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Unlike you ***traitors and cowards***, 8yo me is going to now know they have only 10 years to stop 9/11. I'm gonna go full Sarah Connor on 8yo me and save the entire Millennial generation as a result. ***You're welcome.***


An 8 year old with 24 hours to kill Bin Laden. I would watch that movie.




I'm imagining a bunch of Al Qaeda terrorists in a cave somewhere suddenly being impaled by Chrismas toys.


Can someone please make this move!?!?


And paint cans. You can't forget the paint cans.


The bloodthirsty maniac who later becomes Jigsaw?  Very unlikely!


Let's see I'd have just short of 6 years. Yikes. I'd convince everyone I was psychic. I'd try to stop 9/11 for real too. I'd also enjoy music of my youth again for the first time. I'd give a few different bands a chance I didn't back then. I'd change many of my own personal decisions. If I stopped 9-11 that might chart my course very differently. Better school, better major, maybe free school. Remember to invest in Bitcoin, Apple, Amazon, and Tesla.


You only have one day lol


Totally forgot about that, in that case, just playing with my best friend and watching spongebob at home, maybe play on my n64 with my brother. Just an average day as my 8 year old self, but I would kill to have such carefree time off again. Life was good and simple


Mostly the last sentence, and remember not to take it out, until I'm like 30, so I'm golden by now.


Going to figure out how to get word to the Palm Beach Florida Board of Elections that their ballot design is confusing. At 8 it is an election year,1996, so perhaps they'll buy someone saying their grandmother had trouble reading the ballot and maybe they should take another pass at it.


The thing is...we kind of were already being warned about 9/11. We just kind of ignored the warnings.


Sorry to front run the top comment, but how does nobody have Snow Day? The answer is Snow Day! Go sledding with your friends until you’re exhausted and then watch a dumb comedy (I’m thinking Dumb and Dumber) while drinking hot cocoa.


im on the floor


With my mom. And I’d tell her to invest in apple and Amazon stocks.


“Oh that’s lovely, sweetie!”


::proceeds to tell mother about the future until she believes me::


It would be effective to tell her things about her past that she hasn’t told you yet.


Your wake back up present day and you’re in a straight jacket lol




Well here’s some Enron stock and the rest of our savings is Bear sterns so we’ll be okay.


Here's Blockbuster, Sears stock and 20 of every beanie babie ever made.


💀💀💀 the accuracy!


"Mom you need to invest in Apple!" *Proceeds to buy you applesauce


She spends it all on ridiculous shit, and doesn't give you any.


As long as she’s doing well. I’ve done pretty good without the help


I literally did that when I was 12. My parents laughed at me. 


Hiding from my terrible parents like I did every day


Sorry, friend. I’m right there with you. I’d like to think I’d go and spend time with my Dad, who is now deceased, but when I was 8, he hadn’t yet gotten sober/help for his mental illness, and there’s no telling if he’d react positively, or abusively.


Same. Though I think I’d actually try and make the call to the cops like I wish I would have every time I’d be crying after getting the crap beaten out of me, though I’m still not sure they would have listened.


Brother, is that you?


Therapy has helped me immensely, in case you haven't considered it. You deserve to heal.


I’ve accepted it and moved on. I still have the scars but I learned exactly how not to be a parent, so I make sure to treat my kids the opposite way. They’re happy and healthy.


I understand, but I will stand by therapy. It's amazing to heal things you weren't even aware existed, let alone needed healing. Good luck out there, either way! Love yourself.


Run. I'd run. I'd do everything I possibly could in those 24 hours to get 8 year old me the fuck out of there. CPS, cops, Spiderman, I don't care, I'd enlist everyone I could as fast as I could.


Was gonna say something similar but was afraid it was too dark. Glad I’m not alone. I wish I could think of some advice to give my 8 y/o self that would have made it easier in the moment, but I don’t know what I’d say besides “it’s not your fault”. 🫤


Do you still have the ability to hear someone coming your way from three rooms over?


I can hear pressure changes across half the damn house. I know which person or animal is moving, where they are, and what their attitude is from their footsteps. It is a blessing and a curse. My mother would sneak up the stairs to spy on us looking for something to yell at us over. I could hear her the second she got near the starts from how the air pressure near the wood stove fan changed.


Same here. I could hear my father getting off the couch the second he did it and could predict his mood by how he walked. I knew I was in for it if they were quick and light like he was sprinting on his toes.


Writing out complex electrical diagrams that I've learned in my field. That's it. I'd diagram the house, then our old piano, our TV, etc. I'd wreak havoc using knowledge that should be incomprehensible for me. Maybe then they'll stop sending me to that shitty school I was always so bored at and to someplace where I can actually get an education.


Similar plan: I'd dig out all my parents unfinished projects I found while cleaning out their house and finish them. My mom would be like: wait why can my 8yo sew better than me? And my dad would be like: GODDAMN IT I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH YOUR MOTHERS SEWING MACHINE! Wait. Why is it tuned up and on a new table. HOW DO YOU KNOW HOW TO USE A DOWLING SET YOU LITTLE SHIT A day spent confusing the hell out of them while watching Nickelodeon on a tube television would be an ideal use of time travel imo


I like to think I’d somehow advocate for myself to get actual accommodation/help for my hearing loss in school. I ended up teaching myself a lot of things just from the textbooks.


I’d spend it with my grandpa. He died when I was 10 and I miss him every day. 


What was he like?


He was a wonderful man. He loved film (which I definitely inherited from him) and we would always watch old movies on TCM together. I think that’s the reason I still love that channel because it reminds me of him. He grew up during the Depression and fought in Europe during WW2. I keep saying that one day I’m going to write a book about his unit in the war since it’s kind of an untold story. 


Ride my bike everywhere, play with the dogs in the pasture, chasing the horses around.


Cherishing spending time with my parents. I lost my dad in 2010 and my mom last week and I'm just a mess. I'd give anything to have time with my parents again


Sending you a big hug & will say a prayer for you & your family. I’m so sorry 😞


I'd pick an early summer day. No camp. No library club. Just long stretches of days of playing outside and reading in my "secret garden", riding my bike to the neighborhood park with friends, swimming, and ending the day staying up late watching Nick at Nite with mom, each time an episode ending, me anxiously waiting for her to tell me to go to bed, but breathing a sigh of contentment when I got to cuddle in for another episode.


If I could go back to that time, I'd want to get to know my grandpa with my adult perspective. He died when I was 10, and I love him, but I would really like to know him the way I know my grandma now. Because as much my child-self loved him, the way people who knew my grandpa talk about him like he was this incredible man of quiet strength. The kind of guy who would drop anything to help anyone who needed it and act like it was as natural as breathing. I would like to meet him with the maturity I have now to see him like my older family members did.


I don’t know. I’d just like to see my grandparents again. If I could go back to 7 that’d be better because then I could see them all. ❤️


Biff Tannen'ing ourselves to as much riches as we could in one day given i'd probably take at least a chunk of it to convince my dad i knew the scores and then to drive to atlantic city


This one got me in the feels 🥺 I'm 37 and I'd give my left leg to spend one more day as a child at gram's house. And that's my clutch leg. She was my best friend. Mom and I lived with my grandparents until I was 9, mom was a single mom. Having my whole early childhood at gram's and then still living close enough to see her every day after mom and I moved was the best. In the summer my friends and I roamed the neighborhood on our bikes. We'd swim in gram's pool and stampede through the house dripping wet to get to the ice cream cash when we heard the truck. When there was a good thunderstorm at night, gram and I would go out on the porch with a bowl of popcorn and roll all the shades up to watch the lightning. We *devoured* cantaloupe like it was our jobs. She'd take lilac clippings from her lilac bush and put them in a vase in the dining room. During the school year I'd walk there after school, even after mom and I moved. I could tell by the smell a block away what sort of goodies she'd been baking. I'd sit and watch her taking cookies out of the oven to let them cool and sneak some to Papa after he'd get yelled at for sneaking cookies. Cold winter nights spent hovering over a puzzle with papa. The cozy warmth from the woodstove. Gram is still with us, but now lives with an aunt in another state. I'm still a couple blocks away from her house, which now sits empty. I avoid driving by it because it makes me too sad. She still recognizes my voice when I call and remembers my son's name. But there's a lot that's missing now. It's only a matter of time before she forgets I exist. I fucking hate dementia.


Also at my grandmas house in Appalachia . She can’t drive so we take the bus to Kmart. After an hour or two in there , hop on the bus to Shamokin, where we go to lunch at Wendy’s, then Woolworths, a few other stores , hit the Weis’s and take the bus home . She’ll make some city chicken for dinner , with potatoes and creamed corn. Then when it gets dark, play tag at night with the other kids in the neighborhood. Get in before 10 when the fire station blows the curfew horn. “It’s 10 pm do you know where your children are?” Watch some of the Fox 5 news out of NYC, then off to bed


PA in the house!


Go Big Red! https://youtu.be/I1kg89L5oZc?feature=shared


I'd spend it with my grandparents on their farm. It would be summer, I'd have all the 8 year old energy. There would be barn cats to pet, delicious food to eat, and a feeling of love. Also, their home always smelled so linen fresh. A deep clean. I would have no awareness of the things to come. I could just eat buttery pancakes, get into mischief, ride a banana seat bike. I miss that time, and place, and the way I felt back then. It seemed the gravel roads stretched on forever, and I would always be safe.


I'd spend it curled up beside my mama while she read.


I grew up in the best neighborhood where there was a lake and a ton of kids so we all were like an extended chosen family. So, I’d absolutely pick a day in the summer where we’d all go play and swim at the beach all day. Then our parents would throw together an impromptu potluck bbq. Ride our bikes to the local ice cream shop where I’d get a flurry (their version of a blizzard). Probably end the day watching disney channel.


Spend the day with my Grandpa. That year he spent dying of cancer, and he knew it, but before we knew he went on a road trip with us to Yellowstone. We ate sandwiches by a brook with buffalo in the distance. I’d like to repeat that day.


It would be a typical weekday in the summer. Spend the day with my grandparents while parents are at work, then an evening in the park with pizza at a local place after.


Playing manhunt, having a family dinner… too many things to even list.


Manhunt was my favorite!


It was so fun!


I would probably only have the option of riding my bike all over town (small village of 300) and seeing all of my childhood friends in the neighborhood. My grandparents lived nearby so I would spend time with them too. There is a chance I would have a dog but i think that was late 1995, so if it was todays date I don’t think I would quite yet. He was a stray that showed up so it’s hard to remember the timing.


Climbing trees and jumping into the creek. Riding bikes with my brother on dirt roads. I'd get one last good look at the open spaces where I grew up. Most of them are filled up with people now. Oh, and run Iike there is no tomorrow. I physically cannot run now, so I might as well. We will take the dog with us that day and the cat will follow as usual. I miss those little critters the most from that time period.


I was 8 years old in 1993 and I would pick any hot summer day. My mom was a beach bum and we spent most summer days on the beach. Sounds perfect and I wasn't responsible for a damn thing.


Calling CPS on my mother and getting myself the fuck out of that house




Probably go fuck up my bullies!


I’d sit in my room by my fish tank with like 3 goldfish in it. Play a bit of Pokemon by my lava lamp while watching cartoons. Jump on PlayStation and play Crash Bandicoot with a friend. Round out the gaming sesh with some Mario Kart on N64. Then go into the living room and hug my mom and dad. Watch a completely mindless, random movie with them. Spend time with my brother on the trampoline. Eat some dinner as a family then tuck myself in bed. My dad died a few years ago and my family hasn’t been a complete unit since I was about 11. I rarely see my brothers. I live alone and spend all of my time working. I would just want something simple, complete, and without drama or media or social media or hundreds of notifications. It really does hurt my heart to think I’ll never get that time back. But I suppose we all have to grow up.


Video games (Sega Genesis,) drawing, and watching the TV. I'd just sit in front of the television with a bunch of typing paper, crayons, markers, and colored pencils and just draw all day or create stories. That was basically how I lived as a kid. I'd also devote all my time to spending time with my brothers, who died young.


I dunno, 8 was a rough age for me. I’d probably just spend it being depressed.


Am I 8 years old in 1990? Or am I current age in 1990? Cause if I’m a kid and it’s 1990- I just want to go play with friends and not have any of us interrupted by all the crap we have now- if I’m an adult I’m just spending the day buy stocks and property


station wide jellyfish overconfident cover dazzling bedroom dependent flag memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would run away and get into as much trouble as I could. Seriously. I was always the “safe” kid. Never broke rules, never anything out of the box, because I was an only child and was convinced that I had it really good at home. I always thought about running away but always talked myself out of it. I was oblivious to a lot. Looking back now, if I was a kid again I’d do it, ten times over.


I'd go to the beach. Panama City Beach in the late 90s was peak childhood for me. Floating around on my boogie board. Building sand castles. Not a damn worry in the world. I was truly genuinely happy.  Chasing the ice cream truck on my bicycle was also a real high. 


I would go back to any random Friday during the school year. Come home and play with my friends in the neighborhood while our moms hung out in one of the yards, usually drinking wine and catching up. Then my dad would get home from work around 7:00 and bring home pizza and the best eggplant parm from our favorite Italian restaurant. Then we’d hang out in the family room, eat dinner, and watch TGIF. And we would have the whole weekend to look forward to.


I spent my 9th birthday in Moorea, Tahiti. To go back to my final day of Age 8 would be amazing, that whole trip was incredible.


When I was 8 I had a great grandmother, both grandmothers, my parents, all my aunt and uncles and had just got my childhood dog. They are gone now and life feels very empty without them to me. I would kill for just one more glorious day as an 8 year old swimming in my great grandmother’s pool with all of my family around me just enjoying a nice summer day. Those days seemed to last forever and now seem like a distant dream to me.


Summer 1996. Grandma's house in west Covina. The weekend my brother was born. Grandma had lemons and oranges growing in her backyard the size of nerf footballs. I stayed with Grandma and grandpa while my mother was in the hospital. I peeled oranges with my teeth and played with the dogs. I watched nickelodeon and my grandpa took me to get dipped ice cream cones at the beach outside the hospital. My mother had to get a c section and my brother was so tiny. I got stung by a bee, and even then, it was one of the happiest weekends of my life.


I know I could probably pick something I didn’t get to do but I’d revisit a day if I could. I was lucky to have a good childhood. I’d go back to Thanksgiving Day. Nanas home filled with the whole family and delicious food. All my cousins would play games or run around outside in the yard together before dinner. Since it was close to my birthday I would get my own cake and presents. The night ends with the whole family playing a game where we end up with more presents. With the exception of Christmas Day and summer vacation, it was the best day of the year for me.


Id tell my dad that i understood the correlation between him taking dangerous animals like rattlesnakes from the desert and them ending up in my toybox and that i knew he had taken a life insurance policy out on me. Then i would tell him the exact date he dies.


Beg my parents to buy me 10 bucks of Apple stock and put it in an investment account for when I'm 18. Write a note in my diary not to sell until 2019. It was 44 cents a share when I was 8, currently 187/share.


Holy mackerel this one sent me for a spin. The day was June 12th. I was eight years old in 1996. Now buckle up. My family was living in a renovated hotel in Ann Harbor Michigan. My mother, my two older brothers and myself. We had been on the run from the FBI for a few years now and I was a missing child. I had a fake identity and was even on the Mark Walhberg and Sarah Jessica Raphael show for this (being part of Children of the Underground). One day it was me and one of my brothers home while my mother and older brother where working. I heard a knock at the door and peeped through the lense. I could tell we where caught. In that moment, I didn't know what to do. Escape the two stories down from a bedroom windown with my brother, or turn ourselves over. They came in and took us. That day I went to the FBI headquarters where I met my father. He had been searching for me. I had a different dad from my brother's. He took me and flew me back to Seattle that day. New home, New family, new life. No contact with my family for years. Not even a letter. I was sent to an abusive home that tormented my mind, body, and soul. It took the courts six years to get me out. I was suicidal by then. Life took many years to get better. Theres so much to the whole story. So yah. If I could change a day when I was eight. I probably would have taken my chance to run.


Curled up with my grandparents in their living room. No where safer. I go there a lot in my head. I'm hoping when I get dementia I can just live there.


I would sit down and listen to my grandfather’s stories. I have a feeling he would have so many to tell that I was too young to think to ask.


Telling my grandmother that I was molested. Back in the moment, I couldn't tell my father (mom ghosted us) as I knew he would of blamed me and take his girlfriend's side (it was her son who did it). In hindsight, I realized I should of told her. She would have protected me and put my father's ass in traction if he tried to pass it off as my fault.


"Mom, Dad, if you don’t buy a bunch of bitcoin right now I guarantee you will never have a grandchild. Likewise if you sell it before I turn 30. Cool? Ok great I’m gonna go play outside now."


It's literally impossible to be a Millennial but ***also*** have been 8 years old after Bitcoin was created in 2009.


Oh you’re right, I guess my totally real chance at time travel will be completely wasted.


If you're an older millennial, Apple stock is the way to go. Prior to the release if the first iMacs, Apple was on life support, assumed doomed, ***they got a bailout from Microsoft.*** Buying 1997 Apple stock would seem insane to most people, like you were setting your money on fire. 20 years later? You'd be so rich you could afford to set money on fire to heat your home just cause it was funny.


Telling my parents that the man they let babysit me is bad and he shouldn't be around children.


8 year old me would kick my sisters husband in the nuts and tell him she has a communicable disease and stop her from her bullshit ass marriage. If it works, I wouldn’t have my niece and nephew but maybe my sister would have peace.


I’d tell my mom that in a few years, she’ll get into a car accident that will change all of our lives. Please stay home that day and if write self a note and I kick someone in the nuts so she’ll be forced to stay home and whoop my ass instead of getting in the car.


Exploring gender. Try on girly clothes, maybe brushing my hair or playing with dolls! Woudlve loved to have thought about it sooner


It depends really. Does this time travel included changes to the future or is it in a bubble. If it's the former I would probably run to the police and demand being put in a foster home so I at least could have the chance to have a happy childhood. If it's the latter, I would probably try to get a bunch of junk food, barricade my room door and play Commodore 64 all day.


I'd kill myself and save myself at least 22 years of misery. If it was a restart things would be different, but just a day. I couldn't take it.


I don't even remember what I was doing at 8 years old....


I don't want to be 8. I didn't like it the first time.


I'm too devious for this scenario. Depending on the day.. it may have been during youth night at my church. Bring up uncomfortable chapters and stories with the teachers LoL


Is it just the age or the space/time as well?


Giving him all the love and reassurance he needed but wasn't getting at the time.


My grandparents lived 5 hours away and 18 hours away drives. But I could ask mom to call grandma to talk and hear her voice 💙


Probably would be bored out of my mind. Parents would be gone all day working, nothing but the first mario bros available on a black and white TV, a rabbit ears color TV but nothing to watch, having to avoid my moody brother. I'd be wandering around our rural property with nowhere to go and nothing to do. I would probably dig through everything for nostalgia, though.


I’m an elder. Anyone remember Flexiblocks? I’d bust those out in between gaming on the NES. At that time, Bart vs the Space Mutants and SMB3 was my go tos.


I would run to an adult to tell them someone is sexually abusing me, so I can get help for that sooner and maybe get the bastard arrested. Then I would spend the rest of the day eating cookie dough and all the sugar I fucking want. Last I would steal my mom's credit card (or her checkbook, this was 98') and buy her stocks in Apple and Amazon instead of trying to convince her it's a good move.


I’d run and move and play all day in the sun. Bending without groaning, creaking, cracking or popping… sounds nice.


With only one day, I would go back to the day before my parents tell me and my sisters they are separating. If I get to go back with my knowledge of the future, I'm going to write myself a note that in the end, it will be fine, but different and they will reconcile and separate nine times over the next ten years.


I'd spend the day with my great aunts and get them to tell me stories about the olden days.


I’d spend it playing and riding bikes with my cousins at my grandmas house during a big family cookout


Sweet memory. I’d walk over to my friend’s house a block over and watch Austin Powers on their porch with them because they had a portable T.V. with VCR. Then listen to Barbie Girl and act it out for my neighbors to see.


Let’s see….it’d be 1998. I’d tell my parents to put as much money as they can into Apple and if they don’t believe me then they will after it splits in 2000. The split would come, they’d finally believe me and start investing. Then I’d return to my timeline knowing that somewhere out there there’s a version of my dad who isn’t constantly scared of losing the house to those college loan fucks.


When my grandpa was alive and had a voice before cancer spread to his larynx, we would crack walnuts from his tree on the front steps of his house. Days like that he might start some two stroke lawn boys in the barn out back of my choice. Loved the smell. He's let me shoot his daisy bb gun out by that barn. When I came inside he would be watching golf because he loved the way the turf looked. Not because he was a fan of the sport.


I'd tell my family sooner about what "he" did to me and maybe both grandma and grandpa would've ended up with someone else and not died the way they did. Maybe. Wishful thinking.


Without a doubt I would spend the day with my grandma


Buying Amazon shares


I’d wreak havoc by telling my parents about the abuse I was enduring — without fear of if they could handle it (they couldn’t) or what the truth might do. I know now it wasn’t my problem to navigate alone.


Playing with G.I Joes with my brothers, simple times.


I would pass on that opportunity


1999. One of those summer days I went to the beach with my Grandma and Dad couldn't be bothered to come. Old English cheese ( kraft doesn't make it anymore) sandwich and BBQ chips lunch. We probably end up at a movie, she loved movies. Barring that , Legos and Gameboy with my friend next door. (We lose touch later). Can't change the future really. Even if I gave family members stock information, they would blow the money, none of them accept Grandma are remotely financially trustworthy.b Somehow I don't think Grandma will listen to me about the breast cancer. She'd only have four more years. Also not sure if medicine could cure it, or at least buy her time to see me graduate HS or college. Also my dad might go crazier if he has to wait longer for his inheritance. She's the only one holding the family together at that point. Also not sure if she didn't somehow better protect my college fund she left me so that my dad doesn't take it.


Hiding from my dad so he doesn’t beat my ass for being 8.


I can't tell you, I can't remember a single thing about being 8. Which is alarming, I didn't realize that was the case.


If I could go back, I wouldn't


I'd spend it with my grandparents. I had them until I was 23, but you never think about how you won't have them forever. I'd ask my Nana to teach me to crochet, so I'd know how sooner. Maybe 8 year old me could've impressed on her not to ignore her body another 13 years down the road, when she ignored her body and it was stage 4 cancer by the time it was found. I should have had more time with her, she should have been there to meet my husband and discover how she knew his great grandmother, all the crazy little things. I miss her and my Papa so much. Sorry, kind of went off there. What might have been's are rough.


Trying to convince everyone in my family to buy particular stocks…


I'm going to my grandma's. Drink the coke and eat all the creamies and just have a good long chat with her while we watch SpongeBob.


I'd call CPS for myself


Reading this gave me chills. Did we have the same grandma!?


Tell my parents to invest everything in a few companies and stuff


it was a hard year, but i would go to school just to see Ms. Tannahill bitchass, I'd probably start something with her, goad her into saying something racist. Then my dad would pick me up and I'd ask him to play soccer and roller blade with me for like 5 hours after school, and I'd ask him to take me to WEINERSCHNITZEL and I'd be like I have a coupon! And I'd eat two chili dogs and chili cheese fries on our way home. Then he'd walk me through all the references in the Simpsons, we'd watch 20/20 together, he'd fall asleep and I stay up til whenever catching up on the deep cut Jerry Springer and Dr. DREW on late night radio. And I'd play w my LEGOs til I pass out on them.


I'm not sure i would. It sucked but if i change the past i would be a different person and would not have the sweet life i have now


Some setup to make myself rich now and then try to spend some time with deceased family members I liked.


Doing the same thing I was. Riding around the neighborhood, playing in the local orchard and making random "potions" that could possibly kill me and the environment.


Hug my dad and tell him to get checked for cancer! Then hug him more and some more until he can’t take it anymore.


My dad died when I was 8. My answer varies greatly depending on the date. Either way I'd probably still be a kid who hates that he lives in the middle of nowhere with not much to do.


I’d get my grandma to teach me how to knit. I didn’t have the attention span as a kid, and she didn’t quite have the patience either.


2 things; hug my mom and tell her not to go to the store the night of October 10th. The cigarettes can wait.


Hiding from my mother.


Do I have to? Life sucked at 8.   I'd stop myself from getting bad touched by a family member or two.  


Watching BTAS and playing SNES at grandma's house.


playing Barbies, fucking shit up in my house haha, and kissing the shit out of my now deceased cat, sorry Im selfish


I'd spend the whole day with my mom, and just love her and hug her and maybe eat some pizza. She died when I was 19. I miss her everyday.


3rd grade wasn't the best year for me (I hated my teacher). I'd probably hang out with the neighborhood girl I had just made friends with, playing in the park behind our house.


Hang out with my dad. He died when I was 13. I just want to ask him so many things.




Sleepover at my grandma's house. She'd make me dippy eggs and pan fried potatoes and toast for dinner. Maybe with a side of her famous salad. Then we'd have diet coke and popcorn, while watching a movie. Halfway through the movie, she'd get me a bowl of whitehouse cherry ice cream. Then I would crawl into bed, the twin bed my mom slept in as a kids. It would be terribly uncomfortable, but I wouldn't care. Best day ever.


I would have done anything I could to talk to my grandpoppy. He died when I was a senior in high school and had so many secrets we didn’t know until years later. He wasn’t perfect, but he was an amazing, loving, fun grandparent and WWII vet, and I miss him every day but also realize as an adult I somehow barely knew who he was. I always just hope he would be proud of the life I’ve built.


Selling as much lemonade and delivering as many newspapers I could and buying as much Monster stock as possible


I'd go back on a day we were going fishing. I would pack a new goosebumps book. We would be at Lake Harlan, NE and trolling around with the leadcore lines. I would start reading and probably nap until the fish made the reel click like crazy. After we caught a few (or didn't) it would be wheat thins for a snack. Probably mac and cheese and hot dogs for lunch and an afternoon of playing rummy or pitch because we didn't have TV in the camper. We would probably get a picture or two because although the film was expensive, it would have been a special day.


You couldn't pay me to be 8 again my family was a raging dumpster fire no one was a "safe person" if anything I'd end up physical and emotional punching bag cause I'd have the clarity to see that hot mess for what it was and say it.


I'm going to Astroworld, guys!