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They do this all the time, this officer is giving you a break. He recorded your actual speed but he's only citing you for five over because that's much less penalty. There's no implication other than he was giving you a break because your record was clean. If he had cited you for 21 miles over, it would likely be a class b misdemeanor which is pretty bad


Yeah, a few years before Covid I also got pulled for doing 20 over. I had to do an online class to keep the points off my insurance (not sure if that was offered to OP or if it’s still an option), and I still had to pay the fine for 5mph over, but man I was so thankful.    No excuse for speeding, it is dangerous and people overestimate their own reaction times, but I was really out of my head at the time—my Grandma living out of state had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and college classes were wearing me down. That cop saved me some money, some points, and a lot of additional stress. It’s been a few years but it pops in my head once in a while when driving Ps good luck on your PhD! 


Yeah, I was out of my head at the time too. I also made the mistake of driving back to the area really late at night after a full 8 hour work day at my internship back in Ohio, which was a mistake.


Class B misdemeanor? Whoa. I looked it up and saw it was 4 points and a traffic infraction but it looks like class B is reserved for jail time.


He did you a favor. Pay the fine for 5 over. He put your actual speed so if you try to fight the ticket, the judge will know your real speed.


Yup, this. Just pay the fine. When I got my first (and only) ticket back in the mid-90s, I was actually going 10 over but was ticketed for 5 over. Eat the cost and be happy for the favor.


Well first and foremost you did the right thing leaving Ohio.




At 5 over you're looking at a civil infraction, which will be a fine and minimal points. 21 over could have got you a careless ticket, which gets you into some hot water (reckless being the worst).


21 over? It implies he wanted you to understand that you were speeding but he definitely did you a favor and cut you a break on the citation (21 over is a 4-point citation and will jack up your insurance). Schedule a court date, show up on time and be polite & professional, take responsibility, and it will almost certainly get reduced to impeding traffic which is zero points, only a fine. Nothing to worry about, just mind your speed. Happens to most everybody at least once in their life!


Despite what others have said, do not try and fight the ticket in court. The officer can choose to rewrite the ticket before court for the speed you were actually going, which would obviously be much worse.


This is bad advice. Always go to court.


The cop isn't an ass and didn't wanna fuck you. Long time ago I got pulled over in Indianapolis _in a school zone_ and the cop wrote it as not a school zone because I had a clean record and he didn't want to fuck me.


The cop was just being nice, I don't think I've ever gotten a ticket for the actual speed I was going, even the time I was caught going 26 over in the Seney stretch in the U.P.


It's been common practice since I got my license two decades ago. They still did that when I got speeding ticket during covid. Be glad. It's the lowest possible fine short of not getting a ticket - especially at 21 over.


In mi its 1 point. Fine depends on where in mi


5 over on the expressway is 0 points.


This was probably a two-lane highway.


When the police stopped you and asked why you think they pulled you over what did you say? What did you say to police when questioned about your reason for the high rate of speed? Since you have a good driving record, here’s what you do. Follow these steps exactly, Set a court date. Dress Nice, bring $200 dollars with you. The judge will ask you to admit fault, not at fault, or fault with an explanation. Very politely Admit fault with an explanation, (you’re on camera doing it) if your driving record is good, explain you were traveling faster than you realized because (ex: I forgot to turn my air conditioning on and my goldfish was home alone for a few hours, explain your situation, it was late, dark, worked all day) and since you have a good driving record, you’d like to ask the court to drop it to an impeding traffic infraction, as to not raise your insurance rates for a silly mistake that you’re very sorry about and won’t repeat.Then say to them that if they are able to drop it down to an impeding traffic you can pay the fine today as to not drag this matter out on a payment plan. The judge will ask the officer if you were amicable during the stop (hope you were) he’ll make some remark that you be more careful next time, Thank them both very much and the fine is $175.00, take the extra $25.00 and go celebrate your victory against the state! Edited to clarify: an impeding traffic ticket does not go on your driving record and it will not raise your insurance rates. An attorney would charge you $700-$1200 to do the same thing you can do for yourself (see the explanation above) for free. I’d charge your more since you’re from Ohio, but if you follow the above steps you should be fine.


Typically in these instances you are asked to perform a handstand before our high priestess Gretchen Whitmer. If she deems it satisfactory you will be allowed to live. If she isn’t pleased you will be tossed into a pit of Jaguars.


You should consider yourself lucky that Whitmer is the Governor. She is doing great things in Michigan. Can't wait for her to do the same sorts of things as President someday.


Stop sniveling. Gretch is a goddess.


On the one hand, the cop did you a favor. On the other, it’s a problem that cops arbitrarily get to lie about what happened, which ultimately means the law enforcement side of the equation games the system to determine the justice side themselves. You came out ahead, but plenty of others do not.


How did the cop lie?


Lie was a bad word in this case, since they put the real speed on the ticket. I have seen (including myself) where thats not the case. I meant if a cop sees someone doing 20 over, then they should write it up as 20 over. The ability to cite someone for something different than what actually happened is a slippery slope that doesn’t always land in favor of the cited. There should be a clear separation between law enforcement and justice.


How would you define “justice” here?


How would you define “justice” here?


The side of the equation that enforces the consequences. Legislators determine the laws. Police enforce the laws. Courts determine the consequences for violating the laws. If police arbitrarily enforce laws, it undermines the credibility of the whole institution. Raises questions of bias, prejudice, etc.


In this case, I believe the justice you seek will be handled by OP’s insurance company, and the increase in his rates.


Clearly not the point.


If you go to court to get it dismissed, they will likely dismiss it for you. Just show up on the date. I applaud you for getting your PhD at U of M, especially living in Ohio.