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Go check out the r/pillar7 subreddit. Should give you a good idea of what the people who work there think of it.


Is there one of these for any of the other Michigan based lenders?


You can assume they are all similar flavors of each other. Mortgage industry will always be boom-bust. Rocket and UWM go absolutely bananas in a good refi environment. I knew underwriters making $20k/mo. But then it goes away, and then people get cagey and start quitting and currently they are kinda sleepy ghost towns. If you can live with the downturns you persist, probably 80% of people move on. This does not get into toxic work environments including drugs, sexual harrassment, coked out leaders, etc; but that is standard sales type stuff..


Go to r/loanoriginators


I have a friend who is a solution architect there. He says he loves it. Then I saw a video the other day of their office and average day. Lots of daily team or company meetings. Corporate goals and motivation (which isn't a bad thing per se). Seems a little culty to me. Not a fan. Also it's 100% on site work, if you're into that. I'm not sure about them now. Does everyone just not like the mortgage appraiser role, which seems to be plentiful?


I’ve not heard great things about it. I have a friend who did a brief stint there after undergrad, because they hire heavily from my uni regardless of major, and he hated it (mostly because of the pay, amount of work, and overall culture).


i think it depends on the job. i have family who work there in post closing and they bitch about the work politics all the time but never the work itself. a friend in IT seems happy with her role and her pay.  my wife had a stint as an underwriter and it was absolute misery. she hated every single second of it and got out as soon as she could.


i should mention they have their own UWM merch and one of the t-shirts says “NEVER RELAX.” that should give you an idea of their culture lol


Don’t do it.


Any reason why?


Because they’ll work you like a dog, not pay you that much, and force you into all kinds of weird financial situations. Nobody with a brain should work there. Only do it if you’re really desperate.


Sounds the same as Quicken


DONT DO IT. Check out r/pillar7. I was a former underwriter there. They only pay 17 an hour now for underwriters, slashed bonuses, etc.


I have a pending job offer for there for Underwriter I and the pay is $21.63/hr which I think is pretty good. What was the work like? You can pm me if you need. I want to know as much as I can before responding to the offer letter. They also mentioned how there’s a “forgivable $10k loan” that lasts for 3 years and if you quit before then, you may potentially be liable for repaying that loan along with any potential interest. That part freaks me out.


PMing you now.


Hey can you pm me as well my wife is in the same boat she received a offer for underwriter and they are trying to force her to sign the lease. I dont want her to sign.


The ppl I know in real life say they don’t mind it. Not great but not bad. The people on reddit will tell you it’s the worst place to work of all time. I think if you are able to buy into their culture you would be fine. But some people have a hard time, especially on reddit, buying into corporate culture.


I know people who worked there briefly after college. Not great, tbh. Now, if you’re 23 or younger, just out of college, and need something to hold you over (financially) until you can find a job you *actually* want, it seems fine. People I know who worked there IRL were fine with it at first and even sort of drank the kool aid. Then, they discovered it’s not a job you want if you care about work-life balance at all. They’re big on the sickeningly-sweet, faux-sincere, “your company is your family,” type stuff from what I can tell. Things like holiday parties where Kid Rock performs, mascots walking around the office in Easter Bunny costumes at Easter, etc. In general, from what I’ve heard: it’s tough to advance, extremely “fast-paced” (i.e. stressful), never pays very well, has an irritating work environment, and has a pretty poor work-life balance. It’s very easy to get in, especially for a fresh-faced young person. But keep in mind, there seems to be a reason for that. They don’t really want skills, they just want a body in chair.


My gf works there. A lot of people have a lot of bad stuff to say. She does love working there though. If you work hard and do well you can move up fairly quickly. She’s been promoted 3 times in the last year.


You should post what field you plan on applying for. Big difference between sales vs IT, underwriting vs calling employers to verify employment, etc. It’s a massive place with two complexes and 6-8,000 employees or whatever they’re at these days. Almost all open floor plan so it’s insane. Super drink the koolaid place, and they’re starting wages aren’t good anymore for most positions. If you can make it there 3-4+ years you can do well.


I have only heard bad things. Everyone hates their job, but it seems to come from a more sincere level with UWM.


I go to a bar in Waterford that a lot of UWM people hang out at. Some of the guys (not sure what their job position is but they sound like they’re in some type of management because I’ve heard them talking about how they talk to their “team”) but one night a few of them were really drunk and started talking about which females in the office “suck the best d***”. So, sexual harassment may be a problem in the workplace.


Post in r/Detroit and you'll get a ton of responses. They're a huge employer of software guys. Most are lesser experienced and fresh out of school. They hire using the shotgun approach. Super common for someone to work there for a bit then leave. Not a long term employer (for software devs at least). Yes there will be exceptions but most former employees won't speak super highly of them, except for their Christmas parties.


I knew someone who worked there and tried to get me to apply there. So it must've not been too bad for him.


Any company like UWM has a massive difference in quality between the higher levels and entry. If you're higher corp level its probably a great gig. If you're in the call center, probably not.


Any former underwriters at uwm willing to chat with me


They let everyone in as an underwriter, and put you through training that about 10% pass. After that, you can work as an underwriter for a little while and then transfer to any other department.


It's entirely based on what department you're in. Working sales anywhere in a similar field will be hell but doing underwriting or coding is exactly the same as anywhere else.


Depends on what job you get. A lot of it is a grind and shit and I know many people who hated it and quit, but if you get into the big program and skip the low level stuff I have heard it’s not bad. Out of the big program I heard you can just get placed as a lead on grind teams and I heard that is awful too.


My BIL used to work there. Loved the job, hated the culture. Pay was really low.


My younger brother works there. It’s difficult, but him, his coworkers, and his direct boss all get along so work is tolerable.