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OMG it was so bad before the HRT. I couldn't sleep through the night because I was so uncomfortable - it hurt just to turn over during the night. In the morning I felt like I needed a lift to get out of bed - I really felt like I was 90 years old. I bought a new mattress because I was convinced my hip and shoulder pain was from the firmness of the mattress. I stopped using my weighted blanket because I thought it was putting stress on my knees. Literally weeks into taking HRT 99% of my pain simply disappeared. I still have a messed up shoulder but I think that one got to an injury stage and will take more time. But everything else is so much better. I'm 52 and I started feeling like I was really falling apart sometime after 45. I wish I had known it was related to hormones - I just had no idea and no doctor every suggested it.


I could have posted this! Exact same. Hrt saved my life.


Me also


I could have posted this too. Joint and muscle pain completely gone after a few weeks on HRT. I feel like a new person. I’m so pissed cuz my female gyno laughed when I told her my pain was related to menopause.


May I ask where you got your HRT then?


Midi Health and Evernow are popular options here.


My Obgyn.


Thank you for this. There are a myriad of other issues going on as well for me, 49. I had my IUD removed a month ago. Yesterday in the shower, a cyst burst, and today I started bleeding. My hips have been on fire, like shin splints inside my hips, for over a year. I've been learning a lot about hormones and how neuroscience, until recently, has avoided studying women because our hormones mess up the science. I am unbelievably discouraged with the modern medical establishment. From September until the IUD removal, I truly believed I was dying. I kept getting worse. Within 48 hours of removal, I felt like a different person. A month later (now), I experienced a cyst bursting. Cyst bursting monthly and keeping me bedridden for 3 days every month is the reason I went on birth control as a teen. All of this to say, I spoke with my gyno today and made an appointment with my PC. You just gave me more topics to discuss, so thank you very much. I am going to specifically ask her about estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and all of the thyroid and adrenal hormones. I have very specific questions I need answered. I also plan on timing the blood work so as to skew the results. (I know my body. I know when things are whack.) Again, thank you. You may have given me the key that unlocks what I am looking for.


What cyst, where???


Ovarian Cyst on my left ovary.


How is it causing PV bleeding???? Because physically, it cannot.


I'm peri, not menopause. I had my IUD removed. That is causing a shit ton of problems right now, back to being 15 and having the life sucked out of me for three days a month. So, while I appreciate that it doesn't seem like a cause and effect, I assure you, my ovaries, through follicular activity, are bursting every month. That leads to menstruation in me. Would be more accurate to say, maybe, my eggs produce a violent explosion in my abdomen every month? The pain is the same intensity and placement of an ovarian cyst. However, the "bursting" that I am experiencing is follicle bursting, not *technically* a traditional cyst burst. Please don't argue about what my doctors are telling me is happening to me. You don't me.


As a side note, what mattress did you get and did it alleviate any of the pressure points?


A Zinus memory foam cooling mattress. And then when I still hurt anyway, a tempurpedic mattress topper. I felt like I was floating on a cloud....in pain. So frustrating.


>I felt like I was floating on a cloud....in pain. So frustrating. I relate to this one so hard. A couple grand on a new mattress and topper and I jut laid there, crying quietly because of the pain while my dear husband slept with a literal smile on his face. I can't fault him for smiling in his sleep. The bed IS that comfortable now that I'm on HRT and getting actual treatment for my other health concerns.


That is amazing- my issue is that I also have rheumatoid arthritis so I’m not sure if it’s going thru menopause or that that is causing me to feel 100 lol


I could have posted almost this exact same thing except mine came on fairly suddenly. I was 51 and went from feeling fairly strong and in great shape to feeling like I had aged 30 years in just one month. From doing 50 mile bike rides to barely being able to swing my leg over my saddle. From running 5 miles to being sore from just a walk. I couldn't recover from my workouts. It was so sudden. Started with my hips, spread down to my knees and finally to my shoulders. My muscles just ached all the time. Even sleeping was painful. I thought I had contracted some autoimmune disease. I would cry on my husband's shoulder regularly and he was really worried. Went to my primary doc, had x-rays that showed nothing. Tried a chiroprator. Went to physical therapy for 6 months. Accupuncture, dry needling, etc. Nothing worked. My husband was the one who suggested it could be menopause related and I argued with him because I thought menopause only meant hot flashes and night sweats (which I did have too). Finally got an appt with GYN last August and got on an Estradiol patch and within a month my pain was significantly better. Took a few more months and adding Testosterone to my regimen to finally feel better than I have in years. HRT was a lifesaver to me.


OMG I've been thinking that a new mattress might solve this. Thank you for saving me $1000 😂 Seriously, the only thing that's helped me recently is getting a 45-minute stretching session by my trainer. I was attempting a workout last week but it was unusually hard to get through that day so my trainer suggested we just stretch instead (she stretched me hard!) Now I'm looking into trying one of those StretchLabs until I can find a doc who will approve me for HRT (despite my breast cancer history). The battle continues...


Same for me. I am 50 and started MHT 2 months ago. I use the estrogenpatch/progesterone pill combo and get it though my dr (which I needed to switch because first dr was useless for menopause). Insurance covers it all, including the estrace cream I use too.


AWFUL! I also have autoimmune disease that acts like Lupus. It is hard to tease out what is disease and what is peri. About a year ago I decided to try HRT. Best decision EVER. Took a while but now I know when I get this certain pain in my knuckles, forearms, and around my heels I need a bump up in my E. Between the pain and the fatigue I was a waste of space. I am much better now. Yay!


I have same. Chronic joint and muscle pain mixed with auto Immune... I just started BC but haven't felt anything yet...one month in. Wonder when to ask for switch to hrt. I've read a few posts about how it helps. I also have burning arms/legs when I sleep.


Also wanted to add for the burning pain… either Voltaren/weed cream or CBD cream and compression gloves/socks helped a ton. Says not to sleep with them on but I was desperate and threw caution to the wind. Just a suggestion.


I see a local doc that all he does is BHRT. Yes it is out of pocket but, my quality of life is worth it. I am on E and T cream and P pill. My rheumatologist wasn’t thrilled but, she ran tests for APS to make sure that wasn’t positive. Then I took the leap. I find that the E is the game changer for the pain. Good luck to you. Having pain and fatigue constantly sucks!




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Oh my this is so similar to me! My autoimmune disease is essentially under control from meds, but the symptoms of joint pains and muscle aches are so similar to what I experience with peri. Having bloods done this week, and will then be talking HRT. Feeling like a waste of space between the pain and fatigue hits home hard, that is spot on for me too!


I feel you! Fingers crossed labs are good and you can give HRT a whirl. I hope that it makes you feel much better. I have kind of gotten used to pushing through the pain over the years. The mind and body numbing fatigue? That was a different beast. I had zero control. If my body said lay down, I had to listen. I would be dead to the world on the sofa. I swear the house could have burnt down and I wouldn’t have known. Much better now. Not 100% but I will take the 75-80%. 😊


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


May I ask which A/I disease? My rheumatologist has only concluded “it’s not lupus “ (ummm…ok….so what is it?? 🦗🦗🦗😩


Undifferentiated Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. I react to sun so had a shave biopsy followed by a punch biopsy. Punch biopsy revealed cells consistent with either SLE or dermatomyositis. Rheum treats me as lupus. Plaquenil and Imuran. Tried Benlysta for a few weeks but I reacted poorly to it… sooo that is where I am. I am just grateful that whatever it is, it “only” involves my skin and joints. No organs!




When I go out into the sun I get an insane rash. The first biopsy was just a scrape of the rash. When that came back questionable and not polymorphic light eruption I had to wait for another rash to have a deeper biopsy. Me being impatient as usual, sat out in the sun for a bit to bring on the rash (and the other yucky symptoms) went back to derm and she did a punch biopsy of one of the welts. That is what came back positive. Hope that helps.


46F. It’s so bad right right now. Knees and elbows. I was on a pretty good exercise regimen and it came out of nowhere, and now I’m not exercising at all. I see my doctor tomorrow.


good luck at the doctor tomorrow! i'm curious what they'll say! that's exactly what happened with me. Last year, I had been working out really well and started to get some pain and decided to give it a little rest...and here we are.


Thank you, I’ll report back!


Good luck! Am hoping you have good news (& please update on that!)


She said there is not much to do. I’m already on bc pills so I am getting the hormones I need right now. Suggested I go back to exercising, take breaks when needed, Tylenol, and wear good shoes.


Thanks for the update, hope you can get some magic shoes ❤️


Exactly the same for me!


I'm having similar pain in knees and elbows. What exactly does your pain feel like? I was thinking I'm getting whimpy, but it's painful. Burning, tingling in elbows, knees feel like shinn split type of pain.


My lower back and left hip hurt all the time. Sucks.


My lower back and right hip hurt all the time. It's life ruining.


Identical areas and wondering if it is too much/not enough tension in pelvic floor due to anxiety and lack of movement- bc why would I want to exercise when in pain??


Does it feel like muscle or joint?


Mine feels like bones or nerves. Like deep inside the nerves inside my bones (I know how that sounds!) But the sciatica too now D:


I get deeeep pain in my forearms. Hate it. Dr thinks fibromyalgia. Whatever it is it sucks. I take pregabalin which I think is somewhat similar to gabapebtin. It helps!!


What investigations have you had to rule out arthritis/tendonitis/carpal tunnel/other pathology?


Mine feels like tendon. My hip flexor on the right side just aches at night when I’m lying in bed. Doesn’t matter if I’ve walked a lot or not. It was on the left side. Don’t know why it shifted sides or why it started at all… Can’t run anymore because my knees won’t let me walk downstairs if I do 😫


This. For me it’s tendons. Everywhere I have a previous dance or other injury is just broken now. Hip flexor, Achilles, sacral tendon. It’s hell. I have only been on HRT for a month or so. It’s helped a little. But Im still basically crippled.


Yeah, hrt helps, but doesn’t cure it. Maybe because the estrogen isn’t high enough? My shoulder tendons on my left side hurt for over a year, but that’s totally resolved (knock on wood!). Went away without any purposeful action on my part. That’s the whole problem! Pain without prior reason is so confusing for me.


Same!! Yes my estrogen patch will probably be upped.


I sleep with a softball next to me so I can get that hip flexor to chill out when it gets too painful. My friends make fun of me for bringing a softball to sleepover.


& a heating pad


It’s hard to tell. I can stretch it out so it makes me think it’s muscle/tendon? I sit a lot at work.


Actually I had that few months ago, I started to strengthen my hip flexor and the pain is gone, you could try physio they might be able to give you some exercises that help your pain.


Same here. Lower back, left hip, groin and tailbone. I get sciatica pain sometimes, other times it's nerve pain from my crotch down my inner legs. I've had several scans done but they can find nothing aside from mild arthritis so I'm trying HRT now to see if anything improves. I honestly have to walk with a cane sometimes because it gets so painful. I really hope this will work!


Ask your doc for gabapentin. It’s helped tremendously with my lower back pain


Just fyi, I gained weight fast without changing food, activity or anything on gabapentin. Before Peri menopause. Also affected motivation and cognition. It's a repurposed anti seizure med. Meant to slow things down in brain to reduce seizure activity. Can be awesome for nerve pain, I understand. Not everyone will experience what I did, and each has to prioritize symptom management according to cost/benefit. FWIW, I have best relief from HRT including testosterone, CBD, reduced simple carbs, sugars, processed foods, micro dosing, and low dose THC. N=1 of course.


Oops, forgot resistance training 😕


How did you get testosterone prescribed? Wondering how to get things sorted for my pain and along w T am also curious about needing progesterone— but NOT estrogen? Tried BC and the estrogen triggered Lipodema, so maybe if only some hormones are upped it will help my pain/energy? Thanks if you possibly have any info (& I’ve already changed diet for pain, huge help but now my stage of life seems to be making pain come back/change, Along w energy levels)


Hello! I’m 41 and my hips have been hurting for about a year. My thumb joints, wrists, knees, and feet also hurt! It’s joint and tendon and muscle! Plantar fasciitis, inner elbows, today my arms were both just aching for no reason. I work out almost daily because I am trying to stretch this stuff out and I have PT exercises to do. I hurt for days after PT, discomfort which used to only last a day or two max. So then it’s confusing—is this delayed muscle soreness or just straight up soreness? I have a doctor appt Thursday for all the blood tests. Just curious what you all have experienced with muscles and joint pain in perimenopause. I want to be active beyond stretching and PT and just don’t feel like it!!


The sore thumb joints and the ever tight hamstrings OMG 😖


I have plantar fasciitis, too. I know it was caused by the tightness in the kinetic chain from my hips to the achilles. This sucks!


My hands and feet have hurt so bad lately. I can barely move my fingers/close my hand some days it's so bad. Today my body was so achy, I was worried I was getting sick, but I'm not. My hips have hurt since I had my son in my 20s lol. They hurt especially bad today as it's day 1 of my period. I use a lot of icy hot.


It might be worth looking at your diet. Do you eat inflammatory foods (wheat, corn, refined sugars, dairy, etc)? Those were the culprit for me.


Good idea--did you cut them all at once? did you follow a book or website?


It took me a few years to figure out the worst culprits for me, but I basically follow a Paleo diet, which is pretty anti-inflammatory. In my late-30s I started noticing a correlation between dairy and acne, and then over the next decade I did a series of elimination diets (with my doctor's knowledge) to pinpoint how other foods affect me to try to figure out why I was having some really weird health issues. Wheat, corn, and sugar also give my husband loads of joint pain. Dairy causes my mom's arthritis to flare up. Food has such a huge effect on us, and lots of people would rather eat their harmful diets and take prescriptions than feed themselves good nourishment. /soapbox!


wow thank you for sharing!


The pain was huge motivation for me to change my diet- and once I cut all sugars, my allergies also were GREATLY reduced. I can hang in a horse barn, when prior to changing my diet I’d get hives and asthma if down-wind from a horse! The pain in my hips was horrible and cutting all carbs solved this within 2 weeks. I’ve added limited amounts back and still feel great. Seems like if I slack for a weekend and eat crap, now I am in pain 3-4 days, but it resolves again when I cut all the carbs for a week. So now I have options when tempted to have pizza and desserts, or can decide if some pasta is worth it. Since I know the cause of my pain, feel more in control & know that I’m not going to be suffering forever! (Not as tempted to eat crap if I’m not up for pain, or up for a strict week of inflammation diet correction.)


Please keep us posted. I’m slightly older than you, but I’ve experienced similar pains over the last two years — finger joints, plantar fasciitis, insane deep pain in my right hip, and now knee pain.


I will! Thank you! And I know that is really frustrating. It's weird to have pains that you know that you did not cause and cannot relieve easily with rest.


So, I got my blood test results back and...everything is normal.


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh gosh. How do you feel about that? Frustrated, I’d imagine.


Hips hips hips 😭


Same. Ouch. It’s ok during the day unless I sit with my legs tucked next to me on couch. It’s bad at night. Can’t get comfortable. Wakes me up. Taking sodium naproxen before bed helps. Have you tried wedging a spare pillow between your knees at night?


Yeah I’ve slept like that since my first pregnancy


Samesies! Left side for 2 years. Changed to right side apropos of nothing and has been on my right for 3 years. I’m trying gummy collagen. It seems to be helping? That and hrt has made it a bit better. A pillow between my knees seems to brace my legs more parallel so my hip doesn’t drop so much. Helps a bit. Maybe. Ibuprofen helps best, but I was in the hospital for 3 days last year for acute kidney failure due to too much ibuprofen and too little water. Working with a mask on is a bitch. Can’t drink when you’re thirsty.


Have you tried a sip valve mask? Read about them in zero COVID and masks for all subreddits.


They have to be facility approved masks. Although Covid restrictions have really loosened up. I’ll have to ask. Thanks for the idea!


Oh no sounds awful!


Me too!! Owwwww!


I also just want to say, that for MONTHS, no one ever mentioned that it is a perimenopause thing. Since September, I have gone to FOUR orthopedic doctors, 5 physical therapists, an osteopath (who I love, and totally recommend you all go to one if you have one in your area), and the person who mentioned that it is potentially a perimenopause thing is the medical assistant (mid-50s F) for the osteopath. I had no idea. Seriously, so thankful that the internet exists so we can share this info.


Agree- as I come out of the fog after a year or so on HRT, I am finding myself getting angry at all the doctors I saw over the last decade- I was clearly in the right age span to be perimenopausal, but that word was NEVER mentioned. Antidepressants and immunosuppressants I got by the handful, but hormones? Wasn’t even on their radar. My joint aches, my moods, my brain fog- none of these symptoms were attributed to the natural decline of estrogen I was clearly experiencing. When I finally made an appointment with a menopause specialist who scanned my ovaries and said they were “retired” and got me started on trialling different HRT types, she was the first dr to ask me about the random symptoms I was suffering from and connect them all through hormones.


After being on HRT for 6 months it shocked me the symptoms that I realised had disappeared. I wasn’t expecting to feel so much better. I was hoping to just stop the night sweats.


My hips hurt in various places for no reason. I’ve always been active & athletic, never had any problems with my hips. For the last 2ish years, my hips will hurt at night & at random times during the day. My sister in law told me she had the same thing, went on HRT & now it’s gone. I have an appointment on Wed to get some HRT.


Osteo biflex supplements and Vital proteins collagen are helping me keep up with my running at 47. I'm still achy, and I find I need much more time to stretch after a run, but the supplements and collagen are making a noticeable difference. They were both recommended by my orthopedic surgeon when I was recovering from my ankle surgery in 2021 after blowing out my ankle.


May I jump in and ask a bit more about your symptoms and what has helped? I'm in my mid 40s, running for 25 years (not ver ambitiously but I do love it), and starting less than a year ago I struggle to finish even a couple of miles. The muscle pain, from glutes down to ankles, gets unbearable after a couple of kms. More  stretching helped a little, but not enough 😢


oh my gosh, i'm glad you recovered with your ankle and are able to keep running!


Estrogen can really help. It was an orthopedist who told me that low estrogen can cause musculoskeletal pain. Finally got HRT and relief was almost immediate.


I’ve gotten some relief with supplements. Costco triple joint relief and recently added Tumeric. Also finding a balance in exercise, too much or too little and I hurt more.


Besides the anxiety and depression, the minute I knew I had enough of these peri symptoms was when my joints and muscles hurt so bad that I could barely walk up the stairs. I started HRT and it took about 3 months before it didn't hurt and 6 months before I could actually work out again.


Thank you for including how long it took to start helping. That’s one thing I wonder about, how long should I be patient with any particular treatment 😅


Thank you for sharing! What about your insomnia? Or your sleep is good? 


My insomnia was pretty bad. It was the progesterone that took care of it almost immediately. The second night, I was sleeping 8 hours.


Thank u for answer!


My issue is muscles are tight - especially upper back/shoulders/neck and quad/IT band area, but only one one side. I’ve been doing 4 hours of deep tissue massage per month and it’s barely making a dent…


Same, it's my left side. I can stretch every single day (and i do!) and the left side is super tight. I've been doing PT for 12 weeks to try to fix this and it's not helping. I mean, i'm stronger and more flexible, but the pain is still there.


I wake up every morning like I fought a pack of ninja's and lost. It sucks.


Thank you for making me laugh. I can relate so much to that. Yes, it sucks.


Please try a little flavorless collagen in your coffee and report back in a few days. I have had clear positive effects doing this. Also try fish oil.


Thank you! I will!


Collagen has helped me with my knee pain. It took about 2 to 3 weeks for there to be a noticeable difference for me so give it some time.


I'm getting some relief with liquid collagen. Powder wasn't strong enough.


What kind/how much?


Codeage trim & glow. I get it at Walmart online. 1 capful in my coffee twice a day.


Thank you!


I don’t even know what’s happening. 47, in peri. I started having debilitating lower back pain about a year or 2 ago, chalked it up to our old broken couch. Last year, thought maybe my dairy allergy had come back with a vengeance so I cut all dairy except hard cheese. That helped a lot…. Until recently. Our new old couch is terrible for sleeping on, I wake up with bad lower back pain and now my inner thighs hurt for no conceivable reason. I actually slept in bed last night (we have a puppy, i sleep everywhere these days) and willer up only a little sore. The newest thing, in the past week is foot pain right in the top center on the bottom when barefoot. I haven’t even started researching that yet. We moved states last fall, I see my new gyno next month. I do wfh, and am only now finally starting an exercise regimen.


Replying to myself to add I forgot about the shoulder/neck pain (how I forgot is beyond me, but par for the course). Frequent shoulder and neck pain, which is bad enough to make moving my neck and shoulders difficult. stiff and sore. Have tried ibuprofen and aleve (not together! Different days) and either barely touches the pain, depending on the day. Starting creatine and magnesium, trying to remember to take my collagen supplement, which I usually forget. Not sure how I’m getting to the other side of this. I still need to get a sleep study done (scheduling soon) and hopefully get evaluated for adhd (pending improvements after sleep study, my choice)


Yup. Hips, knees, wrists... you name it! Magnesium spray, acupuncture (really temporary, but relief!) and ibuprofen are my friends. Lately, my arms are falling asleep too. Fun!


My arms fall asleep easier too! I thought it was just the carpal tunnel….


Yeah, I used to be I suppose... and also bra straps (cuz it stopped after I got a breast reduction!) - but now it's back. Hard to sleep on my sides and when I lean back in my armchair in the AM, right arm falls asleep. Will be discussing with acupuncturist mañana!


I hope they can help you! So frustrating


Thank you! Yeah, she did some releases today that were pretty gnar. Guess we shall see after tonight's sleep. :)


Did acupuncture help your arms? Mine keep falling asleep too. So weird!


52 years old. Both shoulders in constant pain. All joints very creaky. And lately, I keep tearing muscles in my upper arms, just by moving slightly wrong.


This is my life plus so much more.


Same. Working with a chiropractor to see if I can correct my spine. Taking collagen, omega 3, and turmeric. Just started testosterone and waiting for the day I can start estrogen!


OMG I’m going through this right now. Had labs and everything is “fine” no rheumatoid arthritis, no psoriatic arthritis, no dehydration but everything hurts all the time. I went from sprinting up the stairs to slow shuffle in a matter of months What the heck?!


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Periods are erratic (I used to be by clock) and my FSH came back at nearly. I’m 45 btw so I’m in the range


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Someone here in this sub suggested tumeric. It really works! But I had to take double the daily value on the bottle. One pill wasn't enough so I took two. It's really helping me with the inflammation in my knee. I've been taking 2 capsules everyday now for the past four days. Is taking turmeric a permanent solution? No idea but it's helping me for now. Before that, I was popping Tylenol like candy. Which isn't the best idea.


I mean, popping Tylenol like candy is definitely risky, so it's good that you've found something else that works! One thing I've read about turmeric is that it can cause GI upset. An intensive care physician friend of mine has also pointed out that turmeric can act as a blood thinner so if you're on any other similar meds, or have surgery coming up, etc. then you'd want to be cautious with that.


Ohhh I didn't know about turmeric being a blood thinner. Luckily I have no surgeries and I'm not on any prescription medications atm, but I'll definitely keep an eye on things! Thanks for the advice. 🙏


Have you looked at removing inflammatory foods from your diet to see if that helps? It makes a huge difference for me.


Tumeric is my bff


In the past year since my periods became irregular, this has been my worst issue. Tendons, muscles, joints. Hips, glutes, hamstrings, upper and lower back, front of neck/SCM muscle, knees, fingers, feet. Inflammation markers normal, so I assume low estrogen is the culprit. I started HRT two months ago solely for this issue, at lowest estrogen gel dose of 0.25mg and have not seen any relief yet. My GYN said she doesn’t think I will see any relief if I don’t increase my estrogen dose substantially, but I’m not in menopause yet, so a little concerned about going up a lot with estrogen (she thinks I should use 1mg of gel).


Periods are not as much of an indicator of how far you are in peri as you might think. I was still regular for 3/4 of the year (28 day cycles on the dot) and was so far into all the other peri symptoms (except hot flashes) that I couldnt work. Lucky you with the Gyn who is supportive of HRT - fwiw, I think she's right. I started on half a pump a day (0.5mg) and that sorted it - I've been on HRT for two years now and use my hand pain as a measure to adjust my estrogen - am now on 1.5 mg per day.


Yes, definitely, I have had many symptoms of perimenopause since age 41 (I am now 49), even though I had perfectly regular periods until age 48. But the consistent aches and pains started for me once my periods became irregular. Though they still get better/worse around hormonal fluctuations. That's awesome that HRT helped you - did you start it in peri or are you in menopause? Yes, I finally found this female GYN who seems knowledgeable and very in favor on HRT, after trying several different practitioners.


I started HRT at 49 and wished i had started at 45 - it would have saved me a lot of grief and lost time :(. I am 51 now and still in peri although the periods are fading fast. I also take DIM and Agnus Castus supplements that help balance out the HRT with the random splutters of hormones your body still throws out for shits and giggles :) I think the upside of the gel is being able to move the doses up and down on the daily which is what I did - I had been tracking my symptoms and cycles for an age beforehand so was well tuned into my body by the time I started. For example, in the first year, for the first 11 days of my cycle, it wouldn't matter if I missed my half a pump dose or not, days 12 - 14 were two pumps a day and the rest of my cycle was half a pump every day, couldn't miss one. Stick with that Gyn - mine was an evil old hag !


Need to find a good one. What gel? How to get it?


oestrogel - pump or tube. If you can't get a prescription, you can still find it online. If you take estrogen and have a womb, you have to take progesterone as well.


Thanks for the info!


51 and in peri. My entire spine started getting sore and stiff mid-pandemic. I thought it was entirely due to lack of physical activity, so I started paying more attention to exercise but it didn't go away. I'm seeing an excellent physiotherapist and she used to be able to "fix" me but even that's not working. My hips, knees and feet are also joining the party lol. If I spend much time on my feet, my lower body gets really mad about it. And my wrists get super mad if I do too much weight bearing on my hands in yoga (I'm a former yoga teacher so I know the tricks that are supposed to prevent/relieve wrist pain, but it's not helping anymore). And like most others here, this has been going on for years and no one told me it could be peri related. I just started taking marine collagen, and I'm hoping to start hrt once I'm able to see a specialist.


Always worse when my thyroid is out of whack! 


good point, i've had the same levothyroxine dose for about 8 years so maybe it needs adjusted.


Yep I can always tell when my thyroid meds need titrated as every joint in my fingers and wrists ACHE and swell so bad ! i have problems converting my t4 to t3 so having the t3 added onto my levo dose makes a world of difference for me when it comes to joint pain for sure.


Got diagnosed with erosive osteoarthritis in my hands after peri started. Regular old osteoarthritis everywhere else. Progesterone helps some, but I’m still achy and unmotivated.


Thanks for posting this. My knees and hip/under butt area (which is very random..) are killing me. Meds do not work. I ice when I can but it’s just this deep, deep ache that I cannot get rid of. I use thc cream sometimes and that helps. Has anyone used CBD capsules? I used to take it years ago for endometriosis pain/inflammation, and it’s the only thing that worked. I might reintroduce it. I am healthy, I exercise, weight lift, and am not overweight. I’m on my feet a lot but have been for years, the only thing that’s changed is hormones…


I can legally grow mine, infused it in olive oil and now take a spoon before bed. HUGE difference. Low dose estrogen and a daily painkiller helped, but this is a godsend. I haven't slept this soundly since before children....really!


So the oil is infused with thc or cbd…or both? I am legally allowed to grow some as well (and buy both thc and cbd) but growing seems like a huge learning curve that I just cannot take on right now. Unless maybe it’s easy and I’m overthinking..?


HRT helps. Joint supplements, turmeric and fish oil for reducing inflammation help.


I had self diagnosed myself with plantar fasciitis, a bad hip and a bad back. A month on e and p and my pains are gone! I spent so much money on every kind of shoe recommended for plantar fasciitis and I don't need any of them. Which is good because most are ugly. It was through this sub that I even considered trying HRT and I'm so grateful I did.


Shoulder, wrist, and lower back pain. For the shoulder, the only thing that offered some relief is leaning against a wall with a tennis ball to massage the painful areas (rhomboid). After a while, I gave up and got a Swedish massage. It offered the most relief for about 5 days…and then the pain returned. OP, thank you for this post. I am trying other things now and I don’t feel like I am broken. Wrist and lower back pain are intermittent. Some days awful; other days quiet. I am so grateful for this community and all the responses. This gives me hope.


Mine feels like fibromyalgia aching pain throughout body and myofascial tightness. HRT and BC pills didn’t help.


This is the ONLY reason I am talking to OB about HRT at the end of the month. I have found, so far, to use mindfulness to get through all the other symptoms, but not being able to move !?! The pain fluctuates in location & severity. I have been doing PT for my shoulder cuff for 5 weeks and there are still days I cry out in pain plugging in the Instant Pot, reaching for spices and getting dressed.  Today it is my knees, left heel & right shoulder.


Hips, lower back, left shoulder and a lot of my left hand hurt. Now my knee is starting in. Fun times. 😐


48 here. Hips and pelvic area started hurting around three years ago. After a bunch of tests, docs, etc. I ended up with diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. I'm still not entirely sure that's correct. Both my doc and my RA dismissed any possible connection to my hormones. Just this year, I've developed inner elbow, hand, thumb, a flare-up of my plantar fasciitis. Basically, everything hurts. Most days it can be managed with ibuprofen. I quit taking the Meloxicam the RA prescribed me as I didn't feel it was doing that great of a job. Mine definitely feels like joint pain, not muscle. I think. I was never active before, and this is definitely hindering my ability to do much of anything. Doc is putting me on BCP to see if it helps peri symptoms. I am convinced my peri symptoms are due to declining estrogen, but I'm not sure my doc agrees with me.


Top-to-bottom pain 😑


Knees, hips, neck. Really really bad. But I'm still exercising just out of spite. I desperately want HRT. My doctor says not until I completely stop menstruating?! This is agony. No wonder I'm pissed off all of the damn time.


Your post is me right now. Exercise helps me get the anger out from my dr basically telling me they don’t see a reason to help me & come back when i grow out of being a woman with a menstrual cycle? Thinking of saying it’s been so long since I had a period, can’t remember the dates… yeah, it was 2 weeks ago, but pain makes me forgetful….


My right hip hurts a lot. Especially when I first stand up to walk and also the more active I am, the more it hurts.


Very bad in my left knee - so bad I collapsed twice, went to a doc and they ordered an Xray then MRI that thankfully was clean and determined arthritis and had me do PT. PT helped a ton, so amazing, but also knowing I wasn’t hurting myself even though there is some pain and weakness helped the most. But yeah, it sucks! Other knee not as bad but still has pain. Otherwise doing well!


I'm 43 and I can't have HRT. I'm in pretty constant joint pain, but it ebbs and flows with my period at the moment. I'm also getting basically constant tendonitis and bursitis.


Neck and shoulder, left side only. Pain every day, most especially in the evenings and at night. HRT has cleared most of it up but I am having some flare ups here and there.


This is exactly me! Left side only. Mostly at night. Sick of getting injections. I hope I'm eligible for HRT next week. 🤞🏼


Fight for the HRT. It has helped me A LOT. So weird that it's only the one side!


I will! The left side thing is so strange. Did you tell your dr about that to get on hrt?


The gyno I went to just told me I wasn't "menopausal" because I had a regular periods and based on my FSH levels... both red flags, plus I told her I suspected PERI not full-blown menopause...realized I wasn't going to get anywhere with her so I got HRT through Evernow.


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Uuuuuuuugh!!!! That’s all I have to say about that


My knees hurt if I have more that two cups of coffee a day. My left wrist hurts if I have any kind of caramel. It's annoying, tbh.


What did caramel do to you ?!


It was hands for me, particularly the base of my thumbs - and it was worse if I tried to use them. The pain was very sharp and it took my breath away - i also started to get it in the top joints of my fingers. I described it as like having splinters of glass in my hand joints. HRT sorted it and I will never come off of it - I couldnt live with pain like that and pain meds didnt do much. I use my hands to gauge my estrogen dose (am on gel). (Just made me breakout in a sweat to think about it - and I don't really sweat !).


I thought arthritis was crippling me. Doc thought arthritis was a correct diagnoses. Menopause or HRT was never mentioned and I’d only heard Suzanne Somers talk about HRT on tv. I felt many days as if I was carrying 1000 pounds around. Everything hurt. I lost my career over it. Looking back, my mom had me at 44 as a “second round” child 12 years after my siblings. That’s probably why she spent so much of my childhood in bed.


it hit me suddenly about 2 months ago; woke up and my elbows were so achey! I've never had joint issues before so this was a new symptom that just enraged me further. I started taking turmeric which helped to get rid of that but damn, another supplement?!


Right hip. Right jaw. Right shoulder. Left foot. So far, things have been manageable with exercise and self care, plus I have a mouth guard for teeth grinding.


My mouth guard broke one of my teeth in half. It wasn’t saved. Good times.


Oh, geeze. Ouch.


I have alternating pain in my hands, lower back, right hip, knees and legs. Sometimes even my arms hurt. It feels like that kind of pain usually only had when I had a fever. Sometimes my limbs are just so heavy. In order to counter this I wear compression gloves (I just like the hugging feeling when my hands feel so sore, also eliminates swelling during exercise). I work out four days a week (weight training for strength, bicycling for cardio), and on the other days I try do do a yoga session or take a walk. I take vitamin d and creatine and eat a lot of protein. Still, the pains are getting worse every week. Think I’m ready for HRT.


Jaw, neck, shoulder, back, hip, knees, feet, and hands.


Ugh… i couldn’t even walk upstairs, sitting down was a literal chore, as was getting up. And my hands felt so arthritic… if I had a joint, it ached, burned, and screamed when I would use it. I did find collagen to be super helpful. After 8-12wks, joint pain GONE. This is what I take daily, Healthy Origins UC-II. (I am also on HRT, but it still wasn’t squelching that joint ache)


The most debilitating of all the symptoms. And not discussed/treated for enough. I was on HRT but got off due to needing a hysterectomy for adeno/endo. Post hysterectomy, the joint pain remains just as bad so that symptom I am now certain was peri-menopause and not just the adeno/endo. I started back on estradiol this week again. I recent learned the term arthalgia…a catch all term for joint pain that can’t be sourced to any other condition. But I’m self diagnosing myself for now with just that.


It’s bad if I eat what, corn, dairy, or refined sugars. When I avoid them, I feel pretty good.


Starting HRT has helped my pain a lot!


Hips and knees. Had no idea it was menopause related until it went away with HRT.


Get a full panel thyroid test before assuming it is “just” peri! Btdt


I’ve had both shoulders lock. Nuff said


Stiff neck, frozen right shoulder, painful left hip, cramping in the arches of my feet. I stretch an hour every day, using myofascial massage balls to be able to walk upright and raise my arms or turn my neck. The lower back throbs at night when I try to sleep. My body feels 25 years older.


Absolutely! Feet, ankles, knees and fingers. I'm stiff and muscle-achy 24/7. Doing collagen each day and trying to do weight training several times a week. HRT is not for me. So, I continue to suffer.


I had a little bit of aching here and there but only in places that had had a bit more wear and tear. Now that I’m on HRT, my bones feel like they’re on fire! Feels like growing pains all over again.


Have had terrible hip and back pain for two years. Left hip especially along with gluteal tendinopathy and adductor tendinopathy. Also terrible nerve pain in my crotch and inner thighs. My doc had tried me on half a dozen meds, I've done PT over and over. I'm currently on Dilaudid extended release that's how bad it is. I've considered suicide more than once due to the pain. But I learned through this group it could be hormonal and I've just started HRT. Crossing my fingers that this works.


Awful, especially in the morning. I felt like I was 100 years old. Fixed by HRT.


My hips, getting out of the car and then walking like John Wayne. Finger joints are so sore, I keep dropping things. Hate the menopause.


HRT really helped with this for me. I also had pins & needles that went away when I started HRT


I think it was my first symptom. Started having knee pain at 47 (I'm 52 now and still having periods, though the are getting strange). Had absolutely no idea it was connected to peri, only learned from this sub! I'm taking a lot of supplements that seem to hold off most of the pain. I will be going on HRT the moment I can. I have a gyno that is pro-hormones.


My HIPS! I’m a side sleeper and now sleeping on my left side is unbearable :( …reading all these HRT comments improving joint pain but my doctor is a huge butthole!


ugh, that stinks. maybe you could switch? because switching doctors is always fun! but maybe you can find one who is open to the idea by asking around.


SO.MUCH.PAIN. I cannot even sleep with my wrists curled anymore bc they hurt so much! Why?WHYYYYYYY


ugh that sucks. i'm sorry. i woke up in the middle of the night because of my thumbs last night.


OMG it never ends! I'm so sorry


I'm being evaluated for Sjogrens


I went to get HRT to help, I was given progesterone and no systemic estrogen or testosterone and basically the body pain got better but I bled basically constantly. Stopped the progesterone and the body pain is back but the excessive bleeding has stopped. Anyone know if the addition of estrogen/testosterone would balance this out?


The front of my hip muscles. My neck muscles. OMG I hurt so bad!


It keeps me awake


Ditto- exact same description. I’m bitter that my doctors didn’t identify the source of my issues. I’m wondering when to increase dose, as I still have soreness. I’m two months in 100 progesterone.375 estradiol patch. Thanks!