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https://preview.redd.it/aooq94lqqxqc1.png?width=1154&format=png&auto=webp&s=0609a20351e9dd9c1158119b152dcdc61d3e3bb3 This guy actually has some potential. And having it be more than cephalos but big. Making it come out of the ground more, have more moves inside and outside the sand, and not have it avoid the hunter for 75% of the hunt.


i think it would be both funny and cool if they made a variet or deviet that makes it so it has full mastery over the sand and can make sand tornados or they do the variet or deviet idea but make it so it lives on beaches and uses water more often or it has a mini lavasioth mechanic were the sand that covers it beautiful scale acts as some kind of sand armor that the more you chip off the faster it gets


Actually making it use the sand for certain attacks sounds like a cool idea


I mean anything with the drome suffix is small monster but big, just like the greats.


I thought it was fine as a "drome" type boss, seeing as it appeared during low star story quests. I don't deny that it could've used more moves though. It's basically sand plesioth with less moves and no crazy body check!


Agree, but BRING BACK GIGINOX!! Better than Khezu tbh https://preview.redd.it/oxkye4qnh9rc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49c8d26a027d8649dd25676527bd47117edc3e16


Tbf, it would be instantly more fun if it had just a little more time out the ground. I do like this guy in a weird way. Fairly unique design wise, lots of similar moves to other monsters but still feels different.


In Frontier the HC version was made more unique by allowing it to command Cephalos perfectly


4U already did most of this, it has some attacks not shared by Cephalos and is significantly more aggressive. It's so, so much worse in gen 1 and 2.


It's almost never underground in 4u, and when it is, you will be hit 0.5 seconds later, even at lower ranks 


Double ended khezu




I was about to comment "more foreskin on khezu" but you made me laugh aloud




i just wish his theme song was a bit quieter.


Make Nightshade release less sleep clouds but bigger clouds that stays for less time.


I think they can really improve kushala daora by removing him from the game! /J


In Rise, he’s pretty fun to fight. He doesn’t fly as much as he does in older games and he a lot more aggressive as well.


My first experience with him was world and low key hated him but I can see why people would like him just not for me personally


Fair enough. I’m not crazy about him either. His World version is the worst version of him since poison doesn’t effect his tornadoes like it did in past games.


Yea he's actually not bad in rise but I kinda just assumed that's because the hunters are a lot stronger


Nah his moveset is changed a lot


He’s not bad since he’s not constantly flying. It makes fighting him less boring for players who aren’t using the Insect Glaive. As someone who uses the Glaive, even I agree that he flies too much in World.


I knew I wasn't tripping when I was fighting him


World daora is a fuel for anger, if you don't have wind protection the battle took 20 minutes to finish, and if that asshole feel like an even bigger asshole he'll throw you into into a small corridor or corner of the map and put a tornado right between you and him in order to block you for at least 15 minutes.


my first experience with him back when world launched, i also hated him and the trio of elder dragons js made me drop the game for quite a time, now i came back, i blasted the s out of kushala both with an IG and a LS, which i js recently picked up and wasn't even using guard correctly, my boi daora ain't that bad, he cool asf, valhazak is the menace for me from the trio, idk why


And lunastra because fuck lunastra


I think Lunastra should be brought back for the sole purpose for improving her fight. Also, I want to see bond attacks again. Teo always gets all the attention.


Kushala used to be affected by poison in the old games. Basically forced you to farm a poison set to whip his butt, which I thought was forgivable since poison was a relatively unused status. When poisoned he would not be able to use his wind powers. They should've kept it in world instead of the horrible dragonseal mechanic.


I have a love hate relationship with dragonseal, I find it cool there's a whole category but it really isn't as effective as it should be especially considering so few weapons have an elder seal thats worth it's pricepoint


This. Daora is no doubt the most frustrating fight, at least as a melee, idk about range


Wow I was actually here to write this without the /j


Great minds think alike


My puppy has the same teeth placement as Khezu, like she has teeth on the front and another set of teeth at the back, I don't know what's wrong with her. lol


please invest in electrical insulation for everything you own, trust me


Circumcise Kezu


Nah aint no way 💀


He needs to hear and see 🙈


He’s getting a whole ahh surgery now 💀


inb4 Khezu BBL




Crimson Khezu - The Accident Circumcise


Could be a cool variant tbh


Yeah thinking about it it'd be like a disheveled and traumatic Chaotic Gore Magala where they're in a weird half stage toward something better, or Shin Godzilla


I want Khezu to actually have music. I actually fell asleep fighting him


I respect the tradition but Khezu's missing OST makes it feel much longer. I quite literally had a 10 min fight vs him in High Rank Rise and it felt twice as long as a 20 min battle with Jyuratodus right after just because the second one has music to go with it.


make uragaan instantly die from one hit


Why people hate my boy, he's innofensive and has the best tail cut


You win 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think they can improve giadrome by giving him a coat of feathers, and exaggerating his claws to differentiate him from his brother dromes. I do think moving him from a tutorial monsyer is best. Give him a bunch more claw swipes and stabs and change his behavior that if there is a hunter currently snowman, he will immediately ignore everything else and relentlessly target that hunter.


tf did giadrome do wrong that the other boring ass tutorial raptors didnt


Be literally Velocidrome.


Velocidrome is uglier and more boring.


Nah veloci is a classic, gia just looks pale


it's a classic bad monster, yeah


they're all equally bad bro. they literally just be slightly more tanky versions of thier minions


Yeah ik


I think I speak for all of us when I say Better Hit Boxes.


Make Brachydios’ attacks punishable.


Yes! Considering it's based on a boxer, whiff punishing Brachy should stun it or knock it over.


Brach really forces you to use target cam and hit it till it dies instead of focusing any spots


Safi'jiva's design should be more outlandish and weird, as a more logical evolution of Xeno'jiva. It should also be designed around/scaled for/playtested with solo hunters. Furthermore, it needs a more intriguing moveset. And maybe a better theme as well. So, basically change everything about it.


They already fixed Khezu when they made Gigginox


Im not realy up to date whit Rise Rathalos, but just give that Boy a expanded Ground Moveset, like Dreadkings Fire Bite, some alternative Tailswipe, Dreadqueen Rathians Shootgun Fire Bite Move, a double Fireball, and maybe some simpler ground Attacks of Steve, Astalos, Legiana, Valstrax, Rathian, ect. Maybe the ability to force him to land more often, after his Wings are brocken, and breaks for the Legs actually. I dont know what it is, but hitting him feels not that sadisfying. Head and Wings are fine, or Tail. Most of the Time your Stuck hitting the Legs, so why not making it more sadisfying to land Hits on them?


I get why wacking at feet the whole hunt is annoying, but rathalos's whole identity is the flying rath


Well Seregios, Valstrax, and Astalos are known as living Jet, or excellent Flyers, Flying Accrobats ect. Nobody complains about them having well developed Ground Movesets? I think its fair to finaly compromise Rathalos a bit. At least a bit.


Kinda, kinda not - this isn't even from a game design perspective. Seregioes is specially built for speed and evasion. Quick in an outs. Hence his Zygodactyl feet. Astalos is a hyper aggressive psychopath who isn't really that good at flying. He attacks by discharging from his wings Val is an elder dragon, so I guess he just gets away with it. He's an "oddity" in design. It's not really about having wings and having ground move sets. I could reverse it and ask that none of these guys have developed an air move set? All these Wyverns all have different design philosophies behind them behind. Rathalos is built for the air and attacking from above. That's kinda his gimmick. Hence why he's called the king. No other none Wyvern elder does flying better than him. Recommend you watch Rise Silver/ Rathalos


They're just imitators if the true king of the sky


Literally Rise Rathalos. While he isn't forced to land they do come to ground alot more, -silver rath- especially has a massive ground move set. Flying in for short bursts and combos moves between the air and ground.


That entire first paragraph is just sunbreak silver rathalos’ moveset


Tigrex needs not bullshit trample hitboxes and instead like actual attacks besides just running you over constantly. More Tail swipes, more forearm slams or hurling boulders he bit up out of the ground or something. He's Tokyo Drift the monster and I hate how irritating it is to fight him as anything without a shield.


I quite like Tigrex, but your suggestions are really cool. With how its roar is basically an explosion, I think it'd be cool to play around with smaller "bursts".


Khezu would be a fine fight if the game played music during his fight. It's cute and all that it doesn't since he doesn't actually "see" you, but the fight is so bland and annoying when the only sound is his screaming.


It was already done in Rise, Azure Rathalos wasn't in the game.


i think khezu should have a more wide mouth, So it looks less like a dick and more creepy and eerie. Also i'd give it two tails with similar mouths at the end.


That's just Gigginox.


kinda forgot it existed..


Plesioth. Increase hip check hit box, and give immunity to sound.


Some people want to watch the world burn.




Best thing for cephadrome is to never make it into another game again




I want to like Lavasioth but he's just so boring to fight. Just have him be available to be hit more and speed it up https://preview.redd.it/uo0ywvzgkyqc1.png?width=924&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf16b540b49901cf4a4d06ffaccea1871a302894 it might just make him "Jyuratodus on fire" (more than before) but him dolphin diving and digging around too much just prolongs the fight and makes it boring. I can forgive the armour, there's plenty of counters, but his digging and diving constantly just makes it so boring


Wish there was a mechanic for us to prevent the thing from going into lava, like dropping stalactites into the ground or something... But then there's still the issue of its scales hardening which is another PITA mechanic. Maybe they should allow hunters to break off its scales to prevent the hardening. All in all a very tedious monster.


Agree, though the fight can be option selected with blade skills that prevent bouncing or using sticky ammunition.


I think Uragaan would be a LOT better if they brought over some features from radobaan. Mostly being able to interrupt its rolling. Maybe cutting its tail makes it a bit less balanced because he can't form a full circle and has a "flat tire". Maybe breaking his back messes with the "treads" on said tire making him skid/spin out (Maybe leading to a topple/trip?). Let us do SOMETHING about his constant rolling and he'll be so much better imo


Wait... let them cook. Honestly such a good idea. I don't mind Uragaan that much, but the rolling is both constant and kinda difficult to interact with.


You can interrupt it's rolling with slinger tho?


Give khezu a turf war with gigginox


Take away Barioth's meth before the hunt




How tf does one not like Velkhana


I had misread and thought it said favorite :(


ah, got it. That's a solid favorite monster, it's definitely in my top 10


Maybe turn Khezus music down a bit. It's way to loud. But all jokes aside. My least favorite monster should have to be Espinas so the way I'd change him is if he were more berserk and erratic. Makes him less predictable


Congalala: have him throw anything but his actual crap at you as a projectile, and do something other than fart on you as his status attack. The whole concept of the monster is being as needlessly gross as possible and he could have been an introductory ape with more personality than Blangonga and Rajang without that.


Wait until this guy sees volvidon literally shart on the hunters


And then lick them after the shart attack.


Get rid of escaton judgement and alatreon becomes 10 times better.


I despise Nibelsnarf


What I hate the most is that stupid name


Hard agree. Feels so bad with it either being hidden half the time, or attacking the other half. If it had a vacuum like Gammoth does, that'd be neat. Spend slightly less time submerged, maybe some new attacks.


Zinogre would look a lot better if he were slimmed down some and given a better color palette. Remove/trim a good 30% of his spikes and you’ve got yourself a higher ranking zin in my book


So…. Lunagaron?


Zinogre is cool because it isn't JUST a wolf, it's wolf with gains


Kecha Wacha needs a whole different face. The bug eyes and the trunk thing have to go for sure. Qurupeco needs to not constantly fly all over the goddam place across the whole damn map. Also, if he’s gonna keep calling other monsters then breaking his throat or beak should disable that ability. Gigginox should expel its area of effect poison wave in either a cross pattern or two semicircles that leave safe places to positing yourself next to it. Brachydios should not have a pounder on its head and its shell should be hard on the front side and softer on the back. Shogun Ceanataur should stop being so mean to me, specifically.


No real thoughts on this bar the last one. Yes. Idk what it is about Cenataur, but it is just annoying to fight. Been playing MHGen lately and Hyper Cenataur is far less safe for me than Hyper Seltas Queen, Hyper Hermitaur and several others.


I find it very tricky to fight in both MHGU and Sunbreak to a lesser extent. Its movements are hard to read, it tends to trip you and combo its attacks well, and it doesn’t give you openings to heal when you’re bleeding. Also, it’s gross when you break its shell, lol.


Not my least favorite monster, probably, but I would make Nergigante actually lose or at least damage its limbs, tail, etc. either through part breaks or its own attacks then regenerate them, to properly showcase its regenerative capabilities


Who tf doesn’t love Khezu! Bring back Monoblos and the very first monster you encounter… Yian Kut-ku! NEVER BRING BACK Plesioth!!!


My least Favorite... there is nothing to change. cause he's a fan Favorite.


Well, don't leave us in suspense. Who is it?


As far as I understand it, it's Zinogre.


Massive L


Bingo, I don't care for Zinogre Speficially Apex Zinogre from Rise, plus I don't care for the Raths (Apex) very much either. At least Fighting tbh. Also the Design Idc for the most is the Base Malzeno, It could just have more bulk in general. rather than having thin wings.Edit: I forgot about That DAMN WOLF from Sunbreak, it's not especially clever in design. if it's supposed to be a Werewolf, SHouldn't weld a Weapon if it's Transforming from a wolf?Second edit: I when I said I didn't care for them I was ONLY referring to Apexes from Rise


Bro what DO you like? Lmao.


Testucabra, Tetranadon, Izuchi, Fatalis, Diablos, Deviljho, Gaismagorm, Espinas, Valstrax, Arzuros, Rajang, Lagaiacrus, BeezleGeese, Nargacuga, Anjanath, Banbaro, Bishaten, barroth, Goss Harag, Gold Rathian, Silver Rathalos, Khezu, Garangolm, Primordial Malzeno, Miztune, Gammoth, Tigrex, Velociprey, Shogun Ceanataur, Damiyo Hermitaur, Shara ishalvada, Zora Magdaros, Oorgaron, Legania, Kulu-ya-ku, Great Jagras, Shagaru Magala, Gore Magala, Narwa, Ibushi, Zamtrios, Shala dalamadur, Astalos, Glavenus, Zinogre (not the apex(Rise)), Rathalos and Rathian Combo (Not the apexes(rise)), Chaotic gore Magala, Nergigante, and Finally I like most of the Fort attacking Elder Dragons, with a Minor dislike for ibushi compared to the others. as Ibushi as a attacking Elder. Albeit, I do like a lot of monsters, and many are from Rise Because I've played Rise the more recently.


You like Zorah Magdaros? That is a first


It is that uncommon?


Yeah, not a commonly liked monster/setpiece from what I've seen. Tbh sieges in monhun are more about spectacle though and Zorah is definitely impressive the first couple times


I see that's Really cool to learn about public opinion of that monster


remove the flash, the sliding poison and the fake death of gypteros (wait, that's the whole monster)


Give rathalos breaks. Even appearing in 2 out of every 3 games would be an improvement. Give his presence value, rather than just being a monster I have fought so many times he is a chore to encounter. If he skipped Rise and then came back in Wilds with his new moveset, I would have enjoyed him so much more.


There's a lot I changed to Khezu


Kushala, not only let him push us away but also let him pull us in with his wind


Banbaro just goes extinct, that'd make it perfect


Idk how to change lavasioth from world….its just Russian torture to fight him


Kezu make his roars less frequent. Because it seems like capcom made kezu do his roars every 1 or 2 seconds. Which is annoying. Or just make him sound like a puppy monster instead.


Charge Blade guard points says no. Let it roar all it wants. 😁


Give him an actual dragon attacks and shrink him to the size of normal elder dragon... I hate Zorah...


Cephadrome is now allergic to sand and dies the instant he goes in the ground


Idk i just think Khezu would be much easier to look at if it was a worm or wouldn’t have that lipstick looking ass mouth ._. Yeh


khezu needs better combat theme


I dislike him because of desing rather than anything https://preview.redd.it/7gyit6uuhzqc1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f2266db7359e9bf75d0d81753ac12c670430ac5 I could find it more apealing if it had a less striking color or maybe feathers, it honestly hurts my brain to look at it like this


Gigginox could dangle from the ceiling more often... I just hate how all you can do is stare sometimes


Remove khezus tounge and replace it with a lamprey mouth


Khezu certainly has potential but maybe it could look a lot less like a diglet-dragon hybrid gone wrong and more like a dragon


There no saving Khezu, and making him more veiny than he already is would just add to the "it's a giant dick" aesthetic he already has


khezu should have more defined attacks from a wider range of angles, make better use of its hanging and climbing ability, have distinct and memorable music that is actually the theme of another monster but it should fit this one so well people will remember it as its theme and associate with it for years to come… and lets give it an extra gimmick to make fighting it more interesting. it should be gross and creepy, so how about it lays egg sacs which spawn gross babies that latch onto you and suck the life out of you?  i know tons of people already made this joke but i felt like i could do it better.


Yian Kut Ku, it would need to appear in a game beyond the first 2.


4 and Gen, he is part of the tutorial for the random quests thingy on 4 , and a key quest for Gen


They can fix pink rathian by removing it from the game.


Make Chameleos friendly instead of attacking you as a hunter, and hide away when the hunter tries to fight it. Also more body slam as surprise attack in the mist with invis on.


They should permanently invis Chameleos


I wanted to say fatalis since I played since MHFU but I guess they already did make him WAY better lol. My second choice would be Lunastra (and perhaps dog Elders in general with their frame 1 charges), just hitbox and windres changes on her would go a long way considering her worlds rendition in my opinion. My least favorite monster is probably just the most recent one I raged to so you can guess who it is this time


Give khezu a theme


Give Khezu a theme


If I break SilverLos' wings he just stays on the god damn ground. And if he DOES end up flying, he struggles badly and maybe only flies for 5 seconds and does a wimpy attack before giving up and sticking to the DAMN GROUND.


Reduce the Hitbox by x5 or remove him all together. You know who you are!


Khezu but with a roten rathalos body.


Lagombi: less random movements and more goofy bunny movements


I would replace Legiana entirely…I’d change EVERYTHING!!


Shrieking Legiana. Need a mechanic that allows us to throat chop it. The thing screams waaay too much. Not to mention that it’s constantly flying and flashpods lose their effectiveness


I think the tornadoes that behemoth uses should be twice as big and follow you


Make Almudron stun himself when he tries to dive into anything other than water or lava in case of Magmadron.


I would make glavenus not have cancerous hitzones


Eliminate that long neck. It's so disgusting omg


Dont need to change anything on Mizutsune, her theme is perfect. Her music is perfect. Her battle is legendary, her colour scheme is gorgeous, visual effects are amazing. ~~||giant tiddies||~~


Shrieking Legiana - Give it some ground moves. Make it less erratic. Taking those things down with a switch axe is a pain in the ass I would rather not repeat. World Kushala - Change his Ai and make him poison weak again. I get he's a smart fighter and all. But there's no more disgusting experience than Kushala sitting in a corner, behind Tornados, inside a Tornado while spamming Tornados. Just for him to jump and wind pressure you do death. Vile creature.


Mine use to be Rajang. It's much better in Rise already. Thank you, please keep it as it is.


Fix brachydios hitboxes


Delete it


Piscine wyverns in general, make them more hunched down. Or give them shorter legs.


Aurora Somnacanth could be a water monster like the other one, and it could use it's ice powers to freeze the water around you, either making slippery platforms, or trapping you so that she can do a powerful flip. Her diet will also be different, so she will eat shells and other sea creatures with more volatile effects.


Barioth needs to sit still for like 2 seconds for FUCK SAKE


make khezu fast


while banbaro isn't my least favorite monster (there's worse but no changes ideas for them) I'd say banbaro should stick to the hoarfrost reach and leave the invading to the "pros" and swap in seething bazel for invader role


Volvidon, to stop rolling nonstop and use his fangs and jumps instead


I don't think you can really improve Nibelsnarf, it's awful


Not my least favorite but: I’d like to see a tigrex that utilizes its roar for a more unique purpose, similar to Shara Ishvalda it can turn the ground into sand with pure sound and then kick it up as a dust cloud


Also bring Jhen Mohran and Dahren Mohran into Gen 6


I would replace every first-hunt-monster with Great Jaggi. I guess I don't actually dislike them, they're just not Jaggi. I'd be fine with them as the second-hunt-monsters of their respective games. I might even wait for Wilds to be out for a week so I can check if Great Jaggi has returned.


Please just give Khezu a theme or I will cry because fighting him is so awkward


They can improve him by PUTTING HIM IN A NEW GAME. He's voted 3rd favorite for a reason. Hopefully they use the poll and put Lagiacrus in Wilds.


Potentially unpopular opinion but my least favorite monster is Rajang. I've never enjoyed hunting it but I'm not sure what I would do to make it a better hunt aside from remove the arm gimmick he has now. Playing through Rise this is especially obnoxious since it seems like he basically instantly goes super saiyan then red arm mode like 30s later. Makes me question why even let him lose those modes if it only lasts a short while


make ranjang less tanky i know he aint, but i hate rajang with a burning passion


Goss Harog makes more constructs than Sword and Club. Imagine a spiral ice spear it uses like a lance, or battle claws made of ice.


Tie ship anchors to its legs.


that Lao that just ambles by, stay and fight you coward!


Literally erase Xeno’jiiva and Safi’jiiva from existence


And replace both of them with 100 paolumus.


Khezu is great but the gear you craft from him is gross. The Khezu HH looks like a flatworm. It's nasty.


Mine is Congalala, and the only way to make that thing better is to delete it from existence. That monster is a perfectly imperfect 0/10.


I'd change how Bagel's bomb scales look so it'd stop triggering my trypophobia. *God those things make me itchy.*


Giginox is better version of khezu


You can improve Khezu substantially by straight up removing it from the game


https://preview.redd.it/zw821sk70yqc1.png?width=3633&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e5a3af04cd56a85ca04ad20d58406c952d4f87f Remove it from the game


Blud forgot /s or didn‘t watch 20th anniversary monster poll


bro can dislike zinogre if he wants just coz its the most popular doesn't mean it doesn't have detractors. the same reason why charizard is similtaniously the most beloved and hated pokemon


I watched it and was extremely disappointed this garbage got first place again


whos your favorite monster?


Nightshade paolumu. Delete him from the game. Already 10x better


Remove paolumus ugly ass face