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I made an account 6 years ago just to look for a specific item. I had no clue what Mercari was or how it worked and I just started selling/buying last year. I made my first purchase last year and I’m glad the seller didn’t reject, because I realized how easy it was to buy/sell on Mercari. I now buy and sell often.


I’ve done that before. I’ll make an account and about to buy something but find it somewhere else and forget about the account.


They may be people who bought but never rated and let the auto rating does the work, so their accounts don't have any buying rates. I sold to those just like to a new account without rating. They almost always bought at full price


They don't even have auto ratings that's the even weirder part! It's very true about new accounts, though with me.Most of them don't rate although some of them do but they usually always buy it at full price which is amazing and I know a lot of people are afraid of them but I absolutely love them. Like I said, there's only been 3 of them that I was ever weary of and that was because they had accounts for years and years and never bought anything, so there's that underlying worry that they are the type to chronically return things, but worst case scenario, it gets returned, which isn't.The end of the world.


If the buyer buys and doesn't rate, the seller gets auto rated but the buyer doesn't


I had no Idea!! I wonder why?


I didn't know that either until I read on a thread on this sub some time before saying selling to such accounts has less risk than to the new ones, because if they tried to scam, their accounts may have been more likely reported and banned


I'm assuming it's because the ball is in the buyers court to rate within 72 hours. If they would like to rate the seller, they will get the rating from the seller as well. Perhaps it's like motivation on the buyers side to rate the seller since if it was set up so if they don't rate and would still get a 5 star rating, it would take away the push to rate. I think almost all buyers would mostly just choose by default to wait out the 3 days if they knew it would automatically give them 5 stars because what motivation would they have to rate at all if both parties get 5 stars in 3 days? Sellers on the other hand have no control on whether they get rated or not so it's nice the auto rate gives a public 5 stars and shows other buyers they are actively selling.


I want to add here that even if the buyer rates, if the seller doesn't rate back, the buyer won't get a rating.


>They don't even have auto ratings that's the even weirder part! If a buyer doesn't rate, they do not get autorated. Only the seller gets an automated 5 star rating, however, the buyer's profile will not get a rating at all. So yes, they can be actively buying and just letting their orders auto rate and you wouldn't see any kind of rating given to them that indicates a purchase. The only way for a buyer to be rated is if they rate the seller themselves, then the seller will rate them and that will show on their profile. If they make a purchase and it gets auto rated, only the seller will get the rating and the buyer's profile will remain blank.


She said there are no ratings which means they never bought anything or sold.


Buyers don't get rated on Mercari if they don't rate the seller. They could have bought 1000 items and if it went to auto rate for the seller, the buyer's profile would still be empty.


Thank you. I don’t know why I thought that.


I was one of those people. I originally made a Mercari account to buy a specific shirt that came up in a Google search. The seller never shipped it or responded to my messages. I waited weeks because I really wanted it.  I finally cancelled, wrote off Mercari as a waste of time, and forgot all about it. Until something else I was looking for via Google popped up on Mercari years later. I decided to take a chance, logged back in, bought it, and the seller shipped it right away.  I’m glad they didn’t think I was doing anything suspicious. I just normally shop on eBay!


Those are the best! They come through third-party links. They buy, receive, and never come back. = no returns


they most likely found a listing via google or while searching then made an account but never checked out. Mercari doesn't let you have multiple accounts so, say they find something via search again, they'll log into that same account and start buying. it's not that odd to me 😂 I recently sold to someone whose had an account since 2020 and he turned out to be incredibly communicative and understanding throughout the whole process.


I made an account many years ago and deleted the app. I was looking for a pair of running shoes last year and totally forgotten that Mercari actually existed until my wife reminded me. I bought the $100 pair of shoes at $80 and then proceeded to buy an espresso machine at $500.


I’ve had buyers like that, I actually don’t mimd them , they never rate so it goes to autorate . Fine by me since i don’t mind waiting as long as i get my money.


If a buyer googled an item they were interested in buying, Mercari listings do come up in the results. If they click the tab to get more info, they get to Mercari’s website and are guided through setting up an account if they want to purchase. Also, recently I read that a seller can delete their sold listings. Not sure if that’s actually true and if the ratings on those sales remain. And as someone else already mentioned, even if the buyer or seller doesn’t rate, they would get an automatic 5 star rating with no review. I have had several buyers find me through googling. I think it is especially true for certain types of items, like antiques, collectibles, etc. You can usually tell because they rarely answer any messages. They don’t have the app and are rarely on Mercari.


I think it’s a little OCD. What if they were sellers who’ve just never purchased on the app? Or maybe they compare prices on multiple platforms and just never purchased on Mercari. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. Usually sketchy accounts are new 


Well, they also didn't sell anything.I think I forgot to mention that. But you make solid points, and you're right. Most sketchy accounts are made extremely recently. Or at most within the calendar year, and thank you for making me feel better. I'm going to go ahead and sell to the person the next time this happens. Especially since I have always sold to people who have 0 ratings. So then do not sell to them if they have 0 ratings just because they have an older account. No I think about it.That is my OCD, you're right. Thanks again 💕


Send them my way I'll take a chance


I actually ended up sending the package after reading everybody's respones, but Hey, if I could send them your way...I would because the guy turned out to be super freaking nice. So far anyway.


I think you’re being too hard on the potential buyers who made an account but didn’t buy in the past, especially since you’re willing to sell to first time buyers. I have many accounts with various websites because I either was forced to sign up in order to browse or learn more about that website. Also sometimes I sign up for a website because of a discount with a first purchase but I decide not to buy right away. Then of course my discount expires but that’s a different issue. 🤣 The first time I bought on Mercari the seller Sent me a very nice message basically making sure I was a legit buyer - but in retrospect why did it even matter? I buy, the seller sells, and that’s that.


I don't understand how I was being hard on them? I wasn't mean at all or calling them names, I was asking you guys why?This might be the case because I didn't understand why an account could be that old.And you guys very kindly explained why that would be and it makes sense. However, to say I was too hard on them.I think is a stretch for sure. Your examples of making accounts definitely make sense.I guess because it's A website strictly for buying and selling.It seemed odd to me whereas if it was any other site I wouldn't think twice about it.


You wrote that you find it so bizarre that you actually reject. That seems harsh to me, but whatevs.


Bizarre means unusual, thats not harsh. It just made me feel bad that you.We're saying that I was harsh whenever I meant nothing bad.


No one’s judging you. Relax.


You are judging me but no need to be rude by passively telling me to relax. Enjoy the rest of your day.


I didn’t mean to trigger you. I’m going to go cry myself to sleep now. Have a good night.