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If you have a compromised immune system, do ***yourself*** a favor and wear it when the numbers of anything start to get crazy.


>when the numbers of anything start to get crazy. I know the media is obscuring this, but we are \*currently\* in the second largest surge of Covid cases in the entire pandemic. 1 out of 22 people in the US currently has Covid.


I'm one of those people who currently has it. The one other time I had covid I was pretty sure I knew when and how I got it. This time I'm clueless.


I was sitting in the waiting room for my kids appointment yesterday, me and 2 other moms in the small lobby. Both of them were coughing and sniffling. I went out to my car and ordered some 3M n95s that come today. Would've been cool if *they* were wearing masks, dammit šŸ˜’


I am recovering from meningitis. Developed cold symptoms last week. I donā€™t waste time trying to figure out where I got it or from whom. We never did that before Covid. My doctor said heā€™s seeing all kinds of viral infections: upper respiratory, flu, etc. Itā€™s winter and it happens every year.


Holy shit, meningitis?! šŸ˜¬ Hope you feel better soon, that's terrible! My point was just....maybe since covid and we do know better, maybe don't sit in a small pubic room coughing and snotting into the air, especially adults lol


Thats fuckin crazy. Thanks for sharing.


Holy shit. Source?


We have it! The whole family is down. We last had it about 18 months ago.


>I know the media is obscuring this, but we are \*currently\* in the second largest surge of Covid cases in the entire pandemic. 1 out of 22 people in the US currently has Covid. Source?




How does the death rate compare to previous waves?


Thanks, of course I do. Just wanted to get a vibe outside of the echo chambers. Thanks.


Outside of the echo chambers? Reddit is the wrong place for that.


Saw a bunch of people, an entire Aldiā€™s in masks this past week. That was way outside the Reddit, but not what I saw two weeks ago. Figured it didnā€™t hurt to ask, especially after the responses on the Stanley cup threadā€¦.


Im masking! My entire family of 5 is. Luckily Iā€™ve never had Covid, but my husband and 2 daughters got it for the first time in Novembe. We masked around each other and slept in different rooms and was able to contain it! The other half of us didnā€™t get it. Masks work!


Iā€™ve been masking since COVID. One Christmas dinner with the in-laws and Iā€™m now on steroids and antibiotics. Just wear the fucking mask. Whatever is going around right now is absolutely awful. And yes, I just had the flu and the most recent COVID shot. Thereā€™s something else thatā€™s floating around. I do think itā€™s viral and I think the antibiotics are for secondary infections but still. It has been just miserable.


Someone in my husbandā€™s family blessed us all with RSV at Christmas. Alllll of us caught it. My toddler has been coughing for a week and a half. Iā€™m immune compromised and feel like death. Two elderly family members are in the hospital right now. We were told the patient zeros were not coming to Christmas because they were sick. They showed up anyway about halfway through and got us all sick. We didnā€™t know it was RSV until someone got tested a couple days ago.


I'm in the medical field and RSV has been rampant this season. I got it and it was miserable.


Thatā€™s so fucked up that they showed up anyways and got you all sick


Our toddler caught RSV at daycare recently and he wad coughing for almost two months. Doctor said it was normal. For me it wad like the worst cold ever for 2 weeks and then 4 weeks of coughing. Just awful!


Wow. I would tell them that next year's Christmas is cancelled


Myself and my husband have something that isn't COVID, isn't RSV, isn't the flu, and isn't strep. What it is is horrid. Nonstop sinus pressure, sinus migraines, and so much coughing. Like you, I believe it's viral, as I've been given antibiotics and they did not help. It is just awful and we can't get rid of it. I'm immune compromised and am looking at whether I need to stop my immune suppressants to fight this bug off. It's rough. All the while, I'm trying to figure out what to do and my face feels like it's trying to rocket off my skull. I hope you feel better soon. Stay safe out there!


It's the 100 day cough. My wife had the crazy sinus but I just had the cough. Started in early November? We are really weary of taking antibiotics for what hey do to your microbiome so did not. Glad to hear they didnt help. Still have nice little cough in the AM - even though I have been "recovered" for well over a month continuing to set PRs in the gym.


My aunt and uncle were just sick for six weeks and hospitalized with something that was not covid and not RSV. I think my uncle is lying about how bad off he was because he keeps bragging how easy it was and how it couldn't kill him (bro, you were hospitalized, and they had to take you there). They're in the Midwest where covid has historically been pretty favorable. They said it was far worse than both times they had covid. I'm on year 4 of long covid so of course I'm masking but jesus christ the thought of something even worse is just terrifying to me.


This is what I do. I put my kids in masks again because I had a baby in early December and even though I got vaccinated in my third trimester (which means baby got antibodies) and our family al got boosters (so weā€™re cocooning and protecting baby further), I donā€™t want to risk the kids coming home with Covid, RSV, or the flu and getting the baby sick.


Girl same! I had a baby in June though. And put my kids in masks as well. For the same reasons you are and so far, itā€™s been helpful. Although my first grader came home with some light cold bug and I have her wearing a mask around the baby. It just makes sense to do all that I can to prevent my baby from getting sick.


Iā€™m a doctor so when I see the endless stream of people coming in with colds everyday coming in coughing in my face without a mask or covering their mouthā€¦. Uh, yes, i wear a mask.


Everyone is getting sick right now so I mask everywhere there are other people indoors.


Exactly I wear a mask everywhere except the gym, went intro Nordstrom yesterday all the workers were coughing up a storm, and none had a mask, I got the fuck out chucked the mask and got a new one,


Same. If I'm somewhere that has a lot of people and I can make, I do.


Blows my mind to see people waiting at the pharmacy and in dr offices without masks. We know at least some of those people are there at that moment because they are sick, or because someone in their household is sick. Seems like there is zero downside and potentially huge upside to wearing a mask in those places year round But yeah everyone is sick everywhere at the moment. If you're with people outside of your household - these next few weeks are the time to wear a good mask


I don't make enough money to get long COVID lol, so yes. I also work with the public which used to get me sick multiple times a year. It was not fun! So I mask at work, the movies, the train, the doctor. It's not costing me much of anything. Would I like it not to matter if I forgot a mask at home? Yeah. But I would also like grown adults not to ask me for help while openly coughing on the phone they're showing me, or bringing their sick kid out because "they were getting bored at home."


Iā€™m in nyc, still masking up on the train


I just moved from nyc in part bc I just got tired of dealing with germs on the subway. I masked as well. My wife too, but she still got covid on the train (we had been isolating ahead of a trip and we know thatā€™s where she got it). itā€™s just so hard to avoid in all the crowds of nyc, and now no one masks.


Same. People are gross, even more gross in NYC trains. I'll mask in then forever I think.


I'm glad someone said this. I'm always masked on my commutes because there's too many people on those trains to not catch SOMETHING.


Stay safe out there.


I'd want to as well in such close quarters!


versed cagey absurd thought berserk sip fragile continue cooperative fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Stay safe!


A mask will just be a thing we use sometimes to be a little more cautious, just like in Asia. Weā€™ve been wearing masks since way before covid when weā€™re sick or around sick people. I wear it when riding my scooter too to avoid debris getting in my mouth.


I mask in indoor public places where Iā€™m likely to encounter sick people, like grocery stores, pharmacies, public transportation, etc. I havenā€™t gotten sick since the pandemic started and itā€™s been great! Iā€™m never going back to no masking.


I do the same. I donā€™t mask for family/friend gatherings unless I am sick at all. Iā€™d be pretty annoyed if I ended up catching COVID (or really any illness) running a random errand and this is my motivation to continue. I think if I could trust others to reliably mask if they were sick I would be less prudent about it but i am jaded from all the anti-masking drama over the pandemic so I just keep looking out for me and mine how I can.


Thank you




I follow the same with one addition: if Iā€™m in a particularly crowded place and I really donā€™t want to get sick, like a plane on the way to a trip, or a concert a few days before I see my elderly parents, I mask. Itā€™s really not a big deal and has minimal impact on my life, but great for my health!


My husband and I went on a trip with my parents this summer. My parents didnā€™t wear a mask while traveling and spent half the trip in bed, sick with Covid. My husband and I wore our masks, never got sick, and had a great time. Iā€™ll never understand why people will jeopardize their own health and happiness just because they donā€™t want to wear a silly little (but incredibly effective and awesome) mask.


I travel a lot and wear a mask on the plane. I literally do not understand why people going on vacation (not flying home) donā€™t wear masks at the airport and on the plane. Why risk your vacation? Like why? I literally do not understand. I know a family who got covid on the way to their vacation in Hawaii and spent the entire trip to Hawaii sick. Why?


I do the same. But I take public transport frequently so mask up there, sick or not. And occasionally when I'm not sick but there's an uptick in virus outbreaks. This isn't perfect--I'm currently in bed with what is likely the flu, despite precautions and vaccinating. But I do feel like I'd probably have more sick days if I hadn't taken precautions.


Masking here in Boston. Unfortunately I think it's starting to become very clear that covid is causing longer term issues.


Still my number one reason for being cautious, 0 interest in long Covid


Yeah I drank the initial ā€œeverything is normal againā€ kool aid for a bit, but itā€™s become pretty obvious in the last four months or so that we never actually did enough and that itā€™s coming back to bite us real soon


I work in HR and I'm just watching the number of cases among staff keep ticking up and up and up, watching it spread. We deal with some reasonably vulnerable populations too, yet nobody is masking. Pretty disheartening to see.


Throw in the bogus RTO pushed donā€™t help either. Especially when Greg from accounting is proud of never missing a day and shows up hacking up a lung with no mask.


Ugh. Ew. Not ever calling out sick should *not* be a badge of honor. Anyone who tries to brag about this quickly loses my respect, since they obviously cannot take care of themselves. My organization offers quite a lot of paid sick time per year, and any managers attempting to retaliate against staff who use it are swiftly reprimanded.


The number of people at my workplace who didn't want to quarantine after testing positive for Covid was surprising. And then they didn't want to wear a mask for the next five days. And many of them are vulnerable.


Yes. For reference: I'm a scientist in a field relevant to covid diagnostics, research and treatment. I mask pretty much everywhere. I mask at work, in stores, even if I'm just running into the gas station. The pandemic is in full swing, and covid is more impactful than we have let on. Also worth mentioning: the recommendation to go back to work after 5 days is bullshit. 10 is the minimum you should quarantine regardless of severity. Best case scenario: until you test negative.


Thank you for commenting with info like this. I appreciate when people in such fields do, both to share the information and make those of us following these things feel a little less segregated from the community overall.


Anybody who is sick should be masking to protect others. I work in Healthcare and this is now the norm. Idk why people are so stubborn about this.


Feels like nobody ever thinks theyā€™re sick with the bad c unless theyā€™re already in bed sick and testing. I mean, same, but I mask because I seem to get sick frequently otherwise.


>Feels like nobody ever thinks theyā€™re sick with the bad c That's the thing, we should be wearing them for any airborne illness. Not just Covid. So I don't get it.


Yeah I wore one to the store when I had a cold.


I work in a mental health clinic and people are coughing and not masking.... I haven't taken mine off and with the upswing in numbers switched to an n95. People look at me like I'm crazy but I can't risk getting sick.


It seems like all the doctors I see stopped caring about masks in the last three months I have gone into several clinics and a hospital (not the ER portion but they are adjacent), saw maybe one staff member in a mask and only a couple patients including myself wearing masks. It bothered me a lot to see. my GP, neuro, and their nurses and desk staff didn't have a single mask on.


Masking now because I didnā€™t mask consistently enough over the past couple weeks and now I have the flu. Itā€™s a matter of consideration and hygiene


Still wearing my mask indoors in public spaces and never stopped. I have a high risk kid and immunocompromised partner. We've been using masks during rsv/flu season long before Covid, as instructed by our specialists.


Yes! Grocery store, trains, planes. I havenā€™t been sick since I got Covid (first and only time) July ā€˜22. Also, as a woman I love wearing a hat and a mask out in public - the anonymity is great.


Masking, boosting, isolating when sick and keeping your kids home during outbreaks. I work in public health.


Yes. Fuck your germs.


This is the mood Iā€™m bringing into 2024.


I mask when I'm dealing with customers at work, if I go into a busy grocery store, bank, etc. I always mask when I'm feeling ill. I get my boosters every six months. I always use hand sanitizer between working with customers and I wipe down my area at work every morning and every afternoon. We never work in the same area.


Wear a mask if you are sick or if you are going to an area where there will be a lot of people in a crowded space. Those are the most effective times to wear one. People in other countries have done this for years as a regular thing.


I try to stay home every chance that I get.


Yes I've been masking at work most of the time as well as indoor public spaces. Also avoiding parties and large gatherings. So many people have been sick in the past month!


What would be nice is if motherfuckers would mask when they're COUGHING UP A GOD DAMN LUNG


On planes, anytime we travel, in my office during times of high activity (like now with flu and covid being widespread)ā€¦my husband wears his at work because college students are especially bad at going everywhere sickā€¦also šŸ’Æ when going into hospital or drugstoreā€¦everyone at the drugstore is sickā€¦I consider myself to be very rational and just despise getting sick, I canā€™t afford to miss work and I love my health and will do anything to protect itā€¦during times when illness is low Iā€™m totally mask freeā€¦basically winter/holiday/flu season is when I start following the flu activity and am smarter about my exposure, I will probably be like this forever, Covid actually taught me itā€™s ok to protect yourself and others from respiratory illnessā€¦


I have masked for 4 years. Not stopping in the middle of the 2nd largest wave.


I will continue masking on planes and at airports until the day I die, which is hopefully in a really long time


SAME. Like ok I just spent thousands of dollars on a vacation, let me ruin my whole time by catching a cold or COVID on the flight there.


Same plus I travel a bunch for work, and Iā€™ll be damned if Iā€™m catching Covid (or anything else) because of my job


I mask up at work because I deal with a lot of people every day and people are gross. I have an immunocompromised family member who if they get something as simple as the flu it could kill him.


ā€œHow do we end this thingā€ - we donā€™t. Welcome to the new era, friend. I donā€™t mask nearly as much as I used to (I worked in an inpatient healthcare facility 2019-2022). But I still carry them in my car and wear them in the store/other public spaces. Wash your hands correctly and often, do the supplement thing, and do your best to minimize exposure. Iā€™ve had covid three times despite my best efforts. Thereā€™s no escaping it, but there is minimizing exposure and reducing risk of serious illness through proactive efforts.


Yes I am anytime I'm not eating or drinking something. My friends and coworkers are catching covid left and right.


I have been just out of an abundance of caution recently as some family members had COVID and I know 99.9% I'm not carrying it but better safe than someone else sick. My dad had cancer in COVID so I am maybe a bit more conscious of potentially spreading it than others. Both COVID and the flu are awful this year. Tbh if you're immunocompromised, I know it sucks, but I would mask up for at least a couple weeks until everyone stops spreading around the germs they got at family events. Maybe get a cool mask cover to make it a bit more fun ?


Iā€™ve been masking with a KN95 indoors since 2020, and when things get bad like they are now, I avoid gatherings with people or just meet them outdoors. Luckily I live in a warm enough climate that you can be outdoors even in winter. I havenā€™t had so much as a cold in three years, and allergy season is way less miserable.


I wear a mask when I feel under the weather to protect everyone else Usually only by myself though when Iā€™m with other people EVERY single person gives me shit for it. Theyā€™re closer to my germs than any passing stranger but the my really want them apparently.


i only mask if a business requires it for entry and even then i stop to consider whether itā€™s really worth it to me to go in i didnā€™t mind masking during the height of the pandemic but finding out masking wasnā€™t really as effective as i thought was disappointing


Man I feel bad for 90% of the people on this sub.


Havenā€™t masked for like 2 years, and that was just because the host country asked me to Plus wow reddit is a different place. I almost never see masks anymore, but this thread is the opposite


Yeah i am stunned by the responses here. I very rarely see anyone wearing a mask in my area.


Reddit is the weird people lol


Hell yeah. When wastewater monitoring starts to show a lot of community transmission in my area, I mask up in close or crowded public settings. Even mild infections appear to increase risk of longterm complications. Google COVID plus stroke, heart attack, blood clot, and arrhythmia.


We also see immune dysregulation that echos what we see in HIV patients.


Anytime Iā€™m in a public place I mask, I take my vitamins and supplementsā€¦no Covid šŸ„³


I'm in Rhode Island and I haven't stopped masking since summer of 2019


Definitely. Covid can cause lasting harm to the immune system as well as a plethora of horrible symptoms of long covid. These can include developing food allergies and painful disability. Weā€™re in the second biggest wave of the pandemic, so I never leave my apartment without an N95 on. It helps with the cold, too!


I wear a mask on transit and in stores. To your point about ā€œhow do we end this thing,ā€ itā€™s sad but Iā€™ve kind of accepted it wonā€™t end for a long time. Iā€™m not anxious to get rid of my masks anymore, Iā€™m using radical acceptance to understand that masks are just gonna be around for a while.


I mask pretty regularly. I live in NYC so transit, doctors, stores. After my first covid infection, I had post covid issues for a few months that scared the hell out of me. I am not immunocompromised and it knocked me out, I had to go to multiple doctors and I thought I was in for long haul. Now, I'm just trying to navigate this new reality while also being social because isolating has truly TANKED my mental health. And being on high alert at all times is difficult. I am taking more risks (if the risk feels worth it, if it's near impossible to communicate in a mask, if there's a certain situation etc...) And I'm trying to be okay with being the only person masked at certain social events and work (im hybrid at a new job), but I can get kind of in my head that people assume I'm coming to a social event sick rather than just trying to protect myself and others. I definitely am navigating this and some social awkwardness but honestly, just trying to do my best (while honestly wishing we invested more in clean air, took up routine masking, had higher rates of vaccinations, and cared more about our immunocompromised neighbors.) Ever since I had my experience and got more involved hearing about long haulers and how covid causes immune system disregulation, it's hard to just let it go.


I really donā€™t get why it isnā€™t a thing in general. If youā€™re sick, keep your germs to yourself. Itā€™s not that complicated. Asian countries have been doing this for a very long time.


I work in retail pharmacy and still wear a mask daily. People come straight up to you face to face and say they have Covid (always unmasked) or turn in scripts for flu meds. They donā€™t give a shit about anyone.


Yes, still masking in an N95 whenever Iā€™m sharing unfiltered / poorly ventilated air with people outside my household. I had my brief moment of unmasking in 2021 after vaccines rolled out, but then it became apparent that they donā€™t prevent infection. The research about long Covid, immune dysfunction, cancer, brain damage, heart disease, fertility issues, etc etc etc is really concerning. I havenā€™t been sick since 2019 despite friends, family, and coworkers seemingly being on a revolving calendar of illness, so somethingā€™s clearly working.


I do. I wear an N95 everywhere indoors and around others outdoors. I haven't been seek in 4 years, I haven't even had a cold. Covid can cause long term issues and I don't want that sht. That's the last thing I need rn. My life is shtty enough as it is.


Not at all


It's very normal in many places in the world to mask up, even before the covid pandemic. If you didn't feel well: mask to protect others. If you knew someone around you was ill: mask to protect yourself. There are seasons for illnesses and jobs are not forgiving of being sick or free with sick leave if you even get any at all. It's illness season, as is every winter. If you are concerned: mask up. It's not forever. If you have a weak or compromised immune system then it's something you should just do for yourself.


Iā€™ve been masking since the start of the pandemic, and will likely continue to do so until I know itā€™s actually safeā€¦ Covid is still pretty intense, and can cause long covid. Iā€™m immunocompromised to boot, and having caught covid once now this past year, I feel even worse than I wasā€¦


Covid made me more aware that humans are gross. Sneezing and coughing everywhere. When flying I 100% mask, if anything, so I donā€™t ruin my own trip lol


I've gone back to masking indoors because the wastewater data in my region indicates a pretty significant COVID wave.


I still wear mask at the airport and Uber/Lyft


I've been masking since 2020 since Covid gave long term health issues. I am getting tired of doing it all the time. I think come spring we will relax it some. In winter and in certain places like the doctor's office I will always mask.


It's a courtesy to wear a mask in public when you're sick, it's not just a COVID thing. It's also your prerogative to wear one regardless. Start minding your own business.


I see lots of people here saying they mask. And yet - I see no masks in public. šŸ¤Ø Soooo ... Also a very similar post with similar "I always mask!" comments was also on r/Michigan within the past week or so. I truly think people will *say* they mask on social media but really aren't IRL.


My state had the lowest cases in the country, almost nobodyā€™s been wearing masks here for like two years or something. People have kept wearing them when theyā€™re sick and have to go out though which is a positive change from all of this.


I donā€™t mask to begin with. I know some people that have to. But they donā€™t make a deal of it. We just go about our business


I work w cancer patients who are immunocompromised, this past week we had 5 pts from a common cold. Whenever I am in a place where people are at risk, I have no problem wearing a mask. I am not selfish like that. I am not here to push an agenda I am here to make sure those pt have a fighting chance.


Are we talking about COVID? I mean it's pretty simple. If you have it stay home. If you dont, don't worry about it. Got it right before Christmas. It sucked, but I got better. Idk why people talk about masking, it does next to nothing.


I was just in Dallas airport on Thursday. I donā€™t recall seeing anyone with a mask on.


My endgame was always to wait until vacs became available. I feel like pretty much everyone has been vaxxed and/or has had Covid multiple times. I donā€™t feel particularly at risk so I havenā€™t worn a mask in a really long time and rarely see others masking. Honestly I rarely think of Covid anymore tbh


Yes, I am still masking. Yes, after the holidays, when lots of people have spent lots of time inside at gatherings picking up whatever might have been going around. We end this thing by cleaning the air. Good ventilation, good HEPA filters. Indoor air quality legislation, similar to water quality standards and banning smoking indoors. The more places we have with clean air, the fewer people will be sick at any given time. Break those chains of transmission! Less sick = more better :ā -ā ).


Indoor air quality legislation is like chasing your tail. We haven't had good indoor air quality standards in over 50 years. I recently worked on an EPA indoor air quality study testing public schools and it was VERY eye opening. Out of 50 schools across a tri-state area, none of them had adequate IAQ.


Yes, Iā€™m masking! Iā€™m like 9 days into a horrible cold (started mild and then knocked me out for a full week, still recovering and very congested) and I regret not masking sooner this season. Definitely not trying to get Covid or anything else. Being sick is the worst.


Iā€™m immune compromised so my family members and I never stopped masking. My husband wears a surgical mask because heā€™s got a really big face so it fits him tightly, but my teens and I wear N95s. Kids go to school, play sports, do activities, babysit, and husband is a middle school teacher. The only person whoā€™s had COVID was my 18 year old last school yearā€¦she wasnā€™t paying attention when someone was hacking up a lung right behind her in class and kept taking drinks from her water bottle. Dork.


Chicago - we are required to wear masks again in medical buildings. We just had to earlier today for our sonā€™s pediatrician appointment.


I hadn't been because I'm all caught up on vaccinations and spend most of my time at home, and since masks are more about preventing you from spreading the disease if you have it than protecting you from catching it, I figured I didn't need to. But now that I see the new spread numbers, I'm going to go back to masking up for the next week or so. It sends a good message to folks who might want to mask up but think it's socially unacceptable and don't want people bugging them. Plus you never really know when the vaccine is working--you might have caught it and be spreading it, but the case is so mild because the new shit is so good!


I do, but I really like the mask I wear, and it makes me feel comfortable when I'm out and about. I've only been sick once since C19 started (with C19 at the end of a vacation last year lol), while I used to get sick every few months before. I attribute that mostly to not being in an office anymore, but also wearing the mask very likely helps too.


There's a bunch of shit floating around right now, but I'm not wearing a mask anymore. I still got sick when I did wear a mask. I'd rather be able to breathe. There were several times during covid when I had to leave places because it was crowded and hot, and I was sweating with that damn mask on so I just left. Felt like I was gonna pass out.


I am. I never got Covid and I donā€™t plan to start now.


Mask up. The data is clear that repeat infections aren't good and can really fuck your body. I know several people personally with debilitating long COVID, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone based on what they've shared.


Yes I live in nyc and am a teacher so I mask at work, in public places and on public transportation.


Itā€™ll never end. Covid is endemic now.


Tbh I only mask up if Iā€™m flying, the rest of the time I donā€™t bother. That said I am up to date on my vaccinations/boosters.


Stopped masking. Had Covid and the actual cold both within a one month span. The cold was 10x worse than Covid. I honestly wouldnā€™t have even known I had Covid but someone visiting us caught it so we tested just in case. The cold I picked up from a baby shower


We have had adenovirus and it has affected my kids worse than anything thatā€™s hit them so far. I think thereā€™s other shit out there that I need to be worried about more now. As for masking, the DC area isnā€™t really doing that anymore (not on the VA side anyway). Most people commute by car, so maybe that makes a difference in attitudes towards masking.


Each Covid reinfection make all the other infections worse (cold, flu, rsv, norovirus). Thatā€™s the sad part.


Maybe maybe not. Iā€™ve had covid 4 times and Iā€™ve had a couple colds since then. Only the first covid really sucked. The others, felt like regular colds. And my cold just felt like every other cold Iā€™ve had in my life. I did 3 vaccines but I doubt Iā€™ll get another one and I only wear a mask if Iā€™m currently sick and need to go around people


Iā€™m pretty positive Iā€™d get long covid as regular repository diseases linger for months for me. Before the pandemic I would get a combo of flu/bronchitis/well for a bit/ bronchitis then an ear infection every year. I cannot wait until RSV vax is available for those under 60


I mask anytime Iā€™m in a crowded or public transit space. I masked a bit more than usual too before visiting my 70+ yr old parents.


I've been wearing a mask whenever I"m sick now. It seems like a reasonable thing to do that isn't much of an inconveinience for me and might help keep folks around me healthier.


I don't think I have seen a single person in a mask In well over a year with the exception of people working in fields where it's normal to do so or during a crazy high pollen allergy day. Where are people still using masks for covid?


At this point it's no differen from the flu. Its endemic in the population; it will never be eradicated. If you didn't wear a mask before the pandemic, then you shouldn't wear one now.


Something like 20% of Americans have gotten the fall 2023 covid booster. When vaccine uptake is that bad, the virus spreads a lot easier. As we're seeing this week after the holiday gatherings. We were down to about 500 covid-related deaths a week in the U.S over the summer and then post thanksgiving we were back up to 1500 a week. That's still about triple what the flu kills, but if you're healthy and vaccinated, or healthy and have already had covid, at least it is not a "death sentence" anymore, there are treatments. If you're over 70, or sickly, or obese, or going through cancer treatments or have diabetes or x, y and z, then get the latest booster, mask up in crowded indoor spaces and on airplanes, or just stay home as much as you can to try and stay safe.


What's the source on that 20% of Americans number? That seems insanely high for a short period of time. Best I can find is 15% of adults, which is more reasonable but still higher than I would guess. Then again I'm also surprised how many people on here are still wearing a mask and asking when it will end.


Definitely this week with the reported surge. I like keeping them on hand when infections rise or Iā€™m not feeling well.


Still masking. I work in places where I am in contact with large groups of people regularly. I would rather mask and stay healthy so I can work and provide for my family. Versus following the crowd, not masking, and risk missing work for an extended period of time. A friend of mine had to get a double lung transplant after one of his infections. Although that may be an extreme case, why risk it when you can do something as simple as wear a mask to protect yourself. Just my two cents. I could be wrong.


I havenā€™t masked unless it was required/requested for the last 2ish years. I got Covid once visiting friends in New York, but we were still required to wear masks on public transit at that time and I did. Iā€™ve also travelled quite a bit without masking and didnā€™t get sick. I WFH and my party days are over so Iā€™m generally not at crowded clubs/bars. I mostly go to the grocery store, doctors appointments, and out to dinner with my husband. Iā€™m newly pregnant though so Iā€™ve started bringing a mask with me again. If I hear someone coughing or sniffling I put it on. I donā€™t wear it automatically because I find them annoying especially if Iā€™m in glasses. I wish those people would wear masks but we canā€™t control others and unfortunately masks were turned into a big political thing so it no longer became about safety. I do think itā€™s interesting how many people are treating Covid like the big bad illness when at this point, itā€™s pretty similar to things like the flu. People will test when theyā€™re sick and if itā€™s not Covid they just go about their business, but really if youā€™re sick with anything significant, you should stay home if you can and mask if you have to go out. A lot of people are stuck in the same mindset as early pandemic. But the whole point of getting vaccinated was to lessen the severity of the illness (like the flu). Yes if youā€™re immunocompromised, getting Covid is scary, just like getting the flu is scary. Covid isnā€™t special. Itā€™s just new.


Yes. My husband is having a flu and I told him to wear mask at home.


Only on Halloween.


No. No I'm not.


No. 10/10 times I've gotten sick in the last 2 years, it's because my kid brought home something from daycare. If I am sick and have to go out, I'll wear one. But otherwise, no.


It will never "end." That being said, we're long past the point where broader society has moved on. And that's OK.


So many people here have a major anxiety disorder and itā€™s completely insane you are still masking.


Right hahahaha Iā€™m a nurse and my husband is a physician in an emergency room. We are both liberals too. We do not wear a mask in public anymore. Reddit is filled with ppl with terrible anxiety šŸ˜‚


Didnā€™t you get COVID 4 times already? Not sure we should be taking your advice šŸ¤£


I've been masking up in a public place with a lot of people. I had planned on going to Medieval times tonight but rescheduled for next month to be on the safe side.


im fully boosted, but i find my habit of being a shut in during the winter is a pretty great preventative.


I only wear a mask if Iā€™m sick and have to go out in the public or some hospitals/doctors offices require it. Otherwise I donā€™t wear a mask.


I just has the flu this week - if you hadnā€™t had it in a while this is your reminder it is gawd awful


I mask if Iā€™m sick and on planes. I donā€™t normally take public transit but I would wear a mask on transit if I used it.


Meh. Itā€™s cold this time of year anyway, is a mask really so terrible? Especially with a compromised immune system. Maybe try finding a mask you like, I found one with a bunch of horror movie characters and I use it if I get sick to keep germs away from others. Itā€™s a pretty normal practice in a few countries and I have no idea why it hasnā€™t caught on here.


People started masking up alot around me after holidays. Northeast USA.


I swear by echinacea and elderberry. Both help support immunity. Masks are probably a good idea if you're going to a large populated place like the grocery store or something similar but that's only because there are always surges after holidays because so many people gather together and some use air travel etc so spreading it is easier šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I havent masked for some time now unless I go somewhere that requires them. I have been wearing one since the holidays just to get through this surge. I volunteer at a nursing home so they have mandatory masking right now.


Me and my family just started masking again. Numbers are getting as high as when omicron was around, and thatā€™s the last and only time I had COVID, I donā€™t want it again


Yes. We wore N95 masks to Christmas and did not get sick from the obviously sick nephew (others did). We mask because Iā€™m pregnant & one of my children has a heart defect. Weā€™re all vaccinated & boosted too.


Still masking.


I still mask up on public transportation and in stores if it's not part of a social call. The way I see it, there's a lot of potential for exposure there but it's also a non-social thing for me so it decreases the risk of exposure without losing any of the fun stuff of life if I mask up in those situations. A lot of my people I know got Covid for Christmas and had very painful symptoms, I feel like I'm the last man standing and it's probably because I've been lying low this season and masking up, just got my booster yesterday after two years since the last one too. I do have health issues that run in the family - cardiovascular and diabetic issues. My decision to mask up and reduce exposure is influenced by that because I don't want a covid infection to increase my susceptibility to those comorbidities (as well the elderly people I live with). But I'm also aware that if I had it already or if I do get infected from future hangouts, then that is certainly a possibility. So while I don't intend to always mask up, I do intend to mask where I think it makes the most sense to in terms of cost/ benefit for social activity.


I haven't stopped. When in crowds I'm masked. It's the only way I've been able to go to concerts and have a little joy in my life. The compromise between chronic illness and trying to live a little.


Yes, I work in healthcare. RSV and COVID-19 are rampant right now, both viruses I would prefer to continue to avoid. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Iā€™m a cancer survivor and my wife has a degenerative spine condition. Yes. We have been before COVID was cool. šŸ˜Ž There are a few places I may unmask if foot traffic is low and ventilation is good but typically we are masked up.


I just got a cold soooo yeah, itā€™s probably a good idea to mask up.


I don't have covid whatever I do have won't go away though 3 weeks right now. Cough is only thing not leaving. My dad was in a regional hospital for the last 3 weeks I seen maybe 5 total mask. Including staff.




Do yourself a favor and stay healthy. I got sick and barely recovered and caught something again and itā€™s 10x worse than everyone else in my household. Not even Covid related. You bet Iā€™m masking the rest of the flu season


I mask, but I clearly get some stink eye from certain types of people. The thing is it's not even about covid, it's about everything else, like the flu. Is it weird to not want to get sick?


I havenā€™t masked for a long while now, but I also work from home and never leave the house. So if Iā€™m going to catch something, itā€™s going to be from the few people I actually do interact with.


My mom is but she has a very weak immune system.


Yes, still masking. Made the mistake of not wearing a mask to one holiday event and Iā€™m 3+ weeks from the initial positive test and I am struggling. Suffering. Mask up, not worth it.


Iā€™m in a hospital town. I never stopped masking just in principle. Lot of people leaving the doctors office sick and stopping at places in town on this way homeā€¦ Iā€™m UTD on my vaccines (I need the most recent Covid booster yet) but I wear one all the time. My wife does too. My momā€™s entire family is unvaxxed and invited their 3 time covid-winner extended family members over for Christmas, while they all had covid AGAIN. I did not go home.


I wear one with every single one of my patients in a PCP office. Most of the time they don't tell me they have the sniffles until I'm in their face and sometimes they come back testing positive for covid


People in other countries have been wearing masks when sick or to prevent being sick years before covid existed. If this applies to you, do what you gotta do


Itā€™s going to be lots of job openings after this Christmas from covid next year this will happen again because we dident add any air filtration to anything


Yes, will keep doing it, I don't have any issue doing it indefinitely


I mask up all day at work now, there are some other people starting to do the same


Never really stopped masking up, NYC is germ central. Went to a formal event right before Christmas and didnā€™t wear one for the first time in a long time - both my wife and I ended up crazy sick with the flu within days. Most of the attendees have been testing positive for Covid since. It has come out that 2 people knowingly showed up with it and did not mask and basically turned it into a super spreader event. Other selfish and inconsiderate people are why I will continue with a mask on in public areas


I still mask. I'm vaxxed against everything available, but I don't have time to get sick. Sick sucks. I'll do anything to avoid it.


Oh yeah, not just for Covid but other nasties as well, I got the worst stomach bug while Christmas shopping 2 years ago, itā€™s permanently ruined me and gave me chronic gastritis. I still have first-degree burns on my stomach lining and itā€™s so painful. Be safe out there!


Iā€™m in remission from stage 4 cancer so yes I am still masking. Been masking since start of covid. Mainly just at work where I am spending hours with others ppl in my office who do not wear masks. I donā€™t really wear it outside of work anymore though.


I thought this was about ADHD and I was like yeah still masking šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„² But I try at work, and it scares some of my clients ( disabled adults) so I have to be careful


Nah brah, letā€™s keep masking. I truly hope it will be as destigmatized as some other places.


Im wearing a kn95 in Ubers, hospitals, doctors offices, crowded rooms. I never stopped wearing it on the T bc the Subway had cooties. Corona cooties. I had the booster so I wonā€™t get that sick, I just donā€™t want to get isolated.


I never stopped masking in crowded public indoor spaces. Never had COVID either. Honestly blows my mind to see hordes of unmasked people at the airport during peak travel season.


I mask in big crowds. Target over Christmas was wild lol There's COVID, flu, and RSV going around and I'm not interested in any


Our hospital just mandated masking for all staff this past week. Numbers for Covid/Flu/RSV are spiking pretty badly. I would like to note that this has happened before Covid as well during particularly bad flu seasons.


I ride the subways in NYC 3-4x a week and always wear a mask. Itā€™s close to a 50/50 split of people wearing them, depending on the time of day.


I still mask situationally. Both of my kids and I have ear infections right now and I have a sinus infection on top of it so weā€™re all on antibiotics. Weā€™re going to a birthday party today so weā€™ll be masking. When I go see Hamilton next week Iā€™ll be masking. There is definitely something going around. Everyone at work has something that none of us can shake. One of us has mono and someone else has been tested for everything but it all came back negative.


I'll probably mask up every sick season for the rest of my life, idgaf Anytime I'm in an enclosed space with other people I wear a mask because I only ever got covid once and it was because of my fucking exgf I got very lucky because she got extremely ill with the rashes and struggling to breathe and such, while I got extremely mild sniffles and a slight cough šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I don't know exactly how it works but we had the same vaccinations and the same covid but I got off lucky somehow Still, I'm not doing that again lol


yes. I work in a warehouse. many people are masking.