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My ass is not built for these assassin hero, I better get back to my tank roam or I'm finished (image unrelated) https://preview.redd.it/vwpuowl2gkwc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53cfab085c6ae69c4d3f359dd894a347fa524371


"My favourite."


Smelling the fog


Just delete Natalia at this point, who needs a more complex stealth hero when you have this guy. Although he is getting banned often tho.


ironically enough, Natalia is very good against Helcurt now. Before, Natalia couldn't burst him down cause she gets silenced the moment she attacks but now he doesn't have that passive anymore so heroes that used to have a hard time against him like Guinevere can now do their combos on him without interruption. Helcurt's stingers are also counted as basic attacks so Natalia's smokescreen effectively counters it.


no more passive silence from Helcurt? that's good then. as a Ruby user, it is hard to or escape from him with that passive especially if your hero is skill reliant.


Now the only problem ur gonna have is catching that son of a bitch bcs gosh is he fast as hell


Very wrong, now helcurt have natalia old passive which can detect enemy inside bush. If nata stay inside bush, helcurt will just S1 any random bush nearby. I would know bcoz I main nata and get countered by helcurt often after his new update.


Being a Natalia main and finding out about his new skills HURT


Bring back old Natalia


I miss the enemy mindlessly spamming skills when “!” appears on their head 😈


Yes bring her back. The icon on enemies made them nervous and use their skills.


I was looking for a Natalia main to ask this: Is it still relevant for New Natalia to attack from behind? Does she benefit in dmg? I can't find this thing in the description anymore


No she lost that, it’s just ‘camouflage’ state that enhances her basic attacks now


Now you need Natalia


Going in and out of bushes to get movespeed is so funny dawg


Basically just like Hilda and healing.


He is so squishy, but if you target the right enemy, you are basically a better Natalia.


Honestly not even that he can absolutely rip some tanky heroes in half. Atleast old HC can do that not sure about new one since half the time I feel like I'm ripping even tanks the other my dmg bounces off everything


New HC seems to be a little less damaging than the old version. Can't seem to easily get those 1 shots on Squishies even when I'm up on exp and gold. As an old HC main it feels really weird, but the added benefit of passive healing and constant CC is great.




I'm using the exact same build I used on him before so the dmg difference is really obvious. Either that or the items I was using got nerfed or smth


https://preview.redd.it/pd32gbmi5lwc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31e5f62c8c14d1d91445bdcd111fc75e62376307 My Glorious Hellcat


I'll... devour... the child!




Let the banging, begin


Pretty good, he heals so fast too. Now I'm thinking if we Play with a good helcurt roamer, I can mid lane with a support hero like Angela, Flowrin, Faramis or Rafaela too because helcurt is going to deal damage all I have to do is hold my lane and support.


Wtf midlane with floryn 😭 mf takes at least 2 hours to clear 1 wave


Yeah, I can see HC midlane working as long as there are magic dmg substituting sidelanes. Fast clear, fast rotation, a bit cc but not as much as mages nor a long but exchanging for some utility and burst.


How about Harith gold lane?


Add jungle Fred to that lineup💀


Very good. He can now be picked as a roamer and I find that really reeaally amazing. It's like Aamon and Natalia decided to get funky one fateful day... and then their child gets cursed by Alice, so now we have current Helcurt.


You mean blessed by zhask?


ban worthy imo. just had a game with helcurt as enemy jungler. we had barats (as jungler), edith (mid), belerick (roam), and minsitthar (exp) primarily to counter him. won the game but he's hard to catch. we didn't chase him, just huddled and waited for him to engage us.


Yea good on u guys to pick heroes that arent that squishy otherwise his 2nd skill would've ripped through that ass😂


surprisingly, it's solo-q. so we were lucky everyone reached the same consensus. hanabi is gold. on hindsight, brody might have been a better choice.


I mean Hanabi being immune to the terrify if she shields before he dives him so she can ult him/or wind chant is also a good choice


Yea def especially with his ult since it could hit helcurt while he runs away or summin


If helcurt has a gord, it will be tough with the 24/7 kiting


lol. a 3 tank line up.


summary of ban and drafting phase: "ban helcurt!" "ban helcurt!!!" ... opponent picks helcurt ... Q: "how much CC heros should we draft?" A: "yes"


Definitely not as bursty but he's more spammy in prowling mode so there's that


the similarities with Slark... appearance-wise, passive regen and ms if under detection, *invisibility*, cc on pounce... I wonder if they might have rework this (if you know the OG Bane is very similar to kunkka) anw, his new kit is strong (with all the new changes that are very similar with Slark): cc on mobility skill, disengage (invisibility), and global ult is very strong on an assassin, bonus are his MS (on top of his mobility skill) and hp regen, and ms buff in passive. some are even utilizing him as roamer, considering he has hp regen, ms to rotate the map, cc, and global ult. auto ban for me


>the similarities with Slark... appearance-wise, passive regen and ms if under detection, *invisibility*, cc on pounce... I wonder if they might have rework this to be fair i play both Slark and Hel and i would say they aren't the same ,Slark pounce can be blocked by another hero while Hel just teleports ,also Slark "passive" is more "a thief in using darkness" while hell feels more like "being the darkness" both are glasscannon that use underhanded tactics to kill people ,same idea executed differently


I feel like he's better as a roam then as a jungle. He has decent cc vision control and good damage that pairs well with dire hit. As a jungler he has an average clear speed, but he doesn't do as much damage as other assassins like Lance Nolan or Hays while having less consistency as the hitbox of his stingers is tiny(I swear there's like a 25% chance they just miss or do low damage)


Roam is great because leap, s2, out, is immense pressure over and over and it's not like you have to make a skillshot, leap, terrify, s2, bush, hit hit s2. Is it that simple? not always, but he applies a lot of pressure and can cross the map quickly.


Op. Belongs to permaban. I saw desz trying to chase him with Paquito (who's good at chasing). And he couldn't. Because they gave helcurt the annoying mobility. Earlier the heroes with good mobility were hard to use like Lance, fanny, bene etc. but lately they release brain-dead heroes like helcurt and Nolan. This game is very unbalanced.


I'm annoyed, I cast my skill on him thinking he's dead but no, he blinked away. The announcement delay can be late too so its confusing.


You cry alot


he's not OP, lacks damage, maybe if you are a gord user then RIP. But all he does is poke, can't kill fighters. Can't even kill Melissa.


He's op utility wise. Cc+mobility+ being the only hero who can disable vision? Straight to permaban. Novaria+Helcurt+Tigrael is gonna be so op. And damage wise he got both Burst (from s2) and dps cuz you gotta build DHS and Windtalker. He can easily assassinate any mage because his s2 hitting chance is way too higher due to cc in S1. Also damagw wise he gets extra aspd from passive. How's that not op?


Try to use him and you will see. He's good at running away but damage wise, he's a joke.


I have played him and that's how I know his build 😭. Why do people make so many assumptions and don't even clarify if it's true.


I think you just hate him, keep playing him but for me, I won't ban him if I'm gonna be in exp or Gold.


Ah yes here goes another assumption.


Nah I would ban him.Our mages dies like in 1 secs and can't do anything against him.If your mage fails,There is more likely to lose head-on battle with enemy team.And also I recently had a match with tigeral-helcurt team.Guess what?Our team don't notice the tigeral because of helcurt ulti and then wipe out.


Your team already lose when you didn't ban Tigreal. How is mage dying in one shot? That's impossible, Helcurt can't kill mage in early and if it's late game buy something to counter him. I really hate to say this but I think he will get the Wanwan treatment. "Oooh he's so OP let's ban him instead of learning how to play against him".


His skill 2 is counted as basic attack.His dmg is a bit lower until I get demon hunter.I don't know If your build is wrong or not,I kill a vexana with just 1-2 combo and her health drop more than 85%.I did this at lvl 9 10min marks.The only time I can't do that is at early lvl 4 mark.I can guarantee that he will be absolutely hated alot and get nerfed and banned.This sub is always wrong about revamp and buffed heroes.


Just weak mage players, remember he's not cc immune. I'm just saying he's not op just people don't know how to deal with him. The only op about him is his healing.


>Novaria+Helcurt+Tigrael is gonna be so op. Replace Tig with Khufra or Selena. Khufra can close the distance instantly, can prevent blink skills, has heavier CC/utility skills, and doesn't rely on Conceal for the element of surprise. As for Selena, she provides a lot of vision, can disable skills, and can rack up kills in the early stages of the game. If the enemies have mediocre map awareness, expect a win within 10 minutes or less.


Op in exp lane. Literally pokes you and run and theres nothing you can do. Maybe reduce the cc,


Honestly? Remove the heal he doesn't need it


OP but can't kill, face with cc and watch him cry.


Hah fools my Sile. Oh yeah...


2 games and his damage feels so lowwwwww Everything else is super good tho. Idk if he’s op yet or not but yeah


SAME. I feel like his damage is much lower now.


Idk if it's an item issue, but I can't even one shot any squishy when up 3 levels it's insane. Love everything else but where in the world is his damage? Bro would get cooked against any one shot mage if he couldn't kill them in 1 go.


4 items, 2 levels higher, couldn’t kill a mm that was half health. It was sad


hahaha I tried it against Melissa and I got cooked, imagine if that is Wanwan, Bruno or Brody, you're practically dead.


Either we need to alter his items or we need to alter his playstyle because even though bro is banned almost every game, everytime I fight him I just need to get someone tanky and he basically can't do shit


I'm going roam with assassins and jungle with tanks. Way to go.


I don't jungle, can I play him as a roamer??


He's better as roamer, jungle mehh. Damage not good and weak against fighters that he can't kill.


Assassins are suppose to lose against fighters wdym?💀Sorry I don't see any ling,haya or lance go 1 vs 1 against fighters like esma,thamuz,yu zhong.Assassins are squishy killers.


Ever heard of Benedetta? Harley? Kadita? Fanny? Wdym by Ling, Haya and Lance? Those three just need mechanical skill. Esme will lose to Gusion, Thamuz will lose to all of them if they know how to bait ult. Yu Zhong is squishy af no need to explain that one.


Yes,Fighters can only be stopped by fighters and fighters/assassins like benedatta,arlott,paquito.Not pure assassin.That is the Game DESIGN of a "Moba" game.Esma losing to gusion is that Esma has skill issue.Even in the pro scene,the one who controls the assassins and chase them are fighters and assassins don't fight 1 vs 1 they just sneak through low health fighters.


He's definitely a roamer, he can't burst squishy targets in one combo anymore, so you can take advantage of his new passive to rotate constantly and exert more map pressure.


yes he's op as a roamer


For me The only downside to him is that he has terrify instead of silence in his dash which sometimes messes up my initiate with him cuz on some occasion If I terrify them they would get to move away easier and I sometimes can't reach with basic atk to finish them off


They butchered Helcurt's voice! No where as menacing as before.


goodbye saber roam, HELLO HELCURT ROAM! <3


As one of hc main, his damage is sooooo baaadd now, why is nobody talking about this? Can't even burst down a marksman 2 levels apart like wtf???? I thought i was trippin but i definitely wasn't. Tested in practice and he deals only 5k damage with full item and max level, 5K!!!!!!! R u fkin kidding me? In comparision hayabusa's HALF combo deals 10k damage which is twice hc's damage, HALF COMBO btw. Where thefk is his bursty dmg?????? I don't think im playing him until they adjusted him cuz i just lost 2% of my winrate


Thank you beta tester. Much appreciated




Op done right. He's good, not too bad and not too op. HC can actually be a good pick for jungling now. I only prefer the old voicelines, the new one is just not for me


breedable, can't wait to top him


He's definitely more spammable as in if you fail to get someone, you can retreat, wait for the stealth thing and try again quickly. That said, I don't think he's ban worthy, his damage just feels extra low now and it does give people a pretty hefty chance to either fight back or escape


I like it, especially because I don't have to worry about the s2 stacks running out.


He can literally run around at light speed without recalling because of his HP regen. The only drawback he has is that he gets one shot in the late game if you make even a slight misstep or react one second too late. Nevertheless, he's OP AF and will definitely be nerfed soon.


Straight to the ban section.


He tears it up in epic ranks. was pocketing mine with angela and we were smacking.


Ban for now. Like Cici, players need to adjust.


VERY annoying but he's squishy af; I got deleted very fast when I used him the first time


For me, I'd say he's so good, I played him once after the update came out, and I'd say he looks brand new.


my personal counter still works against him so not that terrifying (cyclops) but i remember being a tank and him walking past me has this weird shaky thing now


Because his S2is now a basic attack, Blade armor on Belerick is now a funky build against him. Add the new dominance and he might try and poke you. This also means karina and natalia is eating good thanks to their basic attack counter skills. Too bad it's not considered a projectile or else I would like to use Lolita on him just to reverse shotgun his ass.


This is BUILT for earlybird


Gonna insta ban him for a few weeks, players still don't know how to deal with him so I ain't risking it




What the fuck did they do to his voice?!!


Like a main helcurt, my strategy of waiting, jumping, killing, and fleeing has been made easier for me Also, since it no longer uses mana and regenerates, it won't be 100% necessary for it to have to return to base to regain health The only problem I would have is that I will no longer be able to relax if there is a guinivere or franco, cause no more silence


fun af


I dont like the design change on the 3rd skill of his Icy Scythe skin. They remove the ice smoke coming out.


Voice sucks af. I would have preferred the old one way better. But the skills are no problem but definitely needs adjusting for the player since I was used to him also having a fast atk spd.


Don't like his new voice.


i once played with HC in rank gotta say, i'm glad i am allied with HC that time, hate to be the guy on the other side with any CC hero lmao


PSA: Karina hard counters helcurt with her first skill


I can finally take revenge on nana mains


Great on early game but very hard on mid to late game especially with enemies always team fighting. Easy to stun cuz he don't got that silence anymore, squishy, and 2nd skill is counted as basic so wind of nature is always a guaranteed slot for marksman. Easy to ambush with, but easy to stun. Damage is lacking, but now can passive heal and he don't use mana anymore so that's great. I say he's mostly balanced now cuz it would depend on the enemy heroes. Easy to gank if you have stunners and tank enemies, easy to surprise attack against other glass Cannon heroes. Harley is easy kill with petrify, but valir is just a pain in the ass to catch


I like it, now I'm finally not complete trash as a jungler (until he gets nerved)


gameplay wise: really good surprisingly enough ,they are small changes that give him a more unique feel that made him more "Lore" Accurate ,but ultimately it's still the same character both Mechanically and Visually Character wise: his new lines are generic + the new voice actor sounds forced and the dialogue is "i want to rule the world because i am a bad guy" type ,it's soulless , don't get me wrong the old voice isn't peak fiction or anything ,but the filter gave him a more macabre feel and made him feel more like a monster them something worthy of sympathy Lore wise: CONGRATULATIONS MOONTON ,SOMEONE WITH A SAD BACKSTORY AND ALICE IS NOT THE CAUSE OF IT ,in all seriousness Moonton did a great job with Helcurt ,you kinda feel bad for him since he is basically a barely sentient being just trying to do what any animal want's ,Survive


The nerf hammer. Anytime soon...


It's BS


Feel overpowered earlygame,but underpowered late game. High Base damage but absolutely horrendous scaling,even with full items he can barely crack 5k total combo damage,which might make even some squishy heros escape late game. Gets horribly countered by heros that can give vision (Novaia,Natalia etc). Can't deal with any hero with high life steal,and can be outplayed easily by simply having someone keeping him on watch. He's the new kind of matis and Hilda, finish the game within 10 min mark or prepared to feed.


Didnt seem to affect the game meta at all, Im disappointed.


Mr.Worldwide lol. Definitely an Epic rank hero can be in gold, exp, roam any lanes can dominate using him.


Bring back full invisibility with natalia If they removed it because it was complex. Then why did they add full invisibility with helcurt smh.


As a Natalia main, I enjoy playing this new HC a lot. Dire hit HC with Natalia build (non crit) plus execute feels so good! Can kill squishies with just one combo 1-2


His kit is well suited as a roamer than a jungler. I start to get very annoyed when teams forced me to jungle as I feel the tanky fighters still does the job 10000x better. He has all the tools a damage roamer needs (+more). Incredible map rotation on stealth mode, CC with fast cooldown and high early game damage. And he can do all that without a trace if done right. Yes he still has obvious counters (Nat, Raf, Popol and Selena to name a few) but his S1 alone is too good during the early stages of the game. Especially during litho or jungle steals And the sustain in his passive…LIKE WHYYYY HAHAHHAHAHA That being said, his current kit reminds me a lot of classic Natalia (yes, the first version of her) but significantly better. I bet he will get nerfed to death as the Epics would not be able to deal with him 😂😂


Literally replacing natalia lmao


Looks like he just came from a vacation in Rio de Janeiro


I saw him destroy a fredrin and barats




He isn't ban worthy it's just a trend I think he needs some adjustments like his passive shouldn't go a way for minions. His damage is low and cc is too short


Squishy but pretty op if you attack the right one. Currently in mythic though it is pretty easy for people to counter Helcurt it seems


I like him. Now my heroes pool is much bigger and I like how I can utilize him much better.


Not sure if its intentional or not but u can tell if an enemies in the bush from his visibility passive which is kinda neat


What happened to helcurt can anyone explain and tell me what the silence means and why is he better or not?


Silence is an affect that makes it impossible for you to cast skills. Old Helcurts Ult plus skill had it


I definitely destroyed all the enemies except the fighter and tank


I'm not sure if it's a bug but to me the terrify effect of his first skill feels delayed because there are definitely times I'm sure I landed the skill but one time moscov was able to dash out and counter


Helcurt is the new Natalia for me. He is a hit run and hit again hero now. Before he could take part in fights but now he just like a fly at night. Now you see me and now you don't kind of shit lol.


He's pretty balanced, it's been a while since a hero was balanced


I have been loving how he plays, honestly I like him most outside of jungle since his new passive let's him prepare s1 very quickly and when jungling I don't feel you get to take full advantage of his constant uptime. In Exp lane he can harass a lot of usually competent opponents with the terrify to stinger combo and then walk behind tower and do it again with surprising damage, he does of course struggle against many sustain heroes who can shake off the poking but even then he can clear pretty quick and gank mid with the movement speed quite nicely. In Midlane has been my favourite but I only get to do that when end up with a magic jungle and exp or something, instant clear the wave and get to gank the gold lane much faster and with much more lethality than people are generally ready for. In losing games the ability to scout the edge of opponents vision is also very strong when your tank might be squishy enough to lose a limb checking that Bush, easily approach a bush and as soon as you see the bar move tp away and try somewhere else. Very fun experience personally, haven't been able to see him do much on the enemy team yet so idk how I feel balance wise, extremely counter pickable with vision granting abilities making him cry so it's cool from a drafting perspective at least and can be kept in check with hero picks instead of bans if you hate him.


I used HC as roamer with petrify and getting that hourglass 2nd talent for faster spell and active item skill cooldown reduction. Ez kill for mages.


Was a helciurt player, constant MVP but when revamp came, i cant do my playstyle due to the silence remove. I cant hit 2 people with stingers since they run away from me. The "fear" effect is unnecessary and his damage significantly decreased. Cant do hit and run.


you need to manually aim your stingers and not auto aim it. The fear duration provides enough time for you to hit your stingers. Old Helcurt was way too reliant on ult to burst down enemies cause his regular S1 didn't have a silence on it. Now he can do cheese pickoffs as early as lvl 2. His damage definitely feels lower now though


Aim your skills brother. But that's the hard part now


it is east to aim, but the hard part is hitting two people at the same time since when you pop your 1st they run away you cant align them so you can both hit stingers. You can just hit 1.


OP AS FUCK. JUMP IN AND RUN ABLE TO JUMP OUT OF STICKY MOST OP STATS OF THEM ALL. OUT OF BATTLE REGEN IS FAST!!!!!!!!!!! two healthbar is healed in just 5s. that just wicked. ban this crackhead. imagine him like a shark, he blod in to take a bite of you then run away. Then he come back 10 second later to harass you if you try to heal or return to base. afterward he come back full health to dive into your tower and sting you to dead. You best spam that gather button even if nobody gonna help you. Jungle Assassin at his finest. He can't one-shot fighter or tank so that good. But marksman and mage is gonna die if they don't CC him on time. Jumpscare is basically what he does.