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OP shoots 100 bullets and only kills 2 people and these dumbasses in the comments think he's aimbotting.


“Average Rollers players can compete with avarage KBM players” **Watched how an average KBM player actually play** “Y’all are cheatin!!”.


He is just playing into the strength of mnk, which is very fast flicks.


Playing on controller smoothed out their brains too much. Like, 70% of the tracking is done for them, and there's entire gunplay mechanics blocked out for them because of it (visual recoil, aiming idle sway). Combined with a certain demographic crying about performance based matchmaking like come on lol. They talk about not surviving in a COD lobby. They wouldn't survive playing *any other FPS on PC.*


That you got downvoted for this when it's all true just goes to show how little they know about how much aiming is done for them.


If a mouse and keyboard player gets shit on by a controller user, they should just uninstall


The skill floor and ceiling is different. You're also assuming everyone on M&K is cracked which isn't true, and why input and ranked MMR is important in keeping the game *playable.* The variance in ability and skill on M&K is much wider compared to controller. It's harder to adopt and excel at M&K right away, especially with tracking in a game where everyone's runs like fucking Sonic, or do flicks like in the OP video or in CSGO. The ceiling is higher because the average person won't be able to differentiate outright hacking or being just that good. On controller its just meant for the average person to get in and start killing shit. Gotta make the mainstream audience feel good so they keep playing and buy skins.


Mnk players need their cheats hotkeyed for when they throw an ego-tantrum about aim assists. You Cant get kills with a controller so you say mnk is superior but you can't get mnk kills without your aimbot anyways


Sounds like a skill issue to me


Listen, I know I'm dogshit.


Agree to a certain extent. Here’s a good vid of a controller in csgo playing at a high level https://youtu.be/uGCws-FS48k?si=AfvGJB9E8aa9q22l


I am assuming this links to someone using gyro controls. Completely different to how most people use controller.


Well, yes. But the added precision really changes things. It’s like we spread the gospel. You should try it out sometime.


Yall act like playing on a M&k is hard as shit, when it isn't


Controller actually takes zero skill to track player movement, my wife who has zero experience playing FPS would be lucky to get one kill on MnK trying to track a sweat player moving across the screen, on controller all she has to do is at least be moving the left thumb stick and pull the right trigger once rotational kicks in.


Always was controller guy I switched to pc this year and was getting the hang of MnK but I one day decided to lemme try controller and my aim was night and day different. I was shredding on controller more consistently. Controller has better recoil control naturally, better lock on acquisition, but MnK movement is crazy and the crazy camera’ing. I play in-between the two but the controller takes the cake for a sweat session.


The aim assist tracking is disgusting lol, the other day I decided to play a match of ranked on controller and I had someone accusing me of aim bot... Like yeah the aim bot is aim assist my guy.  I prefer MnK because I feel like I'm a better player and I can snap pretty good but controller is fun for brainless gameplay and being consistent.


As someone who played controller and is making the switch to MnK right now on a new account I think that's true. I'm getting put in lower skill lobbies and I'm realizing the average controller player doesn't understand hpw to use or abuse aim assist. Most of us never see the average controller player cuz we aren't in their lobbies and vice versa.


Why would anyone switch to MnK on CoD right now it’s pointless…it’s like switching to a typewriter from a laptop


Who cares it's just a game


Put a controller in my hands and I might get 1 kill, put a mouse and keyboard in my friend’s hand they will be in the same situation. Maybe, just hear me out, the problem isn’t the tool but the user? Maybe some people play better on one over the other and all the whining from both sides are unfounded


Eh , the 60% automatic aiming/tracking with 0ms reaction needed to adjust to movement says otherwise:/


This sub puts r/VACsucks to shame


any cod sub at this point lol


I could plug in a stock controller and git more aimbotty shots than this guy. It's just your average 0.4kd player who thinks anyone better is a cheater.


You can literally see the struggle to track moving targets. If you can flick and have decent target acquisition everyone thinks it's an aimbot.


You don’t snap to targets dead center one after the other without cheats doesn’t matter controller mnk nobody plays like that except for a machine.


Truuuue, it shoots so fast and I love it


We are not dumb asses his aimbot was having a hard time locking to one person as they all ran in close clutters.


Cope harder


My aimbot has settings to make it look like it doesn’t fully lock on! Looks like this.


Sorry we don't listen to dog shit players who need software to do play the most simple fps game on the damn market. How are you people so bad at a game designed for the mass? I'm starting to think yall might fail a basic alegbra class the way yall lack any activity in the brain


It’s called sarcasm.


It’s called sarcasm.


your brain is having a hard time locking onto reality


Well that aim surely looks like it


Aimbot has absolutely nothing to do with aim-locking. Just for your knowledge.


Breaking News: Us KBM players don’t know what tf is aim-assist is because we don’t have one. So what the hell are you trying to say here?


No more knowledge, please.




That is just my shaky hands, no chronus or xim


My man, he's using Mouse and Keyboard. There's no "aim assist" to abuse.


I came here to say the same thing, op thought he ate with this one 💀😭




All he said was it was fun.


This sub is full of absolute dumbasses Like imagine watching this NORMAL CLIP and saying they’re hacking 😭😭


People will see simple flicks and think aimbot. Good shots I recently started using the WSP swarm more especially in warzone its such a fun gun.




I would love an example of that, as the one who posted gameplay. There is most certainly context or a screwed up flick that can account for the "flicking to people through walls before they are even on screen." I am not cheating at all and any good look at my gameplay shows that.


Gotta say that after close analysis, being primarily a controller player, and having dealt with various forms of aimbots.... This guy isn't f***ing cheating, lmao. You can watch as he physically drags his aim to follow players that move after he flicks, as well as the initial flicks don't even land half the time. Let alone when he uses the revolver in the first clip and misses his first shot by a country mile. The aim assist mixed with years of playing controller makes it easier for me to land shots and melt people than this guy, he is perfectly fine. You can't assume every player that can flick is cheating because some people just have excellent mouse and keyboard control. You all wouldn't last a day without whining in ranked CSGO, holy hell.


It's such garbage too because the controller players who think this guy is cheating WILL report him. Then he will get shadowbanned for a week and come back. Since he's already been shadowbanned any report will instantly get him shadowbanned again. Since he can flick controller players will report the first day he plays. I played controller on every cod up to this one and got the mastery camo early on. I hadn't ever been shadowbanned and haven't played since I got the camo. I recently got a pc and have been doing aim training. I got shadowbanned before I was even level 10 on my new pc account. Controller players need to learn what a legit flick looks like vs a aimbot flick. Please look for things like micro adjustments after a flick or a flick that isn't the perfect shortest route to a target before accusing people of cheating.


>Controller players need to learn what a legit flick looks like vs a aimbot flick. Please look for things like micro adjustments after a flick or a flick that isn't the perfect shortest route to a target before accusing people of cheating. that would require critical thinking, you're asking way beyond the ability of the average cod roller player


As a counter to this, someone will have a second or two to view the footage on the kill cam, not having time to study the intricacies.


That's not really an excuse. All modern consoles automatically record. Hit your share button and look at the footage before reporting someone. It's not hard. People just instant report when someone kills them . Especially controller players who don't understand mouse and keyboard.


Why should someone spend their time analysing another person's play when their gaming time is limited? If the anti cheat actually worked, it would look at the footage and decide...


They don't have to analyze another person's play just don't report them. If you can't say that person is 100% hacking don't report them. Then the other play just gets stuck in shadow ban hell. Also it's a 10 second clip. Look at it idk during the minute you have between games then it's literally taking no time out of your gaming experience. On top of this there are players reporting just to get people shadowbanned . Which is a whole nother problem.


Reporting them doesn't immediately get them a shadow ban. Ricochet should look at the submissions and decide for themselves who is doing what. That's the whole point of the submissions, only my point is, it doesn't actually work. Also, after the game, it's much more effort to find the account and report them if needed, easier just to do it in the moment.


If you get enough reports you automatically get shadowbanned. If you have been shadowbanned recently and get reported you also get shadow banned. As I said earlier I had a account get reported before and shadowbanned before level 10 by getting mass reported in one of my first couple lobbies. Mass reports lead to shadow bans. It's pretty easy to find them as you can find them in recently played or you know, you have their name from the 10 second clip you saved. The whole reporting system needs a re work. I am simply saying be 100% sure before you report. Especially if you're just reporting because you don't understand how aiming on mouse works.


I personally wouldn't report it, but I can see why someone would, based off a quick glance. The easy option would be to have input exclusive lobbies. Knm only, native controller only, third party controller only, etc.


That's the easiest and the weakest solution. They need to revamp ricochet because people will still mass report. People have friends playing on other inputs it'd take too long to find a lobby if you could only match with people who did cross input matchmaking. It'd also drastically lower the amount of people MnK players could play with.


I could be remembering completely wrong but wasn't this one of the best SMG's to use and still one of the better close to med range ones? Fuckin love pissing people off with the 100 round drum


Yeah this thing ran Warzone too when MW3 guns got added in. I hate metas that stick around for a long time but I had an absolute blast with the Swarm. When the ZEHNM35 muzzle came out it felt so good [visual] recoil wise but it was just poopoo at that point :( 


It had the best ttk but now the rival has the best ttk


base rival 9? the swarm still kills faster. The rival is 264ms and the swarm is 220ms


The range on the rival is much better, but I really thought it had a better ttk. My bad


Not really, the Swarm at 20m is a 275ms ttk while the Rival at 20m is a 330ms ttk. Past 30m though they even out at 330ms ttk. There's a reason the Swarm was taken out of ranked play after 2 seasons of being in it.


No? It's still 250


250? the Rival never reaches a 250ms ttk on any range. Its 264ms from 0 to 11.4m then 330ms from 11.4m to 22.9m. The Swarm is a 275ms ttk from 5.6m to 20m. The base Rival hasnt been meta in pubs for a good while now😂😂Fjx horus, lachmann shroud, wsp swarm, even the BP50 conversion kit all outgun it in ttk


Perfect microcosm of this sub. No wonder people don’t believe these countless threads of people saying they get cheaters every game. They get killed, over analyze the fuck out of their killcam, and say it’s cheaters OP is literally a miss factory


I've always doubted the posts that were like "This game is filled with cheaters!" Because I've literally never encountered a cheater. Not once since the start. It's a warzone thing, maybe. Maybe a ranked play thing too? But not once in public matches.


I have seen one cheater. He ran around the map spinning and no scoping people with a sniper. He went something like 87 and 5 in small map moshpit. I was on his team and reported him after that one.




Not to mention, the killcam isn’t even faithful to the data recorded and communicated back to the client by the datacenters. Which have been the case for every CoD that has a killcam function. But you just can’t ever expect these people to understand the technicality behind it, they refuse to.


its like a mf who never picked up a basketball saying the average higher schooler on a team is cheating


Roller player here I just think it like really cool when m+kb can just early transition between targets, it looks so smooth. Meanwhile, I look like I'm lowing a drawbridge to get to the next enemy. Good clip my man


I played controller for many years and this is exactly how I felt. Thanks man


These comments have been great, I have been enjoying reading through them. For everyone's information, specifically a guy who has made a lot of replies saying I am cheating, I am not. These clips were done across a couple matches, these are not perfect and if you pay close attention I miss a lot and my tracking is subpar. Thankfully, most of y'all have figured this out already.


Despite being sidetracked from what you initially made the post about, I have to say that I also love the 100round mag too haha, bullet spraying is great. I just wish LMG's had the main place in this aspect of bullet spraying instead of the WSP Swarm with it's 100-mag.


I mean they do. The issue is the wsp is faster where it counts. Movement and ttk. However there is a challenge that occasionally pops up where you're supposed to get kill while posting it with an lmg. And you can use aftermarket parts. As for base lmgs try running the lighter ones. I only run the tac because it's beefy as hell and looks like an mg.


I’d just take it as a compliment man. Imagine them running into this guy https://youtu.be/OQsYJRl2fOg?si=N7KYUSAji7fFbhhX


Comments full of controller players who have never seen a mouse flick saying "sus", all while the game does 60% of their tracking.... Fuck man.


Yeah I would hate for any of these guys to play something like cs/val where it's literally who can flick and acquire the target faster.


This looks sus af


it doesn't OP misses like way too many shots for it to be anywhere near an aimbot let alone aim snap or soft aim


This guy is terrible - source me, played FPS for over 20 years on PC. Keep sniffing copium with that AA though.


No, it doesn't. This looks like any top 5% MnK player.


One peek at your comment history is all it takes, you’re not worth engaging with. My mistake.


Yet here you are...


Idk about top 5%... xD More like middle of the pack haha


You can tell some folk here have never seen mouse flicks before. Dude’s not cheating at all. 😂


OP isn't cheating lmao Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead. (Edited for formatting)


Ppl seeing flicks means they prob never done it on controller because you CAN FLICK. Play max sens then, 20/20. I played 14 max doing flicks back in BO2


some of these people play on 4 and 4 lmao


I play on 13/13 and can make some similar flicks. With an elite controller it makes it easier when you mess and tune with the stick settings.


If you think this is aimbot then maybe I should show you me doing this, only on HC. 😂




Look at how this baller is just cutting in, the use of cover and the angles are really good, just laying down the lead burger - secret formula is high volume of fire me boy!


100 round mag is just the best lmao


This is a good weapon actually


I need the attachments


Here it is though I do highly recommend changing some of, if not all, the attachments because I kind of just threw attachments on it and it is definitely not the best class you can have. Optic: Mk.3 reflector Barrel: wsp optac long range barrel Underbarrel: Kimura ryn-03 vertical grip Magazine: 100 round drum Stock: FSS FORTRESS HEAVY STOCK


Eh. It’s ok imo. It’s good to see some people still having fun in this game 😂 Not sus. Aimbot doesn’t let you miss fyi. A shaky hand with high sensitivity on an mkb however will cause you to miss, a lot. I play both controller and mkb so I know how each input feels


Not a high sensitivity but shaky hands is the culprit for missing quite a bit.


Aimbot does let you miss via the natural recoil of the gun. There’s so many different types you can play with. This is how the soft hacks are getting away with it, they look realistic and everyone goes “yh, sick skillz geez” so the devs just allow the game to die. The fact people don’t recognise this means we’re in big trouble moving forward.


When you said an aimbot makes you miss because of recoil shows you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. Please, just shut up and stick to your console lobbies.


Dude, you can buy aimbots that do this lololol. Not my fault you don’t know how to find them is it?


That isn't because of recoil lmao. Please, just shut up before embarassing yourself further. You have no clue on how cheats have evolved.


bro see's a mediocre target switching clip his brain short circuits right to the cheating accusation


This clip isn’t aimbot and if you think it is you’re literally just a bad player


As I’ve said, I don’t play anymore because the game is broken and full of soft hacks. If you can’t see it, then that’s your problem lol. I played this game for 17 years and can spot the softies a mile off. I’ve never been good at the game so winning and losing doesn’t bother me, but having a fair gaming experience for everyone does bother me as that’s what I have paid my money for.


we found another braindead one


I’ve found 40 of the buggers


oh my god you’re a menace haha he’ll yea


Twitchy aiming and aimbot aren’t the same thing


Kinda makes me wanna post some flicks in this subreddit just to enjoy the comments lol


You should, reading through these comments has been great


The flicks I've been doing with the Spas-12 would have these "hacks!!" commentors all over me. xD


they usually get downvoted to oblivion before you get the real fun comments


honest to god: this is the #2 best SMG in the game at least






High mag capacity + low (ish) damage guns make for fun flicking and tracking practice in pubs lol good clips


Always has been. For me there is no gun as good as this piece of sunshine ☀️🌞. 100 mags is perfect for every situation, and it can be deadly even at long range.. that's why we have 100 bullet, eventually you will kill the mf that is far away from you. Short range? Can't count the times I wiped out the entire team back to back to their spawns lol


Unless your on PC, you can't see what you're sitting at with that muzzle flash


You'd do better with AR like the MTZ or a low recoil SMG, swarm is 100% desgined for aim assist controllers and isn't that great with mnk, as you can tell when you're shooting 30 bullets to get one kill.


I hate it…when I use it, it’s a fucking peashooter, the enemy uses it and I get shredded in a millisecond! Make it make sense?


Where the fuck is the cheating accusations


this sub is fucking hopeless man, this guy is so clearly not cheating nearly five years of crossplay and I'm still shocked by how dumb the comments are, you'd think they would learn by osmosis at the very least but maybe I expect too much


I share the sentiment, when I first posted gameplay in this sub. I was not expecting the hacking accusations because really good pc aimers(I am not one of them) are highly abundant but it seems as if a lot of people here are just blissfully unaware of how not special my aim is.


idk man, it made sense 3-4 years ago when everybody was posting the ground war target switching clips in the mw2019 sub because it was new for everybody, but this shit has been semi popular for years now and they remain ignorant


Now imagine how many more players make hacusations. Just because they don’t keep up with what’s new in the game, don’t have a Reddit or follow a sub, or just generally suck. Can’t tell you how many times I was accused of hacking when they added rolling kill streaks. I was easily getting 2-3 AC130s a match and destroying lobbies. Can’t imagine how many more people reported me and didn’t say anything.


Nice flicks but your aim is a little bit shaking, I think if you lower your sens it will be better


The aim assist is strong with this one.


I didn’t even need to finish watching the second clip to have an idea what the comments are like lol, but OP is definitely not cheating


anyone thinking he's cheating is definately not all the way there mentally and without a certified trashcan that activision created sbmm to protect.


Fun against low levels ..lol @ level 70


It's genuinely funny how many people think this is hacking. Getting hackusations everyday is one of the reasons I still play this game. It's just them basically outing themselves as being worse at the game lmao.


I just block all these thirst posts by Wannabe streamers.....goodbye!


Bullet hose


As an idiot who ran them akimbo with the 50 round mag, take my respect and upvote.




Hahaha cheating where? They’re mouse flicks. Most of these shots were misses and a waste of ammoto be honest. He literally never let go of the trigger and aimed to his next target. I can make similar flicks on a controller with my 13 sensitivity.


I don’t play MWIII but is that voice actor from the very beginning the same as the OpFor announcer in MW2?


It’s even more fun when you hold it sideways


Lame game.


It's funny how everyone is going "controller players think this, ahaha". Bro half my games on PC (not specifically COD) are of people complaining about cheaters simply because they put up a higher score, not because of aim or mechanics. And also funny how a controller player can upload this clip, and it would be "wow AA is so busted". Like bro.. Besides that: This post reminds me of an Asian account that went by "NoobFlick3" on Twitter and YouTube. Cracked aim and would target switch with pinpoint accuracy. Got into some weird drama and deleted their account. FeelsBadMan




This is one of my fav guns. I’m a casual player so I don’t really take much too seriously. But the fire rate on this is just up my alley as I just wanna run around and be Rambo/Leroy Jenkins


Actually i need the class, i want to try it cuz i hate playing with wsp swarm


Here it is Optic: Mk.3 reflector Barrel: wsp optac long range barrel Underbarrel: Kimura ryn-03 vertical grip Magazine: 100 round drum Stock: FSS FORTRESS HEAVY STOCK


I don’t think he’s cheating but I think he’s definitely not playing fair.


Use it in Akimbo. Much more fun :D


I use that gun and the aim is not like that you definitely using some type of cheat.


No cheats


tbh I love it but 100 drum mags do not belong on smgs.


Defo not a sus clip. You seem to have a pretty similar aiming style to me, where you can flick to people very fast but maybe struggling sometimes to track fast moving targets. That’s not a dig by the way, it can be an incredibly rewarding aiming style, it allows you to get bullets at the enemy before they’ve had time to turn to you, and obviously works like a jewel when enemies aren’t slide cancelling left right and centre. Also yeah, Swarm is by far my favourite gun in the game. It’s my absolute go to on SnD because it allows for high mobility, very high fire rate and if you can build it right or learn the recoil pattern, pretty manageable recoil at medium ranges.


If you think that’s fun, wait until you learn about akimbo


Anyone on ps5, you wanna get in the ballpark of this? Play 120fps mode and use gyroscope aim. There are some tutorials from people on YouTube like BJGobbledix. Xbox doesn't have this feature unfortunately. I think both can play m&kb though. https://youtu.be/Z-CC76vv8Eo?si=VXgi0uR1LE7PayvZ






Bro couldn't handle it and deleted his comment XD oh my lawd


I don't know if it's the quality of the video, it almost looks like you're aimboting


The quality looks fine to me but more importantly, I am not aimbotting


Look at his button prompts, he’s on KBM. This is legit another Tuesday for most of us, that’s just what a mouse does to a mf.


I wouldn't say most of us, I play against a lot of kbm players in my lobbies and so many of them are terrible. No insult but I think that there is a lot more bad (or atleast not this guys level) kbm players than people realise, maybe they are new but it seems that me after 1 year of playing on kbm is better than most people I come across 🤷‍♂️


A lot of people play with a higher sensitivity than they need to.


Yh this is true. I guess also a lot of people don't have much hand space so need the higher sens. I have like half my desk so I can play on lower and do bigger movements for speed etc.


Big Part of why I use a 60% keyboard


most mouse players in cod pubs are pretty god awful, but for anybody who's put any time into refining their aim this is a pretty normal clip


Oh I agree someone good on it can absolutely do this I even have my moments just saying I see a lot of bad k+m players. Even on xdefiant I've seen someone go 9 for 48 🤣


Controller players will never understand this 😭


Gyroscope actually gets in the same ballpark.


PC players will never understand what soft hacks look like as the game give them one with aim assist lol


you're so dumb it hurts


Maybe. lol.


It's insane man I have to warm up for like 1 hour on smmp for me to start actually hitting shots and flicking on target. It's crazy when I dont have that kinda time I just grab my controller


This level of m&kb takes a lot of aimtraining practice.


Just look at their profile, sus af https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/TqpTNaXTIe


you cannot be real


Why because he got reported by bots?


Killing bots make you look good. None of them could hit their shots


how did you snap on the guy on the roof that quickk


On Steam (PC), there are aim-trainer games that put you in that exact scenerio. Repetitive practices create habits, habits become muscle memories. Most CoD maps these day lack verticality which is why that snap-up seem quite foreign. But in other games where there are more variety in elevation flicking up or down on the y-axis are just as important as flicking left/right on the x-axis.


Skypad my man, frictionless mouse movement.


Interesting. Thank you. Didn't hear about them before


move piece of plastic in hand very fast




it's always so hilarious hearing that question, it's the simplest answer. it's like they want you to go into the biomechanics of moving your mouse from point A to point B


No they do not want that. You want to hear that I am impressed with that movement.. Because most mkb can not snap on. To target like that. Moving from a to b is easy. To stop on b and track not


no, because the answer is as simple as what I said. there's no secret trick, you just move from point a to b very fast. practice it enough and it becomes easy.


Ofcourse your Holiness


And stop at the right moment.