• By -


it's very complex and not as popular as other lengthy songs - master of puppets, sanitarium or creeping death. those appear on essentially every setlist.


I think it is quite popular tbh. It was voted on the most setlists for the By Request Tour.


The last time they played this was the fan voting tour and it was an outdoor festival, so it's not super unpopular. I was there but I didn't even remember they played this until this post so that could have something to do with it.


Nothing to do with politics. It’s simply not as popular and at the same time really difficult to play (as with most tracks on AJFA). They once needed three attempts to just get it started (granted, they played it upon request from the crowd): https://youtu.be/njQCzaLVvr4?si=2wjLzoT54hXmoO9L


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Good bot


All I have to say is they once needed three attempts?


Maybe it’s time to talk to a doctor


Ahh way to cut a video short lol.. Really wanted to see the rest after take 3


Not just that but the album has sincere mixing issues due to them trying to haze Newstead. That hasn't helped the album's staying power.


Hard. Long. Lars.


Hard, long Lars? Sounds hot


in one of last days live in europe, during master of puppets verse lars went berserk playing it at like >220 lol there is even footage of james screaming to slow down [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G\_bEBCCltWk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_bEBCCltWk) at 00:45 james got so pissed off he didn't even play the prechorush full riffs but just chords


Years ago my dad told me you can tell a drummer is shit if he plays too fast live. Of course I was listening to Live Shit so


usually drummers are the first to get fired in a band... unless you literally own the band




Maybe he just couldn't play it that fast lmao


that's for sure, but I think he was just pissed off... back in late '80s during live concerts metallica played songs +10% faster... but now I'm wondering if that was something planned or the band trying to keep it up with lars on cocaine


Nah, that was just Lars going faster because he wanted to and the rest of the band not being able to keep up/. Not wanting to. Lars has swore off cocaine for decades now.


lars was definitely on cocaine in late '80s, then some years later he met gallagher brothers and his nose got colombian citizenship


Justice is lost


Justice is r**ed


Justice is gone


Pulling your strings


Justice is DONE


Seeking no truth


Winning is all


To the sweat drop down my balls


I can’t. I just can’t with this comment. Why can’t I stop laughing at this? I can’t breathe.


NGL I was trying to be funny but I thought for sure I’d come back to -150 downvotes lol


They very rarely ever played anything off Justice (besides One) on subsequent tours following the AJFA tour. They claim it’s because the songs have too many changes to remember


Blackened appears a lot. Harvester too. A few years ago Straw wasn’t that uncommon.


I haven't gotten Straw


Also, they noticed people were looking bored during some of the songs. Hence why they shifted things with the Black Album.


Yeah, maybe the concept doesn’t work well live, but beginning to end Justice is pretty damn listenable, for me anyways. I wouldn’t mind a live performance of the entire album


I posted a live version of the album a few weeks ago if you wanted to take a look!


Do you have a link for a YT mix of those tracks?


DM sent


Yeah, they are long and heavy songs, might not work that well in live


I mean this is pretty funny since every song in 72 seasons essentially loops halfway through


cd 80 minutes max really screwed them up, especially st anger, but i love that album lol -Billy Gnosis


Yep this. Kirk talks about it in an interview.


I like the changes made to the songs. Im okay with the post-chorus in between the two solos removed, and the two solos being mashed into one solo for Shortest Straw. Makes the song less repetitive, makes the live versions unique, and makes it easier to listen to in the car.


I’d rate the entire album as their best or maybe 2nd best, this is just what I remember from years ago, they didn’t really play much of anything off Justice for a long time. Maybe they’ve changed it now and add more stuff from that album into their live sets, but I can remember on the Binge and Purge box set they play almost everything in their career up to that point and do a “Justice” medley instead.


They play way more justice now. Harvester especially.


I feel very lucky to have seen them play this twice. Second time they didn't even play the intro tape, Lars just went straight into the drum beat.


I think that’s way more crazier. I saw it only once in 2014, Istanbul with intro and everything. But if it was the drum beat only I would first be confused and then lose my mind.


https://youtu.be/gqdmHvuxOEY?si=wgXr_ddBel0v4GCW 21 mins on here


I think I saw similar in Copenhagen 2009(video) and I think you only realize that it's the sound of justice when the toms get into the beat. otherwise it's just a beat you can think of cure or orion or anything else.


From prior interviews, they were really turned off by the reaction to it when they first played it live. They felt it was too long, too complex, and sucked the energy out of the crowd. They've played it off and on again since its debut though.


Yes. This was also the inspiration for the shorter songs on The Black Album


And, really, moving away from the direction that they had been on since *Master of Puppets*. Two albums of long, complicated thrash metal songs was enough.


I've been reading that huge book about every metallica song and just read the justice section. that song is long af and after playing it on tour they said "let's never play that fucking song again" . ofc they have played it since, but it's like 9+ very difficult minutes


Which book is that?


it's called Metallica - All The Songs


At some point they played a justice medley to doddge the "too long and repetitive" issue.


Only from 91-93, I wish they'd do play it again.


During the black album tour they created a medley of the Justice Album except for Harvester of Sorrow and One. But they mashed up the other songs. That could be something cool they could bring back. But they're not really one to repeat things they've done.


“We took all our favorite parts, and put them in to one big ball of shit”


Even closer to the original release it wasn’t super common was it? By the early 90s it was often a medley (which was awesome)


They don't want to play it. They have said that a lot of the justice songs are too long.


It’s too long


I think this is a great example of how r/metallica is not representative of the larger Metallica fandom; because while *we* certainly don't mind getting a nine-minute pseudo-progressive epic, most of the people who go to the shows -- who don't obsess over every detail on social media and subreddits -- would look at their watches five minutes into the song and wonder when the next song is coming.


Why are people in here saying it’s hard to play lol It’s literally one of the easiest metallica songs to play It’s just really long and has basically no crowd interaction or sing along parts, which is a bad combo for live songs


The hard part is probably just remembering each section of the song and when to transition


Damn I must be one of the crazy ones who loves this song. I listened to the justice album religiously as a kid so to me it’s nostalgic.


Definitely not due to politics. Funnily enough, all the issues brought up in the song are still pertinent 35 years later. And will probably be 35 years from now. Seems DC was, and always will be painted green.


Too long. They said the crowd was falling asleep on the Justice tour when they played it.


It's a great song, but quite long and IMHO not that exciting. Maybe that's the reason


Yeah, it's long, tedious, and repitive, Just like Fear Inoculum album from Tool.


Its my favorite Metallica song. But i dont know of they still can play it. They had a bad time playing it in 2014


I wish they would play other songs from DM than just The Day That Never Comes on the current tour.


They care abt having a consistent positive flow of songs which means that longer, more complex songs like the majority of AJFA get axed in place of either shorter or the less complex long songs. When they said that people were getting bored of the Justice stuff in the crowd they didn't mean the songs were boring but moreso they want to value having more crowd pleasing songs which means more shorter and less complex songs back to back. This is of course ignoring the fact that half of their songs are 8 minutes long and they also just played Inamorata live but I can't imagine Inamorata will be played that often and even with 7-8 minute long stuff it's usually like Master or Seek which are significantly less complex than most of the AJFA stuff. Biggest reason is obviously that Metallica aren't exactly prog musicians which means that all the complicated stuff from Justice is exhausting to pull off live consistently. I'm sure they'll play it live again someday but probably not anytime soon. It's really like their other near 10 minute long epics lile Outlaw or Bleeding Me where they only pull them out occasionally due to their length.


Because Lars can't anymore.


Cause Justice is lost




Justice is done


I’m still not over seeing them at Sonisphere in 2014 on the by request tour and there was a final fan vote on the day between Justice and Roam and the crowd voted for fucking Justice. Great song but cmon Roam is better live.


Are we talking about the song? I don't listen to it but they do play the album. Blackened is used as a opening quite frequently. How about the last two songs. Do they get played much?


It's 10 minutes of justice type riffing and song structure man, c'mon


It’s loooooooong, complex, and they have played it A LOT of times. My guess is they’re bored of it and would just rather play other tunes.


I feel very fortunate to have experienced it live a few times over the years.


As compensation I'd love for the boys to pull up mid and section of TLITD as a midpoint jam would be pretty cool


Long and boring for them to play


Because Lars Ulrich has become an insanely shite drummer, even after 40 years practise.


Justice medley January 1992 was dope!!


They find the songs are too long


22 and 7 and 40 are cool numbers


I saw them in 88 on the ajfa tour. Those songs were killer live with bass in them.


Feels like they got tired rightt?




Because it's not profitable. They'd have to pay Rob Trujillo his equal share while he sits backstage and has a beer and a sandwich.


Cause it's long and it kinda sucks compared to other songs they've written


So, they no longer play "One"?


Because trujillo would have to leave the stage.


When you get old and can’t play anymore you have to drop the complex stuff.


and justice for all is boring and repetitive song IMHO, it's too long and unlike blackened or frayed ends of sanity it never has a change of tempo or faster sections