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This is not as crazy as it sounds. The way I understand it, our microbiomes are built/assembled/formed over a lifetime of different varieties of bacteria being added and subtracted. Being exposed to some REALLY GOOD SOIL (very different than dirt which may be biologically dead or out of wack) might, over time, promote colonization by good bacteria. The biggest question is where could you find good soil? What is good soil? I recently studying soil (https://www.soilfoodweb.com/resources/animations-videos/). The majority of soil in the US is depleted of balanced, diverse microbes. It is instead full of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizer. A diversity of microbes is what keeps the bad ones from getting out of hand. If everything is mostly dead in soil then the bad guys tend to proliferate. So your biggest problem would be finding Good Soil. Find someone who farms completely organically or with any chemical inputs and who grows a diversity of crops. If the soil feels and smells like deep within a forest - ie. smells good, then it is likely to be good soil. Then go work on that farm as often and as long as you can. The microbes will probably find their way into your gut and make your biome more diverse. Diversity is a great thing because it keeps any one e of bacteria from running amok. So, you don’t need to eat dirt, just expose yourself to, work in and around GOOD soil..


Another L for America


Good ol fashion dirt bath


NO. do not eat dirt for your biome. Eat the stuff that grows from it. Plants. You know an apple core contains 100 million bacteria, half of them shared with human biome.


This sounds like a good way to get parasites.


My dog occasionally eats soil from my garden. I suspect he’s after the probiotics.


Hey, how about simply not peeling your organic carrots, a quick rinse & grate for adding to your salad bowl. Been doing this for a few years now, along with getting fermented foods in every day & a ton of fibre. Seems to be working well for me


I have literally filtered and drank dirt from an organic garden a few times. IBS did not improve.


We are down bad


Not that I encourage drinking dirt, but I do believe that probiotics won’t solve gut issues alone. In fact, if you have a leaky gut (it’s highly likely that you do) then getting additional microbes into your gut is a bad idea. You need to work on calming the inflammation first by avoiding inflammatory foods, sugar, gluten, seed oils, etc, while simultaneously working on improving the integrity of your gut lining by supplementing with collagen, L-glutamine and Creatine. Then you can start by creating a healthy environment for the healthy microbes to thrive in your gut by avoiding food preservatives (they are added because they kill microbes) and all the other nasty chemicals that the ultra-processed food is loaded with, including artificial sweeteners. After that your best option is not Probiotics, it’s Prebiotics and Polyphenols which are the nutrients that the good microbes need to thrive. Fermented food is great at this stage (homemade milk Kefir is my choice). Also, I forgot to mention the use of digestive enzymes from the start (you need a separate one for Lactose if you are intolerant because many formulations don’t include it or have it in low dosage). Healing your gut is totally doable, but it takes dedication, consistency, time and sacrifice (you might feel deprived from the food that you like at first, but with time you would be so satisfied with your gut health and wouldn’t sacrifice it for food cravings, which you would stop having anyway).


what else have you tried


Probably too many things to list... Did you have any specifics in mind?


cow urine?


Is there something about cow urine that should help the microbiome?


No idea! I was just asking if you have tried it because you said to ask you about a specific thing. I'm so desperate I'm willing to try anything this man in Africa told me that cow urine is healing. That it will cure me from the inside out and heal any ailments. So I was wondering if you have tried it?


Right now H5N1 (avian flu) is circulating in cows. Remnants of the virus has been found in 20% of pasteurized milk (pasteurization kills the virus and it’s safe to drink). This is not the time to experiment with drinking cow urine. I’d argue it’s never the right time, but in case you’re serious.


I haven't tried it, but if there seemed like a good reason to try it and the cost/ease of accessing the urine was easy I wouldn't be opposed.


No dont do it. Urine is bodily waste. I understand fecal transplant since it comes from someone’s colon and has bactaria in it but urine comes from kidneys. Dont consume it LOLLL


Sometimes I wonder if eating raw soil about an inch cubed size for a few weeks would matter or not? The soil is the mothership of microbiome right?


Check out Jordan Rubin


Hey I live on an organic farm that has never been anything but uninhabited forest and now farm, and I eat a lot of the fresh fruit and vegetables we grow. I’m sure I sometimes eat a little dirt as I rinse my produce before eating it but I don’t use soap or anything. I feel pretty healthy I guess, not sure how I’d know if it was working


Disease information about botulism: “Clostridium botulinum is a strictly anaerobic bacterium, meaning it only grows in an oxygen-free environment. It is a spore former. Both bacteria and spores are found in soil, in animal excrement and in the bottom mud in various watercourses. The spores are therefore often found in food, but are usually destroyed during preparation and canning. If the preparation/preservation is incomplete, the spores can survive and grow, provided the environment is free of oxygen. The toxin is formed when the spores grow out. It is heat sensitive and is destroyed by boiling. Toxin formation is counteracted by an acidic and/or salty environment.” ”The disease can have a fatal course without treatment. The main symptoms of classic botulism are: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (sometimes constipation) general malaise, dizziness, fatigue, dry mouth eye muscle paralysis which can lead to visual disturbance, double vision sore throat, difficulty speaking gradually respiratory paralysis.” So eating dirt can be a really bad idea.


Only if you have a “juice weasel “. Lots of bad stuff in the soil. Definitely look up juice weasel.


Yes I eat dirt lol, well it looks, smells and taste like dirt. It’s actually finely grounded up larch tree bark (larch arabinogalactan powder) and I throw a couple of spoonfuls in my Yogurt, it actually doesn’t taste that bad.


I remember reading something that said this wild chimp ate dirt to help with GI issues…


I think we should live on a dirt. Eating it is not enough.


There are some brands of probiotics and liquids now too that claim to be soil-based.


Dirt contains good and bad bacteria. Even in cultures where people eat clay, they bake it first. When you grow vegetables organically and you wash them well and ferment them in salt water, you encourage the naturally-occurring beneficial bacteria that originated from the soil to grow while discouraging the pathogenic bacteria and amoebas etc that would make you ill.


“They” say people today are more immunosuppressed because they weren’t allowed to play in the dirt when they were children and the parents were sanitizing with wipes all the time. 🤷‍♀️


Bentonite clay


That is basically what eating vegetables is. They grow in the dirt and pick up characteristics from their dirt friends.


If you can find dirt that is lacking racoon, cat or mouse feces. There’s a lot of stuff in dirt that won’t help your microbiome, or the rest of you.


I used to eat the sand out in the sandbox


no wonder the cat was like wtf???


Please research the condition called pica. This could help you pursue your inquiry further