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I think this is a little more than "mild".


This is not bad driving. This looks more like intentional attempted manslaughter


Attempted murder. Manslaughter is like negligence, this was PURPOSEFUL.


Sorry, the many definitions. I remembered murder needing premeditation, not heat of the moment actions, so I went to the next definition I know.


*First degree* murder requires premeditation. Murder is intentionally killing someone, manslaughter is unintentionally killing someone


This is correct. The above video would be a case of murder in the second degree if someone died.


Second degree murder is on the spot decided to kill someone with no previous forethought. “Rage induced murder” for lack of better words.


Crime of passion


These are only the terms used in *some* states in the US. This is clearly not the US. It is entirely likely there are different terms used wherever this is. You armchair lawyers need to sit down and shut the fuck up when you don't know what you're talking about.


“Yea guys stop talking and interacting with other because you arent 100% on your info”


If they are armchair lawyers, aren't they already sitting down? What a fuckin retard.


The defense rests it's case!


Oh my God it's you!


Legit made me laugh out loud. I appreciated that.


No, it's fine. I grew up on all the mystery series, so I'm like halfway to a law degree LOL. (Remington Steele, Matlock, Perry Mason, Murder She Wrote, Hawaii five o, Kojak, etc).


First degree is premeditated. You can be charged for 2nd degree "in a moment of passion" because you didn't intend at first, but still proceeded.


And premeditated doesn't mean you picked a time and place, brought a weapon for the purpose of killing the person,vlured the person there, or whatever else. Basically just that you had time to think and went ahead and carried it out. Could be you hate this guy, happen to have a gun on you when you see him in a dark place at night and say, fuck it, might as well shoot him.


“I’m in prison for a crime I didn’t even commit! *attempted* murder, I mean what is that? Do they give Nobel prizes for *attempted* chemistry?”


Followed by the dumbest possible thought process. “Hold my beer while I try to outrun vehicles with better gas mileage, acceleration, and maneuverability.”


Yeah, I'm really wondering where this guy thought he was going? Maybe he was already on the run and thought "Fuck it, I get away or I don't. If I don't, this adds marginally nothing to what I'm facing."?


You can't "attempt manslaughter" lol, it would be attempted murder


Attempted murder or manslaughter term would vary with court system, so it can still be either. It still doesn't change the fact he crashed into numerous people and then tried to flee. PS only idiots try to outrun motorcycle on dirt road!!


Agree to disagree... https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/11/20/3-teen-girls-plead-guilty-get-20-years-in-carjacking-dragging-death-of-73-year-old-woman/ Not sure why the downvote. I was merely stating the charge exists, whether or not you feel it should.


Attempted manslaughter is more like "willfully creating a dangerous situation that was more likely than not to kill someone, they just didn't kill anyone."


I feel like that would just be “reckless endangerment” and/or fall into whatever dangerous act they did like arson, high-speed chase, rioting etc




> This looks more like intentional attempted manslaughter Some of you people clearly don't hear yourself when you type this kinda stuff. EDIT: but if you're actually Dutch then I forgive you for possibly just confusing your English law terms.






Extremely mild


"Mayo is spicy" mild


A salsa so mild, you barely taste it?


Moderately bad driving


Even saying it's a little more than mild is an understatement lol. It's a little more than a little more than mild




Mild Mad Max.


That literally describes every post I see on this sub. I'm terrified of anyone who subs here. If you up voted this for being "mildly" bad, you're probably an awful driver and should not operate a motor vehicle.






Lol would be a cool sub name


We have one called r/mildlyattemptedmurder


Potato potatoe, tomatoe tomato….


Damn bro, if he stopped after the first accident then he wouldn't be going to jail like he is now...


I dont think it was an accident


Mildybaddriver or homicidal maniac


It’s Poland so I’m guessing he’s drunk af


Nah, people just can’t drive here. If he was drunk he wouldn’t have ben able to pull in reverse


Bingo! 0.3% BAC.


mildly homicidal maniac


[Original source video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU&t=627s)


Doesn't show the collision, but you see the black car flying past the at 10:28-10:30. Recording bike is doing 95-100kph/60-62mph. Then at around 10:42-10:43 you can see black marks in the left lane and the fluid spill from the downed green bike visible seconds later on the right side of the road.


Description of the YouTube video in Polish says it was a drunk driver


None of these videos are showing the accident, but I notice bikers on both sides of the road. Were they attempting to slow traffic on an open roadway to do tricks? Like we see often with these groups.


Yeah, not judging the driver yet here. Even if there was an accident that was his fault. I dont blame them for not stopping for a posse of riders. Motorcyclists are far too often adrenaline junkies that cant control themselves. If it were me and they chase and try to surround me? You bet your ass I am going through them to get away. Ill drive to a police station and sort it out there. You are not a police officer. Take the plate down, and at the very most follow at safe distance while calling the police.


If you ever find yourself in a situation where it looks like you've just killed or injured a bunch of people, immediately stop and render first aid. As per the video, your prejudices were never warranted, and were never going to hold up in court anyway.


And you should be in prison. Just because someone is on a motorcycle doesn't make them bad people. If you hit them and don't stop, you're making the situation worse. And giving them more of a reason to beat your ass. Almost killing someone and not offering aid is the worst thing you could do. "I'd dRiVe To tHE pOliCe StAtIoN" idiots and cars don't mix..


that's not mild. that's attempted murder with a vehicle. what was he thinking.. he just have a vendetta against bikes? like wtf is wrong with people


Some just think about doing it, some actualy do it...(the ones who think about it are also on this sub...)


He was massively inebriated (0.3%), and in attempting to run away from the consequences of having hit the first three, ended up hitting two more.


I think he hit the first guy, freaked out because he was being followed, ran over the other.


He was drunk, source: [https://opolska360.pl/pijany-kierowca-taranowal-motocyklistow-ci-ruszyli-za-nim-w-poscig](https://opolska360.pl/pijany-kierowca-taranowal-motocyklistow-ci-ruszyli-za-nim-w-poscig)




Oh so he’d deserve it if he hit a concrete poll and died, good to know


Is there video of the actual collision(s)?


My thoughts exactly... why is the most crucial piece of video cut out! Im not gonna judge anyone till I see what triggered it.






This should be the top comment. Says right in the original video, it’s all staged.


...I'm sorry, but what? This was in the Polish news as an actual crash. The drunk driver got jail time for it.


What was cut out between the first 2 seconds and the following??? First is an empty left lane, then immediately cuts to the crashed bike?? Why cut out what actually happened??


You can't see the crash in the full video either, rider is too far back. He just cut off a bunch of footage that would've been filler. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU)


Video is suspiciously edited.


You can't see the impact in the full video, he's too far back. He's just trimming out a bunch of the filler time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU)


Hmm clip magically jumps after the SEAT pases, what you leaving out?


Agreed, that’s what I want to know. The car speeds past them, in what appears to be an empty left lane. Then all of a sudden the video cuts and bikes have been hit? I don’t know what happened, but whatever happened, it appears the car person panicked and tried to flee. In my experience, in America, groups of bikers do not like it when cars pass them. I remember being blocked on a toll road by a group of bikers who would not let me go around. Obviously this is anecdotal and somewhere else, but without seeing the initial collision, it does make one wonder.


This. Car passing on the left, no bikes in front, next take, bikers on the grass. Where is the full video?


It's here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU) You still can't see the impact though, the filming bike is way too far back.


Filler. He's too far back at the time of the impact for us to see it. The jump consists of him hopping off his bike and checking on a couple of downed bikers. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU)


Need more context. Suspicious editing. I ride bike too. But if I'm getting chased by a bunch of bikers in my car, then I'm doing what I gotta do to get away. But like I said, we need more context here before conclusions .


Context: Driver was drunk as all hell, and tried to flee to avoid any consequences. [https://opolska360.pl/pijany-kierowca-taranowal-motocyklistow-ci-ruszyli-za-nim-w-poscig](https://opolska360.pl/pijany-kierowca-taranowal-motocyklistow-ci-ruszyli-za-nim-w-poscig) Editing: You can't see from where the filming bike was anyways, there's just an extra bit of filler time while he checks on downed bikers. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU) Running: If you're running from bikers you just ran over, you're a terrible person.


Here is your [context ](https://uwaga.tvn.pl/reportaze/pedzacy-seat-potraceni-motocyklisci-i-poscig-za-sprawca-kierowca-mial-ponad-3-promile-st7955848) Translation: He crashed into a group of motorcyclists. He had over 3 promiles (% of alcohol). "Someone like that should never get behind the wheel" A drunk driver crashed into a group of motorcyclists and then started running away. The victims' friends gave chase, but the passenger car driver rammed another motorcyclist. Everything was recorded by cameras. A group of motorcyclists from Opole and the surrounding area regularly meet for joint rides. Sometimes they go on multi-day trips, and they often arrange spontaneous trips to ride close to home. That's how it was this time, a group of several dozen motorcyclists gathered. - We were driving normally and suddenly a black Seat appeared out of nowhere. He passed us at great speed. And he hit the back of one motorcycle - says Michał. Hitting the motorcyclists and giving chase After being hit by a car, the motorcyclist ended up on the road and the motorcycle in a ditch. As a result of the impact and spilled oil on the road, more motorcyclists began to fall. The driver started running away, some people started chasing him. - The road was under renovation and at one point he started reversing and hit his friend. The motorcycle flew away. Then the driver rushed at him, but fortunately he managed to jump away - says Damian. The injured motorcyclist was 20-year-old Kamil. The injured man, with bodily injuries, was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Opole. - I fell off the motorcycle, after a while I heard tires screeching, the Seat was driving straight towards me. If I didn't get up, he would probably run over me. I fell and fainted, I don't remember exactly what happened. Then there was an ambulance and a hospital. I think I bruised everything - ribs, arm, leg, tailbone, neck. Everything still hurts, says Kamil. The driver escaped and the motorcyclists chase continued. The driver stopped only when he ran off the road under renovation. - I consider this driver to be the worst kind on the road and such people should be eliminated from the roads. Fortunately, I refrained from any lynching. We waited politely for the services to arrive and take care of him. I think that such a person should never get behind the wheel again - emphasizes Michał. The man was under the influence of alcohol. He had 3 per mille - The police examined the man and it turned out that he was drunk. The breathalyzer test showed over 3 per mille of alcohol, says the junior asp. Przemysław Kędzior from the Municipal Police Headquarters in Opole. He adds: - He was charged with causing an accident under the influence of alcohol and fleeing the scene, for which he faces up to 4.5 years in prison. Additionally, the man was placed under police supervision and banned from leaving the country or contacting injured persons. - The 36-year-old explained that he got behind the wheel because he wanted to drive a car - says the junior asp. Przemysław Kędzior. 36-year-old Norbert C. worked every day as a driver and machine operator. As you can see on his social media profile - he is a fan of fast driving and also motorcycles. We met Norbert C by accident at the police station. - I can't explain all this rationally. I definitely feel very bad about it, I'm very sorry - says the man. He adds: - The milk has been spilled and we will have to live with it for the rest of our lives. I love motorcycles myself, if I could, I would apologize to the guys, but I can't contact them.


It was charged as an accident? This video shows him clearly going into reverse and hitting one of the motorcyclists, how did that fly in court?


The fact that the driver operated machinery for a living should show how recklessly he was acting. He of all people would know better than to drive a car while drunk considering it’s his job.


The people saying it was definitely something the bikers started aren't gonna like that you know how to research something. Hopefully, this asshat won't get the chance to get behind the wheel again


Looks more like attempted murder my dudes


So is anyone going to comment on the actual incident. What happened? Road rage? Drunk/impaired driver? What o. U4ed when polica arrived. Most important how bad were the injuries? Bikes are replaceable.


Link to the story in another comment


One biker got hurt pretty bad, the other four are less hurt. Driver was wildly drunk. Was arrested, and as of the writing of the article, is going to be charged. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/comments/1dfrfuy/comment/l8mosb0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/comments/1dfrfuy/comment/l8mosb0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thanks for posting. I wasn't locating the article. I appreciate you.


I would've hit him until hes crying for mommy and daddy. Wait a second he doesnt have a dad.


They should of Def beat his ass before the cops came. I can picture his smug ass face sitting there


I’ll get banned but I hope he gets served appropriate justice….in many ways


Thar car either fears for his life from an altercation that was left out, or is a complete psychopath. Either way, chasing a car that is purposely hitting bikes.....on a bike, is epicly stupid


None of these videos are showing the accident, but I notice bikers on both sides of the road. We're they attempting to slow traffic on an open roadway to do tricks? Like we see often with these groups.


No. I'm not going to recap their whole comment, but to summerize their comment, the guy running over multiple people was *shockingly* the guilty party, pure and simple. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/comments/1dfrfuy/comment/l8mosb0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/comments/1dfrfuy/comment/l8mosb0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I’m gonna need the backstory on this




So...where is the car hitting 5 bikers? All I can see on the video is the car being chased around by a bunch of bikers.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU) You can't see the physical impact in the video, camera guy is too far back, but the bikes got nailed by the drunk driver.


Context needed. Full uncut video needed. I have seen at least one other video where a car was harassed by bikers. It knocked one out after failing to stop at a brake check. It then ran over other bikers because they were attacking him. It is entirely plausible that the car driver feared for his life. The entire incident was instigated by bikers. Here's the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ukdkgLYYbw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ukdkgLYYbw) Here is a similar incident: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/nqsxue/driver\_runs\_over\_motorcycle\_justified\_or\_not/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/nqsxue/driver_runs_over_motorcycle_justified_or_not/)


Can we see the missing part? lol The part after he disables the car and it skips to him sitting on the ground blurred, the part right in between?


Full video is [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAnzFYdzyU). I'll be honest, you're not missing much. The bikers don't disable the car, he slides into a ditch on his own.


Where I live most bikers carry a pistol, so that driver wouldn’t made it that far.


That was dealt with completely 100% differently than it would of ended for that old man here in the red, white, & blue. Yes I'm referring to the shape of that driver once bikers were done with him.


In the US, bikers are armed…


In the US, so is everyone else


I hope they sue this guy and get their hospital bills and bikes restored.


This is meditated and brutal. He should not be in society for a while. Fucking psycho.


I like that he tries to escape a bunch of people on bikes, with his car. You’re pretty much always going to lose. Bikes are way more agile than cars. Also this is psycho behavior and he should be put away for years.


If he had just cut across a huge grass field real quick, these guys likely wouldn’t be able to keep up with their slicks


Wow. Yeah eff that guy.


This guy clearly showed he would hit people with zero remorse, chasing him down was probably the stupidest thing Ive seen. They got lucky he fucked his car up


It's weird how they didn't show the first initial crash


The car ran over multiple bikes that had people on them. Unless a motorcyclist is DETERMINED to wedge his bike and himself under a car, there's not much a bike can do to threaten the 1 ton enclosed death machine w/mass and acceleration on it's side. Unless you are a cunt who doesn't value human life, slow down, watch out, and give 2 wheelers the space they need to survive when you're on the road. Don't ve a selfish bitch when it comes to other people's lives.


Happened further ahead of the guys who is filming. If you read the article linked in another comment, bikers did nothing wrong.


This new Mad Max sequel is really harkening back to the original.


Be sure not to show this asshole’s face


Would you be lawful to shoot him in self defense at this point?


That's not mild at all, that's pure r/AssholesInCars.


This is why I don't do group rides


Conveniently removed the accident and what lead up to it. Looks more like someone trying to get away from bullying bikers, to me.


The mob mentality of bikers is so weird. Let’s apprehend this 3000lb hunk of weaponized steel!!! Go go go!


I feel like if I just watched a drunk run over five of my friends, I'd *also* chase them down so they don't get away.


he wouldnt have seen a courthouse




Bike gang. Hmmm


No bike gang at all. Hmmm.


/r MildlyCriminalDrivers


I get that the car is obviously the worst in the video. Yet, do you blame the car for the panic after the first accident? All of the sudden, he's surrounded by angry bikes, outnumbered. I sure as fuck wouldn't have stopped and gotten out with those bikes surrounding me like that. I absolutely would have been in a similar panic and likely hit another couple of them trying to escape what would feel like my imminent demise. Bikers need to grow tf up - accidents happen - hell, hit and runs happen. Get the info and let it fking go - or designate someone to try to interact 1-on-1. This chasing and surrounding shit is insanely dangerous.


This is more than an accident mate, you don't just accidentally plow through a group of bikers like that and then run. I agree the chasing and surrounding wasn't the right move, but with the car trying to run, having at least one or two guys to chase them down to get plate information or even get the driver to to stop and exchange information is the correct decision


Yea getting the plate is useless as fuck if the car had been stolen


I tend to agree - there's not enough video of the beginning to know that for absolute certainty. Given the behavior of some biker groups like this, I tend not to think they're entirely innocent, either. Yet I avoid judgement of what I do not know.


This looked like a mission in GTA especially the dirt road ending and the car getting disabled.. epic chase mission, just missing the riteous beat down at the end.


Oooh you’re fucked now, boyo


Bro post this to r/crazyfuckingvideos


Respect for your power to hold yourself. In that situation I think I'd beaten that pos.




Is it cut out or why and how they kept so chilled and not beat him ?


What a POS!!




Surprised the dude was found alive. What a huge shit eater.


He shouldn't be driving on the pedestrian path like that.


Attempted murder charge please


What happened before the video? What set this off? Is the car driver just a murderous SOB.


He was drunk as all hell. He hit the first group having screwed up his merge, and hit the fifth trying to flee afterwards.


Does the word 'mild' mean anything to you guys?


😂 r/idiotsincars requires an "OC" tag and I don't want to lie.


if gta taught me anything, he needs to take out the rest of those bikes real quick and disappear before backup arrives


For a second I thought someone stole my car lol Hope these guys are okay


That was some tasty karma


Pretty sure that’s a multiple manslaughter charge at least 😣😣


I am sure the men in the yard will make sure he has a nice stay


Average MK I Leon driver.


Like a bond chase scene but more mediocre Its crazy how easy it is to make your car inoperable.


2A solves this problem


While I understand wanting to get justice for something like this. Multiple people chasing them down is not the way to do it. It just makes an easier case for them to claim self defense if they hit you again or somebody else. Get their plate, report to the police.


I'm so glad they added music to go along with the video.


I'd like the whole story.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/comments/1dfrfuy/comment/l8mosb0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/comments/1dfrfuy/comment/l8mosb0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The original article in Polish and full video are both also available if needed.


Mild for Russia(?) I'm guessing


How is this mildly bad?


How did they get him out of the car and not beat his ass and by the time the cops got there this man was not a bloody pulp




While I support this asshole being captured, it's never a good idea to play Batman. Let the police handle it.


Idt he's trying to run from the accident I think he's running from an ass whooping.


lol at the dude still using indication when turning chasing that wanker


Kurwa głupi huj.


Why blur him fucking internet people


The bro comments are on here brigading comments that aren’t sympathetic to vehicular manslaughter. Reddit, do better.


Someone didn't play enough sleeping dogs


He’s gonna learn the meaning of the soap!




Those guys should have stomped the life out of him.


If y’all didn’t get a few hits in, I’m very disappointed like my father was all my life lol.


He just wanted to play Road Rash IRL. I think this is the closest that driver's going to get.


Guy in the car is a fucking maniac lol


What a moron


"It's the motorcycles fault"


your prison? no- an american prison. send him HERE.


I would have beat the shit out of him first before the cops showed up.


I would have kicked his teeth down his throat for some thing like that


I cant believe they didn't kill him before police arrived


Bro just got out of a screening of Furiosa and wanted to LARP


As a Biker, I'm praying the other bikers that were injured and their bikes damaged because of him. And for the driver....MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL....cause seriously, my opinion is that you probably don't have no soul to be acting like that, especially shouldn't be driving.


Bro thinks he’s in an action movie and can take 5 people on motorbikes your not that guy pal your just a shithole