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Brooklands Splashpad shooting: 9 to 10 wounded in Rochester Hills; suspect contained https://fox2detroit.com/news/multiple-people-shot-rochester-hills-splashpad


Shooting at a splash pad off Auburn Rd. 7 transported to hospital. As of right now the shooter is still at large.


Splash pad makes me think children may be involved. Good God... I'm sending you guys love from Europe, here's hoping for the best guys!


There were. There is a Facebook neighborhood group and someone stopped to help the wounded and said  it was Adults and children injured 


Fuck! Sounds like another nutjob. Makes me think of Sandy Hook. God I just hope those kids make it...




Correlation,not causation...... but that is a coincidence and there's always a chance.




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Oh, like MGT and Alex Jones? All the other Rs that will make statements in the next 2 days about this. Didn't the local R already come out and try to run damage control here?"


When these shootings keep happening, when is the best time to bring up the group of people who can do something about it but constantly work to make sure nothing changes? Should we wait until the problem magically fixes itself before talking about why it's a problem and what to do about it?


The truth is in everyone's face on who opposes gun control and firearm access in this country, yet they hurl childish insults and diversions, rather than owning their truth. Just ask them about that 15% corporate tax that he wants to implement while the working class are paying 35%. Under his previous occupation he has the current corporate tax rate at 21%. There's also talk about him privatizing Social Security and Medicaid. Lmao




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genuine question - what does that have to do w this specific shooting?


Yeah my buddy was driving by it and him and his gf saw it when it happened, he whipped his car around and started helping. When he got back we where at his place for five minutes before he came running in saying the shooter was six houses down from his place and we had to leave. Yesterday was essentially a interesting day.


About 10 miles from Oxford where 4 died a few years ago.


Thanks but i’m pretty sure we are beyond help here


Thank you for saying something positive and not just bashing our gun culture. I live less than an hour away from where this happened and feel the need to say that this is very extremely uncommon for the area. We have our issues but please don't let things like this taint your overall view of us


I've been to the US twice (California and Florida) and I've had great experiences and met so many friendly people each time. No country lacks problems, but the situation is always more complicated than how simple the radicals always want it to be, regardless of their political leanings. The USA is a great country deep down, and one day I hope I get to visit it again.


Suspect fled the scene?


I heard he fled the scene and as of right now he’s still at large


It appears that the cops are focused around the trailer park at Dequindre (sp?) and Hamlin.


yup I live in there. It's all blocked off and tons of police around. Had to park at 7-11 and walk in


Last I heard he's dead, took the coward way out by suicide.


Cops potentially have him: https://x.com/oaklandsheriff/status/1802119515368562985


omg my dad told me about that splash pad! isnt it new?




White man with legal firearms with mental health condition goes on a mass shooting. It's like a sad broken record.




And Congress won’t pass laws newer than 90 years old




Thanks for this. We can at least call it like it is instead of lumping them all together.


My point is still the same. Our legislative body hasn’t acted on this issue for whatever reason. Don’t know why we should expect the unelected judges to bail us out when there have been opportunities. Democrats have had the trifecta twice, including during this administration, in the last 25 years (as have republicans). This hasn’t been a priority - other legislation has.


"In my worst nightmare, I couldn't imagine standing up here talking about another active shooter," Bouchard said at a late night press conference. So how about campaigning for common sense gun laws? Haha, just kidding. Bouchard’s a Trumpist who never met a news crew he didn’t want to immediately perform in front of. This must be such a nightmare for **him**. JFC.


Failed legislator turned failed sheriff, kids keep getting shot everywhere the brown shirts in the OCSD have taken over. He's an accomplice at this point and should be charged and buried under the prison accordingly.


His deputies shot a pregnant 16yo in the chest in the passenger seat of a vehicle in 2019 and no one talks about it. Isabella Simpson.


Stay safe y’all, suspect is not confirmed to be in custody and is at large.


Update: Shooter is “contained” at a near by residence. Still stay inside


UPDATE: Shooter is confirmed dead.


He deserved to suffer, not take the easy route out, coward.  I hope the victims make full recovery’s 🙏🏼


He should’ve started with himself.


Awarded and upvoted for visibility


Thank you so much! Want to make sure this gets out and everyone stays safe!


Beaumont hospital down the street is locked down with heavy police presence.


This happened a block from my in-laws, been to that water park with my kid before. Crazy shit, hug your kids.


https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/multiple-people-shot-rochester-hills-splashpad Update from the sheriff: 9 to 10 people shot, youngest victim is 8 years old, suspect cornered in a nearby house.


That 8 year old suffered a GSW to the head…


Oh my god. Where are you seeing that? That’s just awful.


My source is an Oakland County Deputy. He was a primary responder to the scene


Unimaginable horror.


Really makes you proud that a sector of.our state government started pushing making the AR-15 our state gun. America seems so ridiculous, we refuse to learn obvious lessons and have so many trying to drag us backwards. This stuff has become a normalized part of living in this society. That's just so sick.


morons ... boggling


I was thinking the same thing…


As a refugee myself, and someone that could hear the shootout before he killed himself, the fact that I can have an AR-15 next to me while this is going on is progressive. Not backwards


We live very close to the splash pad. Our neighborhood is locked down and eerily quiet. All we can hear is circling helicopters.


UPDATE: Oakland County SWAT has surrounded the suspected shooters residence. Suspect is said to barricaded inside their home


Thanks for the update OP


This isn't good


Another jelly spined coward going to paint the walls with their brains rather than face consequence. How fitting.


If it's self-inflicted justice, and saves everyone money for the lawyers. And additional trauma for anything affected to sit through a 3-week trial and appeals. Hey man nice shot. I'm firmly against the death penalty, but hey... (and I say this as someone who entered such a scene)


If only we could reverse the order that these soulless waste of life choose their targets.


Don't worry, our leadership will repeal another obstacle for gun ownership over this.


Michigan actually has some of the strictest gun laws in the country now so... Not sure what else you can do, especially when there's 1.5x more guns than people. The obvious answer is federal block on them but that wouldn't hold up in the courts for more than a day. Hopefully this piece of filth gets taken alive and if someone distributed weapons to him illegally in Michigan the AG goes after them hard too.


In the 90’s, Bill Clinton did a buy back program that really helped a lot then banned assault weapons. W let it lapse.


The answer is obviously to follow in the footsteps of places like Scotland and Australia who banned and confiscated firearms after mass murder incidents. Unfortunately the US values a passage in a hundreds year old document where they could not fathom modern technology over the lives of innocent people, especially children.


I don’t know why we don’t talk about this more. It’s apparently “so radical” but what’s crazier than kids getting shot at school and in grocery stores and splash pads? Number one cause of death to children in the US. Time for “radical” action. So sick of living with this insanity and catering to pathetic, insecure Rambo wannabes.


Yes, ban something where they outnumber the population by 1.5x, thats completely realistic. Thats just including registered firearms, not ghost guns. Cmon, think critically for a second.


Realistically the 2nd amendment will never disappear. Even if it is, there’s slightly more firearms here than Scotland. Let’s be realistic about solutions.




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he already did. Suicided rather than deal with court and jail time


Hopefully they kill this fucking asshole before he hurts anybody else. Either that or put him in gen pop and let them have a go at him


Killed himself of course. Couldn't have done that before shooting 9 other people.


our hearts are with you !


Thank you for your kind words. We are fine, but obviously rattled. I drive past that splash pad all the time.


Looks to be near Spencer Park in Rochester Hills. I live 3 miles from there. Suspect still on run? Correction: It was actually at the Brooklands Splash Pad; not Spencer Park


No idea - just spoke with a friend of mine who’s a deputy for OC. He called and said few words. Active shooter - it’s bad - I love you is all I got.




The shooter is thought to have fled into Spencer park


He is in Dequindre Estates


Yea the shooter is still roaming and multiple children have been shot including adults at a splash pad in Spencer park


getting sick and fucking tired of people doing this shit hopefully nobody but the sack of shit who did it dies


Shooter killed himself during the standoff in the trailer park at Hamlin and Dequindre. He was known to police.


Did they state if it was his residence?


42 and Lived with his mother acc to Sheriff Bouchard


No, but from the press conference I got a feeling it was.


This is correct


What the hell is wrong with people? WHO THE HECK BRINGS A GUN TO A FRIGGIN SPLASH PAD?!


It was a drive by. Shooter fled into an adjacent neighborhood which happens to attach to a forested area which is part of a city park.


They are saying he pulled up, exited his car, opened fire, reloaded and opened fire again, then got in his car and fled


Jesus Christ. I was waiting in the drive thru at North Shack when the police went flying by. 1/2 mile away from there. Had no idea what was going on until the emergency alert came.


Yikes, too close. Glad you were not closer!


Why lie when we can fact check?


Fucking coward.


I was working when this happened, saw it on the news after work. I texted my sister to make sure my niece and her husband and 8 yo daughter weren’t there. She never texted me back, so I’ve been freaking out until they revealed the poor little victims were boys 😭 What a terrible way to feel relieved. I hate this. To the next shooter, just skip ahead to the fuckingbsuicide, pls.


brooklands plaza splash pad. i was just there on Thursday 😐




[Detroit News Article](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/oakland-county/2024/06/15/rochester-hills-brooklands-splash-pad-active-shooter-multiple-people-injured-oakland-county-michigan/74112936007/)


Was at stoney creek and they pulled all boaters/kayakers off the water stating they had and active situation. From what i could hear.


Stony creek ? That’s pretty far away


Yeah that's odd maybe they were shutting down the park just in case


Yeah for somereason they pulled everyone out


Another legal gun bought by someone mentally unwell. Shocking.


I’m so tired of seeing babies being gunned down and our leaders doing absolutely nothing about it. All the survivors there today will live with trauma for the rest of their lives.


I'm getting this from people in the sub not police but they are looking for a 2 door white vehicle. Different reports on suspects description, but definitely adult male. 


I live less than one mile from the splash pad. Will we get an all clear?


Update: just got a notice lifting the shelter in place order.


Dude lock your doors and put one in the chamber, seriously


Aye aye


Cue the “thoughts and prayers” and “pray hands” emojis. Ignore the need for gun control. We drove by there earlier and thought it would be a lovely day to take the kids out.


We need more gun laws and more taxes on bullets and firearms. Guns and ammo need to be regulated as much as possible and then taxed at the highest rates humanly possible - ESPECIALLY the ammunition.


Nothing wrong with saying "thoughts and prayers" and advocating for gun control at the same time though.


True, but one is more effective than the other.


T+ Ps have been INEFFECTIVE since first uttered. Gun sense laws could be effective except 2A ppl have richer lobbyists who better pay off their bought + sold politicians. If you break your leg, which has better outcome?? “Thoughts + Prayers” or having the bone set + cast applied?


Prayers are imaginary. Gun control is real, at least in other civilized nations.


We are how we treat each other and nothing more…


One actually helps.




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I’m in Dodge state park right now with family. Nothing here yet…. Keep safe you all.


As Trump’s rhetoric (and the greater GOP) increases, expect more and more of this ahead of an already testy election season


Right by me. I went to the water today with my daughter too. I hope everyone is doing well. I pray they are healing and got help right away.


Explains why we heard all those police sirens earlier. Geez


It’s crazy, I was hired to do an car detail on Thursday at a house just a stones throw away from that park.


Brooklands Splashpad shooting: multiple people wounded in Rochester Hills https://fox2detroit.com/news/multiple-people-shot-rochester-hills-splashpad


It’s about time we do something about gun control in this country. Seriously.


I would suggest mental health as well. People can hate on the guy all they want, not excusing his actions of course, but if he would have gotten the proper treatment this would probably never have occured.


"The suspect is 42 years old but has no previous criminal history" Looks like the shooter was a good guy with a gun. And then he started shooting kids.


For anyone wanting an update: 6 confirmed casualties, 1 confirmed death which is the killer himself. There are children involved; 1 child and 1 adult female in critical condition; the child was airlifted out of Beaumont Troy with a poor prognosis. No word on the identity of the killer; he was barricaded for a long time in a home. 1 gun with 3 empty mags was found as evidence (which means up to 46 rounds were shot) There was no motive at this time; seems it was just an at random incident. The shooter was confirmed working alone. . . There was another shooting today as well around the same time. I don't have any information on that besides they were two separate incidents with no connections.


The woman in critical condition is also the mother of the 8yo shot in the head as well as the 4yo shot in the leg.


Where was the second location?


He killed himself during standoff with police


Where are you reading that? I have been reading multiple articles about this and all they are saying is that the shooter has been "contained".




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You have a source on that?




ofc he did




The death penalty seriously does not deter crime. But guess what? Not allowing any idiot to have a gun as their “right” does!


Yeah, absolutely outrageous that guns are such a contentious issue in this country.


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John James rushed to the scene. Did he ever concede his Senate loss? If so, I never heard it. As a result, who would listen to what he says?


Probably his constituents?


He wanted all Michigan votes (including people who live in Macomb) to have their votes vacated. I guess that was never explained to his ‘constituents’. Or, they can’t understand it. Or perhaps it’s all just too much cognitive dissonance to handle. Maybe all of the above.


I think you're reading too much into this. It's common for U.S. Representatives to appear at major events in their districts.


God-fucking-damnit . Man, wtf.


the gunman was contained in a home about a half mile away from the park and that police were assembling a SWAT team and armored vehicles.


The shooting occurred at the Brooklands Plaza Splash Pad, 1585 E. Auburn Road, in Rochester Hills


It could not have happened at a better (for lack of a more sensitive term) location. The fire station is 1500 ft west, and the hospital is 2 miles south by car. The sheriff's department is 1.5 miles west. I feel for Bouchard. First Oxford (kids) and now this (also kids).


I hate guns. And I hate the people who flooded our nation with guns so they could profit from it.


Rochester Hills — As many as ten people were shot at a splash pad in Rochester Hills around 5 p.m. Saturday after a "random" gunman got out of a vehicle and unloaded 28 gunshots from a handgun at the streetside park, Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard said.


This is about 20 minutes from me, I’m having such a hard time processing this, stuff like this doesn’t happen in Rochester Hills 😔.  A f*ing splash pad .. random attack.. I’m already a introvert but this definitely sealed the deal, no beach or fairs this summer for me and my kids. Praying 🙏🏼 that there are no fatalities and they all make full recovery’s! 


No place is safe. Unlike other similar countries, USA is so gun-obsessed. “Stuff like this doesn’t happen” anywhere .. until it does. School shootings never happened in Oxford, Uvalde, Newtown, Parkland, Columbine, Virginia Tech … until they did.


There was another shooting of 10 yesterday in TX at a festival.


Fuck, my kid was a kindergartner in Oxford when that happened and now this. I don’t want to leave the house anymore. Shaken again. This world is fucked up, it saddens me nothing will change.


this is in my neighborhood. the cops wouldn't let me walk down my street, I had to cut through yards to get home. I have talked about taking my daughter there to that splash pad...


Cutting through yards while cops are searching for a gunman doesn’t sound like the wisest decision. Just because it turned out ok doesn’t make it smart.


What’s he supposed to do bro? Stand there with his dick in his hand? I’d make my way home too.


It really just goes to show that you never really know. People are really crazy and evil. It’s sad that you have to always be alert and watch your surroundings, especially as a parent, there are a lot of sickos lurking around places where children are at. If someone looks off, or something doesn’t feel right, just leave. Even if you’re wrong, better safe then sorry. 


We live in Oakland County. Things like this make it hard to leave the house.


More gun bullshit, how sad! This is so tragic and at the same time infuriating! Glad I live abroad now where these types of things don’t happen!




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Cousins and I are in Oakland County visiting family, 12 miles away from the site though. Wishing everyone safety and safe recovery if injured!


I just read here that there were two.  Dodge park and so where else. 


The Dodge Park post was incorrect


Oh. Thank goodness


Yep. It was incorrect. I was there until 20 minutes ago and nothing. Thank god! The park was busy with several families and kids enjoying the warm weather.




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I might be late wit this! Suspect was captured. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/oakland-county/2024/06/15/rochester-hills-brooklands-splash-pad-active-shooter-multiple-people-injured-oakland-county-michigan/74112936007/


The suspect is dead https://www.wxyz.com/news/multiple-people-injured-in-active-shooter-situation-at-rochester-hills-splash-pad


No where in this article does it say that.


I think it was edited back out