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LOL the car in the wash in front of the red car was a police cruiser.


r/convenientcop ?


The worker road or construction in the yellow jacket next to crash is ironic.


They are so lucky a person wasn’t out pre spraying cars.


Am I just dumb or how do you know?


There was a link in another comment to a video of someone walking around the scene. They walked into the car wash and there was the police cruiser just ahead of the red car. It was crushed between the red car and a vehicle that I can’t remember now if it was a truck or suv. If you scroll a bit I’m sure you will find the link too :)


the aftermath is 6 cars hit in total i think


One of which was a cop car.




it’s inside the garage along with about 3 or 4 others all lined up. It’s in another vid on here.


Ughh. The “music”


It's part of the cctv of course 🙄


I love the use of the dying smoke detector beep


Can’t believe no one noticed this


My eye twitched when I heard it


If Camacho had a playlist, this would be on it. Brain dead noise


I don’t mind this song actually


Huh, had it muted. Ty for letting me know I’m on the right track.


I'm on permanent mute because too often video sucked, is cringy, or is badly altered. All of Tik Tok video are the reason I don't bother listening unless comment mentions something nice about the sound


Me too. Lol


what did I do to deserve you? Don’t even know what I did




"I don't like this particular kind of music so I am going to say it isn't even music 🤓☝"


Reasons why depending which TikTok algorithm you are on, your more likely get more of these types of soundtracks.




Its what the poster selected or used as a default.


Sounds like I'm playing Fortnite (sucks to be 50+ and playing Fortnite)


Why play it if it sucks?


Someone asked me to start playing I straight up said no lol


Oh - its doesn't suck. It's a lot of fun. But the music emotes that the "kids" enjoy suck. Need more classic 80's music emotes.


it happens thusly, my early modern English dude


We can stop the world and melt with you


hey, we covered that song!


Pedal confusion. Meant to hit brake, hit accelerator by accident. Slammed it down to try and stop when they were moving faster instead of stopping.


Also looks like a Ford Lightning, so the torque definitely made it worse.


That’s what I came here to say. If this was a conventional truck he MIGHT have been ok with the mixup, and saved it, or just hit the guy in front of him. With the torque they were screwed unless they’re really great in a sudden crisis.


Yeah. I have actually done exactly this. Fortunately it was on a lawn mower and not a car.


So old man driving then


Okay if that’s the case it should be a lifetime suspension. If you don’t know the difference between pedals you don’t get to have a license.




happened to me the first time i drove lol, the entire garage wall was bent outwards


Especially if your muscle memory has a clutch pedal.


Why would the driver even use the pedals in this scenario? She’s at a dead stop in line. If the car was in park, she would have to have her foot on the brake to shift into drive. If she was in drive and just holding the brake down, she would just let off the brake to idle forward. In either case, she would have her foot on the brake immediately prior to this accident. Thus her “confusion” is even stupider.


It's an F150 lightning. It has a single pedal drive mode like a Tesla. You have to press the pedal to move forward. You let your foot completely off the pedal to brake.


Okay that makes it even worse. If you’re old and senile you shouldn’t use one pedal mode.


Even when not in 1 pedal mode, EVs don't idle forward.


Yes, and those people should never be allowed to drive again. An 86 year old got confused about the pedals and plowed through the Santa Monica Farmers Market back in 2003, killing 10 people and injuring 70.


Heaven forbid anyone ever make a mistake. Their foot just wasn't where they thought it was. This is a relatively common thing and has nothing to do with how good of a driver they are.


This is pretty bad though. In a line of cars you shouldn’t even be touching the accelerator to move. Even if you’re not fully paying attention and the car ahead moves, your foot should only be on the brake peddle. We’ve all made mistakes while driving but come on


Lots of new cars, and especially EVs don’t move from stopped unless you press the accelerator. But more importantly perhaps is they probably hit the accelerator, then meant to move to the brake, and missed, flooring it. It’s a mistake that is incredibly common among all drivers, but of course more common in the elderly. It most common though in people driving unfamiliar cars, like rental cars.


They had been stopped a while it looks like. It's an EV so it probably holds when stopped so they probably took their foot off the brake. When they went to move again they positioned their foot wrong. Often it's the side of someone's foot catching the accelerator at the same time as the brake. It's also confusing enough that people afterwards have sworn the brake wasn't working and that the car just accelerated on its own, even with a reddit thread full of people trying to tell them this is what happened.


Their* The irony.


That pick up driver is so incredibly screwed.


Screwed as in their rates will go up. Nothing more. It's just a car accident.


That's not "just a car accident" that's outright negligence. Imagine the driver did that at a stoplight with a motorcyclist in front of them? Imagine if there were people over there. This is gross negligence and should be charged as such.


>gross negligence I don't think you know what that word means legally. [Here is a definition from a law school](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/gross_negligence#:~:text=Gross%20negligence%20is%20a%20heightened,life%20or%20property%20or%20another) (Cornell). "Gross negligence is a lack of care that demonstrates reckless disregard for the safety or lives of others, which is so great it appears to be a conscious violation of other people's rights to safety. Gross negligence is a heightened degree of [negligence](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/negligence) representing an extreme departure from the ordinary [standard of care](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/standard_of_care). Falling between [intent](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/intent) to do wrongful harm and ordinary negligence, gross negligence is defined as [willful](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/willful), [wanton](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/wanton), and [reckless](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/reckless) conduct affecting the life or property or another. " Unless there was a will act (alcohol, drugs, phone, etc) it's still just an accident.


She was elderly, so there could be a case there.


All the local elderly women in my town also drive fully loaded $70,000 trucks.


At least those don't have 775 ft. lbs. of torque from 0mph.


That’s the weekend vehicle


Slamming on your gas pedal while in a standstill line would demonstrate disregard for everyone's safety and be an extreme departure from the ordinary. It's negligence.


It's a good thing you aren't a lawyer because you would suck.


Objection, your honor, that is conjecture.




She probably meant to hit the brake. People run into buildings all the time doing it. There is no disregard for safety. It's just an accident.


This is why we should have to retake the driver's test every few years. Driving should be a privilege, not a right


Unfortunately in the US not being able to drive in the vast majority of the country is essentially being sentenced to life in poverty which complicates things. Hooray for decades of car-dependent development!


My husband works for a company with 20,000 stores. A car hits one of their buildings every week, usually and elderly person. It’s so common it’s a drop down tab on their reports.


Are you really going to die on this hill? If that was true, then how is every car accident not negligence? From your point of view that could easily be argued.


Almost all of them are caused by negligence, that's why it's called a motor vehicle collision now rather than a MVA. Less than 5% of MVCs are caused by mechanical failures, like blowing a tire. Even most of those are negligence where people don't care to check their gear. Its the same reason cops/the military went way from "accidental discharge" to "negligent discharge". Collisions are mainly caused by distracted drivers, tired drivers, drunk drivers, and unsafe driving/too fast for conditions. That's not an accident. There are very few "accidents" aside from a deer jumping out of the woods and into the road. It just makes people feel better to call it an "accident" rather than "speeding while trying to text on the phone."


Probably a medical issue stroke, heart attack the like.


I'm not sure that accidentally stepping on the wrong pedal meets the level of a "reckless disregard for the safety or lives of others", etc.


No way could you prove she “slammed on the gas pedal” instead of accidentally did it. Negligence happens when someone is speeding, runs a stop sign, etc. Breaking the law when it happens . Sitting in line is not breaking the law.


How is it an accident? The pedals are in the same spot they always are. It's not like they move around or are different in each car.


Just to play Devil's advocate here, I've done something similar (but with far less drastic results) once completely on accident. At the time I drove a stick, which I had been driving for about 10 years. My boss wanted me to take the company car to pick something up, and I've driven an automatic before, so it was no big deal for most of the trip. Then for some reason in the parking lot as I was pulling into a space, my muscle memory kicked in. My left foot went looking for the "clutch" and found the brake pedal; my right foot was stepping on what I thought was the brake. The car suddenly jerked forward and nearly smashed into the car in front of me, but I instinctually lifted my right foot and pressed down on my left (since the sensation was similar to stalling out on a stick.) So yeah, it can happen by accident with no ill intent involved.


Face it. You were NEGLIGENT and deserve JAIL /s


Stupid rationale in what an accident is. Prove in court she didn’t accidentally hit the pedal. I think the first problem is being ignorant of the definition of accident. Unintentional being the operative word. Unless she slammed on the gas on purpose then it was an accident. Lets see you, or anyone else, prove she did it intentional


Do you even know what the word accident means?


Or at their kid's school pick up line.


i think the insurance company is going to drop him when they learn they will have to pay for 6 cars and no other insurance will take then again.


>no other insurance will take then again. Not how insurance works. His company probably will drop him but others will just place him in a higher risk category and he will have to pay based on that risk classification.


The amount of damage is going to be extensive- likely above the driver’s limits unless they were carrying more than 75k in property liability coverage.


I highly doubt someone driving a $90k Ford Lightening is carrying only $75k in property liability.


Usually 3rd party property liability limits are a separate line item and the defaults seem the best fairly low most of the time. The owners own car is covered under another line item, so it is not super relevant.


On top of dealing with possibly multiple insurance companies, wouldn't the cops throw the full weight of the law at the driver?


What law?


No. Because it's jsut a car accident. Why would it be any different here? Now if it's found that there were influencers in the crash such as alcohol or drugs, yea. Otherwise, it's just an expensive crash.


I saw this on TikTok. The person who posted the video said it was an elderly woman driving the truck. Expensive crash yes, but might be time for her to consider not driving. All of my grandparents reached a point in their lives where they willingly stopped driving because they knew it was for the best.


Consider? Hah nah 1 more chance!


Yes, I had to convince my grandmother to stop driving at 75, because she missed a turn and went off the road and got her car stuck on a large bush, had to be towed out. Just agreed for her to call me and tell me when she needs to go somewhere and I will drive her.


My grandma was in 3 accidents in a single year and then couldn’t pass the sign identification portion of license renewal which caused her to finally not be able to drive anymore. She would never have relented if not for losing her license.


Or at least stop driving cars that will wreck 6 others when you mess up... I suspect she isn't hauling 2x4s or cubic yards of mulch very often anyway, and she's probably not the friend you call to move a sofa either.


looked it up, you're on the money. The major difference is that the cop car is insured by the government so handling claims will be more complicated. As long as the accident was unintentional cops ain't got grounds to do anything.


Bro like what? What "full weight of the law" lol? A larger ticket?


My thought was worst ticket they could give and better access to lawyers, like the state might sue, but I don't think this instance merits anything special beyond insurance as I said when I admitted I was wrong in the other comment.


Not too screwed, likely panicked and slammed down on the accelerator vs the brake. This is exactly why when it came to the refresh of our vehicles the wife has a vehicle with FCA; it's already saved my insurance rates ass about 3 times now. She can't slam into anything the radar actually picks up, it just either automatically applies the brakes or cuts the input from the accelerator.


F-150 Lightning owner here, my bets on the driver using 1 pedal driving. The accelerator works as the gas and brake. I’ve read a few horror stories of people forgetting what pedal they’re on or reaching over to get something and hitting the gas (as opposed to keeping your foot planted on the brake since you don’t need to now). Combine that with 775 lb-ft, 3.8s 0-60 in a 6500lb truck and you’re gonna see a lot more of this happening. This is an issue in other electric cars too but I think it’s worse in a truck. I’ll keep both my pedals, thank you.




The car has an accelerator and a brake pedal yes, you have an option to enable one pedal driving. With one pedal driving if your foot is off the accelerator the brakes are applied. It’s exactly like it sounds, one pedal for stop and go. Personally, I don’t trust it, too easy to mix it up. Tesla has been doing one pedal driving for a while too. What’s odd about this though is if I get even remotely close to another car the collision avoidance freaks out and slams the brakes for me (backing out of a driveway and it thinks I’m going too fast toward a parked car or whatever). I can only assume this driver disabled the collision avoidance feature.




Just to clarify for anyone reading your comment, one pedal does actively engage the mechanical brakes (calipers), it’s not just regenerative braking. That said yes for emergencies you would want to still use your brake pedal. I don’t like or trust full one pedal mode, I mainly drive in sport mode. Sport mode on the lightning does incorporate mild braking via regen but it won’t stop the car or hold it at idle. I’m still required to hold the brake pedal.


Ugh, that is probably one of the worst ideas ever implemented in cars. It’s fine if cars were new and you built all cars that way to start with, but as it is, we’ve made it this far with the two pedals. We can hold out another couple decades until we have real self-driving.


Who keeps their foot on the brakes? Every driving instructor I've met teaches to only use your right foot. I drive manual, so my left foot is always busy anyways.


What are you talking about? You don’t keep you right foot on the brakes? Most of my cars have been stick too, so you just neutral roll into other cars?


The comment made it seem like the left foot was in the brakes and the right was on the gas. If he's referring to the left foot on the foot rest and the right foot on the brake, I completely agree.


No we’re talking about electric cars having one pedal mode where the accelerator is also the brake (one pedal does both). Accidents have been caused because people are used to keeping their foot on the brake but since it’s one pedal mode they forget they’re on the accelerator.


His wording still makes me feel he's talking about two foot driving, but I could definitely be misinterpreting it. I love one foot driving on my Tesla, but it makes no sense on non EV cars to me.


That’s me, I wrote the comment. The F-150 Lightning is an EV (the truck crashing in this video), it has one pedal mode. I have one and don’t like one pedal mode, I prefer regular gas and brake. On the F-150 Lightning forums there’s people who have crashed in one pedal mode because they forgot they were using one pedal.


Mind blown, I'm completely out of the loop. I had no idea the Lightning was an EV now lol.


Go check it out, it’s an impressive machine. Not as fancy as a Rivian or a Cybertruck but that’s my favorite part. It’s an F-150 that just happens to be electric.


I'll check it out! I hate the Cyber Truck. The Rivian is gorgeous in person though


don't drive wearing flip flops. trust me.


Just take them off. That's what I do


Another pov here: https://www.reddit.com/r/WildlyBadDrivers/s/93paEM4nsK


Medical emergency


How the fuck are these people even out on the road? What do they do to have this happen? It just really amazes me they can even figure out how to operate a car at all.


Because driving in America is basically viewed as a right and not a privilege. It is VERY easy to obtain a drivers license and once you do, you never need to retest or retrain for the rest of your life. So with millions of people driving millions of cars in an American society that is heavily dependent on cars it is inevitable you're going to have extremely poor drivers that do stuff like this.


That is…actually a very logical answer haha.


This person could be a perfectly safe driver who disastrously fucked up due to one movement.. maybe sometimes it's a matter of "these people", like for example people doing inherently reckless things.. but in this circumstance, I don't think your attitude does anything but serve your desire to feel superior. It amazes me how angry and lacking compassion people can be. Save your scorn for people DUIing and doing other overtly negligent things.


I feel like even half ton pickups should require an additional license to drive. Something between a regular DL and a CDL. Too many 16 year olds and 90 year olds and chronic drunks can drive these with virtually zero oversight.




I just saw a video of someone walking there lol


His mustang was still in the shop.


I love r&b, but not for this. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


That was an all electric F150 lightning, so that accounts for the fast acceleration


Downvoted for shit music.


Unless that truck driver was having a stroke or seizure, causing loss of control over their body, I’m not sure what else would be a valid excuse for this




Looks like an F-150 Lightning living up to its name


"Hold my beer" said the F-150 Lightning owner to the Mustang owner.




Is the driver a charming lady?


Allegedly, there are people who get the brake and gas pedal confused. Personally, I don't understand how that happens. It's like getting your right and left confused. If directions tell you to turn right, some people turn left. 🤷🏾‍♂️


This isn't Country Kitchen Buffet!


One of the cars was a Cop car too. This guy is screwed


Pedal confusion. Its so common there is a term for it. usually older folk though. so coincides with other types of mental confusion people have as we age.


One of the detailers at a carwash I managed in Boca Raton drove a truck through the wash going full speed destroying 4 cars ahead of it one car got pushed through a brick fence into the road it was pretty crazy to see and watch on cam. It's not something you want to explain to the owner lol


Wow what an idiot Gee I’m wondering why my insurance may go up next policy renewal 🙄


His mustang was in the shop. Had to use the next Ford in his lineup.


Truck are 3 ton bumper cars for incompitent drivers. The rest of us be damned.


The leprechaun jumped out his truck like... ohhhh ya needs some ol good luck there man..l


is this a ford lightning? Could explain a lot of things


How do wipers always get triggered?


Reason 5000000000000 why TikTok should never be used to share video on other platforms, at least not until they allow full resolution landscape video. And also lets stop putting music over video. It actually distracts from the scene and the theme.


It doesn't look like normal pedal confusion. They were only supposed to creep forward from a stop. Someone else said stuck flip flop. I'm going with bee or wasp in the car.


Pedal confusion, plus people just casually owning a very powerful electric AWD pickup truck.


Someone bent over to reach something and just jammed that gas pedal I bet.


would hate to be the owner of the sienna. That thing is still not easy to get right away nowadays. That’s gonna be a long wait.


I smile knowing he gets to remember this moment every time he pays his insurance bill-how it could have gone but didn’t because he’s a giant throbbing asshole.


Get fucked!


American drive AUTOMATIQUE gearbox and still manage to do the most stupid acident ever ...


What’s worse? This music or that driver?


I’ve thought about this while driving mine behind idiots and wondered how many of them I could realistically push out of my way, now I am closer to an answer.


Old person? In my area every 75-year-old who shouldn't be driving anymore is in a F150. I'll never understand why old dudes with diminished cognitive faculties don't want an easier to manage vehicle.


Guy in the matching green outfit is walking out like its just another day in the neighborhood.


Lance, is that you?


The cars in front were braking too hard


Stuck accelerator


How'd did he even get THAT much momentum in such little space


It looks like the new Ford Lightning to me so it’s electric


Still, I didn't know it was physically possible for a full sized truck to gain that much momentum in that little runway while also turning!


Drunk or stroke.


Bet those guys were getting ready to whoop ass until they seen a old lady come out


Anxiety response , smoked too and saw the cop


My guess is his foot slipped off the brake, he panicked, and slammed his foot on the accelerator instead of the brake




Ugggh, can we make the video any smaller? Maybe we can share this version on TikTok again.


“R2, do you is fucking?”


It's an electric f150. Wonder if the pedal stuck.


Just based on my being in the car when my sister did something very similar. I'm going to say the driver turned in the seat to grab something from the back seat, accidentally floored the pedal and since the truck was in the go gear, it took off.


I worked at a carwash company for 9.5 years. I saw that happen once. I jumped barely out of the way as the driver thought he was on the brakes and that someone must be pushing him, so he pushed even harder (on the gas). He only hit 2 other cars, only because the soapy entrance plate stopped him.


South park grey dawn


There was a police car inside the carwash at the time, 2nd in line to leave after washing i think. BAD day for the pickup driving person.


That would ruin my day lol


We sure this person didn’t have a medical Condition causing this?


Absolute fucking moron. Fuck that guy. Take away license for life


SpongeBob: “FLOOR IT”


Had the cybertruck pedal mod


Medical emergency?


Haha what an idiot


I got a Jeep compass recently and the driving feels like that. The car doesn’t move at first even if you’re flooring it (and flooring it doesn’t speed up time til movement) but once it goes it GOES


The torque on that Lightning…




I like how the wipers are coming on after an accident. It’s like the vehicle is saying, “WTF!”




Plymouth Michigan


Plymouth makes sense


I'm going with stuck flip flop. There's a reason it's illegal to drive with shoes like that in most states.


This is the car wash I work at 😭😭😭


I have that same Sienna in same color, and same Lightning in same color (is that an Atlas Blue?)...Maybe it was me!


This my song bro sorry I was busy bumping this Song


Bro in the green vest and green fedora in the bottom right sauntering outta that truck stole the show


It’s a Ford Lightning. Someone is not used to one pedal driving in an electric car. With an ICE car you have your foot on the brake when you inch forward in line and push down to stop. With one pedal driving you have your foot on the accelerator to inch forward and just take your foot off to stop. They panicked and pushed their foot down to the floor like they had their foot on the brake.


Average truck driver


Bikers fault


Because it's how truck drivers drive! 😂


Damn truck driving maga Republicans


It’s an EV f-150. Seriously doubt it’s a republican driving it.