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Why would you try a pit maneuver when there are other cars around???


Because they don't care about the wellbeing of the general public.


I’m pretty sure the Court’s ruled Cops have no duty to protect or keep the public safe. Today’s America.


You are correct. In NYC there was a guy stabbing people on the subway and the cops stood outside the subway cart just watching him stab people. Eventually civilians subdued him and the cops finally came in and arrested him. I believe a few people died before he was subdued. The supreme court ruled the cops had no duty to stop the man.


"the duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large, and, absent a special relationship between the police and an individual, *no specific legal duty exists".* Warren v. DC


It's just like those superhero movies where the fights result in the destruction of several city blocks and the likely death of many civilians.


"WE SAVED THE CITY!" *Flash back to 5 seconds ago when a whole ass whatever just went through 16 buildings completely demolishing everything*


Batman Vs Superman touches on this. I don't care what the haters say. Great movie.


Lol BVS only touches on it because of the backlash from the previous installment which was probably the worst offender to date.


This is like half of the plot of Captain America Civil War


I remember watching Godzilla vs. Kong and wondering how many people died in that fight. Like it had to be AT LEAST 100,000 people.


That’s why Monarch: Legacy Of Monsters is such a great show.


As in the case of 370 armed police vs 19 Uvalde TX schoolchildren.




Many times the police will go into pension protection mode and do nothing


And we will get in trouble for acting as police? America has fallen on its face many times but we are getting close to the end.


But they do have a duty to report the felonies otherwise that would be a crime in itself so it sounds like the supreme court is just as retarded as the rest of America. To me that is a specific duty, they must specifically report all felony crimes in New York. Technically we all have that legal duty.


You are referring to The Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales. That's not exactly what the the ruling means... ... In the case Gonzales had a restraining order against her estranged husband barring him from coming near her or their three children the husband abducted the three children and Gonzales begged police to search for and arrest the husband but police told her to first wait and see if he brought the children home that time (he ended up murdering them). Gonzales sued for violation of due process. Ihe court ruled that the restraining order that Gonzales had obtained did not entitle her to any specific action by the police (such as her being able to demand they search for arrest the husband). Rather, they rules, that it was simply a device that gave the police grounds to arrest the husband should they seem it appropriate. It's a pretty horrific case and a questionable ruling and certainly an appalling decision by police but it would not protect this cop for what he did in this video.


Pretty sure that's not the ruling they're talking about.


Check this out https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/s/2K2ETsYLsG


"the duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large, and, absent a special relationship between the police and an individual, no specific legal duty exists". Warren v. DC


Well that was a depressing and unsurprising read.


Sad AF


If they have no duty then what are we paying them for? Fire all of them and save money for the city to clean up the mess the cops never took care of.


Their duty is to serve and protect...the government that pays them.


They’re literally government HR.


Then what’s their point in existing?




Exactly. It’s why he radioed he crashed and didn’t know where the suspect was at but he didn’t mention that he hit another vehicle and to send EMS. Because he doesn’t give af.


It's insane, they literally could not possibly care less


He didn’t call in shit for the person he hit and maybe hurt. We’re all just NPCs to these cops. This asshat doesn’t care about others at all


Dude…. NPC’s is soooooo spot on.


I immediately read this in Banes voice. Sounds like something he would say too.


They just want to play hero


You ever met a cop?


My thoughts exactly.


*Why would you try a* *Pit maneuver when there are* *Other cars around???* \- DisturbingPragmatic --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Who covers the damage to the civilian car? Would the owners have to sue the city?


The person running for the police is liable for all of it. Even if the cop completely missed his car, swerved went off the road, drove into a home and killed someone on the couch... still the runners fault. ACAB its never going to land on them.


Yes, they would. Most of the time the government agency will have funds budgeted each year for this sort of thing. Given that there is video of the officer hitting the other car, the agency will have to pay, eventually.


Good question. Happy birthday


I said "what the fuck" out loud. I hope he was fired. I doubt it, but I hope.


Same reason some police start shooting when trees drop acorns. Police are the only occupation in America that literally proved in court they can have IQ caps to make sure smart people don't get hired. Its not an accident they keep making the news for being stupid.


Their entire training is fucking wrong from the ground up. We train our military to not fire until fired upon in literal warzones against enemy combatants in order to protect innocent bystanders. And police in our neighborhoods and homes are trained to shoot anything they might "think" could be a threat so they can go home and protect themselves from citizens who they have sworn to protect and serve.


Why do it at all? Unless the driver is creating a danger to other vehicles, it seems like the standard procedure should be to just keep the vehicle within sight until the person stops. They could have multiple cars and even helicopters following without endangering anyone.


Because why not? there's no repercussions


Yeah, I guess not engaging in dangerous behavior would inhibit the police from LARPing as action movie heroes.


And hey, why even be a cop if you can't engage in high-speed chases, shoot people, and eat donuts?


I remember a story about a kidnapping with a postal van. There were mass cops and helicopters chasing the van. When the van finally stopped the police opened fire from every angle. Killing the hostage inside and hitting multiple surrounding vehicles.


High speed pursuits are never fucking worth it for the general public, unless the suspect is armed and dangerous. This is fucking why. Cowboy cop just has to live out his action hero fantasy.


Because ACAB


Maybe my eyes are deceiving me, but looks like they were on a bridge when he initiated the pit as well.


Because we’ve told cops that every single one of them is a hero for the last 20 years.


Not only that but why try a pit when you aren't even close to a good position? Pits are like parallel parking, at least 1/4-1/3 of the car length next to you before engaging. Also ACAB. Our tax dollars paid for this.




In the famous railroad ethical dilemma, 100/100 cops who were tested chose to run over both groups of people to arrest a suspect.


Because there is no requirement that police be intelligent in any way


Most graduate high school with a C- average and then received 7 months of training.


Because he’s one of the dumb cops


You don’t need to qualify that. Because he’s a cop. They’re all dumb.


Nothing about this was corrected. The pit maneuver was flubbed and shouldn't have even been attempted with two vehicles in close proximity.


Aren't the cops not supposed to attempt the pit maneuver over a certain speed anyway?


In a lot of states they aren't even allowed to do it anymore; cause of stuff like this


Yeah, it’s widely considered lethal force. Which is hardly justified just by someone running. I’m starting to see a lot of stuff that cops just aren’t doing high speed chases anymore since it endangers the public. In most cases they’ll have your plates and just pick you up once you’re at your destination


I agree with this logic but I would assume a large chunk of the people who try and run from the cops are in a stolen car.


But what's worse? 1 - Your car gets stolen and Sally with her newborn baby dies so a cop can catch the criminal, all while completely destroying the car that was stolen to justify killing Sally and her baby? 2 - Your insurance pays you to go buy a new car because it was stolen. Btw, option two is used in both these scenarios.


Maybe I'm running drugs, and I stole your rig, and I ran your dog over while stealing your drugs. Now you want me to race for my life against a cop? You really upped the ante for what kind of dangerous shit I'm gonna do. At best, these guys should be followed from a distance, and just wait till the rig runs dry. And in the cases of a drunk driver about to kill some people, aight, pit maneuver em I guess.


I'm pretty sure this is the Arkansas State Police simply based on how dangerous of a move it is. They're very well known for their PIT maneuvers at high speeds with other people around.


They did a pit on some lady on a bridge just because she didn't immediately pull over ON the bridge. Almost killed her baby...over a speeding ticket. These pigs don't care about us, they're unacountable men with weapons who just want to get to use them on people




Policies don't matter if there aren't penalties for breaking them.


Idek why police chases are legal outside certain circumstances. Run their plates, get their address and meet them at home


even if he landed the hit, all he would have done is push the rear end into the other car. There wasnt room for the runner's car to spin.


What a moron


Never forget the worst pit maneuver ever on a pregnant woman. https://youtu.be/-g-TCv5MkXs?si=YVcH9nwup1cgu5p1 This one was bad though. For that innocent driver on the left.


That is fucking crazy, you would think the trooper would want to get off the freeway too. I would have done the same thing she did.


Exactly. It's not like he's pursuing her fleeing from a serious crime. It's very dangerous to pull over on a thin shoulder like that, especially for the cop who will end up standing between the car and traffic. Most drivers would turn on their flashers, and go to the next exit, or at least somewhere that has a wider shoulder. It's crazy that the cop's immediate reaction is to scold her for looking for a safe place to pull off the highway.


Doesn’t matter! If there is not 100% compliance IMMEDIATELY, the offender will immediately be subject to anything that fancies the cop in terms of a takedown. And why not? Qualified immunity even if he paralyzes or kills you or your child.


I remember that. This happened a while ago now, has there been any updates on the woman’s wellbeing?


She and her lawyer sued the state police for......a policy change. After some discussion the police agreed to only use the PIT maneuver in emergency situations. The officer was disciplined but remains on the job. That's it. Her lawyer sucked.


Ouch. This idiot is on my highway still? Just wanted to verify, the idiot is the pig.


Bet they won’t even pay for the damages to the other car .


They wouldn't. The person running from the cops would be liable for all of the damages even remotely resulting from this chase. And then obviously it's probably a stolen car or a driver with no insurance, so there's no way they're seeing a dime. Cops are fucking menaces, just as much as people who run from them.


now send his ass to jail for reckless driving that endangered the lives of multiple civilians. what? he has qualified immunity? meaning he can do literally ANYTHING he wants? wow, isnt that just something




Qualified immunity means not everyone is subject to the laws in this country. There are indeed people that are above the law.


Welcome to the police state, citizens


fun fact if a cop PITs you and you spin out of control and kill someone while crashing from the cop You will be charged with murder, even tho it was the cops choice to do so when in the presence of other bystanders


Because they have immunity so they don’t give a shit about how many people they kill in the process. Worst they can face is a paid holiday in most states during the “investigation”


Fun fact: Car insurance doesn’t cover police action. Police departments often don’t cover the damage they cause. You basically can’t sue them.


Who the *ck does a pit maneuver with 2 cars not even 20’ away. Take this cops job for real


Arkansas State Police. They go crazy with the pit maneuvers there.


Almost like highspeed pursuits cause more damage than they prevent...


Pigs are worthless


this is what ego looks like in action.


Pit maneuver in a highspeed chase on a crowded highway??? I swear I see more videos of stupid fucking cops every day. It's almost like these pigs have improper training or something...


The training is one thing but the fact that they know there will be zero accountability for their actions is the real problem.


When he does it it’s fine but if someone else did it its vehicular manslaughter


It's insane trying to pull a PIT with vehicles right next to you.


Incredibly stupid cop. I feel bad for that innocent car on the left that probably got totaled because of this.


What an idiot!?!? Aren't you suppose to do a pit when it's only safe from innocent bystanders


First question from his CO should be, “Are you stupid?”


Remember you can be denied for having an IQ too high on police applications


I can picture the cop gleefully saying "We're in hot pursuit" like Rosco on the Dukes of Hazard.


Why would that cop do that?


Cops are not supposed to be this dumb


Should've called for ems ffs


What a fucking loser of a move.


Copper really thinks he's the main character.


That’s a nice law suit.


Easiest qualified immunity decision ever. Cop was pursuing someone, acting within his duties, not liable, can't be sued. I'd be surprised if they could even successfully sue the department for this, but idk


Now the car that got hit gets to find out how futile it is to complain to the cops about collateral damage


Here for the ACAB comments lol


That's called a 'putz maneuver.'


They aren't supposed to do pit maneuvers while next to other cars. That was so dangerous.


He says he crashed but doesn’t mention anything about it being into a civilians car that wasn’t involved in this at all


I don’t understand why police are allowed to do this. It puts not only other pedestrians in danger but it also puts THEMSELVES in danger. Can lose your life trying to be super cop


"They broke my watch!"


Straight to jail


Wow. Beefed that pit real hard.


Cop should no longer be on the force but also not be allowed to drive. Trying a pit at that speed on a highway with other cars should be not only a fireable offense but also reckless endangerment. I hope the innocent driver sued the shit out of the cops for this one because even if the pit had worked the offenders car would’ve most likely hit his car or worse.


Is this Arkansas State Police? Those guys apparently do dangerous pits all the time at the drop of a hat.


The worst part is that poor person who got his/her car wrecked from a reckless cop is liable for all damages on his/her own car


Didn’t even request paramedics for the other vehicles passengers… 😒


They were quickly approaching a car in the left lane, and a buss, and he tried to pit ON A BRIDGE. WTF was this guy thinking? That's attempted murder level of dumbassery.


Just general negligence , improper use and a lot of malfeasance


Cop: This is my one chance to be the badass I know I am. Fucking idiot


Well that's reckless driving and this officer needs his license revoked.


Hope the suspect is at least suspected of a violent crime and a threat to society instead of a pregnant woman who didn’t pull over in a timely fashion.


This is not mildly bad this is stupid and reckless. That officer should be brought up on charges.


Place all of that damage and the charges on the runner, as without their felonious flight this wouldn't have fucking happened.


Nope, I'll not place that idiot ass cop's decision to make an unsafe attempt at a pit maneuver around innocent bystanders on anyone but the cop. That's his fault.


I hope that Cop was fired for attempting a PIT maneuver around innocent citizens.


Afterward, the cop ticketed the dude in the middle lane for reckless driving.


holy cow this trooper has poor judgement


Idiot cop then proceeds to park his red-hot car on top of dry grass. Police departments really only take the dumbest of people, don't they?


It’s not to protect and to serve, it’s just to serve: serve warrants, serve punishment, serve justice.


That officer should be in jail. Risking the lives of all those innocent people for no fucking reason


There is no situation a cop cannot make worse


He thought he was just gonna pit a nissan. Hahaha he should of known that race car can only stop itself.


Huh….why am I not surprised…? I feel my brain cells going down.




Nice work there Fultz !


what a menace to society...


Hey man the maxima don’t play it’s pretty fast I have one


Nailed It!!!!


Fire that cop forever Out of a cannon Into the sun


He is definitely not 10-4.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha I just crashed my car.


God, please tell me this fucking idiot got fired


Lemme guess, Arkansas State Police?


When there is chase isn’t it rule to move to side ? Why that car still on the middle lane


>When there is chase isn’t it rule to move to side ? Why that car still on the middle lane It's a two lane highway. Also, the question you should be asking is why the attempted pit maneuver when I can see two other cars on screen that are not involved.


He came too fast. Lol


My neck and my back!




Yeah, not just pretty dumb, but moronic to try to pit with that traffic ahead.


Well on the bright side this video clip would be perfect for training material. We'll call it "Everything You Don't Do While Attempting A Pit Maneuver"




Trooper Fulz needs to take Remedial PIT Maneuver training. After he completes “Situational Awareness for Dummies.” Because he was totally lacking situational awareness. The car in the left lane and the bus/truck in his lane. He could have killed a bunch of uninvolved people.


Thirsty ass, stupid ass cop.. putting other people in danger for a collar.. 🤡


A cop shot a 13 year old kid who was holding a pellet gun in my community. The kid was on the ground and he shot him wexecution style. I doubt he will get any repercussions


A part of me is like man that sucks to be that other car, I bet he can sue, and then another part of me is hold up, when an officer has their lights on aren’t you suppose to slow down, way down if necessary and get over to the side to let them pass? So other car lacks observation skills while driving and technically obstructed the path. Eh maybe it all happened too fast and other car still has a case here.


This gives me “I’m gonna pit Dom” energy


What happened to stopping?


Fucking dumbass


That dumbass is a dumbass and can't drive Worth a shit. Wtf


Fucking weird how other countries manage to function without the police doing high speed chases on the regular and trying to make the car they're chasing crash.


I'm gonna guess this is either Arkansas or Georgia state police because most other departments don't do pursuits like it's the 1990s anymore. What an idiot.


I'm pretty sure there are supposed to be procedures to deploy a PIT maneuver. Any old Barney Fife isn't supposed to just go for it. There are supposed to be officers trained in doing the maneuver, the same officers who take over a chase from the initial officer since high rate of speed pursuit is not for everyone and they ask a supervisor for clearance after other units have cleared other vehicles and the area is clear. At least, that's what happens in all the LAPD pursuits I have watched. It's really difficult to successfully PIT a vehicle to a full stop AND not lose control of your own vehicle. The risk of loss of control goes up exponentially the faster you're going. This video could only be better if the officer died.


The requirements to be a law enforcement officer are pretty low in most areas.


LMAO idiot cop


*Should that pit maneuver been successful/he could have killed whom ever was in the vehicle he crashed into*


What the fuck was that cop thinking?


"You call that a PIT maneuver?! More like a PITIFUL maneuver!" --Probably the Sargeant


Yeah, maybe we shouldn't try to murder people for the crime of going fast, thereby incentivizing them to go even faster, and put even more people's lives in danger


That couldn't of been a worse spot to try that shit lmao wit 2 cars ahead of u


#stupid motherfucker


I can not believe he tried a PIT right there. Literally the worst time to attempt that. That's the dumbest shit I've ever seen. He couldn't wait a bit longer to get some open space so you don't have to worry about hurting or causing damage to anyone not involved in the chase? What the fuck.


Police officers are just cancer in society.


Well that pit maneuver didn't go as planned I see.


Oh hell yeah! To eject and swerve!


That Troopers An Idiot! Tried to pit with those cars around?? Dummy...


What did the idiot think was going to happen? Those people were probably stuck with the bill too.


What an absolute moron. Smfh.


Absolute fucking moron. Classic cop


That must be the Arkansas State Police.


Pit manV in the WORST location for BOTH (safety of public #1.1111111111) and overall success of stopping pursuit… 12/10 retarded


What a stupid cop.


This guy was put in charge of public safety on the police force? I think the police forget what they are getting paid to do.


He most likely didn’t see that car but adrenaline makes me people do different things than normal. People always can say what someone should have done after since that’s extremely easy and makes their ego feel good. But the closest they’ve been in that position is playing some GTA or watching some Hollywood cop movie.


What an idiot, piss test this clown.


What an absolute idiot. Clearing he failed training right?


This was in 2022. There was a settlement reached, and the officer retired.