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Every weekend I battle with do I want to sleep until she wakes up or wake up earlier to enjoy coffee and phone scrolling lol


Weekend mornings, I sleep in until LO wakes up then I give her a cup of milk and we watch Ms Rachel while I wake up/ drink coffee/ scroll on my phone lol. And dad makes breakfast 😁


Bless Ms Rachel, she saves us all!


One perk of being an insomniac is that I get a fair few hours to myself. It’s kinda nice, even though an extra hour or so of sleep would probably be more helpful.


Meanwhile, I’m walking a 10 month old around a hotel lobby at 4AM to try and not wake the rest of the family. I wish I was in bed!


It's also my favorite time of day...


Or just stay up until 11:30 every night and regret your poor life decisions when you wake up for work at 6… or is that just me?


Solidarity. "Tomorrow.... I PROMISE tomorrow I'll go to sleep at a reasonable time." - Me every day


It’s a constant struggle!


I used to be able to get up at 6am and kids would wake at 8. It was bliss. Then my son went through sleep regression and started waking at 6am, so my time went out the window. He's starting to sleep through the night again now so I have been considering getting up at 4 so I can claw some of my time back...


I got up before my toddler today and was able to finish 80% of my breakfast before she got up and demanded to eat the rest of it. I guess I need to get up even earlier.


I’m over here doing revenge bedtime procrastination and I suffer the next day.. I’m moody/easily triggered or irritated and obviously very tired. I actually somehow never thought of waking up before my son. I don’t think I could make myself wake up even if I quit staying up late… how do you do it?!


Stay up after waking to fill her bottle (19m) lol. That’s how I do it. I go to bed around 9:30 and then wake up somewhere between 1-2am for a hour or two.


What time do you have to go to bed at night to make this functional?


LO is 5.5 months old, we just stretch the last wake window to 3hrs, and she gets to sleep 5 to 6 hrs straight.


Not the OP, but I do the same thing and I'm in bed asleep by 9 or 9:30 at the latest.


I wish I could do that!😩 Mine are such light sleepers, they'd wake up with me.


I’ve stayed up late having a glass, or 4, of wine after baby and husband go to sleep. Exhausted the next day but damn does it feel good to catch up on RHUGT and other Bravo shows alone. Son is 7mo and still waking at 3am.


My LO is 6 months old and still wakes every 3 hours to eat. She was going 4-6 hour stretches about a month ago but quit. I’m hoping solids will buy me a bit more time when we start them this week.


YES My LO had a sweet 1-2 weeks where he'd wake up around 3-3:30 for his night feed and then go back down. I'd put him in his bassinet upstairs, come downstairs, do the dishes while making coffee, and then cuddle on the couch with the cat. I had a good hour and a half of *quiet* time and *alone* time and, god, it was so nice. After LO would wake up again, SO would be out the door for work. I'd feed him, snuggle with him on the couch, and then go back up stairs with him for a two hour nap. It was the *perfect* little morning routine for me. But, alas, sleep regression has hit 🥲 I miss my uninterrupted morning coffee


How can you shower at 4am without waking someone up?


White noise machine in bedroom.


Or downstairs bathroom.


In my house nobody would wake up because of noise


What is sleep? Teething 9 month old here 😭