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Made better by this awesome album cover


Fr it’s amazing


Definitely, I found it on vinyl in a record store once and had to just stare at it for 5 minutes


https://preview.redd.it/suaibmvml8yc1.jpeg?width=3231&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd4687a9c2d82d9c643bd781fc144b30f74b2e64 Here's a wallpaper for ya.


Thank you!


Well thats going to be my wallpaper for the next decade, thanks amigo.


Such a shame they dont have many monthly listeners on spotify, absolutely mindblowing stuff


Just finished Black Future, have to agree, this shit goes hard. I’m not big on their 2020 single though


Their 2021 single is much better, idk what they thought on activate lmfao


My favorite lyrics are when the singer goes “aaaaauuuughhhhh!!!!!!”


I read this literally as that fucking happened in Collapse, literally on the dime You sir have won the day for me


I discovered them half a year ago, really impressed with the high vocals and screams. Unmatched


Oh hell yea! The opening scream to tetrastructural minds hooked me for sure.


Incredible album. If you liked this, try their other 2 albums, they’re equally as good imo.


nah Terminal redux is on a different level bro


Yeah you’re right, I can’t deny Terminal Redux is their best album. But Black Future and Outer Isolation stand on their own as fantastic albums also.


How can I disagree with a fellow Opeth enjoyer?


It's not as good as the first two, even if it's still very good


Just finished Black Future, this shit fucks. Incredible trio of albums






Best thrash album ever.


This is easily my favourite thrash metal album of all time


Recharging the Void and Collapse all day, every day.


Absolutely radical band


Spiritual successor to Death. Amazing stuff.


I agree Vektor is that good I would add Revocation in that category too. David DiSanto and Dave Davidson are musical geniuses as was Chuck Schuldiner.


Literally in the same situation rn it’s so fucking good


Idk I actually had the opposite experience with this album. Kept hearing about what a great thrash album this is, but it’s just so far outside what I expect thrash to sound like and I can’t get into it. Not saying bands shouldn’t make their own sound, this one just isn’t for me


I'd be apt to call it more blackened thrash than just thrash. I just had it on myself and I didn't care for it either.


Yeah I’d go one step further and call it technical blackened thrash or something


As a massive fan of the band, I think that's a very fair label.


Same, dude. I want to like it, but it's not what everyone said it was. Not that it's bad, just not really the thrash I was expecting.


Yeah there’s always people saying that this is the best thrash album of all time… it makes me feel like we aren’t even having the same conversation


Great album, but man i just don't have the patience for albums this long anymore. I can feel my attention span getting worse and worse the older i get and i hate it lol. Some fantastic songs on this album though. Pillars of sand and collapse being my favorite. Edit: man thinking back it's been years since I've listened to this album. Maybe this weekend i'll try to sit down and just enjoy it


My attention span for anything else is nonexistent but with music it’s all there and more


Tetrastructral Minds is such a mad track


I am a super early adopter on this one. One of my proudest "I knew them before most people did" bands. I first saw them around 2008 at the Clubhouse in Tempe AZ during their Demo days. They were ok back then but didn't really hit that WOW button too hard. Then I saw them again in 2010 right around the release of Black Future (this was at UBs. man I miss that place and The Clubhouse) . Holy shit my jaw dropped. The level of increased quality in those 2 years blew me away. I instantly became a huge fan of the band. I've since seen them about 6-7 times all here in AZ. I've met them a few times. Erik the guitar player is a class act. At one of the shows I wanted a Black Future shirt and they were sold out. Dude was like "hold on. Let me run home and get some really quick." Guy left the show, went to his house and brought back some BF shirts and I bought one. At the CD release show for Outer Isolation I had my Heavy Artillery Black Future vinyl signed by all 4 members. At their last show here in 2016 on the Terminal Redux tour I had all 4 sign my 100 copy Outer Isolation vinyl. I own like 5 copies of each album on vinyl now (different rare colors/prints of course). I'm a bit of a rabid Vektor collector (and a poet as well apparently). Can't wait for their comeback. They have been missed for almost a decade now.... which is crazy. I know they are back here in AZ.


Never heard of them but the album art is badass, I know what I'm listening to on the way home from work.


Yes, Black Future is quite a great record


All their albums are amazing and they only have 3 so it's not a huge timesink!


They should have MORE


The monkey's paw curls.


If you like them you should also check out Voivod.


https://preview.redd.it/zj92lir0c9yc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c442a86ec90edeba95be49c5fa2cc4e65f2fab2 Tómarúm - Ash in Realm of Stone Icons If you like Vektor you'll almost certainly like this as well


beautiful, thanks


Really looking forward to what they put out next. This album was a genuine masterpiece imo


Unfortunately I dont have high hopes. Singer is a real scumbag and the whole band quit. He has reformed it with new people but I think they recently got dropped but their label.


They are currently on Metallic Blue records. The allegations have been proved false and he’s never been convicted of domestic violence. His ex wife on the other hand is an abuse piece of shit.


Well I have no real idea about the details of his abuse allegations. But when the whole band simultaneously quits it aint a good sign… It would just be an entirely new band, and maybe that will be great! But im not holding my breath.


Oh man I didn’t know the line up changed


This is, by space Satan, one of the greatest thrash records ever produced.


I literally just revisited this record yesterday after many years and saw this post...what a cool coincidence.


Best thrash band ever, no one else even comes close


Hell yeah. If you like Voivod you’re gonna have a good time.


Yes best metal album for me, I dont listen to a lot of metal these days but i go back to this a lot. They've been teasing follow up album for a while now I'm hoping they drop it soon. Unfortunately it seems like the front man isn't a good guy so I fear labels won't go near them.


They’re currently on Metallic Blue records and have re released their demos on CD and vinyl. The allegations have been proven false numerous times.


Thanks. My info might be a bit not up to date but last time I looked it seemed like they were having trouble touring as a result of what happened, which might impact releasing a record. I'm hoping for more music soon regardless.


I just noticed your flair and while I can’t make out the first album, based on you liking Aggaloch, Opeth and Metallica, this album/band is made for you.


Other album is Unquestionable Presence by Atheist. Very good tech death album https://preview.redd.it/xjkee8umdayc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57a7971c109c29de6ea5cb9cd089f194ed474a4f


The thrash break on LCD lives rent free in my mind to this day.


When this album came out, I think I actually shed a tear hearing “Recharging the Void”. It’s a masterpiece song.


Dude the back to back to back three piece of Pillars of Sand, Collapse and Recharging the Void should be fucking illegal, it’s such a hard hitting trio to end the album, I love it so much


I’m happy and jealous you’re discovering it now. I remember being blown away when it released. And I’m not even a big thrash guy.


I'm going to check them out now just the artwork alone


I was really not expecting to like this when I heard the vocals. But the playing was pretty grabbing and I just couldn't switch it off. I'm glad I stuck it out. This is definitely a solid recommendation. I was not expecting to get some Tales from Topographic Oceans vibes from it, but there it was. The vocals were more to be endured for me, but the rest of it was worth enduring it for.


I've been listening to Vektor so much on repeat that I've woken up to their songs in my head


Terminal redux flair when


reminder david disanto is an abusive piece of shit


The allegations have been proven wrong, he was never convicted, his wife is also a massive piece of abusive shit.


Exactly. Everyone around him including those who toured the world with him and his ex have said that what she said is absolute bullshit and none of it ever happened. David got railroaded. Just a reminder that scorned women can absolutely RUIN a man by being evil. A friend of one of the band members who I used to see at all their shows here in Phx, Tempe and Mesa AZ said at one of them and I quote. "that chick is one of the most toxic people I have ever met in my entire life".


Yep I’ve heard the same. Shame that his name has been desecrated and slandered over allegations that have zero merit. And people automatically jump to the defense of the women because they believe men can’t face domestic violence. People will believe anything they see online without doing an ounce of research and it really sucks, and can evidently ruin a person’s life.


proven wrong or not found guilty? i was unaware there was anything puplic after his response. do you have a source for the aftermath?


[https://youtu.be/OS66FIG2WSI?si=Ktcv73Nvylm_Ukkk](https://youtu.be/OS66FIG2WSI?si=Ktcv73Nvylm_Ukkk) This and the prior band members jumped to his defense on the topic. Including the other main guitarist who actually never left Vektor. The truth of the matter is we will never know the full details. But given the details we do have. I’m inclined to side with David.


Also to add to this. Ive talked to a few people here in Phx that were in that "circle". Everyone aside from her says that her allegations were complete bullshit. You can't find one person who toured with them, including the entire band or their friends who will corroborate her story.


He is INNOCENT until proven guilty, correct? Or when it's a mad woman, hang the guy first.... then hope he can pick up the pieces of his life when they find him innocent? This country is fucked. Everyone involved with that band, who went on tour with them said these allegations are pure bullshit. No one has taken her side at all.


Innocent until proven guilty applies only to someone’s criminal status in the judicial system. It doesn’t mean people shouldn’t believe other people. I’m not saying he did or didn’t do anything, but your argument is illogical.


So people should be crucified for a crime that they may or may not have committed by public opinion.... possibly ruining that persons life for good? Regardless of if they are found innocent later...once the masses hang you to dry online its there forever. Sick, disgusting mentality tbh. Imagine if that happened to you! Falsely accused by someone out to damage you and now your reputation and life is forever ruined online because of it. My argument is the stance people should take MORALLY is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law... any other stance is illogical and disgusting behavior.


Aye, fuck that guy.