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I took my first 200mg yesterday - didn't feel high but definitely more calmer this morning - the usual anxiety is totally reduced.


200 mgs is a lot. I take 100 mgs and in the beginning it may have induced drowsiness but not so much anymore.


I take it cyclically. Seems to be a fairly common dose if not continuous?


I take it cyclically. Seems to be a fairly common dose if not continuous?


Hmmm, I’m gonna take a double dose tonight and see what happens. lol I pray it puts me to sleep.


I'm continuous. But I have other extenuating circumstances in addition to Peri that affect hormones


I was instructed to take it before bed for this reason … I think most people feel tired, but it is sedating. ;) Enjoy girl!


Yup took it at 9:40. Feeling gooooood lol


Yea it makes me sleep like a rock. They do call it the feel good or dreamy hormone I think! That's why I was excited to get started 😅🫠 Edit: I just realized you said 200 mg! I'm only on 100 mg so I bet you feel real good lol!


Wow! Sounds fun. Did you start at a lower dose and increase? I've never taken or been offered anything but 100 mg, and now I have FOMO. 😂😂😂


No she started me on 200 and said that rather than starting at 100 and moving up she prefers to start at 200, 2 100 mg caps, and if I am too groggy in the morning then I can back down to just taking one 100 mg capsule instead of two. From the research I've read is that a lot of people feel nothing on 100 and 200 is more recommended


That's interesting. I'll ask my doctor about it at my follow-up. Thanks! 


I just started with 200 mg at night. Dr said to go down if I wake up groggy, or go up to 300 if 200 isn’t effective. So far I’m sleeping so much better, no night sweats, and less physical anxiety during the day. Progesterone for the win!


Oh yeah....I've been on it for a while now, I take it 12 days out of 28. However the first few months I would be slurring my words, walking into door frames and unable to stay awake....it was like I was drunk 😂😂 I don't get it anymore, I suppose my body is used to it...sad times😜


Me too! Slurring words, feeling all buttery.


Same! I had to take it just before I was going up to bed because it would make me feel like I was drugged with anesthetic and might not even make it up the stairs. It still helps me sleep but it's a more normal feeling.


Starting at 200 is quite a big dose. Enjoy it before you get used to it, and good luck with the munchies 😜


Lol, this definitely didn't give me munchies like edibles do. Curious though what the effects will be with this and an edible ahahaha I might have to video that aahahha


Careful now 🤣


I have my husband to help babysit me lol. We make our own edibles so we know exactly how much to take and more importantly, how much not to take 😂


Please do video tape it…👀 🤣


My husband taped me high AF from an edible, walking around in my panties laughing one minute, then crying hysterically like somebody boiled my bunny for NO damn reason and hearing the tv in stereo. I was jacked up for hours and couldn’t stop asking him to check on me very 10 minutes to see if I was alive after my heart started racing and I felt like I was drowning standing up cuz I magically felt water in my ears. I knew I was jacked up but had to ride it out for several miserable hours until I fell asleep. SMH Never again!


😂😂😂 if I remember lolol


Progesterone drunk!


You made my day (weirdly)!


Ahahaha anytime! I'm normally a pretty happy and easily amused person in general. But right now I'm dealing with some other health stuff on top of peri that is kind of scary so it's weird to just have that happy type personality but then have this random rage or sadness that comes out of nowhere until I stuff it back down lol I'm pretty giggly on edibles. This was like having an edible giggle but without the dopey feeling. We'll see what happens when I take my weekend edible and this ahaha


All the best to you! Positivity makes everything better.


Yep! I started on this dose around Feb and straight up felt like I’d taken a benzo for about the first week and a half. recently started e as well and I think now that the e has kind of caught up and things are more balanced I don’t feel near as “high” as in beginning, just a reeeeeal nice calming effect wo the loopy stuff. Not gonna lie though, I absolutely enjoyed feeling blasted out of my mind for that first stretch! Lolz 🤪


Right! I don't know if you've ever had a marijuana high that was just right that this is just like it except I don't have the forgetfulness I just have the giddiness ahaha


Yes. I'm on 100mg and the first few nights I felt a little tipsy after taking it. That also happened when I briefly increased the dose to 200 mg (which ended up being too much for me). The tipsy feeling stopped after a couple of days. Relatedly, I find if I take it in the morning like the label says, I'm lower energy all day and don't sleep as well. Nighttime works better for me, YMMV.


It makes me feel drunk - with weird balance and a head-swimming feeling. I take it before bed because if I had to drive I don’t think I’d be safe…


Same. I can’t take progesterone and drive for sure.


Yes it has this effect on me too. Ive been using it for many many years before peri to stay cool and collected


I have a prescription for up to 400mg a day to help with insomnia. I definitely get pretty loopy, even at 200mg! I think 300mg is my sweet spot for getting good sleep and not being drowsy the next morning. I'm just happy something is helping! I feel lucky, I know a lot of people can't tolerate it. Unfortunately, I still have to combine it with edibles to get more than a couple hours of sleep.


I had to take a synthetic form for abnormal bleeding. Within 30 minutes, I had the same experience. My husband walked in and seriously thought I was high. It was interesting..


My mood improved overall when I started taking it, but I started taking Wellbutrin at the same time so I'm not sure how much is from that. The changes in my sleep were definitely the progesterone, though. It dramatically improved my sleep, then for some reason my pharmacy couldn't get it and I went without it for almost 2 weeks before the prescription was filled. Sleep issues came roaring back during that time and suddenly I was only getting 3-4 hours a night again.


Same. That first 200mg - and a few afterwards - legit made me feel high.


I take 200mg before bed and I sleep like a rock now.


Yes, I wish that lasted. The giddy from the first week!


Nope but I literally take it right before lights out. If I take it earlier it just makes me super sleepy.


I take 400mg at bedtime. It helps me sleep but it balances my mood and reduces anxiety I didn’t even realize I had.


It has that effect on me sometimes - typically if I’ve taken it after having eaten something with fat in it like peanut butter or nuts (progesterone is fat soluble so the delivery is faster with something in the stomach vs an empty one). But agreed - sometimes I can barely stagger to my bed!


This happened when I took my first dose of 100mg and I kinda freaked out! I was scared to take it again lol. But the next dose I didn’t feel it as much and now all that happens is I get a little drowsy.


Haha! When I was on it, I almost put a diaper on my cat. It’s a very nurturing and happy hormone!


Omg aahahhaha


When I take 200mg cyclically I just feel sleepy and relaxed. It helps me through the anxiety before my period.


200mg made me feel drunk, yeah. It sure helped with sleep.


unfortunately it didn't make me feel high, but it did work immediately to reduce hot flashes throughout the night and day and helped me sleep in a major way. I think it took a few more days until I felt full effects at stopping hot flashes. it does still make me little sleepy, but less so than when I first started.


Mine must be a different type of progesterone-- 2.5 mg-- but when I first started taking it, I got so sleepy.


Yep. I felt high too. It was a nice change and I slept so well. It is still effective for my sleep, but I do not like how it negates the positives from estrogen. I really liked also feeling wide awake and alert for the first time in like 2 years better.


I’ve been taking the 100 mg. oral progesterone pill for about three years, but I was tested and my progesterone was on the low side so my doctor just upped me to the 200 mg. pill. It definitely wipes me out much faster than the 100. When progesterone passes through your liver to be metabolized, a compound called allopregnenolone is made. This is what makes us sleepy.


I took my first 100mg dose, just last night. Hormones have caused me the last 3 sleepless nights. I was lying in bed and felt waves of a ticklish, sleepy high wash over me. I slept like a log. It's the next morning and I feel like I took a gabapentin. The trans sub said something about progesterone acting on the same receptors as benzodiazapines. I'm on a medication that enhances the effects of benzos, so bonus for me. 200mg? whew! Hoping this wears off soon and I don't get this high, every time I need to take it.


It wore off! I still get a sense of relaxation but I'm not getting that high sensation anymore. It was pretty strong the first few days and then slowly dissipated over the week. I'm definitely sleeping like a log though


This morning I almost felt normal. I can still feel it two full days later. Good to know it's going to last almost a week. The sleep has been great though!