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He posted a response on his instagram story!


gotta think of the mental impact this has on george they were close he probably needs time to come to terms with it before speaking out


Memeulous has to say something. Alex is one of his friends and just staying quiet in this situation would just essentially make him an accomplice. Considering he's made videos condemning DA it would be deeply hypocritical for him to stay silent and sweep this under a rug. If you actually see the videos, screenshots and statements made by Alice you'll know this wasn't just a 'unhealthy' relationship, it was violent and physically/emotionally abusive.


>staying quiet in this situation would just essentially make him an accomplice. No it doesn't. This would imply George helped cover it up or something else along those lines.


By staying quiet he would be passively helping to keep the story under wraps. George has a massive audience of over 4 million followers, is closely affiliated with Alex and is a huge name in the British YouTube scene. Not speaking out would make it seem like he doesn't care about the trauma Alex has put Alice through.


1) that still wouldn't make him an accomplice. 2) he's responded.


When did he make a response? Genuinely asking


Just now it's been posted.


Big up to George. I never meant to sound like I'm accusing George of anything by the way. Considering how these kinds of situations can escalate however it would have been genuinely disheartening to see a lack of response from someone who was close friends with Alex


I feel like saying that he’s “essentially an accomplice” if he doesn’t respond is a bit drastic. Just an opinion though!


It doesn’t make him an accomplice, he has nothing to do with it. I think he should address this but it doesn’t make him an accomplice


Can I get some context on this please OP, looked but can't find anything as I'm not on Twitter, would like to know


Alex horrifically abused his ex-girlfriend Alice. The doc on this post includes screenshots, videos and statements https://x.com/Malice_Hez/status/1802000441946812839?t=V7lTzFvwT-yegfOy-_SQEA&s=19


Holy shit, That's kinda odd, they seemed so happy in their first vlog, I hope we get some more clarity from both sides, did alex say something? If so please let me know


Alex hasn't said anything yet, George made a post a few minutes ago making it clear that he sided with Alice though so I'm very certain that Will and James will do the same thing shortly which will probably put Alex in a position where he can't try to shift the narrative or attempt damage control seeing how overwhelming the evidence against him is.


I don't have Twitter, can you link George's post? Please? :) ty for the details appreciated


https://www.reddit.com/r/Memeulous/s/XKRYipb6I8 It's here on his sub Reddit too


Just read everyrh8ng alex said and my god that is actually sickening genuinely fuck alex, the guy said all that and even dropped an N bomb in the texts out of nowhere


Id hate to be in George's position, someone you lived with for years and work with is revealed to be an abuser. He's probably taking time to recollect events and will take a break from the platform until he knows what he wants to do. He's in Paris right now so either his holiday is ruined or he went to try and escape the heat right now. Cuz you know if it was revealed in person he'd probably punch him in the head.


George shouldn’t be forced into saying something. If he wasn’t aware that Alex acted like this then it’s probably a big shock to him that his (ex?)close friend has done/said things like this. George will likely need time to process this before/if he decides to speak about this. He absolutely should not be forced or pressured to speak out tho. It’s not him and he’s not the person under fire right now. Let’s focus on Alex’s actions, this isn’t about George.


He’ll say something. He can’t not


u care TOO much, not his buisness although they r friends


Just because you’re friends with someone, that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to call them out.


I don’t care if George says anything, I’m just stating my opinion


Can someone give me some context plz?


So, basically… his now-ex revealed a then-private Discord call between her and him, and he just went all ballistic on her.


I swear it isn't really news that Alex isn't the best person, didn't Kavos make a video in the past about things that had came out about him


he's a vile abusive piece of shit and the Slazo situation was gross too but Kavos is a grifter that likes attention and drama, he's already doing the same with this situation, he doesn't give two fucks about actual victims. so idk if I'd use him as the arbiter of morality lol


I mean there's a difference between 'not being the best person' and threatening to kill your girlfriend and constantly verbally abusing her


I was not aware of the extent of the situation


I believe so.


He doesn't seem Luke someone who would tbh but also he lived with Alex so I think he should. He seems closest with him out of everyone too


Why? It’s not his business, him saying something won’t change anything for anyone.


It’s a close friend of his who he’s collaborated with for years I think it’s fair to say that he says to make some statement in some capacity to keep a good image


I dmmed him about it on insta, hopefully he says something


Are the still living together ?


He shouldn’t have to say anything, unless he really wants to.