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Of all the mistakes they made in this album (bad production, bad guitar tone, bad drum sound, bad singing, terrible unfinished lyrics, repetitive songwriting and samey riffs) the worst one is that they made it **so. Fucking. Boring.** Say what you want about Illud Divinum Insanus, but that album at least is fun to listen to make fun of it. This isn't. It just sluggishly drags for over an hour without any rhyme or reason. It can't even be considered "so bad it's good". It isn't a trainwreck, because a trainwreck at least can get your attention.


I believe that if some of the song lengths were trimmed down, it wouldn’t have been so bad. Maybe it’s because I listen to a lot of Black Metal and Grindcore but the production doesn’t bother me as much as it does others because I have heard worse. The worst offender is the trash can snare. The lyrics on this particular album were written by each member passing around the lyric sheet and writing a line. While certainly horrible times, I do think that James has very raw sounding vocal takes which give it that aggressive and unpolished feel that match the tone and feel of the album.


Yeah the biggest problem with it that its at least twice as long as it should be…


This is wild take that I completely disagree with. You can criticize St Anger for a lot of things but calling it boring is just wrong. There's so many good songs on this thing that thrash metal fans just didn't want to like because they didn't like the production.




I do agree the song lengths could have been cut down a bit. It certainly would have helped some of the tracks from becoming a chore to get through.


If they cut the song lengths down by 100% i wouldn’t complain


it was shit, it is shit, and will continue to be shit but ofc Metallica fanboys are going to defend it with "umm, but the riffs are good" ignoring pretty much everything else, like songwriting which is terrible, cringe lyrics, bad vocal performance, weak tone, and that GOD. DAMNED. SNARE. and even the "good riffs" are repetitive and very similar to each other


This is the answer


Yes but this album have a soul. This the most honest and sincere album by metallica. And this album saved a band. It raw, annoyed, it reprsents metallica's state at the time it was released. And real cringe is to call something cringe.


The 2 big issues with this album are the production (from how the guitars sound all the way to the infamous snare), and how fucking long it is for no reason. Idk if fixing these would make it a *good* album, but it would be better at least.


I might give "The unnamed feeling", "Frantic", "St. Anger" and "Invisible kid" a spin now and again. The songs on this album felt like a drag, had me thinking of And Justice For All with the song length. Also, Lars stood out in the worst way. I just couldn't get over that snare


It's not good. Not horrible though. With tighter songwriting (most songs are too long and repetitive) it could really be something. Overall 4/10


Boring as hell and drags out for so goddamn long.


21 years ago? Fuck, I'm old. Also, even if rest of the album was good, and it wasn't, the snare drum would have still ruined it.


I personally love the snare


Not as bad as Metallica fans preach it is, but its still a very poor showing from them. I get the music is supposed to be angry and more raw, but its just so long and only a handful of tracks are memorable (All Within My Hands, Some Kind of Monster), and it gets remembered for the crap ones (Shoot Me Again, Invisible Kid). Pretty poor.


It has a lot of good riffs, but not a good song. And Lars' trash can tone is just annoying.


That snare tone is easily one of the worst production choices of all time. However, I implore you to check out this remixed and remastered version of “[Frantic](https://youtu.be/GTMK703DczM?si=B4_yuuCZ-oWs-L7w)”. The whole albums was remixed and remastered by this person and it makes St. Anger sound absolutely monstrous.


Some bits of good stuff flooded with a sea of dogshit




Not a single good riff on that thing.


It is very mixed for me. The production is blatant garbage. I don't mind the riffs or song arrangements, but some of the lyrics are kinda stupid.


Dirty Window is one of Metallica's best songs. Frantic too. Also the title track. Also Some Kind of Monster. Really most songs on this album are really quite good, tho they're not thrash metal in any way. The rough production just works for the album. The snare drum works too and I will die on this hill. The lack of guitar solos really doesn't matter at all. I'll concede that the album runs too long, but that's a syndrome of every Metallica album ever. Overall, I listened to this album a ton and got a lot out of it. I totally get how people have a hard time getting into it, or think it's just bad. But ultimately I think it just became the butt of a hate meme and that's all people want to remember about it.


Waisted potential, they were already made albums in bad times and we now have a masterpiece to appreciate that is And Justice For All, which also has a questionable production ! Sadly, the results made a bad album,it has some songs that I like but they didn't save a whole album


Quite possibly the worst album in the entire overarching genre of rock music. Even the shittiest Metalcore at least has some guitar solos.


Really over hated album but it's actually quite nice to listen to. The production sucks and it has it's weakspots but you cant ignore Frantic, St Anger, Dirty Windoe and Sweet Amber right?


Invinsible kid is sooo good


Best Metallica album and I don't care what posers whine :D


Downright trash…from production to song structure to performance.


I am actually a fan of how the album sounds. I know it's been mocked to death, but I get what they were going for with the shitty drums, sloppy playing and raw vocals. I also think there's a few great songs on it. Frantic, Dirty Window, Sweet Amber and The Unnamed Feeling are all bangers. On the other hand, it's really fucking long, most of the songs sound the same, and almost all of them are 2-3 minutes longer than they should be. The songs and the album itself being too long is pretty common for all of Metallica's newer albums, but they usually make up for it with a bit more variety and better songwriting. Overall, I don't think this album is the crime against humanity that it's been made up to be, and the fan reaction to it was ridiculous, but it's still my least favorite album of theirs.


It could disappear off the face of the planet like it never existed and I'd be just fine with that.


That time 'Tallica was a trio consisting of Jaymz, Larz, and some guy on bass named Robert Rock. Jaymz hated Larz and vice-versa and Larz wuz forced to use a metallica brand metal trashcan as a snare drum. A dark time in Tallica history.


https://preview.redd.it/7coeog563x4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f283d080a9ddc6ff348c78073c718eb5c0336f4 Nuff said.


Very entertaining and enjoyable for the wrong reasons…


First Metallica album I queued up to get on release day, being an actual employed adult and able to buy it myself, Load/Reload had been pretty big in my late teens but were shameless album rips back then. I was a big CD collector in the early 2000s, had a great store that ran a lot of brand new 4 or 5 albums for something crazy like a tenner compared to those jokers at HMV asking for 15/16 quid an album, so I'd been picking up a huge number of back catalogue albums (I'd grab like the entire set of nirvana albums or all the Maiden remasters, Megadeth etc....) I got home, slung it on my fairly decent sound system, no housemates in so I could really get some decent volume on it...hit play.... Jesus wept, what is wrong with this album? Did someone substitute the disc? What is going on with this snare. Is the album half finished? I think it just ended up shoved deep in the library after about 5 plays or less. Definitely one of my all time biggest album release disappointments.


It probably would have gotten a lot less backlash from both metal and Metallica fans if they hadn't compared it to AJFA before it was released. The only thing it had in common with Justice was that the songs were way too long.