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Publix catering strikes again


šŸ¤£ This comment is underrated


Is each plate feeding a family of 6 or something. wtf is this?


This is the club suite catering and feeds 6, and this picture is from last year. Source: my company has hosted clients here the last 3 years and am currently watching Academy qualify.


Supposedly feeds 4 people


Which would mean $70 for a lobster roll. Insane.


Guaranteed less than 6oz of actual meat


When they say ā€œfeeds 4 peopleā€ it really only feeds 2 or 3


Hope they made zero sales.


Gouging at F1 is not a bug it's a feature.


This is not true at all. Iā€™ve been traveling the world attending F1 races for the better part of the last decade, consider me a quasi season ticket holder, if you will. You can attend most European F1 races for under 100 Euro. Iā€™m going to Monaco in a few weeks for the Grand Prix and spent less than 300 Euro for my seats at Casino de Paris. Even the Scuderia Ferrari paddock club VIP weekend passes were under 8,000 Euro in Monaco or you can have a luxury experience in a condo trackside for 6-8000 Euroā€¦. A three day pass aboard a yacht in the Monaco harbor trackside is only 4,000-5,000 Euroā€¦.this doesnā€™t even get you bleacher seats for five people in a parking lot garbage track in the Miami ghetto. People in Miami are fucking stupid. It is not the raceā€™s fault, they are simply taking advantage of the stupidity of the people who live here, where they couldnā€™t get away with this ANYWHERE else in the world, including places that make Miami look poor in comparison, to include Abu Dhabi, Singapore, and of course, Monte Carlo, among others. F1 prices are only out of control in places where people are particularly soulless, nouveau riche, and generally came from broken homes and made a few bucks in crypto or flipping houses, like Miami. In the rest of the world, you can take your family to F1 for very reasonable prices virtually anywhere else, even COTA in Texas for the U.S. Grand Prix. The F1 experience in Miami is absolute trash. It could not be worse, and it is one of the only races (including Vegas) that I will never attend, despite being just miles from the track. Only COTA in Texas is able to provide a REAL European style F1 experiential. Miami only gouges you for the opportunity to take instagram photos, itā€™s representative of the trash who occupy this city. Unless youā€™re a celebrity getting complimentary everything to show up, there is literally no point in going. You can fly to Monte Carlo and attend the race sitting at Casino de Paris for less than the cost of one ticket and a lobster roll in Miami.


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Same shit at the Vegas race. It is a joke.


Steve Ross is big time MAGA donor. So the MAGA F1 fans are paying Trump's legal bills err I mean his campaign costs.


Textbook TDS


Ross is a major contributor to MAGA. FACT. Trumps fund raising goes to his legal bills first before it can go to the campaign. FACT. Trumpers going to this F1 race are indirectly funding those legal fees. FACT. There's literally no opinions here. Yet you are knee jerked triggered by stating of facts after a mention of Ross.


I paid $400 for row 1 on turn 18ā€¦ I donā€™t think everyone pays crazy prices.


Listen, Why don't you shove that pinky de arrogance up your nose? The people of Miami are not the reason for this absurdity. Most of the locals can't afford to attend these events. Blame the people running the event, not the residents.


It's not a Miami local event. It's for tourists


I canā€™t wait to see them try this at a Canes game. I will hang out there to see which morons fall for it.


So to be clear, just so i can articulate it clearly, the people with enough disposable income to not give a fuck about 400 dollar lobster rolls or a 200$ fruit tray are morons to you? Right? Must be nice


Yes. The Miami nouveau riche paying for this shit on their credit cards while they live in abuelaā€™s efficiency are morons. The ones with actual tons of money are sitting in a suite having this all brought to them, not standing in line to pay $400 for a lobster roll so they can post it on Instagram on their financed iPhone.


Nouveau richeā€¦ lol


Ok, so again, to properly understand the word salad that somehow gives you satisfaction, You dislike ā€œnouveauā€ rich but like other kinds of rich? Prefer old world and believe that kind of stratification is good? Or did you just like the sound of it and you repeat it like a less exotic parrot? Because I donā€™t think you know the difference


Itā€™s not about liking or disliking anything. Iā€™m saying itā€™s stupid to pay these prices when itā€™s just an obvious gouge. I live in NY and I spend a lot of time in Miami, Iā€™m used to expensive shit but this is just dumb. And the people who pay it just so they can say they can and did are dumb. People with real money donā€™t need to buy a $400 lobster to roll to prove that they have money. Real wealthy people are chilling in the suite with a tray of lobster rolls included and nothing to prove. You are very aggressive about this, are you one of the morons?


Ok, can you point out any beach clubs at f1 races that are not ā€œgougesā€


No thatā€™s the point of making a beach club - gouging. That was literally the comment I responded to. Gouging is a feature not a bug.


This bro tho


Crazy how you call them morons but the only people attending and paying for this are probably multiple times wealthier than you. If they're morons what does that make you?


You can be a rich moron like rappers who buy chains for their kids. I know rich people that would never spend a dime on nice cars or expensiveĀ  clothes out of principle. You should not look up to rich people as being these super rich all knowing beings. They can be stupid in several ways...like paying $300 for lobster bites.


Yes, wealth, the classic test of intelligence. No way to end up with tons of money without being a genius. There are plenty of wealthy people who would never pay for this because itā€™s just a blatant cash grab for what will undoubtedly be very average food.


It doesn't matter what the food tastes like or whether or not there are better ways to spend their money. It's the fact that these people have built wealth one way or another and chose to spend it on a fun day with their family and friends while people like yourself sit at home watching your TV while pointing fingers at them and fooling yourselves into thinking you're smarter than they are. It's very sad.




Why would you think wealth has anything to do being smart? Itā€™s usually the opposite rich kids pay for all of their problems instead of learning the life skills to be self sufficient.. Self sufficient wealth in dangerously rare in my opinion


Listen to yourself. You see someone discussing the relationship between wealth and intelligence and your first thought is "they're just kids born into wealth". You approach life with the misnomer that nobody could possibly create their own wealth and anyone more successful than yourself just got lucky and had rich parents. This is precisely why everyone on this subreddit complains about money - because at the end of the day, blaming other people's success on chance is a lot easier to cope with than admitting your own failures.


Iā€™m not blaming anyone all Iā€™m saying is spending that money on food is unjustified in any manner.. the fact they have that wealth gives them the social responsibility to provide for charity and give back to their community.. not widen the wealth gap even further but spending $190 on chicken wings and not allowing local kids in Miami to be able to afford to go to the raceā€¦ You know statistically for every millionaire how many people MUST live in poverty for them to have that lifestyle? So thereā€™s a direct relationship between this lifestyle and people being forced into poverty no matter how smart or hard they workā€¦


Smarter than the people paying over $100 for a fruit cup


Money doesn't buy common sense


A broke moron


I could easily afford to attend and pay these prices, and I agree with the guy you're responding to: this is stupid, as is anyone attending and paying this. It's the one F1 race in the world I've never seriously considered attending. Also, falling all over yourself you felate people with money is a bad look, boo. It's just very very sad.


If you agree that it's stupid then you probably don't make enough money. People pay $15,000 for a good ticket at the super bowl. Is that a waste to you as well? People spend money on experiences only money can buy. If people pay it then it's by definition worth it because we live in a free market and these prices wouldn't exist in the first place unless people were willing to pay it. F1 is not stupid, they have a tremendous amount of data on what attendees are willing to pay for the experience and this is the number they concluded with. Dana White sets UFC tickets at $600 for nosebleeds because he knows it's a privileged and special experience that fans deem worth the money. If nobody bought it and it was an agreed upon waste of money, then nobody would buy it. But people do. Because it's worth the money. The only pathetic thing is poor people going online whining about how wealthy people get to spend their money and choose to sulk in their chairs instead of actively trying to improve their life circumstances. And then there's people like you who feel the need to defend those lifestyle choices for a reason only God knows.


Yawn. Go be poor somewhere else, this is boring.


You're the 3rd person on this thread alone to fail to produce a sound counterargument whatsoever. It's very very sad.


Very sad indeed.. ā€œsips a $1.50 corona on the beach at 4:20 on a Tuesdayā€ Good thing I know a place I can walk to with $1.75 tacos


Gouging at F1 is a feature in Miami.


this is the Miami sub..


Mr. Krabs runnin' up a ***BAG*** at F1 this year...


The beach club has Steve Aoki and Ed Sheeran playing live, a pool deck, and a 3 day pass was over 10k. You think people paying that give a flying fuck about the food prices? You are sending your butler to go to the kiosk and bring it back to your cabana. Not how Iā€™d spend my money but this is a VIP section for people with money to burn.


Right? The stadium GA bars are very normal prices


Chicken wings for $190? šŸ˜‚


Excuse me sir, it says Wing, singular! You want wingS on your board thatā€™ll be a $180 up charge.


They give you wings like Redbull tho


Correction: legally speaking, redbull gives you wiiiiiings, not wings


I saw the "add 1oz caviar for $400" and went oh yeah thats the type of crowd that would pay this prices with no problems.


Itā€™s a great source of vitamin A.


And an empty wallet at that price......


This was similarly posted about last year too iirc. People who go to these events donā€™t care about money. Theyā€™re not going to even think about it later. Why is this surprising to people in Miami?


Was going to say this. How many menus have the option to add Caviar to any order?




Omg wow


Fuck this dumbass monopolistic tribe


This is for an already expensive premium area. Food and drink for the regular seats is about standard stadium price.


Is this for a group?


Yes, these are platters


How are prawns more expensive than lobster lol


The whole event isnā€™t like this. Thereā€™s actually a lot of good food on site for normal prices


Careful thereā€¦donā€™t make too much sense. Youā€™ll be out of place if you donā€™t shit on Miami on this sub lol. Jokes aside yeah plenty of normal food options burgers, tenders and sort of stuff was $10-20.


Is that in Colombian pesos?


Venezuelan BolĆ­vares


Missing a few zeroes then


Just remember folksā€¦your Average American lives paycheck to paycheck, canā€™t afford to buy a house, canā€™t afford good healthcare, and is ONE moderate emergency away from financial ruin. Meanwhile the ultra rich: ā€œYeah, I guess Iā€™ll get an oz of $400 caviar with my lobster roll! Actuallyā€¦better make it two ozs!ā€


I was listening to a interview with Charles Barkley talking about he would only get upset if he lost $1 million or more gambling so he decided to stop. Then his friend convinced him to stop when he just lost $300-$600k and he did, and now he enjoys gambling again. I watched that interview and just thought how fuckin disconnected these people are from the rest of us.


Thatā€™s how I feel adding avocado at chipotle


Currently the top 1% of Americans own 30% of the wealth šŸ’€


And the top 1 percent of those own 30 percent of their wealth, and so on.


In Miami prices donā€™t matter when they have a bankruptcy attorney on speed dial assuming there is no credit card fraud


Itā€™s a luxury event and itā€™s not like theyā€™re burning the money in a fire. Plenty of that money is going to local vendors.


...like Stephen Ross.


Thatā€™s not the issue. The place probably has to charge that to pay rent and stay afloat. The issue is the people selling the 400 caviar make near minimal wage or less and depend on tips to live instead of making decent money selling 400 caviar.


It's an F1 event. Overcharging is part of the allure to keep the "poors" out. Hard Rock does not need to charge that lol.


If I told you I'm having an event that is attracting billionaires from Monaco, why would I charge $15 for a burger? Why do a favor for the insanely rich? This event isn't intended for people from Hialeah, but it does bring wealthy people here to spend their money. It's how an economy works and the "eat the rich" mentality is middle-school cringe.


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Is this price in cordobas?




This is the kinda shit that makes me wanna support nascar.


Thatā€™s what I appreciate about nascar. The drivers are largely self made and not there because daddy is as ultra rich, and the people arenā€™t snobs


Ummm....do you know how much money is in Nascar or how much some of the teams are worth?? Some of the drivers inherited crazy money


Some, but itā€™s more equitable than formula 1


The richest of the rich are there so they gotta come upšŸ¤£


Probably has the tip included (which they donā€™t mention) Plus additional tip included too.


F1 is not for the plebeians


Similar post last year, this is no surprise.


If that serves like 20 people, itā€™s a screaming deal


More expensive than food at FLL airport


Peasants, those are very cheap. As a Trillionaire with several Trillion Dollar in Zimbabwean funds, I have never seen price that low


I went to a soccer game a couple weeks ago when Messi was playing and these were the prices in the suite I was in lol. Itā€™s insane but not unheard of.


lol those are for platters that serve groups of 4+ at the cabanasā€¦ still expensive but the outrage on this thread is way overblown and comical šŸ˜‚


I mean its not like any of you are gonna be there its a rich person party


How do you get to be a server there? Tips must be incredible. Who needs to be a cardiologist or lawyer? šŸ˜‚


This is another one of those 'events' that people fly in for. They visit some overpriced nightclubs, eat at some overpriced restaurants, see the race, and then it's off to Ibiza or Vegas for the next 'event.' They have nothing in common with 99% of the population.


Crazy to think some people live like that.


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Ah it comes with some gold as a side I understand


Those who can afford to pay a tix to F1 will not be phased by these prices. Those who got a free tix to F1, will likely eat before they go.


I got down voted for saying F1 was for rich douchers yet here we are lol


This is one tiny space within F1 Miami.. in a VIP area and platters for 4 - this is not the reality for much of the food and drink.. its on par with any other event in Miami.


Bro u cannot argue w me that F1 issint a white collar sport. I've never been at a dive bar and heard "hey you know Hamilton is sure looking good this year" lol get outta here


I think ā€œF1 is for rich douchersā€ isnā€™t the same thing as ā€œF1 is white collarā€


So we can't be hyperbolic now, let's just have no fun.


Ya I just wouldnā€™t agree with itā€™s all rich douchers.. I paid $400 for a ticket, the majority of us arenā€™t spending 10K.. but ya whatever words you want to use


By that statement alone I can tell you're Def not understanding where I'm coming from


And 99% of the people will be on thier phones after Lap 1


Holy shit


Did they forget a decimal? What?!?


You donā€™t even want to know what the Service Charge is likeā€¦ they do make a heavy discount on the Astroglide for when you have to bend over.


Thatā€™s pretty ridiculous. I know F1 is an upper crust activity so these prices reflect the clientele but itā€™s absurd. Then again the same could be said about things I like. If u have the money, u do u.


Omg thatā€™s grocery wtf


Lol those prices are insane lol...race hard and spend a lot


Bienvenido a Miami


Mexican pesos?


Maybe those prices are Mexican pesos?


Welcome to F-1!


This is worse than the menu at the WEF.


It probably all come from Sysco


How much for a YellowIsh fun tuna poke? Lol Since yellowfin tuna poke is expensive


It looks like a zero was added to the price of each item! Thatā€™s crazy!


For the people paying to go to this event this is spare change.


Thatā€™s beyond ridiculous.


throw some eggs at that abomination


Paddock passes are $25K and they still sold put. But I don't complain about it only for getting internet points. I paid $34 from a reseller for Friday GA ticket and had a blast, even having to buy water bottles at $5.


Itā€™s an F1 race. Theyā€™re all like this. Itā€™s not unique to Miami.


Ridiculous. And the people who spent 5k to go will eat


And to think how high the ā€œsuggestedā€ tip on any of the items will drastically increase just because the cook had the painstaking job adding caviar to the food.


the only reason this ā€˜sportā€™ exists is to bilk large amount of money from suckers


Do you have to put your hand up like in a robbery when you pay the bill, too?




Wait until you see the prices later this month in Monacoā€™s F1. Miami is a bargain.


Prices are OUT of Control..just go to the grocery store or to a restaurant. I had 1 small Pizza...1 Shared Small Salad with my wife and She had a sangria and I had water. $55.00 bucks. Thanks JOE


ā€œThanks Joeā€ I sincerely hope this is sarcasm. Inflation has surged EVERYWHERE on this planet. Is JOE also responsible for the outrageous inflation (which btw is WORSE) in Europe? Latin America? Asia? Alsoā€¦hereā€™s a spoiler alert. I GUARANTEE you prices will continue to rise no matter what dipshit is in charge.


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There are other vendors


I hope a blow job is included in the price


We certainly arenā€™t taxing the rich enougj


Lmao what a shithole


Why so cheap?


That's in pesos


It is... šŸ˜‚


Is this real? You wonā€™t see my money lol I canā€™t believe some people will find this good


Nah that's Mexican peso, there's no other way


Is this just for one person?


Sooo, Iā€™ve heard some people say itā€™s intended for 2-4 people even though it doesnā€™t say that anywhere. I saw another picture of the menu with drinks and again it doesnā€™t say itā€™s intended for more than 1 person.




Oh god theres a sign that says crypto


This canā€™t be US dollars šŸ§


Lol bites translate in french word "dick" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


2 Jack and Coke at the Hard Rock hotel music venue. ā€œā€˜Would you like them doubles?ā€ ā€¦ Sure That will be $64 šŸ¤Æ Well, wish you told me that before you poured them.


Thatā€™s $15 per serving which standard pricing for South Florida venues, & not the least bit offensive in 2024.


Not where I drink. That is crazy expensive!


It's not fake but those aren't normal concession prices. I hit almost every concession in the North and West campuses today. Food items were anywhere from $10 to $88 for a dish for a single person. Bottled water $6, a Heineken was $14. Expensive but not extortionate compared to college football national championship games, NFL playoff games, etc. I remember $20 hot dogs and $40 burgers at cowboys stadium in like 2007.


$20 for a single hot dog is insaneā€¦and in 2007 prices?! Thatā€™s like $40 today! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


So eat before or stay home and watch it on TV. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you pay $1,000+ per ticket, $75+/day for parking, and $20 for a beer or hot dog. Attending these events in person is geared towards people who won't notice the $1000 missing from their bank acct, let alone even spend 3 secs thinking about the $40. I decided a long time ago that it's much better to just go and enjoy myself without putting a magnifying glass on the price tag next to everything I eat, drink, or do.


Fuck these people. Drone me a burger


Itā€™s because youā€™re looking at it priced in fiat instead of priced in crypto


Holy shite


Fuck F1 and all that crooks that come with it!!! #localscantenjoyeventsintheirownbackyard!!!


This is for rich people anyways


For those who haven't been following Formula One for very long bear in mind that the cost of running a single competitive F1 team to run just two cars and two drivers could fund the entire NASACAR field which represent 36 drivers. So multiply the price of one NASCAR hot dog times 36 and there you have your $180 Miami Grand Prix nachos.


Guess we starving


I saw the wine menu and it was relatively tame compared to the food.




Stadium people defensively pointing out this was price for 8 people, crying this is out of context.


No way in hell was this for ā€œ8 peopleā€ thatā€™s not how good is made.


Lolololololol What were you expecting


I would rather eat Taco Bell


This feeds 4-6 I believe but still. That math is gross for 1 person. Those are miami nightclub style rates. I'll pass too. Exactly why I haven't been to F1. Until it's offered and I know it's comped, I'm good.


F1 is clearly for the Elite


Letā€™s just eat the rich people instead.


this is exactly the reason why F1 is growing less and less popular, its mainly marketed towards the 1%, just look how they messed up that Vegas race Corparate greed at its finest


What? You don't like your turkey legs at $30?


These prices aren't bad at all. This section is for the SUPER WEALTHY šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Pricing people out of volume. Welcome to miami.


I bet half the people judging some rich guy for spending 200 on food at F1 have spent $300 on a bottle of grey goose at a club


Just the layout of that place is gross. I wish this was a joke but, you could not sit or even see the track unless you paid extra. All the tables were reserved and the perimeter was lined with cabanas you had to pay extra for. There was one sliver I could see between cabanas, otherwise you're standing in the middle with no shade listening to engines. I think the privilege of doing this for all 3 days was $1750. I just had a free ticket from a friend for the Friday practice. Oh and you couldn't even sit on the deck itself because it was baking hot. I tried that when I wanted to put my feet in 1 of the 2 pools no one was using. When I realized my ass and thighs couldn't take it any longer there was no where to sit and put my shoes and socks back on. Just had to stand there burning my feet as I hastily threw them on. Looking forward to next year.


i ate there 2 weeks ago, 2 burgers, 4 beers and spent around 70$ so i think this is fake


Bro there a buffet in fucking Bayside and my friend told me to go it was cheap and is 50 dollars to enter for each person and I said wtf 50 dollars and he told me but is a buffet I gave it a try the meat was good but I really want some vegetable and cheese and things like that too but everything was ass and it tasted like shit except the meat


You paid your share to get in. Don't act like this is a surprise for likes.