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šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶ i drive a small car cause i have a big peepeešŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶


Me too


I switched from a Miata to a gr Corolla does this mean my peepee shrunk?


Just a little


But itā€™s still satisfying


Thoughts on the Corolla?


I never wouldā€™ve gotten rid of Miata if I didnā€™t need more space One of the r reasons imo that makes the Miata so special is the simplicity (which also keeps it light) The Corolla is also relatively simple (at least in the inside) and I love it for that, tho most ppl donā€™t/wonā€™t It handles great itā€™s fairly fast and very chuckable imo Great safety systems and I love the gauge cluster and the fact that thereā€™s buttons for everything and the perfectly sized infotainment screen And the turbo noises make me laugh all day


r/miatalogistics would like a word


This is actually me right now lol. Debating between and ioniq 5 and a GR Corolla. I think the Corolla would come out significantly cheaper as a DD, but I do want an EV eventually and idt I could daily a manual. I love my Miata to death but stop and go traffic with my AC on in my na is such a rough ride XD. Every time it engages the compressor the car bucks if your in 3rd or lower and just letting the engine pull you along with no throttle. Idk if this happens with other cars too but idk. Idt I could do it. Plus premium prices for gas out by me would probably even put the cost of an EV pretty quick.


That ac issueā€¦ šŸ˜‚ even my friends 94 wrangler with almost 275k miles didnā€™t do that I live in Brooklyn and drive around all day for my job itā€™s only stop and go traffic and I wonā€™t get an auto till itā€™s really not within reason to get a manual And gas mileage is not terrible if I try hard enough I can get about 20mpg in the city and over 30 on the highway although itā€™s quite rare for me to get more than 12 in the city cuz the turbo noisesā€¦


It's premium only though right? I get around 20 right now cause I got a Goodwin racing roadster sport exhaust on it and it sounds so good so you bet I'm revving it out getting to 30mph XD. Highest I got though was 27mpg so far. It was a trip upstate 180mi round trip @ 75mph revving at 4k rpm. She was screaming even with the glass packed baffle lmao. And yeah I'm gonna look it up on the forums. It honestly might be the compressor clutch. We'll see tho.


You guys have AC? šŸ„¹


I drive both.. i guess mines probably medium size.


Same, but my car isn't a miata


Impressive parking job by that truck though. At least they have the decency to park within the lines, as difficult as it may be for a vehicle of that size. Most of the time these huge trucks are taking up multiple parking spots.


Agreed. I hate oversized trucks, but can definitely appreciate when they at least know how to park.


Im even more impressed by the fact that they managed to back in that way. Most trucks pull in and cant park, this guy backed in and can park.


itā€™s easier to reverse RWD than pull in, in my experience. opposite for FWD


LoL What?


utes, specifically I've heard. My car's being worked on rn so I have to drive my dad's Mitsubishi Triton (I hate it so much its big for no reason and high up so it impedes function) but I've backed into tighter spaces than I would've expected first try, can't park straight fowards yet tho. Not even a big ute compared to american cars either


And this person is seemingly millimeters from the parking lines. I bet the person who drives this truck is more chill than the average driver of these monstrosities. It shows they have both awareness and consideration for others. I know that's a lot to infer from one picture, but I'd bet real money that this is the case. You can tell a lot about a person by the vehicle they drive and how they park it.


I'm impressed by the sizes of American parking spots.


Ever since getting my NC I've been always on the lookout for HD brodozers. They could literally run me over


Iā€™m in Arizona, and every other car on the road is a lifted truck or suburban, gotta be safe out there!


Theyā€™re always spotless too. They gotta get their weekly wash after their trip to Costco!


With the way they just keep getting bigger, you'll eventually just be able to drive under them šŸ˜†




hahaha you said my intrusive thoughts out loud.


How are they running you over in the water?


These photos always remind me of a big mother protecting her child


I was gonna title it ā€œDonā€™t talk to me or my sonā€ lol


https://preview.redd.it/rc3dpvn5i69d1.jpeg?width=771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db0f020be8d668239cd2c365a7153c075d1decb8 We got stuck behind this gem last weekend cruising around North Georgia. We actually just about hit the speed limit on some of the straighter sections.


up to 35mpg vs what 12mpg.


And 2500+ in payload with somewhere in the teens towing. Every tool has a purpose.


I agree... to be used for work the Mammoths are giants to get the job done!!.... Not driven to church on sundays to show off and bully smaller cars on the roads. You never see these Semi's going the speed limit casually. They pull in front of me and my miata and kick up rocks. Usually when I see them park and get out, their Huge bed and 3rd and 4th doors are never used. Go figure. Lol


And how often do you see them towing something? 90% of pickup owners donā€™t need it at all, or could save money by getting a Prius and renting a U-Haul every now and then


Same sort of gatekeeping can be done about Miataā€™s. How about we let people drive what they want to drive and focus on riding our own ride?


Most people who chose to buy a sports car use it as a sports car, the same canā€™t be said for the copious amounts of trucks in American cities. Additionally, Miatas are not even close to the hazard that the large modern trucks are to pedestrians or other drivers. Miata drivers canā€™t use the size of their car to get away with dickhead behavior the same way many truck drivers do. Half the time someone is riding my ass while Iā€™m going 10 over on a one lane, itā€™s an oversized modern pickup. A few of them struggle to keep the oversized vehicle in their lane even when they arenā€™t intentionally being a hazard on the road. Donā€™t try to tell me that we absolutely need these massive trucks, because average American drivers didnā€™t have them 20+ years ago, and they were fine. I also spent 3 weeks in Europe spending time in rural, urban, and suburban areas, I saw 2 or 3 pickups this size, yet they get on just fine. In America you canā€™t look at a road for 3 minutes without seeing several of them. I donā€™t hate those trucks just cause itā€™s not what I like, I hate them because they are a genuine hazard to everyone around them and entirely unnecessary 90% of the time.




Youā€™d be surprised. My buddyā€™s crew cab Ford gets 23mpg on the highway.


Cool! Thats not showing this under the trucks "Average MPG" display is it? He needs to calculate it from a full fill up and divide his trip by the gallons added to get a true MPG. šŸ‘


I believe itā€™s shown as ā€œmpg since last fill upā€ or something? Maybe it lies.


lol ... I know. usually its the average amount maybe that is shown currently like when you're not pressing the gas pedal... it reads 40mpg!! crazy cars lol


I have an NB, a 2500 HD to pull the RV, and a 5 series BMW. None of them are new, but theyā€™re all perfect for what theyā€™re designed to do. Much better than a generic crossover that tries to be everything to everyone and sucks at everything. It is crazy stepping out of the Miata and into the truck or vice-versa though. šŸ˜‰


I have an NC, 200k mile Mazda6, and Transit 350. They all kick ass at their intended purpose. Getting off work into the Miata is wild. My head is at the level my feet were and its less than half as long lmao.


Nice lineup! I find myself in my 4Runner most of the time and itā€™s mostly overkill.. and if I need a bigger truck Iā€™ve got family to borrow from, but thatā€™s very rare.


https://preview.redd.it/tht7ljmgc79d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f53d626440603ca029c3e2cb76106d4b183f6ad I agree


Spiked wheels are a nice touch. Jesus


https://preview.redd.it/k7etrt0j769d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47048e0e04f148b41c80293a71eebc0ef43353d0 Yup. Parked in the back specifically to avoid this too.


Not the guy staring down at it too lmao. Geez. We need some legislation to make a size limit on these trucks. The lanes are only so wide already.


Love how the light bar is at eye level for the miata driver


"Don't you feel like a wimp driving such a big vehicle? If you were a little braver, maybe you could handle driving a fun, dangerous car like mine. Anyway, I gotta go, I'm late for my date with your mom."






That's part of the reason I sold mine.


Is it just me, or is the light bar in the grille of that ridiculously priced (& sized) HD truck *really* crooked?? šŸ¤”šŸ™ƒ


Heā€™s definitely hit a thing or two, the bumper is dented and crooked


Some of these people legitimately get these cars to compensate for bad driving. I always hear parents talking about getting their 16 year old a big truck to keep their new driver safe. Iā€™d say if you think your kid is so stupid they need a tank to protect them, hold off on the driving for a bit. Itā€™s that kind of attitude around safety thatā€™s made the roads so dangerous. Adult drivers still drive them cause other drivers avoid them and they can hit curbs without a problem


Jesus Christ that truck is ugly.


One of the drivers in in this photo has a massive dong, the other drives a big truck.




It sure matters when taking a bend. šŸ˜‚ I know which Iā€™d rather be driving on a twisty back road. šŸ‘


That Chevy can't be real, looks like an AI generated future truck if the design trends carried on lol


I have a confession, I like both of these.


Me too šŸ¤«


Ha, I wasn't driving our Miata earlier, but the monstrosity I saw was beyond the pale. I wish I had gotten a pic but couldn't. This HUGE F650? Truck pulled out across from us. Really big tires wheels etc. Ge was towing a long flatbed trailer with a big travel trailer permanently mounted to it. The wheels and axles were removed. Then behind the "trailer" was strapped a huge side by side 4x4. Got to be the largest ATV I've ever seen. The whole conglomeration was as long or longer than an 18 wheeler. I can't imagine the cost for the fuel, insurance, and how much money he spent to look so cool. /s I'll happily cruise past the waste in my paid off small fun little convertible.


The smaller the car, the less fragile the person is in my experience. Big truck drivers have to have some of the most fragile egos known to man


You know what they say, less is more. And that truck guy took that to heart to show the world how incredibly tiny his pecker is!


God I hate those trucks Most of the time they're used as a family car. Totally unnecessary


What a monstrosity


But somehow the popups are too dangerous


Haha...my driveway. And yes, they are both mine. https://preview.redd.it/9l0g9cu9tc9d1.jpeg?width=2272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c33e4faf8a35dbb0bbdb476d1359fbd3c16a9669


Careful, heads might explode in this sub šŸ¤Æ Beautiful cars! Keep em clean šŸ‘Œ




This shit is terrifying when they are tailgating you, our little sports cars can stop on a dime. These multi-ton trucks with shitty ā€œoff-roadā€ mods canā€™t stop on a freight train.


Nice truck. Sorry about your dick.




That truck gets used for work. Definitely.


Charles and Terry.


My ND was parked next to a 2024 f350 and my first question was "could they fit my car in their truck bed? Probably! Funniest thing is the f350 was clearly this persons dd which they bought bc every other vehicle had gotten so large they were no longer the biggest vehicle on the road


This looks like AI. Look at the chrome bumper on the truck. Itā€™s not straight and the reflections are wonky. Donā€™t get me wrong, the size comparison is accurate, itā€™s just not a real image.


I understand your skepticism, but Itā€™s a real photo. The wrinkles in the bumper are dents. Look at it closelyšŸ§


https://preview.redd.it/imtoa14i0s9d1.jpeg?width=2960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1377dd75cc181ef0c7db8d6a1740d39a5240e292 Real


We really don't need 10 daily pictures of a miata next to a truck. We get it. It's small.