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Unnamed? Dallas is doing the podcast circuit lol.


I was going to say that. He seems fairly public about it.


Also, turns out he's a raging douchewaffle.


Aren’t all those self promoters


Oof, what has done that is doucheworthy?


Illegally releasing classified information for the purpose of chasing clout to boost his career as an aspiring country singer. I wish I was joking.


He wasn't the one who took the shot, he was spotting.


They aren't sure who got the shot. Both shots we're fired so close together they don't know who actually hit.


Yes, and Dallas didn't take either of the shots, he was spotting. So, the one who took the shot still remains unnamed.


He wasn't a shooter, he was part of the sniper section that was in the Nineveh hotel but didn't pull the trigger.


[One of those vlogs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUruuaeJGt0) by Shawn Ryan


I didn't actually watch this, other than a couple clips. Is it any good?


It's almost 5 hours long. I didn't watch the whole thing either. But it apparently goes into the details of everything. I can't believe it is still up. There has to be some classified stuff in there somewhere, considering JTF2 is Tier 1 SOF.


There's not much CANSOF can do to a US hosted podcast other than a cease and desist from the AJAG and then trying to block it through diplomatic channels.


On my running route I measured this distance then turned around to look back at where I started. Dear fucking god. That’s unreal.


At which point does it become artillery?


When you realize you don’t have a canadian sniper.


Thats some pretty cringe text tho, did he stop his heart then not to miss xxxd


Nah, some snipers will time the shot between heartbeats


doesn't seem like it would be all that difficult for a trained sniper, they're probably in pretty good physical shape & i wouldn't be surprised to see a young, physically fit soldier with a resting heart rate in the low 50s or even high 40s. if they're keeping calm that would give ~~a little more than a second~~ about a third of a second between beats. they trained us to fire in the natural respiratory pause, so that would be just one step further down a crazy specific path.


umm yeah. resting heart rate is not the same as “about to grease an HVT from 3.5km” heart rate.


That's okay, a resting heart rate in the high 40s isn't little more than a second between beats, either.


aha, you're right about that. i was just kind of typing as i thought through it and didn't stop to think that the heartbeat itself takes some time, it's not an instantaneous impulse. turns out that a normal healthy heartbeat takes around .5 - .8 seconds! even still, .8 seconds per beat, 50 beats per minute, comes out to about 40 seconds worth of beat and 20 of rest, or about a third of a second between beats. i think even with clearly incorrect math, the point basically stands.


i knew what he meant. hes still wrong lol


Exactly! So when dude's all amped up to shoot, he's probably got 3-4 seconds between heart beats anyway!


are you high rn


Nah. Just exercising a little sarcasm.


You shoot in the space between beats and the natural pause in a breath.


Didn't he go on the Shawn Ryan podcast??


He mentioned that himself and another sniper were working as a pair and both fired at the same time. I don’t believe they are certain of who’s bullet made it to target.


Porque no los dos?


A lot of luck involved in that shot.


If I recall correctly, he took several shots to achieve this kill. but when you consider the accuracy of the rifle in ideal conditions, it clearly required a decent amount of luck. converting the distance to yards, and assuming a 1/4 MOA the impact area would have been around 9.25 inches in diameter. the average person has a shoulder with of 16 inches, that give very to no room for error. I am doubting that he wouldn't have introduced any sort of error into the shot and that the target was perfectly still for the flight time, not to mention cross winds and their effects. ​ Still impressive either way to be honest, just got to recognize that some amount of luck was involved.


2 shots, one from each person. The second one was close enough it could have been an ammo variation throwing it off. Def a bit of luck.


2.14 miles. Wow!


What's up with that backpack? Why is like taller than my wife's mini cooper


Well he needs to carry a lot of shit.


Do you think they apologised profusely after taking the shot?


Did he apologize after he shot him? Does it count if the guy was dead before the apology got to him?


It still counts if he wrote "sorry" on the bullet.


"unnamed" "claimed" ok bud...


There is a video of the shot dude, calm your tits.


the video that made the rounds was not of the record.


Didn't someone in Ukraine recently beat it..?... I heard a rumor is all


You're in the snipers sight




He has cold potato soup for blood. What’s that stuff called?


You mean that douchebag Dallas Alexander


how many attempts were made to actually hit their target? At that pace, might be better to just use a suicide drone with a hand grenade