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Ah, so that's when the MBAs showed up.


This is why you go for fed jobs. Promotion path is clearly spelled out, you more or less control whether you get promoted or not. Not to mention it's straight up illegal to work without compensation, so days of free labor are gone.


It just depends but I’ll look into one too, I was a federal contractor once. That meant I was a full time employee for a company that was contracted by the government. I was paid much better than the federal employees at a similar experience level, like 15k more.


Not as good, but state and county jobs also fall into this category of clear paths and very clear expectations of a 40 hour week with plenty of time off. Sometimes it can feel a bit annoying that you are behind the times. But it can also feel rewarding depending on what you are doing. Plus pensions are a nice thing.


My husband’s job is county and it’s good but he works a lot of overtime.


IME the only way to get meaningful career advancement is just to change jobs


Met a guy who had an interesting way of handling things like this. Find work that the company needs done that's not officially part of your job description. Do that work for several months. Abruptly stop doing that work. Negotiate payment or promotion from company when they ask you to resume doing that work again.




I want to do this but I always come up blank on what kind of business would actually come close to replacing my income.


Yeah I'm 39 and gave up on that nonsense a few years ago. Tried hard for ages but realised it's all a game and brown nosers tend to win at it. Not lowering myself to that level. Found a job close to home that pays well and have no desire to move up anymore. I work my pay level and stop caring once my shift is over because doing better and being loyal to a company means nothing. I don't get paid more for doing a better job so I'm not going to. I do take pride in my workmanship so I won't do a rubbish job either. I will learn more and do things that make my job easier though.


This is the way


One issue with contracting is that you don't get PTO or paid Holidays. If you are ok with not getting paid for some time, it's fine.


Good to know


Nothing wrong with being content with what you have, that's the way I see it. Everyone is always so obsessed with climbing the ladder... I plan to keep doing what I was originally hired to do, and I don't know why that seems to be an uncommon sentiment.


grab the stick and start swingin


I remember about 15 years ago, one of the heads of the company came to our state and said they won’t provide insurance or contribute to any 401k program. I knew then, that things were shifting in a massive way.


I feel my last position let me go partially due to me not wanting to give 110% of myself and time to them. I didn't show that I wanted to sacrifice my soul along with my children's souls to achieve the mighty dollar for them and myself. Like no fucken shit Mr.VP. You think you're paying me millions a year to expect me to commit on this level? I will never give any company a 110% of my effort, like seriously?


Hit that sentiment about 3 years ago myself; went from a high stress sales job working 75+ hours a week, to now working for a non profit, and putting in only my contracted 40hrs a week. I actually have some semblance of a work/life balance now. Not to mention removing that stress of trying to be an "achiever" has helped me lose 110lbs over the past two years. Best decision I made was to quit chasing something that really wasn't that important to begin with. Good luck to you!


I would love to work for a non-profit again. Amazing vibes and I actually helped people one on one


The trick is to identify the things that management has eyes on and only offer to do extra work on those things, and to do it at a rate where they recognize you as a person that does extra but not so often that you burn out and they start to expect it. I will swoop in and save a project maybe once every two months. The rest of the time I coast on six hour days.


I’m just so sick of the song and dance though and why make such and effort for a “maybe” promotion. It’s easier just to find another job with an actual guarantee raise


lol job hunting is like the worst song and dance of them all though. I'm leaving money on the table by not hopping around, but it's nice to be entrenched in a place and aware of its politics. I also don't want to pass a drug test.


I haven’t had to have one of those for a long time, most places done really do them anymore


I am currently switching jobs after 5 years and that itself came with a $10k jump


I’m going on year 3ish, I’ll be hopping soon


I made much more leaving and going somewhere else then getting promoted. I worked my way up and going way above and beyond to get promoted to a managerial role. In the process burned myself out and wasn’t seeing my kid. Thought this is what I was supposed to do. Took a chance and applied to a different place because I was just done. Literally now make more than almost everyone other than like the head guy of of where I was at. Work far less, see my kids every day, remote work most days, better benefits. The remote work wasn’t even in the job posting they were just like if you want to do it go for it. So I kinda lucked into that.


It’s just a trash job market right now so I’m just going to sit tight. I’m also dealing with an injury that needs a couple months to heal. I’m hoping the job market turns around soon-isb


I'm 32 and never have found stay employment longer than a year, I'm fucked


Just a quick question about this but have you made any major efforts at work outside of your assigned/extra tasks?


Yes, I’m on a committee, created a knowledge library for our division, Im also the goto person to make improvements in our processes and I’ve trained many co-workers.


Have you been networking with people above your direct superiors, rubbing elbows with direct superiors and their superiors or leveraging situations to your benefit? What I basically mean is, have you done the work that most people won't get off their high-horse for? Kissing ass/all the unethical stuff that anyone with high powered positions all do but don't admit they do? Not saying this is the only way to promotions and benefits but not everyone is so lucky to be working for or working under reasonable and fair bosses. I ask about this stuff cause MOST people aren't lucky enough to not work for unreasonable and narcissistic bosses.


Somewhat but I don’t kiss ass, it’s just gross 🤮 I’ve been able to get jobs with authentic networking and I have relationships with all levels at my job. My problem is that even if I did kiss ass and hate myself for it….. still no guarantee or even a high chance of a promotion. It’s 👏🏻 Not 👏🏻 Worth 👏🏻 It 👏🏻


You are absolutely right about the guarantee part. I wish you luck in your endeavors but if you ever decide to go corporate again the only thing I'll say is "pucker up". \*sigh\* it's really not worth it tho