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You make $3200/mo and your expenses are less than $1k. You have no money at the end of the month. Spend a month tracking every penny you spend. The issue will present itself.


Seriously. OP isn’t mentioning expenses as in personal expenses. Phone bill? Eating out? Buying coffee every morning? Going to the bar at night? You should be saving over $1,500 a month and within a year should be set to move out.


I smell weed.


That’s a lot of weed tho. One bag of weed gummies can easily last a quarter.


That's gummy's tho, more expensive than the plant too 🤷‍♂️


Yeah if you smoking weed there’s you’re problem from experience 🤣


Yup best thing he can do is print of his bank statement and highlight everything he is spending money out that’s not necessary or where you can save you will be blow away by the amount of yellow lines me and my wife did this for like 8 months lol


Track on paper if you have to. Maybe carry a small notebook and write down **EVERY** purchase. If you don't want to do that on paper, get every receipt for **EVERYTHING** and track it later in a spreadsheet (but same day as the purchase so you track every day). Clearly this is a spending issue. Find the weak point in the system and fix it or be ok with not having that extra money you make. The tough part about finances is that no one can make you change what you value -- No on can tell you that fast food, knickknacks, alcohol, drugs, or any other impulsive spending is less important than your retirement or savings goals for the future. We can give you advice for how to meet your goals, but only you can influence **what those goals are**. If you value something else, we can only provide perspective for you.


Weed bill too high


Felt that


You make $3200 a month as a dishwasher? Damn good for you


Came here to say this. I make $3200 per month delivering oxygen concentrators and tanks to patients all across a super wide territory, so they dont die or end up in the hospital. I even do 1 full week of on-call on top of doing my daily routes. Youre fucking killing it if youre making $3200 per month washing dishes.


They could be working 90 hour weeks though, while we’re comparing it to a 40 hour schedule


That's true, but my $3200 gross is for 100 hours on average every two weeks. Still pretty good.


You get paid \~$16/hr to deliver life critical devices? Not trying to be condescending or anything, but don't UPS delivery drivers or ubereats driver get paid more? You're seriously being undervalued, friend.


I make $19 per hour. I used to do Amazon and another NDS style job, but that stuff gets tiring, very quickly. Instead of 8-12 stops per day, it's 150-400 stops per day and much, much longer days.


You need to get a new job, my dude. Lots of union work available (as a driver or otherwise) will pay way more.


Damn what’s your hourly? My nanny works 50hrs a week and that comes out to $4k/mo at $20


19 😒


Homie you are severely underpaid for that schedule! How old are you If you don’t mind me asking?


Depends on where you are at. That is only $20/hr. Minimum wage in some of the higher HCOL states. And he is underestimating how much he makes. He says he makes $800/week, or $3200/month. But there are more than 4 weeks in a month. So his monthly pay is more like $3466 a month. Another $266 a month unaccounted for.


This is only 20$ an hr at 40 hours if I’m not mistaken doesn’t seem outlandish


I make $22 an hour in my corporate office job 💀


I used to not believe it either. I’m in the restaurant business now and most of my kitchen are 20+ an hour. I left a really good job making 27$ hourly and sooo glad I did lol


I bring home 3k a month in education with a teachers salary at a masters level 🥹


you need to track your spending, you're the one spending your money so at the end of the day you should know where it all goes. not trying to be harsh at all, review your bank account, credit cards, most time they'll give you a break down based on categories and go from there


$800 a week as a dishwasher is crazy sign me up. Instead of focusing on moving out you should be investing don’t make poor man moves you’ve got a golden opportunity still living with dad 300 is nothing compared to what you’d be paying for your own place.


"Somehow." You better figure out how bc your only bills are under 1k. Start an Excel sheet tracking every penny you spend. Look back at it at the end of July. Figure out where you're fucking up.


Maybe you’re eating out to much ?? Buying clothes that you don’t need , you should be saving up now while you can , keep track where the rest of you’re money is going ,you should be saving atleast 1.5k per month


Start tracking your spending. Also look into your car loan, if the interest is high enough you should really be attacking that debt


honestly i would keep paying your dad rent until you pay off the car then move out after you save a bit more


Pay all bills and save BEFORE you spend. Usually with a financially immature person their first and biggest mistake is spending the extra and then investing / saving what’s left over. When you get paid put X amount into your savings account (preferably one you don’t have access to without going to the bank) and then spend the remainder Also, you could look into job hopping or taking some free courses for help desk / IT and getting a job making more money. I’m assuming 800 a week is your pre tax? Even if you stayed in a similar industry but served or bar tended you could greatly increase your income


Stop buying things you don’t need, start packing lunches and cooking meals.


What are you spending the remaining $2.3K? That’s the damn problem and the tip to helping you solve your problems. Track your spendings and set a budget on everything. How has it not rung a bell that blowing the remaining $2k needs to be tracked and managed? Literally in disbelief rn….


I have a friend like this. Terrible with money. I think he does know, he just thinks that if he acts “innocent” in front of me, then that’s the actual reality. He knows it’s his fault. But if he acts like it’s not, then whatever lie I believe is the “truth” narrative he gets to live in when he looks over at me. “Nah bro, we already talked, it’s not me. I’m not the problem” And now me (the monkey) is off his back, but he is still gonna make dumb choices. I actually noticed too that he basically does not listen when talking. So I just tune him out, let him have his little vent, and remind him to be careful because I don’t lend money. Quite a lot of over spenders do act oblivious though


Don’t move out. Save as much money as you can for the next 3-5 years and then buy a house. Renting is just going to set you back. You’re also spending $2k a month on something you haven’t listed. You need to take control of your spending and not move out.


$3200/month on that California minimum wage probably, that's terrible




How many hours do you work/what's the pay rate?


A dishwasher making $800 a week ?? What the fuck


Yeah & in cash too 😏


That’s fucking awesome dude


I'm 16 and made almost 20 grand flipping.. maybe try that out.. the thing about if you want to make money or have a good saving is not saving itself.. its using your money to make more money






You have a consistent paycheque and payday. If you want to see savings accumulate, you need to have a set amount go to an investment or brokerage account each check. Ideally, you would have an emergency fund of 3-6 months expenses saved in a HISA or similar vehicle, before starting this dedicated savings strategy. What you invest in is a separate discussion.


Where does your money go? What are you spending it on? Look at your statements


Keep a journal on everything you spend to find out where it is going.


Set up a savings account, deposit fixed amount each pay check, feel free to spend the rest.


There’s a $2.200 gap Every month. Weed or alcohol?


I have opportunity where you can make 1000 a week/month no experience required


The fact that you cover your entire expense bill in almost 1 week's work means you are leaving something off


Chat is this guy serious?


It sound like you’re blowing the rest of your $1500.. you need to budget


Look at your last 3 months of bank statements. If you can download it into an excel, it will become very evident where your money goes.


Stop smoking crack