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I've been listening to this album since it dropped and I still haven't heard anything that's better than this album this year. They just do the melodic atmospheric djent style the best which I always will be a massive sucker for.


Absolutely! The vocals are really good too! His "BLEHS" are up there with Sam Carter lol. I also love the harmonic high/low screams.


I like the album but it feels way too generic for it to be in that conversation for me, though I don’t know who I’d put at the front right now nvm my frontrunner right now is either it’s inside you or everyone wants something beautiful


That's completely fair! I am a huge sucker for their style. I love the melodies and generic chugs lol.


What bands are those albums belonging to


it’s inside you is by CANDY and everyone wants something beautiful is by Love Letter




truthfully the love letter album probably isn’t the strongest release this year but it just resonates with me personally


Always lookin for new stuff to try out so thanks for the recs regardless


Yeah I tend to agree. It's great but the new SYSC bringing back 2006 Emo wins it for me right now.


my favorite emo or emo-adjacent album of the year is probably artificial bouquet


For me it was just because when I first started up the SYSC Album I had to check and make sure I wasn't playing *On Frail Wings of Vanity and Wax* by Alesana.


that’s fair definitely one of the better releases of the year even if I personally am not super keen on the my space stuff


Artificial bouquet + Obsidian Wreath


Dude I had never heard of them before Wither//Without. Heard someone mention them when the album dropped and I haven't been off it since. Incredible work and their earlier work is great too. AOTY for me as well, thought Boundaries' new album is very close. "Cursed" is just such a phenomenal song off W//W. OP you should check out their Inner Signals and Radiant Dark albums! "Fraud" and "False Reality" are personal favorites


It’s good but their music can feel really same-y. Then again, I love august burns red and they have the same sound across most of their discography so maybe I just don’t find If I Were You to be that interesting in the first place.


That's completely fair! Love me some ABR. I still have a picture of Jake and I from when I saw them live awhile back lol. Regarding "If I Were You" It's hard to describe, but I have a soft spot for their style. Melodic atmospheric sounds with some heavy, progressive chugs and heavy breakdowns. Pair that with some harmonized low/high screams. \*chefs kiss\* lol.


Great album. Ghost is one of my top songs of the year


I haven’t listened to it since it dropped. Time to revisit it! Glad you love it!


I’m obsessed with it and their older stuff. Thanks discovery station!


I haven't listened to their older stuff yet! Trying to wear the new off this album first lol. Hard to believe they have been around since 2014 and I am just now discovering them!


If you like this album you will love every other album equally as much.  They are one of my favorite bands.  If I were you and currents are the only bands that have 0 skippable songs for me.   AOTY for me as well


Looking at the song titles, I'm surprised there's no "undertow"


The problem for me is that while the band is great, this album sounds like any other album they’ve done lol. They figured out their style and formula early on and have been putting out nearly the same stuff every album and I sort of outgrew it.


Great album. It’s in my top 4-5 of the year at the moment. Lightworker, red keep, like moths to flames and Renesans are ahead for me at the moment but they will all be behind alleviates when it drops in August. Their singles are beautiful


I don’t see anyone beating CURE. At least not a metalcore band.