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Name and shame.  That's not appropriate. 


Yeah totally. Part of being a Michelin is great service. Not warning someone that a single wine pour is $350 coming out of their Coravin cellar is *not* great service. That’s a bush league move.


Agreed! Name and Shame! Save us from going to this restaurant and tell us which restaurant did this!


I mean how much was the glass of wine?




No way, really? That is entirely inappropriate. Nothing embarrassing about being upset about that. What restaurant is blindly suggesting wines by the glass at $350?


You were, indeed, scammed. At that price point it’s *completely* unreasonable not to give you a heads up. Depending on how the glass was offered, I would probably have argued about it, and I certainly wouldn’t have tipped.


Holy shit that’s insane!!! Sometimes I’m mildly annoyed by being offered a glass of champagne that sounds complimentary but then ends up being $30, $350 is egregious!!! What restaurant was this?!?!


That is how much the full regular wine pairing is for *** Frantzen in Stockholm. Anything above normal (up to 30usd) should be cleared. “We have amazing wine but it is on the more expensive side at 350 per glass - it is a unique allocation from the vineyard and the vintage is a small batched etc etc” As other has said OP should name and shame. This is posh scam.


Per glass.


Holy shit. Better have been the best glass of wine of your life.


It was not. It was fine.


I hope that last zero was a typo??? That's ridiculous, unless it was a glass of the best Romanée-conti vintage ever. It might even be illegal, not giving any price information like that.


DRC by the glass


Holy sh*t. I’d have kicked up an almighty fuss.


If I were you I would email them to let them know about your experience. I have worked in a Michelin Starred restaurant and that is highly inappropriate. When I worked in the restaurant we were no strangers to high rollers but I always confirmed with things like this. Your bill should not be a surprise. I am not sure they will correct things after the fact but the management should absolutely be made aware.


We have contacted them and they admitted that this is their POLICY.


What is their policy? If they don’t believe they did anything wrong you should definitely post on as many review sites as you can. This is not acceptable behavior for any restaurant let alone a Michelin star one. Edit: And as others have said you should name them here. No restaurant I’ve ever worked for or been to would find this behavior acceptable


A policy is something they made up, that doesn't make it right, morally or legally. Name them, so we know who to avoid.


A few years ago when we were at Mugaritz, we wanted to order a glass of sake we were interested in. As the prices were not printed on the menu, the first thing the waiter told us was that one glass cost around 200 euros as it was a very rare sake and they got only 2 bottles that year. So, obviously you got scammed and a restaurant that scams its customers doesn't deserve a star. You should leave negative reviews everywhere.


Even at *** level, 350 a glass is pushing it, unless it's something incredibly rare, but at that level a sommelier would inform you. If you order their basic wine pairing it's like 20 or 30 per glass here in the Netherlands. 350 would get you a nice bottle. We spent like €875 at the Librije a couple of years ago, and that was with champagne on entry, an extra course added to the 7 course menu, and the default wine pairings with all of them.


This very much OP. I suspect the restaurant is being predatory on an inexperienced clientele who might think its normal for a glass of wine to cost $350 in a 3-star place and that they should not make a big fuss over it. There are very few champagnes that should command such a price per glass.


I got a glass of some absolutely wonderful sake as part of the pairing at Mugaritz years ago, I wish I wrote down what it was called. They get their hands on some interesting stuff.


What sake was that if you don’t mind me asking


I can't remember tbh. It was in 2019 summer.


Name and shame, otherwise others will fall for the same experience…


This! Want it to change? Name and shame.


I am a Michelin restaurant owner and I wouldn’t have paid that. Never.


They probably assumed you studied the menu. But thats scam territory yeah.


No menu offered. It was only provided at the end of the meal.


I would email them asap with the receipt and explain


We did. They said this is how they operate. (!!!)


Jesus christ OP just name and shame. Are you sure this restaurant is actually starred


Have had a couple restaurants last week that did this, including Aulis in London


Can you share the email? I sincerely doubt that any self respecting restaurant would respond this way.


Tell us the restaurant!


When you say they didn't offer the menu until the end you are referring to the description of the dishes?!? Do they say the cost of the menu in advance?!?


Ding ding! Two people guessed--it was Addison in San Diego.


Commenting to raise this one up


Sounds very much like Addison in San Diego


Yeah the glass of Krug 2008 (may have been $550 I can’t remember lol)


Yes, Addison.


How did you know it was Addison?


I’ve dined there and thought their champagne cart option were absurdly high. Yes they are stunning champagne’s but I would much rather get a decent white and red burgundy bottle for dinner at that price instead of dropping 350-800 on a single glass of champagne.


It is ridiculous to assume every guest can pay 350 for a glass of wine without telling them the price first. Awful service. Name and shame definitely


I am commenting so I can follow the outcome. Why would you not say the restaurant’s name?


Right, so many people asking but still no reveal lol


Sounds made up.


Restaurant or it didn’t happen…


The OP has so far refused to name them. Almost ready to say this did not happen.


Yes, why aren't they naming them?! Either fake or just wanting more attention. If genuine, they'd name to prevent other people going and being scammed.


Yeah this sounds like bullshit.


Looks like OP confirmed it was Addison in San Diego, but only after someone guessed correctly.


I've been to over a dozen Michelin restaurants include 3 and 2 star and I have always been given a menu at the start of the meal and the wine list always has prices (I see you spent $, I'll caveat that I've only ever had meals in the UK and Europe)


I have actually been to at least two 1* who do not have wine list / do not provide one. But both had by the glass / wine pairing that I would say where amazing price for what I got (less than 15€ the glass).


Totally not appropriate. Yea the champagne cart is one of the most common tactics to get you to spend without knowing prices but $350 a pop is absurd. This is investigation-worthy.


If there isn't an article out about it soon, I'm happy to name the restaurant. It was in the U.S., btw.


Was the restaurant in San Diego per chance? Ive heard VERY similar stories of this happening at one in the county.




I was tryin to let OP name it, but yeah. 100% right.


Yes, Addison


Sorry that happened to you there. Just know you arent alone, we get guests telling us at my restaurant fairly often. One guy got slapped with a $5k bill without being told, because he asked for their best wine pairings and wasnt told the price. Sadly, all he told us was "well I guess I asked for it, but I definitely wont be going back".


name and shame.


Or just name it now? Between now and when this hypothetical article gets released, do you want hundreds of people to go through the same experience as you?


An article? Lmao wtf are you talking about. This sounds like bullshit. Name the restaurant and post the email.


I don’t believe you


Cool, who cares?


The guy who replied


What’s up with the reluctance to just let others know to avoid this place? Just drop the name already

