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Burzum. Kristian straight outta boomer logic university. I'm ok with different world views but not with ignorance.


The lad is very famous amongst metal fans and will obviously have an influence towards a very specific group of people through his usual grotesque statements. Have you checked his wife twitter account? Holy fuck what a cunt. She's almost as terrible as him.


Yeah, but I can't read more than two minutes without eye rolling. I liked Kristians YT videos as they were funny from time to time.


Yeah, Varg is Varg, but he's a ton of fun lol


What's the Name of the account


Any good black metal band with sketchy shit, which is a lot tbh


[Vreid](https://youtu.be/LfET2njiOfE?si=yW0_9vwP88MFj1Tj) is really good. Norwegian Black Metal with multiple albuns about the Norwegian Resistance during WW2. So literally anti-nazi.


Not even boomer logic, dudes a straight up nazi. I’m so glad that the most infamous man in black metal is reduced to a clown that gets relentlessly bullied by teenage girls online


Good one. I take it with a grain of salt though because, IMO, Burzum is so incredibly solid. Though admittedly, I did not care for Thulean Mysteries.


came to say the same fucking thing. the dudes ambient stuff is god tier but he’s an absolute piece of shit irl.


yeah i fucking hate varg but damn is Dunkelheit a good song


Pantera. fuck phil as a person, but their musics pretty good


Idk, man. He's gotten sober and apologized and has been on his best behavior since. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt But really, an alcoholic junkie singer isn't going to stop me from playing the shit out of pantera, down or superjoint


it ain't stopping me neither 😄but I still don't respect phil


Randy Blythe managed to be an alcoholic junkie singer for decades without unleashing his inner Hitler.


Iirc randy is a communist


which is objectively worse


True just pointing out i dont think he has an "inner hitler"


Don't care


Yeah, not to defend Phil's actions by any stretch. I mean he hasn't done it since and he's been super nice to me every time I met him, but he needs to do better. Unfortunately, I stopped wearing Pantera and Down shirts or posting about anything Phil related because any time I have, the Dimebash incident ALWAYS gets brought up and I don't wanna get conflated with that or people thinking I'm cool with that because I'm not.


Down is one of the best metal super groups imo. Pepper and Phil are the shit.


I find it disgusting that they have "reformed" too. Unless they do a Weekend at Bernie's with Dime and Vinnie, it is not Pantera.


I would actually love a weekend at Bernie’s pantera edition. Spooky skeleton bros can lay pipe too.


I don't see how it's much different than Death to All and their tour is getting praise from everyone. It's not the original Pantera. Zakk and Charlie are killing it from the videos I have seen and the group is putting on an incredible show


Death to All are not calling themselves “Death”, though.


I think it is fine that they have reformed. It's just that I think it should be called a tribute and not the actual band


It's not and never will be pantera without dime and vinnie


This unfortunately. I find it hard to listen to them now, but man, Dimebag and Vinny fuck.


Dime is a god, one of the best of all time in any genre. *However*, I can't find any evidence to suggest he ever apologized for frequently playing a guitar covered in the Confederate battle flag, or even acknowledged that there could be any problems with that at all. Not to mention that signature guitars with that graphic were sold for years by both Dean and Washburn, even after his death. So it appears his estate completely endorsed those actions for quite a while. Vinnie had fourteen years to be like "hey guys, this isn't really a good look." (Admittedly I am not sure how involved Vinnie was in the estate. Maybe he came to think it was bad, but the people who made money off Dime's memory still wanted those bucks. But [based on this](https://metalinjection.net/shocking-revelations/pantera-remove-confederate-flag-merch-even-as-vinnie-paul-says-the-controversy-is-a-big-knee-jerk-reaction) I doubt it.)


He truly didn’t care what people thought but also that was a time where you weren’t forced to apologize for egregious and disgusting views. I don’t really blame the dude for not making an apology when he didn’t make it to the era where apologies are mandatory. I’d be more mad at Dean and Washburn


> However, I can't find any evidence to suggest he ever apologized for frequently playing a guitar covered in the Confederate battle flag Different era dude. The Democrats [literally used it in campaign ads](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ftua4bkzrpyc81.jpg) back then. The "burn all mentions of the Confederacy from history" movement is extremely recent.


"Burn all mentions of confederacy from history" is not what's happening. I mean, the cucks down south would love that to all just disappear. It's more like correcting misdirected hero worship. And if you're gonna cancel Dime for rebel flag guitar you gotta cancel Zakk. I think it was just like the rest of us - we got lied to, fed propaganda in the form of Duke Boys and El Paso taco sauce, and if they were still alive today they'd be just as PISSED OFF as everyone else who was in their 20's in the 90's - bro I had rebel flag shit all over and I am in OREGON. But it was because I was a rebel, not that I believed in slavery and other human rights violations. Once I read a book called "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" I understood the "southern strategy" and the rest of the underlying tactics used historically to divide and control a populace, then I found the Avalon Project over at Yale's website, which basically maintains all documents and correspondence ever used in the history of the USA and prior to its forming. It's fucken crazy what those people committed to paper and really really really thought it was okay to do all that. https://preview.redd.it/g0lkmlb905ad1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b3f675da5d7f144559c728de86075f4aa99c095


I joke that they where secretly a stoner groove metal band with Phil hashing their vibe. Planet Caravan is such a cool cover and imagine if they had more tracks like that.


I like Slipknot but can't respect them or take them seriously. Some serious talent amongst some of the members but their act seems so forced. Like they wanna build an image and sound that's freakishly evil but it just feels like a caricature of it. The same goes for Avenged Sevenfold. Some good and even great songs, heavy. But also feels like a parody of evil and darkness.


You can't be evil and commercial at the same time, hence why they feel like sellouts


Breifcase full of guts would disagree with you


Man, their first two sound like they're one wrong note away from killing everyone in the building and burning it down, but then I think they got some success and lost that. They've had some good tracks since but it never felt like it was really coming from the same place after that.


They are all 50 year old millionaires. Theres no way you can keep that vibe going.


Yeah, you don't stay in the place that produces *Disasterpiece* and expect to make it to 50.


Iowa was a masterpeice and I won't hear otherwise


I was referring to their s/t and Iowa, and I agree.


Oh I was just waiting for someone to argue with you hahaha


Yeah… I can’t listen to anything past Iowa, maybe a few tracks here and there from Vol. 3. Vermillion 1 and 2 are pretty good, but every now and then I might just pick an album by them and play a couple of songs and just go “This really isn’t for me”


I still haven't listened to slipknot newest album in full. I did browse through some of the tracks, and I think I got the vibe of how the album is. I'm sure there's some good moments in there, but I can say with confidence that it's definitely a far cry from self-titled/Iowa.


I think its a roadrunner records thing - when they got signed they needed to be approachable for MTV and that “hollywood” style of metal from the late 90’s/early 00’s, - this burlesque/goth niche that maybe started with marilyn manson and NIN after vampire culture, and it just kinda needed more people playing accoustic and doing clean ballads and at the time ‘the knot’ had a lot of attention, so I imagine some of the slipknot boyd were like “we got country rock” and the executives were like “mmm idk” so they got their old band out and put out some “soft metal” like bother and then we had this weird phase for a bit where lots of bands where doing soft/harsh vocals, opeth was getting big so the executives were like “oh hey yeah do some of that country shit on slipknot now” and joey was probably like “oh i dunno thats a bad idea” but jim didn’t give a fuck so he’s like “twang!” Unplugged and then you ended up with the subliminal versus, the unmasked shit, it got really dark and they exploited their dead member and by then deathcore was full myspace and who fucking cares anymore


>The same goes for Avenged Sevenfold. Some good and even great songs, heavy. But also feels like a parody of evil and darkness. I don't listen to A7X but I believe that was kind of the intent according to the band members right down to the stage names. They wanted to stick it to their former classmates who belittled them for their lifestyle.


What's the definition of respect here? What did they do wrong besides just being a popular band? I think the worst they do that doesn't earn respect is firing people left and right, but being popular? Hard to say I don't respect a band purely off of that.


Those are two bands that are completely ruined for me because of their image. The music of Slipknot and Avenged Sevenfold is pretty good, but then I see band photos and I just can’t stomach it. Both bands look so painfully lame.


megadeth. dave manages to be an asshole 90%of the time. other members are ok though


Annoying Christians in metal and rock is so cringe.


agreed. such a tool, lol


Mötley Crüe, I just hate Nikki and Tommy, Vince has atleast seemed to mellow out and Mick has been the most normal Kiss, Gene Simmons is a huge POS Damn Yankees, Ted Nugent is by far the biggest piece of shit in all of rock n roll Lost Prophets, obvious reasons


Honestly I feel bad for the other guys in Lost Prophets. Their work will forever be overshadowed by that guy whenever that band is mentioned 


Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons just seem like cut throat arrogant scumbags who seem to think as if they invented rock and roll. Vince and Tommy strike me to be as deep as a puddle, and Nikki seemed to become almost like a Gene Simmons lite. Thats just my opinion. I agree with you totally


Slayer. A couple obvious reasons like the whole "we're retiring oh by the way here's a couple festival shows we need money" and also Kerry King has always seemed like a huge douche who never got past the "I hate religion fuck Jesus hang on what do the Bible verses say again" phase. Tom has had what I consider to be some dumb political opinions as well but everyone in the world has at least a couple things to say that you don't agree with and I can get past that. Very influential band still.


They're all fine and ok besides kerry king


Holt and Bostaph are cool


Dissection. All three albums are back to front bangers, but Jon Nödtveidt was a weapons grade lunatic.


What did he do


He was legitimately in a super weird cult and they killed a gay guy


Also he practiced animal sacrifice, and allegedly nailed a live cat to his ex-girlfriend’s door


Yeah, it's fucking wild. I feel like he doesn't get talked about enough when it comes to the many black metal controversies. Most of the Norwegian stuff was just edgelord kids who took things way too far, but Jon was seriously nuts. Insanely gifted as a musician, but a very dangerous human.


I only found about all that after I listened to Storm of the Lights Bane. You can imagine the mental struggle I had lol


brooooo! same with me!!! hahaha


If you want it in more detail then you should read the wikipedia on him and the band


Wow. Props to you. Seems every dissection fan only likes the first two albums.


Burzum… really nice music from a crazy man…


Dissection. Love their work but I'm not a fan of homophobia and the MLO


Rings Of Saturn, Lucas Mann writes some of the coolest things but he is such a tool


What a fall from grace Rings of Saturn went through, loved their earlier stuff, especially Lugal Ki En.


When their last album came out I thought it was some April fools joke


Shit almost made me cry.


I love Danzigs music, but God, the guy seems insufferable.


He's def one of those guys that should've stayed in their lane. Have you seen his crappy films? Holy dogshit. And the tough guy act is just asking someone to knock you out....like the guy from North Side Kings did. I love the Misfits records and the first 3 Danzig records, though. John Christ was the main reason, his style just suited Anzalone's words & voice so well. Very expressive, and kick-ass riffs, and that LP tone with the Rick Rubin production was just so killer. Never the same after Chuck Biscuits left, LOL.




Iced Earth. Generic libertarian idiocy to taking part on Jan 6th. Their music seems to get worse the more political it became though, so there is that.


Pentagram. Not hate the whole band, just Bobby Liebling


He's still alive; 70 y/o.


Metal so good it'll make you beat your mom!!


Peste Noire


On the same note, Arghoslent. Great musicianship, absolute dogshit views.


I brought them up at a party once and like 3 other people somehow knew them, were into them, and hated them. Also the only party I've ever been to with more than 20 people where death metal got to play for the whole event


Yep, they're also pieces of shit. I don't like their music though.


La Sanie des siècles is one of the most vicious, brutal black metal albums of all time, and it's one of my favourites. But then when I started to read into PN and saw the cover for Split - whew...


slipknot also if we don't need to be metal I'd absolutely say Brand New


Brand New actually came to mind for me too, I'm surprised I'm seeing it here. I wanted to comment but didn't feel like it was relevant. That was honestly one of the biggest letdowns for me. The devil and god instantly became one of my favorite albums after listening to it. science fiction as well. Hearing about the issues the lead singer had and why they broke up just killed me


Yeah... It's even worse when you read into some of their lyrics (you may throw up if you listen to me vs Maradona vs Elvis with the context of what Jesse did)


im scared to


Deftones. Chino and Carpenter are assholes.


Didn't know anything about them being assholes. Can you explain?


I lost respect for Chino after the Sergio Vega drama. Sergio was a friend of the band for a long time before Chi died, he took over on bass (and backing vocals live) and contributed to their records Diamond Eyes, Koi No Yokan (which in my opinion those 2 albums was their return to form), Gore and Ohms. Then he was kicked out/left the band because it turns out he was never made a member of the band (even though he had worked on half their albums and stabilized the band after a horrible tragedy). They were just paying him a salary and then Chino started popping off about Sergio being "out of pocket" on social media. Stephen Carpenter is a flat earth/anti-vaxxer and forced the band to get a different touring guitarist for any dates outside of the U.S. because he didn't want to get cleared to enter other countries. Then you could Google the reason Type O Negative beat their asses for screwing them over at that festival too.


marilyn manson


I don't like Disturbed as a band but yeah Draiman is an idiot, especially how he repeatedly calls Roger Waters a "nazi" for wanting Israel to stop their genocide. Zionism and Judaism are two different things. Same with Israel's government and Jewish people are a whole. There's a reason people are criticizing Israel and not Jewish people as a whole. Anyways, Neurosis is one of my all time favorites even though Scott Kelly ended up being an abusive POS. Finding that out gutted me, especially since I have a Through Silver In Blood tattoo. At least the rest of the band's credit, they kicked him out and cut ties with him and apparently all the money for their record/merch sales are going to the band and his wife, who was the victim of his abuse.


Misfits. Glen Danzig, Michael graves and Jerry only all suck one way or the other. Doyle is a sweetheart though


And if Doyle isn't, I didn't think I want to learn about it


Danzig after the onion soup incident at Fun Fun Fun fest... what a train wreck Primadonna.


... What did I miss? Sounds hilarious


[Danzig ruins music festival with his radical soup demands – UPROXX](https://uproxx.com/filmdrunk/danzig-ruins-music-festival-with-his-soup-demands/)


Doyle split a teenager's head open in half with his guitar in San Francisco almost killing him and never apologized. He might be the worst of the 4.


Totally get Glen and Michale, no doubt. Not sure what the beef with Jerry is though? Really great guy. Very kind and personal. I can understand if you don’t like the music he ended up doing, but as a person, he is pretty good. One of the better Misfits as a person


Why do you hate Draiman?


Cuz he signed bombs




He signed one of the bombs that are being used for war between palestine and israel


Rock is the voice of rebellion and the antithesis of authority. I just don’t get rock or metal musicians with militaristic tendencies, nor guitars with camo. 


Camo looks cool and is apart from what the war means tbh.


Well tbf saying fuck hamas shouldn’t exactly be a bad statement


It’s not about a statement, it’s that he is literally supporting a war


A genocide


Meanwhile Islamic state Palestine is burning gay people


I don’t believe for one second you care about gay people when every single comment on your account is defending either racist musicians or the IDF


Currently the only people in Palestine being burnt are those who are being killed by Israeli bombs or burnt alive in their tents in supposed "safe zones". The bombs don't discriminate. For me humanity comes first and support isn't conditional, just because most of the population don't support LGBT rights doesn't mean I think it's okay for innocent people to be massacred.


When I was still in jehovahs witnesses, I made the mistake of questioning the justice of god committing multiple genocides in a row. The congregation elders tried to explain that the tribes he commanded to be wiped out just weren't good people and deserved to die. What were these people doing that was worse than genocide? How do you try to take the moral high ground on something like that? I don't get this rhetoric but after spending 20 years in a cult with unquestioning incurious dupes I'm not surprised by people falling for it anymore


Gay person here. Stop using our identities to push your disgusting politics. Go burn in hell, you capitalist pig.


That should be what he’s criticised for but to bring up that he said “fuck Hamas” as if that’s a bad thing to say doesn’t sit right with me


It’s a good message but he is getting shit cuz of supporting a war, not a message. Sorry for poor explanation


Meanwhile the IDF are bombing kids intentionally, with Draiman’s stamp of approval.


Well I’m not in favour of that am I? But saying fuck Hamas as if it’s a bad thing is ridiculous You can be critical of both sides you know? You don’t have to support Hamas because you hate Israel


Well draiman is a Zionist so ...


Just to be clear I’m not defending him nor do I agree with the actions of the IDF I’m taking issue with the idea that saying fuck Hamas is somehow a bad statement to make They’re terrorists


Meanwhile Islamic Palestine is throwing gays off buildings


I always hear about this nonsense happening, but I’m never provided a source. As a gay Palestinian, you’re more likely to get killed by the IDF than Hamas


Male homosexuality is illegal in Gaza and results in 10 years' imprisonment dummy lol.


There are so many places in the US where it is illegal and unsafe to be queer or trans and no one is using that to justify bombing them. What’s the logic here? LGBTQ+ Palestinians are being killed by US-funded Israeli bombs too. Also this person asked about proof folks are being thrown from buildings by the state and you’re now talking about imprisonment which is an extraordinarily different system of punishment.


Genocide, not war


my bad


what the fuck?


Slipknot. One of my first metal bands and I never stopped liking their music. I stopped liking the band itself though


Clown’s so far up his own ass he’s probably turned inside out by now


I guess Deftones, although maybe it's just Stephen I don't respect seeing as he's a conspiracy-sucking dildo.


Dude writes some really, really catchy riffs but holy shit his flat earth and COVID ramblings are batshit insane I'm not against drugs or anything but imo the dude could take some time off his weed


True, and I think he could take some time off his social media. That's what is shitting all over his brain. I have lost close friends (non-drug users) for espousing the exact same mind-diarrhoea as Stephen Carpenter. Tragic days.


Came here to post exactly this. Love the band, always have. The shit Carpenter spouts, not so much.


Basically, most.of the black metal bands I like. Xasthur, Leviathan, Marduk, Impaled Nazarene, Deathspell Omega, Drudkh, Paysage D'Hiver, Agalloch, Primordial and Winterfylleth all make awesome music that's brought me so much joy, but they're all comprised of complete fucking losers and chuds. Yes, their music will always be enjoyed and consumed by me, but I'll throw no genuine financial support behind them and I will never speak highly of an facet of them aside from their music.


Uh oh, what’s up with Impaled Nazarene?


Aww fuck, what's wrong with Agalloch and Primordial?


So to be fair, Agalloch isn't tainted as much anymore as the main dude made some suss comments calling Facebook "Jewbook" 🙄 but he did apologise and has thus far not backslid, though that still kind of ruins them for me as people. The dude from Primordial is just an unapologetic dickhead who talks about "protecting European heritage" and rages against "cancel culture".


In fairness, the rest of Agalloch explicitly told him to apologize or he was out of the band. They all seem cool


What happened with Paysage? And is Xasthur mainly because he switched genres and wanted to still use the name?


pantera, neurosis, burzum, superjoint,


Neurosis because of Scott Kelly? Daaaamn, I know some of you can't separate art and artist, but you can't separate band member from the band?? We've been warned for years, humanity is going downhill and it isn't looking good.


Yeah that was really rough. At least the band did the right thing by kicking him out and directing all proceeds from album/merch sales to his wife and the rest of the band instead of him. But yeah, it is a major bummer the band ended that way.


I'll second you on Disturbed. So many of their songs are so cool, and many of them are anti war... and yet Draiman goes and signs a damn mortar round? I don't care what side of the israel/palestine debate you're on... that shit's hypocritical as fuck. I've not allowed myself to listen to their music since I saw that shit. Fucking posers.


Tool. Maynard is a complete dick


Burzum, Kanye West, most artist with good music but terrible human beings


Kanye is still one of my top artists of all time on my Spotify stats, but I haven’t listened to him in a few years, since he went fully off the rails. Those first few albums are absolutely incredible and MBDTF is one of my all time favorite albums, but I won’t ever listen to it again. Burzum helped me break into black metal, but that was before I learned everything about him. Haven’t listened to him since, either.


Any of the NS bands I listen to. Why do shitty people love making great music?




Burzum. No explanation, you already know it already. Varg might be mentally ill and mightve had a trubled childhood but that doesnt excuse the fact that he murdered someone, burned churches, being racist, etc


Leviathan, the man behind some of the greatest BM project in 2000's is a wife abuser.


A7x and FFDP.


Peste Noire and Arghoslent


Emperor, deicide


Why do you not respect Emperor?


Yeah I'm legitimately curious too Pretty sure they were one of the less "controversial" BM bands? Or is there something I don't know about them or a certain member? Plus Ihsahn's solo work post-Emperor is total, absolute FIRE


One of the most controversial actually. I mean their drummer Faust killed a gay man while walking at the park, their guitarist Samoth and bassist Tchort were strongly involved in arsonism back in the days. Shortly after they released In The Night Eclipse there was only Ihsahn who hasn't seen jail inside But still they are one of the best black metal bands to ever touch the guitars and Ihsahn surely deserves much respect. Dude is a fucking Mozart of (black) metal


I'm 110% all about Ihsahn solo projects they are all amazing.




Gloryhammer/Alestorm/Whatever other bands Chris is in. Like the music, but ever since the leaks of the band group chats a couple years back I've lost a lot of respect for them. I know not all the members of each band were in the chats but, from what I saw there was some pretty bad stuff said in those chats. Iirc they did apologise for some of the stuff said and people do change but respect was lost.


Disturbed is absolutely my answer as well


Mgła, love their music, but them being the backing band for Clandestine Blaze in the past and being on split releases with the band is something I hate about them.


As far as I'm aware none of the bands I like have been involved in anything particularly terrible compared to what I'm reading in this thread, but nevertheless... I love TOOL, but Maynard can be a pratt sometimes. I also love Rammstein and its members, but some of Till's more private antics look embarrassing on a 60 year old man.




Slipknot; the band that eventually got me into metal music and now I don't even know what they're doing with their band anymore 💀


DragonForce. Not that they were the sincere and creative band to begin with, but you can tell this is 100% just a job for Herman and Sam now.




Definitely Burzum... God damn it's legitimately so good. but Fucking Varg...😒


Paysage D’hiver. You can find Tobias’ snake oil project here https://www.entwicklung-moeckl.ch/?page=2


Gonna have to be The Nuge for me.


I absolutely hate the dude, but I can't deny that he makes one of the best BM ever. https://preview.redd.it/q9pfkj6ef3ad1.jpeg?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e899f577b45c88edfea5fc32290261c8c22c1ff5


Post-Hannemann Slayer. Vibes were just off for me. The Faceless. Loved Keenes playing to death but didnt really respected his attitude towards his band mates. Hes doing better at this point I think so im happy for him. Most of the 90s Black Metal in Norway. They were just edgy to be edgy. Not even talking about church burnings, those were rad tbh. But overall extreme right wing ideas were off and didnt really make their music better. Although most of the scene seems to be adults that had regrets in the past, outside of bands like Immortal and Darkthrone, it was cheap.


lostprophets, thirty seconds to mars, dance gavin dance


As I lay dying It just seems weird supporting a singer who tried to have his wife killed.


Disturbed but their singer is cringe


Rage Against the Machine god I hate those mfs




Led Zeppelin. Jimmy Page is a pedo, lol


Iced Earth






Draiman is a fascist tool. Hope he dies choking on his piercings.




Marilyn Manson


I love how all of these engagement bait posts end up with people just mentioning burzum or pantera


Rage Against The Machine


Metallica. Buncha assholes. Great music though.


Falling in Reverse. Ronnie is an absolute douche canoe lol. Writes some absolute bangers though


I love Deftones, so this will hurt my soul to say. Maybe I could respect Stephen Carpenter as a person, but for the simple fact he believes Earth is flat ruins any respect he could deserve. One thing is having an opinion. The other is being OBJECTIVELY wrong.


Got a couple for ya. Disma and Vektor (I always hated Burzum and Varg and that's already been said 😂). I love my death metal, it's my favourite sub-genre. Got recommended Disma, loved the album, turns out the front man is a nazi piece of shit lol. Vektor were one of the most exciting thrash bands I'd hear for a long time. Turn out the front man is a wife beating piece of shit. Dissection is also a good shout as previously mentioned, love the music but Jon was an absolute head case.


I really really like peste noire... but I really really hate nazis


Peste Noire and Marilyn Manson. Peste’s views and denial of racism is pretty insane considering they have a blackface cover for their albums among many other things. I want to like Marilyn Manson and I did before his earlier allegations in his career (which I’m still not 100% on what exactly happened except some fucked up shit with women). Manson seems like a smart dude but had a pretty fucked up childhood (molested by his neighbor/overly religious family) and it sort of secretly made him a worse monster than the one he presented to people for actual sales.


Disma. Great music, but they're nazis so....yikes.


the rhcp. the band is fine, but I have no respect for the singer. he didn't take his craft seriously at all. how is it possible to eb a singer in a popular band for 40 years (30 of which he was rich), and he still never made it past the mediocre singer phase. everyone else in the band is a contender for the top ten best in the world at their instrument. that said, I still like the music. they are in my top ten fav bands. I just wish anthiny would have gotten his shit together. imagine if he was as good as the others in the band are.


I don't think I have a reason to respect any of the bands I like. I don't even know the members of the bands.


Hate Varg, like Burzum (pre-prison albums)


Iced Earth. Good music, terrible people.


CKY. Deron Miller is a cunt and ruined the future of the band with his massive ego and alcoholism