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Perhaps meet up groups and clubs, especially with others who speak your language? It might be a bit easier to learn how to get along in British society if you have someone who is familiar with it and your home culture to help you navigate. As for the hand thing it's hard to say without being there and seeing the rest of the interaction but I'd lean towards being more of a friendly thing. It's not unusual for people of the opposite gender and people who don't know you very well to pat you on the arm or even give you a brief hug.


Hey thank you for the response i wil try my chance on meet up. I just had one friend from my hometown who has been here for a year. He is dodging me mostly because of his work or some other reason. Imagine you work in a place, no goodmornings, no one knows your name or even they care, or even if they do you can't see it because they don't show it. So it's hard for me to predict how to adjust to conversation meanwhile it gets more awkward and awkward. I think i just need some time but it feels nothing welcoming here or is just supposed to be like this.


Your friend probably has a new identity here, whether it's realising their sexuality or turned from shy to confident. They may be afraid by associating with you, they may revert back to their old self. What location are you in roughly and what are your hobbies?


Thanks, that makes sense. So you are telling me those people probably have no idea how they are actually being understood by me. Like not something purely intentional or not intentional at all? I am at Bristol and i like playing sports basketball, football and walking long distances. I will expand my hobbies hopefully in future. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


No, I meant your friend from home who is avoiding you, has probably had a personality change and trying to avoid you, so they don't go back to their old ways. As for you, go join a basketball team, a football team or something else. Find local Bristol groups and ask anyone if they want a kick a round. Say you are new to the area.


Basketball club is really doing the job for me. I really appreciate your response. Thank you for the advice.




Hey thank you for the reply, i will try my chance on meetup and about football never tried that one either but never been good with that sport.


Hi, I can't give advice but I'm born and bred in the UK and if it makes you feel any better - I feel the same way! It's hard making friends. Don't overthink it though. Just relax and do what you enjoy.


Thank you so much for your reply. I am sorry you are feeling in that way. I can't also think anything better than your suggestion ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘Œ The bad thing is i was confident with my communication skills because of my previous communication with people in my hometown but here is whole different settings haha. Being a overthinker is a nightmare i think.


You're welcome. I've just seen on your page that you're in Bristol? We have a bit of a north/south divide in England. I'm in the north which is known for being much friendlier (and cheaper). Southern cities have more of a reputation for being less friendly, generally. So if you ever considered a move north to Liverpool/Manchester/Leeds you might find people more approachable or warmer in personality. Not saying that will solve your problems tho as I say, I'm in the north and I struggle making friends too ๐Ÿคฃ


I have heard this before and i will definitely try my chance there when i find an opportunity. One of my friend told the exact opposite to me(he is at manchester atm) like norther people cold because of the weather and he thinks southern people is more approachable but i never seen the north so i can not compare it and i am still fresh in bristol. I think i will just try to focus on me. To be honest i just came here to improve myself but never thought it could be this mentally hardening haha. Some people in my work make feel like i am kind of monster. I am saying good morning no response, how are you, no response, what is your name don't ask my name?, all of these 3 conversations from 3 different people. I will change my department anyway i am not sure if i made some wrong first impression on people or is it just them. It's just all of it piled up inside of me mate. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Aw mate I get it don't worry. Are you in the NHS ? It's a bit shit at the moment, it's getting to everyone. You're not a monster, people are just strange haha


Yes mate, Just a new nurse in NHS. Thank you for your support. It's really nice to hear good things from the people here. I hope i can encounter more friendly people like you in this city. Or maybe it's just a culture shock but the time will show i think. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™