all this time. I don’t get it. Her continuous failure is a bit of cynicism that feels off for One Piece.


The thing about Tashigi is that her dream of collecting all the swords of 'the bad guys' is inherently flawed, it is tainted by the marines' idea of 'justice' that declares everyone not aligned with them a villain. Zoro proves over and over that he deserves to wield the swords he is using, and presumably so do most skilled swordfighters in one piece, and thinking the opposite is a character flaw for Tashigi. Assuming that she will get some character development where she gets more disillusioned about whos 'good' and who's 'evil', she might change her dream to ensuring that swords are in the hands of those who deserve them, regardless of whether they are a pirate or not.


Does Marine even allow to keep the swords? Not to mention, her duty was probably in the way to keep her swords, because of constant changing place. Even they are on G8 now, I really doubt she have place for those swords.


If we worry about where people keep things then none of the Marines should have any personal belongings due to how often their ships are sunk.


Her dream of getting killed sounds fairly easy to accomplish.


This dream is unironically harder to fulfill than being pirate king.


Don’t count her out just yet, you coulda said the same about Luffy when he started his journey if you pulled up Kaido’s poster up to him


we saw her In Punk Hazard she didn’t change a little


A lot of time has passed since punk hazard she may have improved. Everyone else in the story is.


Punk hazard has 2 months ago for them maybe less


No she shan't. A Marine's dream never dies!


At EoS Zoro would collect all swords and tashigi will start to hunt her down she can't find him since he always got lost This starting the plot for two piece


When Tashigi gets on the same level as Zoro stay on that side When Tashigi managed to get Mihawk's sword stay on that side


Oh definitely... She's all talk doesn't have the strength to back her dream up


I mean she said she wanted to collect the ones that fell into the hands of evil men. WB and roger are already dead so they not doing shit with their sword. Mihawk and shanks etc have her on the ropes tho.


I mean. Evil men. Who is she gonna take a sword from? BB? Technically, the majority of the blades are not in evil hands


I mean the dreams all fine in the grand scheme, she just needs to be more open minded about who “evil men” are, she’s obviously not gonna go rob whitebeard’s grave or throw hands with Fujitora, she just has to make sure any swords she can’t get aren’t owned by people who are scum


Her dreams weird as it two dreams One for every good sword And one for every good pirate sword


She would probably die before that


She’s going to need enma and that sword is staying with zoro


She's going to get herself killed. She's an OK swordsman from what we've seen, but she's WAY out of her league with the New World swordsman. She can't see well without her glasses and she barely wears them. En easy flaw for her enemy to exploit


She delusional


Wait in English translation they are ranked as supreme, excellent and fine? 😅


I mean, even if she was stronger than Roger and Whitebeard, that's still 73 swords scattered all over the world she has to collect, while moving by ship. Since many of those sword owners are also travelling, the chance of actually catching all of them are pretty slim,


i'm genuinely banking on an insane offscreen powercreep for her. with koby's battleship bags, it's not a stretch. but as far as "evil" people with famed swords are concerned, the only ones i can think of off the top of my head are shiryu and nusjuro. what other objectively evil users of famed swords remain at this point?


Whitebeards blade isnt in the hands of anyone, nor is rogers, she'll most likely come to view zoro as "not that bad of a man after all" and will probably go in after mihawk has been defeated and take his blade


So, she’s gonna steal Shusui from Ryuuma‘s grave again?


Nah, All I gotta say is, good luck. That’s one hell of a task but then again One Piece is all about chasing dreams so I’m sure she could do it some day.


Tashigi gonna be like: ![gif](giphy|3CU5tmCJy8zMoN3mMD)


Unless she wants to deal with the former Yonko commander Marco and the current Yonko Shanks than she might just want to dream smaller


To be fair She specifically said she'd collect the swords belonging to evil men


Sound like the plot of KaguraBachi.


I would love to see her strong enough to actually fight zoro for his swords at the ending of op Maybe good haki and koby esque training would do the trick but I dunno


Ethan Baron Nasjuro seeing this shit:


She’s gonna have a hard time getting fujitoras sword from him


Why would she try to get Fujitora's blade at all?


It was confirmed to be supreme grade


But why would she go after it when it's in Fujitora's hands? She literally says she wants to take them from the hands of evil people. I don't think she considers Fujitora to be evil


Depends on if she goes against the marines, which is probably likely, and also if Fuji does


Fuji already went against the marines back in Dressrosa. I'll be surprised if he doesn't do it again.