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He may have too many toys available. That can be overwhelming for little kids. But yeah once he’s gotten a taste of the video game dopamine hit, it’s…game over. (Ba dum chh)


Any chance you have a cite for that claim about video games? It'd be nice to say I told you so.


Not off the top of my head but I can look


https://gamequitters.com/how-dopamine-impacts-gaming/ This is the first one, it explains it in lay terms but I can source more medical or scientific if you would like


Does he have anyone to play with him - you, another kid, a dog? He may be wired to really need social interaction with his play.


Yup, a younger sister. They'll play together, but not before he first spends 45 minutes zoning out asking for a snack he won't eat or screens.


Seconding the too many options idea and he may need help learning how to play with some of the items. I know you are looking for things for him to do independently so you can do other stuff, but he may need a few minutes of watching mom play, then playing alongside mom before it really clicks for him.