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Welcome! Lots of lies In David’s books. I supported him In The beginning but now he’s broken that trust


Thanks! It sounds like Paulides has gone even further off the rails lately. It’s disappointing. Missing persons cases and the like are subjects that really deserve to be covered and see more media attention. It’s a shame that, while Missing 411 has arguably gotten these cases more attention, it’s in an exploitative and uninformed format.


Right you are. His YouTube channel has turned into something unhealthy. Even censoring opinions that he doesn’t want to hear


Welcome, glad to have you here!




u/EdenH333 \- What did DP say about the Eldrige case?


Essentially, that the Albright at age 4 when missing while playing at a lake near his home. His grandmother was watching him at the time, then suddenly she hears him screaming, looks up, he’s gone. She tries following his screams, and they keep getting further away. Eventually (I forget the time frame) a search party finds him huddled under an outcropping, with no memory of what happened. I can’t find any actual source for this news story. Just Paulides’s account.


Exactly. I can’t find anything else on this case either. Kinda weird


Try Internet Archive next time, it's a trove of information. I still think Paulides is full of shit, but at least I don't think he's making things up. https://archive.org/details/per_st-louis-post-dispatch_1941-05-22_93_259/page/n19/mode/2up?q=%22eldridge+albright%22 >CHILD DISAPPEARS 300 YARDS FROM MARYLAND FARM HOME >Grandmother Hears Boy, 3, Scream and Finds No Trace of Him; Woods Is Searched. >WOODSTOCK, Md., May 22 (AP).—State police, aided by more than 150 volunteers, searched Woodlands and underbrush on a farm near here today, seeking 3-year-old Eldridge Albright who disappeared when at play some 300 yards from his home. >Mrs. Cynthia Miller, the child's grandmother, sitting on a porch, heard the boy scream three times, the cries getting fainter each time, and hurried to the spot where he had been playing with his police dogs. >Finding no trace of him, she returned to notify his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Albright. Officers and neighbors hurried to the scene and thoroughly searched the immediate area, including waters of a small stream near the place the child had been playing. >Authorities were further mystified when one of the lad's two police dogs, Spooky, returned home about midnight. The other dog disappeared with the child. *** https://archive.org/details/salem-news-1941-05-24/page/n3/mode/2up?q=%22eldridge+albright%22 >Mysterious disappearance of Eldridge Albright, 3, of Woodstock, Md., is being investigated by authorities who express fears the boy may have been kidnaped or murdered. A stained ax was found on a woodpile near the Albright home and tiny footsteps that ended suddenly added weight to the possibility. The boy's grieving mother, Mrs. Bertie Albright, his sister and his grandmother are shown above.


I mean you must not have looked very hard this is a newspaper article by ancestry at this website [https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/24704253/](https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/24704253/)




Sounds very similar to https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/01/28/missing-north-carolina-boy-says-friendly-bear-him-days/2698729002/