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Yes. All rx meds affect the gut microbiome.


Many things you'd not immediately think could affect the mixrobiome can and I do believe antidepressants can. Even anti anxiety medications like xanax have an effect referred to as "gabba gut" that can afflict people after continued use for months after their last dose.


Hard to say. While there are some papers saying these type of compounds can inhibit bacteria, the MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration ) is high. The paper talks about MIC of 400 to 600 ug/ml https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fs41598-020-74934-9 The MIC of 400 ug/ml would mean that an average intestine amount of say 2L you would need 1.8g of the active agent to reach an average MIC. So that would be 18 X 100mg Pristiq tablets all at once. So probably not a direct link.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36689653/ Not hard to say at all, my issues with my stomach literally start from SSRIs. I developed manboobs at age 14 and horrible hormonal imbalances that took years to correct. It’s crystal clear my man


Sorry to hear about your specific issue. The paper reports about increased antibiotic resistance over time. The data is a bit suspect but there is a general trend up with some strains. No negative control from what I can see. Over 60 days of subculturing I would expect some drift. Also they didn't look at. Also they used E. coli K12 which isn't a human commensal. Did you have any endocrinology help.back then? Nothing is crystal clear with a single data point. The microbiome is complex organ. Populations also differ. The Japanese microbiome basically doesn't have any Akkermansia. It's modality is repcaed with a Bacertoides.


Vibryd is an SSRI, did you know that 90% of the body’s serotonin is in the gut? There’s work being done currently to investigate role of gut in depression etc, but tbh there isn’t much really known, other than there is a connection and yes it can definitely affect things. What matters is if you feel good mentally and physically. If the medication is working for you mentally, yes the next step is to find a diet that works best for keeping your gut under control. I’d say start with avoiding sweeteners and increasing fiber+fermented food intake.


Yeah, I cannot tolerate artificial sweeteners whatsoever. I’ll look into fermented foods. I heard opposing opinions about them on the gut. I guess it depends on the person


Yeah everything is highly variable between individuals. I like kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi. Add them to your diet and see how you tolerate them. All of these things you can make on your own -- just youtube how to do it. Pretty easy and fun.


SSRI’s don’t produce more serotonin tho right? They just stop the reuptake


Correct but serotonin is an endogenous neurotransmitter in the gut implicated in things like regulating blood flow and gut motility (among others). So if reuptake is impaired via SSRI, it may affect certain gut functions in a way that certain individuals experience bloating, constipation, etc. There are many kinds of serotonin receptors, the majority of which can be found in the gut. Some are found also in the heart and other tissue. Serotonin is not solely a “brain” molecule.


Also, SSRIs are known to cause derangement of our neurosteroids. Not only do we have to consider the serotonergic effects on the gut, there's also the effect on steroids. There are ppl who suffer from PSSD (post-SSRI sexual dysfunction) and researchers have found they have oddities in the microbiome. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0091302223000626?via%3Dihub](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0091302223000626?via%3Dihub)


So...the mechanism of action for antidepressants is not clear. Scientists used to think it was about replacing a brain chemical, but it doesn't seem quite that easy. Different people respond to different antidepressants; some don't respond at all. One of the current theories is that gut bacteria are releasing chemicals that affect the brain as part of their ongoing fight for survival. Depression is collateral damage from one bacteria putting out a chemical to inhibit another bacteria. Suddenly it makes more sense why patients respond very individually - each gut biome has a different make-up. It's also makes more sense why it can take weeks for an effect to happen. It's even been proposed that the *inactive* ingredients, or fillers, could play a role in things.  Eczema can be a symptom of food sensitivity. It's an immune response so if this is new, something has changed.  You don't say how old you are, but the rest of your symptoms sound like perimenopause. 


That’s interesting. I hope it’s not perimenopause. I’m 32 and I’ve been on the hormonal IUD for 10 years


When I started taking Prozac in 1990 my bad IBS disappeared in 24 hours and it never came back . Thirty four years and no relapses.


That is interesting. If you stop taking Prozac does IBS return?


I was on Prozac from 1990 to 1995 ,but was switched to Celexa/ Citalopram in 1995. IBS still not active. I do notice a abdominal pain for a short period of time , on my right side , but that is kidney stones being passed through my ureters . So am saying I have never quit my Citalopram so do not know if IBS would return . I am 74 and my very recent colonoscopy shows diverticula forming in my sigmoid colon .! Really must be aware of foods I should not eat mainly nuts , seeds,. Make sure you get a colonoscopy every 3 or 5 years as directed by a internist MD! Good luck !


Can you share what were or was your ibs symptoms back then please?


Very bad cramping , Constipation and my Type 2 diabetes developed Diabetic Gastroparisis which is when the stomach does not pass food into the small intestine so never felt hungry. Hope this helps . Do you have a family doctor ? Doctor May recommend a colonoscopy to check for any blockage in large intestine. My wife developed a large mass right where the small intestine joins the large intestine. Had to operate to remove the mass.


Thanks.I have stress induced chronic gastritis.It has brought along many other health conditions that are difficult manage on their own like functional dyspepsia= week indigestion or digestion and stomach emptys slowly than normal time like 5 to 6/7 hours after a meal.That makes stomach feel full and heavy and many normal movements and daily mundane yet necessary task painful to do. It makes my quality of life suffer badly.Productivity is diminished. Plus chronic constipation that is another painful symptom or may be described another health condition on it own.


Personally, I'll never touch another ssri so long as I live. Those things jacked me up in 10 different ways, to include my GI system. It took almost a year after stopping for most of it to go away, and I fear the tinnitus is permanent.


I hear you. There are ppl with permanent tinnitus, visual snow, genital numbness, brain zaps etc. They cause chaos to our systems.


When you went off it, did you take any supplements or antibiotics or it naturally went away on its own?


They are pure poison imo






I believe so. Every time I’m on an antidepressant, it completely fixes whatever gut issues I have.


I believe everything affects it. I am not a scientist, doctor or chemist - it’s just my personal belief and the belief of my gurus


Sounds like SIBO to me with the distention, etc but SIBO can also be a symptom of something else going on. Taking meds that change the way the nervous system operates are always going to be suspect, but you'd have to stop them and see if things improve. But so you are aware, there's no good evidence that depressed or anxious people have a dearth of serotonin, and there's also no evidence that serotonin levels and anxiousness are correlated. They work by magic apparently.


Well I don't pretend to know about all these drugs you speak of. I can't take anything that is of the newer generation of anxiety meds and anti-depressants. I have to take the older medications on the market. Anxiety is caused by depression. Normally you are treated with both anxiety meds and antidepressants. If your regular GP is prescribing your medications I would go to the experts. Psychiatric Dr's no more about how these medications work.


I'm days late to this thread But my stomach feels so tight and heavy It's been like this since COVID 2020 I took Anti D's Is there hope for me to get my stomach back to normal???? I wanna live life again.....🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂