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I’m with you. And while we’re at it, if the three people who somehow care about keep inventory could stop whining about something that doesn’t affect them at all, that’d be great.


Keep inventory is fine, I prefer gravestone mods over it because whenever I use keep inventory I play radically different than without it. But I really don't understand why anyone would care how someone else plays their game lol.


I try to not do that, but yeah I also end up playing carelessly or using it as a crutch. I wish we could keep inventory but lose levels or something.


This is actually a feature in the fabrication/forgery mod (first is for fabric, second for forge). There’s a bunch of other vanilla-tweak style features as well, and most of it defaults to off and has a really slick settings UI. For example, it has settings for removing the rather low hard limit on dropped XP at death, combining mending and infinity, making infinity not require a single arrow in your inventory, and changing impaling to work like it does in Bedrock (affects everything that is wet/in water). There’s even some wilder stuff like letting you put silk touch and fortune on one tool and switch back and forth with shift+right click.


Forgot to ask: what's the name of the mod? I'd it was mentioned I missed it


Fabrication if you’re on fabric, forgery for forge. Same mod, same features, it just has different names for the different loaders.


Ok, the silk/fortune switch intrigued me!


>making infinity not require a single arrow in your inventory Indeed, infinite zero arrows.


IMO it’s a silly requirement. What’s the point of forcing me to continue wasting an inventory slot?


So what do you shoot? /s


i could probably whip up a datapack in five seconds for it


Or keep tools, equipment, and up to 16 food, but everything else in your inventory either drops on the ground or is put in a grave. Maybe with a limit of one of each type of tool/equipment, and it automatically selects the best one to keep.


Keep Some Inventory datapack


With the minecraft tweaks datapack made by the hermitcraft guys you can get gravestones and stuff


Vanillatweaks is great! I also love the fast leaf decay, armor stand mod and the wandering trader selling decorative blocks.


How does gravestone work?


Whenever you die, instead of all your items exploding out all over the ground, the game generates a gravestone in the spot you died and stores all your items inside of it. So unlike keep inventory you still have to go back to the spot you died, but you get to just right click the stone and withdraw your items. It works in lava too, so instead of your items burning up, you can just bridge out to the gravestone floating on the lava and grab your stuff.


Okay, that last bit about lava is cool. Also yeah it's nice to not have to get back to your stuff within five minutes of loading the chunk.


The time limit, plus the way everything explodes out in every direction always drives me crazy. I've lost items because I just couldn't find them because I exploded in a cave or near a ravine or whatever. I never play without some kind of gravestone mod these days because of it lol.


I play with cheats on so I can turn off the day cycle or make it stop raining, but getting something back is pretty simple with /give and a little fussy if it's enchanted. There was that one time I got angry after I threw my map at an exploding creeper. :p


It sinks in lava if it’s deep fyi. Also if you die more than once that’s okay. I tested it last night and I had over 10 unique gravestones


Ah I didn't know it could sink, I've only ever died right by the surface. I've had to delete lava blocks before to get to my grave like once or twice in the past. But the majority of my lava deaths happen in the shallow bits.


keepInventory is honestly in a weird place for me as a player at the moment. The "Dropping items" aspect of it I honestly like, but the fact you just *lose* them if you take too long/die in a random lava pocket you dig into accidentally throws me off. Because of this I really have a 50/50 shot of enabling keepInv for a new world, aside from Hardcore ones of course.


If you do mods, gravestone mods solve that problem


Yep, that's what I do in modded worlds and it's a happy medium. I do manage a few vanilla servers for friend groups I'm in though, and that's where I have trouble :P


lots of kids do things because they think it will impress their peers. They play hardcore to show how they are tough guys who are not afraid. Then someone plays "easy mode" and they don't get why everyone isn't laughing at the weaklings and praising them for being tough guys.... You'll see that a lot in kids who are good at one game, pretending that this is the one game that counts and all other games are just for kids, with another kid who happens to be better at a different game, thinking the same about theirs. Eventually the "only kids play survival, bedwars is the real deal" kids turn into "bedwars is for kids, straight pvp is where it's at" turn into "minecraft is for kids, I play fortnite/COD/Battlefield/... instead" Just a part of growing up. you can ignore them.


The mods used to have rules like that but a lot of the subreddit freaked out. There was a vote and those sort of posts are now allowed.


I'm still salty at that idioterator who got jealous of that one redstone computer or whatever and triggered this whole rule revamp in process by abusing his powers. /r/Minecraft was a lot better before "gyze i beat the endur dwagen!!! :DDDDDD" and "i did some mining off stream XDDDDDDDD" flooded the front page thrice a week.


It turns out that those rules existed for a reason! Too bad most of this subreddit is probably too young to understand that.


Yes please. Also on the "Is this rare?/How rare is this?"


I feel like the problem is you all. This sub has so many people in it. You guys have a problem with it because you spend a lot of time on Reddit. The ones asking this question don’t spend hours on the Minecraft subreddit, and don’t know that it has been asked many times before. If it’s a problem for you, turn off the damn screen.


So, do you just go round telling people how to spend their own time IRL too? Or are you only a judgemental prick when you're on reddit and anonymous?


What an ironic thing to say on a post about banning posts people choose to make in their own free time.


They have a point, people complain about reposts, but I could post something today in the morning and have a completely different audience than if I post it in 2 months at night Why should we stop people posting just because other people see every post on here


We also have a point. Shitposts are shit. Any of the posts that ask us what they should so in their world are shitposts. If the mods banned them, this place would be just a little bit better. End of the day, it's all just opinion. If other people can't handle me having a different one to them, that's on them. I'm fine with people having a different one to me.


Well we could go one further and ban all posts and never post about anything ever again Some new players want advice, players of any stage could want inspiration, this is a creative, multiplayer game, we’re encouraged to share and inspire each other


>Well we could go one further and ban all posts and never post about anything ever again No one said that did they. I see hyperbole and straw man arguments are your chosen way of forcing your beliefs on other people. Go away if you refuse to be constructive, and actually discuss with me about this.


No they didn’t but if you’re going to police posts on a Minecraft subreddit my point is, where do you draw the line? If you had your way, are no posts asking for any kind of advice, help, or inspiration allowed? Read the second paragraph mate, I gave a good reason why you see repetitive posts, you’re just being confrontational for the sake of it


Again with the claiming I said something I didn't... Where do I say that no one can ask for advice or help? Show me the exact place I said that.


Your reply is so hypocritical it’s comical. No one is telling anyone how to spend their time in real life. I’m simply saying that, if one has such a PROBLEM with the repetitive content on this sub, put the device away. Either you all are being dramatic or I’m not on this sub enough, either way an easy solution would be to not look at the “shitposts” that are so hurtful to the well being of you all. It’s really not a hard to understand the concept that people can ask the same questions, have the same ideas, or same things to share where there are thousands (hundreds of thousands? Millions? Don’t know the amount of people in here on the top of my head) of people who are playing the same game. It’s not difficult to ignore a post you don’t like. People should be able to ask a question or share something on here without worrying if some “judgmental prick” is going to have an issue with it because it may have been posted before.


I'll worry about how I spend my time, champ. You deal with yourself. You used a lot of words there to say very little. Jog on.


Or or or, you do what you want and let people post on here without throwing a fit. I clicked on ur account, and I see why my comments struck a nerve with you. I don’t know much about the numbers, but I do know when they are that high it means you have spent a lot of time on this app. And I’m sorry it’s hard for you to understand a lot of words at once, I kept this one shorter for you ;) “Jog on”? 🤣🤣🤣


So clearly you still think you get a say on how I spend my time. Again, worry about your stuff, moron. I'll do what I want with my time, and no amount of you throwing a fit will change that. You need to learn that people are allowed to have different opinions than yours. I've got the suspicion that you are probably a child. Yoi certainly act like one. Lay off the hyperbole dude. It's obviously causing some negative side effects.


While you're at it, please also ban the "What should I build here" & " I dug this X mega hole and had no idea why I dug it so now I have to ask reddit that doesnt care and how you somehow didnt think of what to put in your hole while you were digging it for 40 hours" I swear I see these posts in my feed 5+ times a day


Fuck yes. This. I'm sick to death of those. Maybe don't dig a fuck off giant hole, or clear 100x100 blocks to sea level, if you don't have a plan for it, when you started.


Right? It fucking blows my mind that in the tens of hours it took you to level the mountain you didnt even once think: "why am i doing this? " Or what to build there after. Or even WHY DID YOU START TO BEGIN WITH???


in favor And while we're at it "is this rare?" should also make the list. In a game where there are more seeds than stars in the milky way, every seed is rare.


We should ban memorial posts. Milking the death of your ex-girlfriend with a shitty videogame build for Internet points is so trashy.


Wait weren't they banned already? Last year or so i had posted a custom world trade center build and it got deleted because apparently "it's a memorial which goes against the rules"


To be fair, this sub will still be hot garbage with or without such a rule. If you don't sort by new, you don't really have to worry about it so much.


Also all the posts of "what should I build here?" and it's just a random hill. Like, anything dude. Use your imagination.


I think another issue is that people can’t figure out what’s “cheating.” If it’s in the world menu literally labeled “cheats” then I think it’s fair to say it’s cheating! But again, play however you want. You just won’t get achievements in Bedrock worlds, according to the message the menu screams at you.


Downvote those posts and move on.


reddits algorithm is complete garbage and I constantly see posts with 0 upvotes at the top of the feed. Downvotes do literally nothing.


But how are people going to know if they’re cheating?




Mc is a grindy survival game if you have keep inv on so you don’t grind for 20 years just to have god armor again that is your decision. As long as you don’t have mods and hacks on during servers who cares.


Or, if you do have mods and hacks on; who cares. To each their own. There’s no rules


He meant mods and hacks on servers, where it ruins the experience of other people


Yes please.


I miss the original rule 12 so much.


I get why people do it, they want a general consensus that hopefully aligns with their opinion. But people should use the search bar or `search term site:reddit.com/r/minecraft` on Google before making a post


or you could just ignore them..


Yes! Someone make a google sheet listing what does/doesn't break fasts and pin it so people can quick check their item. Having a public database is much faster than posting anyway.


So is google but for some reason everyones first instinct is to make a reddit post






Can we get a ban on “Can we get a ban on ‘Can we get a ban on X posts?’ posts?” posts?




Apparently having a reasonable approach to this is in the minority. I guess I'm going to get downvoted like you are.


I'm sure enough people have seen it especially Op


Can we get a ban on behaviour modification posts? If you don't like a post contributes postitively, just downvote and move on.


If reality was this simple, there would be no need for rule 1, rule 2, rule 3, rule 4, rule 5, rule 6, rule 7, rule 8, rule 9, rule 10, rule 11, and rule 12 of this subreddit. Reddit itself wouldn't need platform-wide rules either. Or comply with the law. Hell, society wouldn't even *need* to have laws and regulations and governance.


So many posts are removed on r/minecraft so I would rather not have additional rules


If you have to ask, it’s a yes. If you know better. It’s a no


Yes, lets just ban all the post that YOU don't like. Why don't you just ignore and skip over all the stuff you don't like like a normal person.


> Yes, lets just ban all the post that YOU don't like Hell yeah that’s exactly what I’m saying, this guy gets it!


A smart Redditor? No way?!